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Paradigms Restrained: Implications of New and Emerging Technologies for Learning and Co... - 1 views

  • Instructional technology seeks to disprove the idea that "great teachers are born, not made."
  • "Students today can't prepare bark to calculate their problems. They depend on slates, which are more expensive. What will they do when the slate is dropped and it breaks? They will be unable to write." From a Teachers Conference, 1703. "Students today depend on paper too much. They don't know how to write on a slate without getting chalk dust all over themselves. They can't clean a slate properly. What will they do when they run out of paper?" From a principal's publication, 1815. "Students today depend too much on ink. They don't know how to use a pen knife to sharpen a pencil. Pen and ink will never replace the pencil." From the National Association of Teachers Journal, 1907. "Students today depend on store-bought ink. They don't know how to make their own. When they run out of ink they will be unable to write words or cipher until their next trip to the settlement. This is a sad commentary on modern education." From The Rural American Teacher, 1928. "Students depend on these expensive fountain pens. They can no longer write with a straight pen and nib. We parents must not allow them to wallow in such luxury to the detriment of how to cope in the business world, which is not so extravagant." From the Parent Teachers Association Gazette, 1941. "Ballpoint pens will be the ruin of education in our country. Students use these devices and then throw them away. The American values of thrift and frugality are being discarded. Business and banks will never allow such expensive luxuries." From Federal Teachers, 1950.
  • What this suggests is that all technologies, be they things that plug in or advances in thought, have various affordances that make them at times useful and at times not useful. The trick is to figure out what makes them useful in what situations in order to leverage their strengths and avoid their weaknesses.
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • Organizational instructional strategies are those decisions the instructional designer makes when designing learning activities. The most important of these decisions is how the designer will assist learners to process new information and to process at a deeper level, producing meaningful learning, whether or not a teacher is presen
  • The choice of strategy is based on the designer's belief in the independent existence of knowledge: does it exist without the learner? Which epistemological approach to learning a designer espouses will have great impact on the organizational instructional strategy selected for use.
  • The goal of learning from the objectivist perspective is to communicate or transfer complete and correct understanding to the learner in the most efficient and effective way possible
  • In simple terms, objectivism holds that learners are the passive receivers of knowledge.
  • Cognitivism requires that learners devise methods for learning content.
  • Cognitivism recognizes that most people must develop a method of processing information to integrate it into their own mental models. The most recognizable mechanism in cognitive theory may be the definition of short term and long-term memory, and the need then to devise learner-appropriate methods of moving information from short-term memory to long-term memory. Learners must develop methods to learn how to learn. Consequently, interest in critical thinking skills has become fashionable in education. In terms of what this means for learning, it may be said that the truths are absolute in terms of what people are supposed to learn, but that we provide them latitude in how they arrive at those truths.
  • Constructivism, described by von Glaserfeld (1977) as an alternate theory of knowing, is the belief that knowledge is personally constructed from internal representations by individuals who use their experiences as a foundation (
  • he major differences between objectivism and constructivism involve beliefs about the nature of knowledge and how one acquires it. Objectivists view knowledge as an absolute truth; constructivists are open to different interpretations depending on who is interpreting. Objectivists believe learning involves gaining the answer; constructivists believe that because there are many perspectives, a correct answer is a limiting factor in learning. Constructivists say learning should focus on understanding and it may involve seeing multiple perspectives.
  • Transfer of inert knowledge from one context to another unfamiliar context (i.e. the real world) is difficult and unlikely.
  • nchored instruction is simply the idea that learning should be centered on problems.
  • Cognitive-flexibility theory is centered on "the ability to spontaneously restructure one's knowledge, in many ways, in adaptive response to radically changing situational demands . . .
  • The idea is to allow students to criss-cross the landscape of a content area so that they might have a rich mental model of the domain. The trick is to determine how much complexity a given group of learners is capable of handling without becoming lost or discouraged. A series of scenarios escalating in complexity can usually accommodate most learners.
  • Kurzweil (1999) says there is exponential growth in the rate of exponential growth; examining the speed and density of computation beginning with the first mechanical computers and not just the transistors that Moore used, he concluded that this doubling now occurs every year. He notes that "if the automobile industry had made as much progress [as the computing industry] in the past fifty years, a car today would cost a hundredth of a cent and go faster than the speed of light" (Kurzweil 1999, 25).
  • Already today it is becoming archaic and superfluous to teach facts. Instead, education needs to focus on ways of thinking. In particular, students will need to be able to recognize a problem, determine what information might be needed to solve a problem, find the information required, evaluate the information found, synthesize that information into a solution for the problem, apply the solution to the problem, and evaluate the results of that application
  • By the year 2099 there will no longer be any clear distinction between humans and computers.
    This artcle really struck me in terms of the descriptions of instructional design and the way they influence the type of learning that happens. Much social studies instruction, it seems to me, produces "inert knowledge" which is why most of us can't remember it later. Consider the descriptions I've highlighted of anchored instruction for an alternative approach.

What Is Included in an IEP | Understood - For learning and thinking differences - 0 views

  • IEPs are developed by a group of professionals at school. One member of this IEP team typically acts as a case manager and oversees the IEP. You’re part of your child’s IEP team, too. That means you’ll be involved in the process as the IEP is made. The IEP team will use the results of your child’s evaluation testing to design the plan. The scores show the specific areas your child struggles with. Having that information allows the IEP team to provide the individualized instruction and supports your child needs.
    • nikkilh
      How IEPs are developed and whom they help
  • Here are some of the things the IEP will include: Your child’s present level of performance in school (PLOP) Individualized instruction and related services , such as occupational therapySupports like accommodations and
    • nikkilh
      What an IEP is likely to include
  • Your role in creating your child’s IEP doesn’t stop once the plan is done. In fact, it’s very important that you go over the IEP carefully and make sure it has everything it should have, and that you agree with what the school has proposed.
    • nikkilh
      Parents role in creating an IEP.

Medical Assistance (MA) / Minnesota Department of Human Services - 1 views

  • Eligibility To get coverage, you must:  Be a Minnesota resident Be a U.S. citizen or a qualifying noncitizen Provide a Social Security number for each person requesting MA, unless an exception is met Meet the income limit and asset limit, if any Meet any other program rules. What is the income limit? The income limit and calculations depend on your age and who lives with you. If you are pregnant, blind or have a disability, you also may have a different income limit. Some people who do not meet the income limit still may qualify using a spenddown (PDF). A spenddown is like an insurance deductible. This means you are responsible for some medical bills before MA pays. What is the asset limit? Assets are items people own like cars, checking and savings accounts, your home and financial investments. Generally, there is no asset limit for MA for parents, children under 21 and adults without children in the home. Parents and caretaker relatives eligible for MA with a spenddown have an asset limit (PDF). Seniors and people age 21 and older who are blind or have a disability have an asset limit (PDF). Assets that do not count toward the limit include the home where you live, household goods, personal items like clothing and jewelry, and certain assets owned by an American Indian. What if I have other insurance? You still may qualify for MA. You must tell us if you have other health insurance or could get coverage through an employer or military service. Sometimes we can pay the cost of the other insurance so you can keep that coverage.
    • nikkilh
      How to be eligible for MA
    • Katelyn Karsnia
      Coverage and Benefits of MA
  • Benefits What is covered and how much does it cost? MA pays for a variety of services like doctor visits, prescriptions and hospital stays. Some services and prescriptions may require prior approval.  For some members, there is no cost. Others may have to pay a portion of the cost of a service. This may include copays, deductibles or spenddowns.  A summary of covered services and costs is online.  A printable summary of covered services and costs (PDF) is also available.  You will get more details on covered services after your application is approved.  When does coverage start? MA may pay for medical bills going back three months from the month we get your application.
    • nikkilh
      Benefits of MA
  • Medical Assistance (MA) is Minnesota’s Medicaid program for people with low income. 
    • nikkilh
      Medical Assistance information
    • Katelyn Karsnia
      Definition of MA

Visualizing School Equity | Learning for Justice - 0 views

    • lind_krom
      This connects to 7I. Where the teacher is supporting and expanding expression through speaking, writing, or other media. This is happening through connections and building relationships with other schools in different districts and creating a portfolios about the facilities at the schools. Once these portfolios are exchanged they will then use the insights to create their own Student Bill of Rights. This will allow students another perspective to look at, think about, and reflect on.
    • Siri Anderson
      Yes this is 7I
  • Form a partnership with a teacher in another district. You will ask your students to assemble a portfolio documenting the facilities at their school (through lists, narratives or photos); your partner teacher will ask her/his students to do the same. Classes can exchange portfolios. Each class can use the insights from the exchange to draft their own Student Bill of Rights. 
  • 3. Ask to students to present their posters to the entire class. 
    • lind_krom
      This connects to 3G where we are using student's thinking and experiences as a resources in planning instructional activities by encouraging discussion, listening and responding to group interaction, and eliciting oral, written and other samples of student thinking. This will allow students to look at public information on the per-student funding in the best and least funded schools. They will then present their findings to their peers while listening to others findings and thoughts.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • 4. Circle back to the “Crossing the Gap” story by ask students to vote on the following proposition: An explicit right to equal per-student funding should be added to the Illinois Council of Students' Bill of Rights. Once your students have voted “yes” or “no” to the proposition, ask each group to present their decision, and three reasons supporting it, to the class as a whole. 
    • lind_krom
      This connects to 4E where we understand how a students learning is influenced by individual experiencs, talents, and prior learning, as well as language, culture, family, and community values. This will allow students to look at their findings and how they think they have affected their choices. This will also allow students culture, family, and community values to play a part in their decision making. School and education is very important to different cultures, individual families, and communities. This will affect how students vote. This will also tap into 3G by encouraging discussion and support of the way they have voted.
  • Then have students find the per-student funding levels (listed in dollar amounts) for the best-funded district, least-funded district, and their own district.
    • lind_krom
      This connects to students individual experiences with their own schools funding to see how it affects them,. This will allow them to connect to and build off this scaffolding.
    • lind_krom
      This connects to 4E.
    • Siri Anderson
      OK yes
  • Have students create a chart illustrating the funding gap between the best-funded and least-funded districts in the state, along with the per-student funding for their district.
    • lind_krom
      This connects to 7I. Where students will create other media in the form of a chart to expand their learning to see the gap in funding between their school, the best funded school, and the least funded school.
    • Siri Anderson
  • Have students brainstorm a list of useful educational items that could be purchased with the funding gap money for the least-funded district and/or their own district.
    • lind_krom
      This connects to 3G. Students are actively engaging in inquiry by looking at the gap and figuring what they think could be funded in the least funded school. Things that they may use or see as beneficial in their own school.
    • Siri Anderson
      The benefit in 3G is to the teacher, when we elicit student thinking it helps us tailor instruction to meet their needs. The standards are teacher standards, not student standards.
  • • learn about inequities in the system and begin to question why those inequities exist by examining the funding gap in their own state.
    • lind_krom
      This connects to 3g. Students will be using their experiences in their school to think about why this funding gap exists . They will then brainstorm ways that they money could benefit the least funded school through oral and written activities.
    • Siri Anderson
      I don't see how looking at experiences in their own education will help students understand "why" funding gaps exist.
  • • A large portion of public school funding comes from local property taxes. The funding gap exists when higher tax revenues mean much more school funding is available to wealthy communities than to poor communities.
    • lind_krom
      This could connect to 7I by allowing students to consider if this is fair and how we can look into and prevent this gap in funding. Do they think that this is fair, with wealthy communities paying a higher tax revenue? How do they think they could solve this.
    • Siri Anderson
      Standard 7I is about eliciting student communication in written or other forms. I don't see how this demonstrates that.

Search Classroom Resources | PBS LearningMedia - 3 views

  • ways that we can find out about people, places and events that took place a long time ago
    • Siri Anderson
      This is an example of 4E.
    • Siri Anderson
      This shows understanding of Standard 4E: "Understand how a students' learning is influenced by individual experiences, talents, and prior learning as well as language, culture, and other samples of student thinking." Asking students to brainstorm about the topic they are about to study activates their prior knowledge so they can potentially make a connection between the new material and what they already know.
  • Discuss the responses with the students
    • Siri Anderson
      3G --use a student's thinking and experiences as a resource in planning instructional activities by encouraging discussion, listening and responding to group interaction, and eliciting oral, written, and other samples of student thinking;" By eliciting student voices in a discussion the teacher can understand how they relate to the concepts that are being taught today.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Explain that we can also learn a lot by looking at photographs and drawings from the past.
    • Siri Anderson
      This is a little supportive of 4E, by presenting varied nationalities and cultures within the lesson, and encouraging the students to think that they have agency (you can learn alot) to look into their "photographs or drawings from the past" the teacher is demonstrating respect for the diverse backgrounds in the room.
  • would you like to ask
    • Siri Anderson
      This is also supporting 3G -- "eliciting student thinking"
  • Ask the groups to compare their photos. Ask them to find at least two things that are similar in the two photos and at least two things that are different.
    • Siri Anderson
      This supports standard 7I, "support and expand learner expression in speaking, writing, and other media" because the teacher is scaffolding experiences for the students to talk to and learn from one another.
  • describe the type of information that they were able to discover from looking at the photographs. (What people looked like, what people wore, etc.) Ask students to share some of the questions that they thought about when observing and comparing the photographs.
    • Siri Anderson
      Another example of eliciting student thinking, 3G. Also supports speaking 7I.
  • Kristi never met her father’s parents
    • Siri Anderson
      This is moderately supportive of 4E. By sharing the story of a person whose family did not have contact the teacher is making more space in the room for learners who also may not have met their grandparents, or parents. ; (
  • Explain to students that different cultures have different ways of passing down information about their past to their children and grandchildren.
    • Siri Anderson
      This supports 4E, the teacher is establishing that families have different cultural practices which makes more space in the room for children who may have felt that cultural practices in their own family are "weird." This provides space for "difference" as cool.
  • Encourage students to make something to help keep pictures, drawing, letters, articles and/or other information about them and their families.
    • Siri Anderson
      This supports standard 7I. The students are encouraged to express themselves in a media other than writing and speaking.
  • create their own drawings
    • Siri Anderson
      This is another example of 7I because the students are expressing themselves in another medium.
    These standards are not at all aligned with this lesson!

Visual impairment in the classroom - 0 views

  • Visual impairment in the classroom
    • sadielaurenn
      Another great classroom resource!
  • Visual cues are central to most early childhood education systems.
    • sadielaurenn
      This is incredibly true, almost every lesson we will teach have some aspect of a visual. How will we accomplish our lessons without visuals?
  • In a school environment, visual impairments can cause difficulties when it comes to traditional reading and writing activities, reading at a distance, distinguishing colors, recognizing shapes and participating in physical education games which require acute vision, such as softball and kickball.
    • sadielaurenn
      Prior to research, when I heard "vision impairment" I would typically think of someone who is blind. Throughout researching this disability I have realized that it is so much more. Something as simple as needing glasses for being near sided or far sided is consider a vision impairment.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Tips for teachers working with students who are visually impaired
    • sadielaurenn
      Below are some very basics tips to help accommodate your visually impaired students.
  • Children and adults with low vision are not considered legally blind, they simply have reduced vision at or lower than 20/70. Students who are blind have vision that is at or lower than 20/200. Nonetheless, only 15% of students with visual impairments are considered to be completely blind, with no light or form perception ability
    • clwisniewski
      An interesting statistic!
  • Children with visual impairments often start off learning to read and write with the assistance of low-tech solutions, such as high-intensity lamps and book-stands. Sometimes screen magnification and computer typing and reading programs are used. In other cases, low vision students will learn to read using the Braille system over text, or a combination of the two. However, as students progress through early grade levels and reading and writing activities become more demanding, periodic literacy skills assessment is required to ensure additional resources and adaptive strategy instruction are provided to meet their needs.
    • clwisniewski
      It's good to continue assessing visually impaired students in case they need further assistance.
  • For those students with visual impairments who do not master Braille, making use of technology to facilitate reading is fundamental. In fact, most talented Braille readers prefer to use computers or tablets when reading for fun anyway. And students who learn to use a computer not only find homework easier to complete, but often become faster readers. It is simply more efficient for low vision students to use a computer and word-processor over reading paper books and handwriting. This is particularly relevant at a high-school level, when reading and writing assignments become lengthier and more challenging.
    • clwisniewski
      This could be included in a student's IEP, so they have access to a device that can assist them with reading and writing.

The Power of Mindfulness: What You Practice Grows Stronger | Shauna Shapiro | TEDxWashi... - 0 views

shared by nikkilh on 12 Apr 22 - No Cached
  • 5:58Translator: Peter van de VenReviewer: Mile ŽivkovićUp nextLiveUpcomingCancelPlay NowYou're signed outVideos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations. To avoid this, cancel and sign in to YouTube on your computer.CancelConfirmTEDx Talks
    TED Talk Dr. Shauna Shaprio

All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) - IMDb - 0 views

    "This is an English language film (made in America) adapted from a novel by German author Erich Maria Remarque. The film follows a group of German schoolboys, talked into enlisting at the beginning of World War 1 by their jingoistic teacher. The story is told entirely through the experiences of the young German recruits and highlights the tragedy of war through the eyes of individuals. As the boys witness death and mutilation all around them, any preconceptions about "the enemy" and the "rights and wrongs" of the conflict disappear, leaving them angry and bewildered. This is highlighted in the scene where Paul mortally wounds a French soldier and then weeps bitterly as he fights to save his life while trapped in a shell crater with the body. The film is not about heroism but about drudgery and futility and the gulf between the concept of war and the actuality. "
    Another movie

What Makes a Family? | Learning for Justice - 1 views

  • small group, ask students to brainstorm
    • ashleydoucette91
      This is an example of 3G - "use a student's thinking and experiences as a resource in planning instructional activities by encouraging discussion, listening and responding to group interaction, and eliciting oral, written, and other samples of student thinking." Grouping the students in pairs or small groups allows for more time and for students to be comfortable sharing their thinking and experiences with one another. This elicits students to share their own thoughts.
  • Have them describe different family make-ups
    • ashleydoucette91
      This is another example of 3G. Students will be most likely to talk about what they have at home first. By eliciting students share with one another, they bring new experiences to the discussion.
  • Ask students what a biography is
    • ashleydoucette91
      This is an example of 4E. - "understand how a student's learning is influenced by individual experiences, talents, and prior learning, as well as language, culture, family, and community values" Students knowledge of what a biography is will be influenced by their previous knowledge.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • brainstorm a list of questions
    • ashleydoucette91
      Another example of 4E. The list of questions students brainstorm will be based on what they may already know or not know about Michael Oher and his life.
  • share their opinions
    • ashleydoucette91
      Another example of 3G eliciting students to share their thinking.
  • students work with a small team to give an oral presentation
    • ashleydoucette91
      An example of 7I. - "support and expand learner expression in speaking, writing, and other media" Having small student teams give an oral presentation about what they learned shows how they have expanded their learning. Prompting them to think about new things they learned and built upon previous knowledge. Speaking for a presentation is an appropriate medium for this.
  • Draw the outline of a tree on chart paper
    • ashleydoucette91
      Another example of 7I. Allowing the students to create a visual representation to support and expand all students' knowledge.
  • every student in the class create illustrations
    • ashleydoucette91
      Another example of 7I. This allows students to express their knowledge in a different(visual) medium.
  • share their illustrations
    • ashleydoucette91
      Example of 7I.
  • write an acrostic poem using the word FAMILY.
    • ashleydoucette91
      This is another example of 7I. It allows students to express themselves in a way that isn't always thought of. This could be shared in either written or oral form.

leading and learning: Making learning Visible - John Hattie - 0 views

  • Hattie's meta analysis ( a synthesis of 50000 previous studies) found that overwhelmingly student teacher interaction came out on top.
    This is just a general resource on best practice in education. It applies, certainly, to Social Studies instruction but is a great overall resource to have for knowing what is most likely to work!
    Democracy is contingent on having an educated populace in the 20th and 21st centuries. Therefore, knowing how to effectively teach is incumbent on those of us trying to support this part of our society.

A Day Without a Mexican (2004) - IMDb - 0 views

    A thick fog surrounds California's borders, communication beyond state lines is cut off, and the Mexicans disappear: workers, spouses, and business owners are missing. Cars are abandoned in the street, food is left cooking on the stove. We meet the wife of a musician who's gone, a state Senator whose maid doesn't show up for work, and a farm owner whose produce is ripe and unpicked. A scientist asks any Mexicans who haven't disappeared to volunteer for genetic experiments: a female newscaster and the daughter of the musician may be the only missing links around. Why them? And where have all the Mexicans gone? Even the border guards grieve. The state and its economy grind to a halt.
    I don't know if this is an appropriate video or not, but one of my friends mentioned it at Bunco last night so I thought I would share it.

Visual Impairment: What Is Impaired Vision? - 1 views

  • common vision-threatening eye diseases are:
    • Katelyn Karsnia
      Common eye disease that can cause visual impairment
  • visual field of
    • Katelyn Karsnia
      What visual impairment is classified as and what blindness is
  • common method
    • Katelyn Karsnia
      Common visual measurements
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • Visual impairment, or vision impairment,
    • Katelyn Karsnia
      Definition of Visual impairment
  • DiabetesStrokeThyroid diseaseMyasthenia gravisLyme diseaseAIDSTumors located in or around the eye
    • Katelyn Karsnia
      Illness that can cause vision problems
  • The eye itselfOptic nerveOrbit (area around each eye)The vision pathways inside the head
    • Katelyn Karsnia
      Injuries that can cause visual problems
  • Head injuries
  • Together with doctors and other medical professionals, humanitarian groups and organizations such as the National Federation of the Blind, the American Council for the Blind and Hadley can offer a helping hand to those affected by vision loss.
    • Katelyn Karsnia
      Resources to help people with impaired vision
  • means full correction is not even possible with the help of glasses, contact lenses, medication or vision surgery.
  • means that someone’s eyesight is reduced (impaired) to the extent that it can’t be corrected to a normal level.
  • Moderate visual impairmentVisual acuity: 20/70 to 20/160Severe visual impairmentVisual acuity: 20/200 to 20/400 and/orVisual field: 20 degrees or lessProfound visual impairmentVisual acuity: 20/500 to 20/1000 and/orVisual field: 10 degrees or less
  • less than 20
  • his degree of visual field loss is classified as legally blind.
  • Total blindness is the absence of all light.
  • Macular degenerationDiabetic retinopathyGlaucomaCataractsSerious eye infections

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) | Autism Speaks - 0 views

  • Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a therapy based on the science of learning and behavior.
  • ABA therapy applies our understanding of how behavior works
  • increase behaviors that are
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • helpful and decrease behaviors that are harmful or affect learning.
  • Positive reinforcement
  • therapist identifies a goal behavior
  • praise, a toy or book, watching a video, access to playground or other location, and more.
  • help each person work on skills that will help them become more independent and successful in the short term as well as in the future.
  • The instruction plan breaks down each of these skills into small, concrete steps. The therapist teaches each step one by one, from simple (e.g. imitating single sounds) to more complex (e.g. carrying on a conversation).
  • Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a therapy based on the science of learning and behavior.
    • nikkilh
      Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a theory based on the science of learning and behavior
  • How does ABA therapy work?
    • nikkilh
      How ABA therapy works
  • Who provides ABA services?
    • nikkilh
      Who provides ABA services
    "What is Applied Behavior Analysis?  Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a therapy based on the science of learning and behavior."

White House 101 | The White House - 0 views

  • is the official web site for the White House and President Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. This site is a source for information about the President. Briefing room includes speeches, press briefings and presidential action. Issue link incorporates information from civil rights, economy to taxes and foreign policy. Overview of our govement is also included. The site has the history, presidents, Camp David, Oval Offices, Tour and Event information just to name a few.
    This website has so many classroom applications! Good find Barb!

Katharine Hayhoe - "Our future is still in our hands" | The On Being Project - The On B... - 0 views

    This may be a useful resource to those of you who work in environments where there are still those afraid that admitting to the dire direction climate change is pulling our global community is a partisan rather than a scientific issue. Functioning democracy requires that we accept the reality of facts and the powers of reason to discern our ways forward. I enjoyed the talk anyway. ; )

Free Appropriate Public Education under Section 504 - 2 views

  • The Section 504 regulation requires a school district to provide a “free appropriate public education” (FAPE) to each qualified person with a disability who is in the school district’s jurisdiction, regardless of the nature or severity of the person’s disability.
    • nikkilh
      What Free appropriate public education (FAPE) is and who qualifies for it
  • How Is an Appropriate Education Defined?
    • nikkilh
      How appropriate education is defined
  • Education Services Must Meet Individual Needs
    • nikkilh
      what education services must meet for individuals needs
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • All qualified persons with disabilities within the jurisdiction of a school district are entitled to a free appropriate public education. The ED Section 504 regulation defines a person with a disability as “any person who: (i) has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities, (ii) has a record of such an impairment, or (iii) is regarded as having such an impairment.” 3
    • drewevanaho
      Who is entitled to FAPE

What is AT and AAC? - T.A.C.L.E. Program - 0 views

  • According to the American Speech & Hearing Association, AAC is any system or strategy that augments or compensates for an individual's inability to communicate effectively.
    • nikkilh
      What AAC is and how it helps people
  • Explore the following websites for examples of augmentative communication systems:~ (Accent speech generation devices)~ (Tobii Dynavox speech generation devices and apps)~ (Chat Fusion, Nova Chat devices, TouchChat Express)~ (Big Mack, Step-By-Step, Super Talker)​​
    • nikkilh
      Websites to help augmentative communication systems
  • According to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), assistive technology means any item, piece of equipment or product system, whether acquired commercially, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities (not just communication) of children with disabilities. 
    • nikkilh
      What AT is and how this helps people

What is RTI | Three Tiers of RTI | Navigating Education - 0 views

  • RTI consists of three tiers, or levels of academic support, which help teachers and schools better identify, target, and support, both students and their individual skill deficits.
    • Katelyn Karsnia
      What RTI does to help students in school
  • Tier 1 consists of universal instruction for all students,
    • Katelyn Karsnia
      What Teir 1 = universal instruction for all students
  • ier 2 consists of targeted intervention for specific groups of students
    • Katelyn Karsnia
      Teir 2 = Targeted intervention groups for specific students
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • between 6% and 15% of students are identified as needing additional support in specific academic domains (reading, writing, math, language, and/or behavior), beyond the standard whole group instruction and support from the classroom teacher.
  • ier 2 interventions can take as long as eight weeks before academic improvement is noticeable
    • Katelyn Karsnia
      How long it could see changes in students' academic ability with interventions
  • Tier 3 consists of highly targeted individualized and intensive interventions, and typically consists of between 1% and 5% of students.
    • Katelyn Karsnia
      Tier 3 = Highly targeted individuals and intensive interventions
  • RTI Tiers Types of Interventions % of Students Expectations Tier 1 Universal instruction for all students >=80% Children may experience academic challenges or frustration at times, but they can quickly overcome such difficulties with little impact to their overall academic performance. Tier 2 Targeted intervention for specific groups of students 6% – 15% It can take as long as eight weeks before academic improvement is noticeable, and children/students may need to remain at Tier 2 for a bit of time to increase or maintain their growth. Tier 3 Highly targeted individualized and intensive interventions 1% – 5% The specific nature of a child’s difficulty must be more closely examined, which is typically done through formal educational/academic evaluations.
    • Katelyn Karsnia
      Statistics about the RTI three tiers
  • Response to Intervention, or RTI, is an approach used throughout the country to meet the ever-changing academic needs of children/students

National Woman's History Project - 0 views

    It is important to show students how women in history have had an impact in their lives today. This site is a great resource for students and teachers.
    I am so happy this is one to share. Women history is very important because it seems like most students think of Men in history. This is another great resource for us-I think I may share this with some current teachers now to see if they can use it.

What Does an Inclusive Classroom Look Like? - 0 views

  • Decisions are made on the basis of student needs and not on labels and places. The general education classroom at the student’s enrolled grade level is the reference point for student-specific planning. Expectations are high. Instruction is based on the curriculum standards adopted by the school or state. There is not a separate curriculum. Individualized supports are available when needed.
  • I like to think that effective inclusion is about names, the uniqueness of every child, and not numbers or scores.  It’s about student needs, and not the labels often attached to individual students.  And, effective inclusion is about the services provided rather than the places where those services are offered.
  • Although standards and observation checklists are helpful guides to identify inclusive classrooms, sometimes it’s easier to remember what I call the “3 R’s” of effective inclusion–respect, relationships and responsibility. 
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