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Alex Vaidya

Own-branded TV channels boost consumer engagement | In-Depth Analysis | Marketing Week - 0 views

    Intersting stats on the impact of branded video channels etc
Maddy Wood

Five tips to help big companies behave like little companies | Econsultancy - 0 views

    "3. Stitch customer obsession into the fabric of the company Monitor, analyse and interpret customer sentiment during and after key customer journeys. Make this process continuous, comprehensive and visible throughout the organisation. Make customer insight the lifeblood of the business."
Maddy Wood

13 ways for retailers to deal with the threat of showrooming | Econsultancy - 0 views

    • Maddy Wood
      Clear price consistency on & off & in other retailers (? Policy - eg with nordstrom for timberland)
  • Offer excellent customer service  As the online channel matures, and growth slows, customer service (and customer experience) will be the key differentiator. It can also trump price in some circumstances.  For some purchases, price online will be the deciding factor once customers decide to buy a certain product, but they will also appreciate great service and the personal touch. 
    • Maddy Wood
      Shopping concierge - outfits app for wardrobe planning & wishlists 
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Appeal to the 'want it now' mentality. Sometimes, if you want a product, you just don't want to wait, and offline retailers will always have this advantage over online rivals. Retailers can make the most of this by offering the ability to check stock in local stores. 
  • Make sure staff have the knowledge
  • Use social media If people are in your stores using their phones, why not find a way of turning this to your advantage, and getting these 'showroomers' to promote your store?  One example of this comes from TopShop. After receiving free style and make-up sessions, shoppers were invited to create a digital “Wish You Were At Topshop” postcard using the photo-sharing app, Instagram.
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