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Garrett Eastman

Getting Serious About Games: Using Video Game-based Learning to Enhance Nuclear Terrori... - 0 views

    "This thesis proposes the development of a video game platform to increase the publics knowledge of required protective actions in the event of a nuclear terrorism attack. Current scientific analyses have identified elementary steps the public should take to increase the likelihood of survival in the event of a nuclear terrorism incident; however, a knowledge gap currently exists with regard to the publics understanding of these required actions. Unfortunately, todays preparedness initiatives do not have the efficacy required to impact significant improvements in this area. Video games, more specifically a sub-genre of games known as serious games, are uniquely postured to address this knowledge gap. Not only do video games provide a motivating, enriching and engaging educational medium, but also they are unique in that they address the emerging educational needs of todays games generation, which desires more interactive educational environments since they have been immersed in technology for the majority of their lives. As such, leveraging this technology can help close the current knowledge gap and increase the nations resilience to nuclear terrorism."
Garrett Eastman

Glitch and Public Domain Game Resources - 5 views

    A defunct game releases its code into the public domain. What opportunities does this present for developers and students?
Garrett Eastman

The stressful life of Middle Eastern game developers and reality of their craft - 0 views

    "In the world of video games and entertainment any kind of publicity is often seen as a boon. But it was publicity that ultimately prevented New York-based game developer Navid Khonsari from returning to his homeland. Late one night last year, the Iranian-born game developer received an unexpected call from an uncle who had just returned from Iran."
Garrett Eastman

Why do People Care about the Sea Lion? - A Fishing Game to test Biodiversity Value. - 0 views

    "Abstract: Previous research proposes that human beings are motivated to protect endangered species by both instrumental values and intrinsic values of biodiversity. However, it has been difficult to tease apart the two kinds of value at the behavioral level. Using an innovative fishing game, we tested one kind of instrumental value (financial value) and one kind of intrinsic value (existence value) of the endangered Steller sea lion. In the fishing game, players make repeated decisions on how much Pollock to harvest for profit in each period in a dynamic ecosystem. The population of the endangered sea lion depends on the population of Pollock, which in turn depends on the harvesting behavior of humans. The data show that in general, people responded to the financial value, but not the existence value, of the sea lion by cutting down commercial fish harvesting to keep more sea lions in the ecosystem. However, not all people behaved the same regarding the existence value. Females displayed a higher existence value than males, as did people who reported stronger proenvironmental attitudes than those with less pro‐environmental attitudes. Our findings have multiple implications on public opinion elicitation and public policy design."
Garrett Eastman

Oklahoma lawmaker proposes tax on "violent" video games (and Ultimate Card Games) - 0 views

    A bill in the Oklahoma Legislature "proposed under "emergency" rules because it is "immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," according to the text. After being read on the House floor next week, the bill will need majority votes in both the Oklahoma House of Representatives and Senate before being sent to the governor. After that, if it doesn't receive a three-fourths majority in both houses, it will be put on a November ballot to be approved or rejected by Oklahoma voters."
Garrett Eastman

Mobile games in Museums: from learning through game play to learning through game design - 1 views

    "This paper investigates aspects of learning in museums through mobile games, i.e games that are played usually by groups of players, using mobile devices that allow interaction with the space and the exhibits and physical mobility of the players. It is argued that playing these games (which usually follow the pattern of scavenger hunt or role playing narratives), results in visitor engagement, motivation and knowledge about museum exhibits. Despite of these positive aspects, it has been observed that learning remains at the level of transfer of factual information about the exhibits. It is argued that in order to enrich the learning experience of game play we need to also involve the visitors in the process of designing mobile games for the museum."
Garrett Eastman

The Use of Game Dynamics to Enhance Curriculum and Instruction: What Teachers C an Lear... - 0 views

    Abstract: "This article examines the need for public school educators to adapt a game design mentality when designing secondary level curriculum and instruction . Game design is presented as a tool for improving student learning and suggestions are offered for how educators can incorporate game dynamics such as narrative context, explicit interconnectedness, well - ordered problems, control, choice, customization, and co - design."
Garrett Eastman

Promoting Game Accessibility : Experienc ing an Induction on Inclusive Design Practice ... - 0 views

    Abstract: "The Global Games Jam (GGJ) attracts many people who are passionate about games development , co ming from a range of educational backgrounds. Therefore , the event can be experienced by novices and student developers as an opportunity for learning. This provi des an op ening to promote themes and ideas that could help form future thinking about games design, emerging as a form of induction on key design issues for new practitioners . Such an approach aims to raise awareness about issues which learners c ould help develop and take with them into industry . However, t he experience itself affords a deep experiential rhetoric and dialogue with experts that could be an effective pedagogical tool for issues seldom addressed deeply in formal educational settings . This pape r describes an account by one such individual, being introduced to game accessibility through participation in the GGJ . As such, it is not intended as a rigorous empirical analysis , but rather a perspective on one way a game jam can be experienced , invitin g further research on the topic."
Garrett Eastman

Investigating the Solution Space of an Open - Ended Educational Game Using Conceptual F... - 0 views

    Abstract: "The rich interaction space of man y educational games presents a challenge for designers and researchers who strive to help players achieve specific learning outcomes. Giving players a large amount of freedom over how they perform a complex game task makes it difficult to anticipate what t hey will do. In order to ad dress this issue designers must ask : what are students do ing in my game? And does it embody what I intended them to learn? To answer these questions, designers need methods to expose the details of student play. We describe our a pproach for automatic extract ion of conceptu al features from logs of student play sessions within an open educational game utilizing a two - dimensional context - free grammar. We demonstrate how these features can be used to clu s- ter student solutions in the e ducational game RumbleBlocks . U s- ing these clusters , we explore the range of solutions and measure how many students use the designers' envisioned solution . Equipped with this information, designers and researchers can focus redesign efforts to areas in the game where discrepancies exist between the designer s' intention s and player experience s."
Garrett Eastman

Marketing A nalytics for F ree - to - P lay G ames - 0 views

    Abstract: "This thesis deals with free to play marketing analytics in the light of mobile iOS games. Other platforms will be also discussed as well as mobile marketing aspects such as user acquisition, big data and metrics."
Garrett Eastman

A Cloud-Based Pervasive Serious Game Framework to Support Obesity Treatment - 0 views

    Abstract: "Obesity has become an outstanding public health issue in most countries around the world. Many attempts have been made to address this issue that ranges from taking medication to doing exercise to follow- ing a diet plan to playing games. Few approaches combine exercise and game to engage the obese people in playing fun-based games or pur- poseful games, also known as serious games, while monitoring their bio- signals. However, existing work hardly provides a configurable, scalable and context-aware serious game framework that can be used as a sup- port for obesity treatment. In this paper, we take an attempt to propose such a framework. The proposed framework facilitates bio-signal monitor- ing based on body sensor network, context-awareness based on perva- sive sensors, and on-the-spot activity recommendation based on current game-playing context. It uses the cloud computing platform as infrastruc- tural support that ensures the scalability of the framework. In order to demonstrate the suitability of the proposed framework, we developed a sample serious game; deploy it over a cloud platform; and experiment with it by capturing some psycho-physical data while the obese are en- gaged in game-play. We observed that the obese people were very much engaged in game-play and they had positive experience using the system"
Garrett Eastman

The Gaming Revolution: A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Virtual World - 0 views

    From the introduction: "The staggering growth of violent video games in recent years raises important socio - psychological questions concerning the relationship between the civilian population, the military , and the phenomenon of violence . This thesis is based on interviews with active - duty soldiers , veterans, psychologists and gamers alike, conducting original research to gain a better understanding of the lasting ramifications of this popular genre. Many studies have outlined the negative consequences of viole nt video games, but this mor e comprehensive analysis of the medium will show a more balanced picture of the true implications of this growing phenomenon . As I will demonstrate, the growth of video games is a net benefit for society. Video games as a growing new media - and a rapidly expanding part of our culture - are not to be purely defined by the overly - negative rhetoric that has been popularized by syndicated news and the public eye, as there are so much more "nutritious" benefits games have to offer to society."
Garrett Eastman

3D Modeling Optimization for Multimedia Production - 0 views

    Abstract :"This thesis is a research project on the similarities and difference in 3D modeling and op- timizations for different sectors of multimedia. The purpose of this project is to analyse three different areas , an d carry out a project for practical comparison purpose s with the creation of a 3D model using different methods of modeling and optimization . The methods used in this project is a workflow step by step process of production , for later comparison and analysis. The result of this project was the creation of an optimized model for game production, the methods used at modeling pipeline and the comparison between different sectors of Mul- timedia illustrate the similarities and di fferen ces in modeling optimization between these sectors. This project is created to illustrate paths taken for modeling optimization in the biggest sectors of 3D production, with comparative results and analysis. "
Garrett Eastman

Beyond Badges & Points: Gameful Assessment Systems for Engagement in Formal Education - 0 views

    Abstract: "This symposium bri ngs together a range of gameful assessment designs at different levels of formal education to explore how gameful design might lead to greater student engagement and improved learning outcomes. We use the term "gameful assessment" to describe assessment fr ameworks or approaches that employ game design principles to foster student motivation and learning. The symposium examines systems in both K - 12 and higher education, and considers both the conceptual underpinnings of these systems and the design space of current tools developed to make it easier for instructors to implement gameful grading systems. Data related to the success (and struggles) of each system will be discussed."
Garrett Eastman

A Serious Game for EVAcuation Training - 0 views

    Abstract: "Serious Games are increasingly used as a training and educational tool. Fire keeps claiming a high number of victims. Some authors allege failures during the evacuation process as the main cause that contributes for that number. Fire drills are used to train buildings' occupants for emergency situations. However, fire drills' participants often have prior knowledge of their schedule and as result they are not as focused as they should. Moreover, fire drills require the mobilization of some resources, leading to financial costs. Performing a fire drill will always affect the normal functioning of the place where they take place; for this reason, sometimes they are not performed at all. In some special locations, like hospitals, fire drills are unsuitable. Emergency planning is crucial to prevent and minimize damage and victims. Albeit the improvement on safety measures, many occupants and employers in this type of buildings still lack adequate knowledge and training on how to behave in such hazardous situations. EVA is presented as a possible solution, which is based on the concept of Serious Game that can be used as a training tool for healthcare professionals. A preliminary prototype was developed. A sample of 20 subjects was selected to test it giving promising results. Results also showed that users who had training in fire prevention appear to perform better in the course. Moreover, participants who regularly play computer games overcame easily the game challenges. Further research and development are still to be explored, which are discussed in the concluding part of this paper."
Garrett Eastman

A Video Game Description Language for Model-based or Interactive Learning - 0 views

    Abstract: "We propose a powerful new tool for conducting research on computational intelligence and games. 'PyVGDL' is a simple, high-level description language for 2D video games, and the accompanying software library permits parsing and instantly playing those games. The streamlined design of the language is based on defining locations and dynamics for simple building blocks, and the interaction effects when such objects collide, all of which are provided in a rich ontology. It can be used to quickly design games, without needing to deal with control structures, and the concise language is also accessible to generative approaches. We show how the dynamics of many classical games can be generated from a few lines of PyVGDL."
Garrett Eastman

Marketing in Game Design - 1 views

    Abstract: " wanted to inspect how developing a game from a purely commercial pe rspective a ffect s on the game design. The purpose of this thesis is to define the valid aspects of product marketing for games , how they are perceived in game industry and how those aspects affect to the game design. The question I am asking is how to make marketing a flue nt part of indie game development process. Through m y thesis project, Puzzleplatf orm, I s tudy how the marketing aspects affect the game concept itself and how the se aspects can be implemented in the game concept."
Garrett Eastman

Must Feedback Disrupt Presence in Serious Games? - 0 views

    From the abstract: " this paper, we challenge the assumption that feedback during learning hinders sense of presence. Ac ross three experiments, we examined how an ITS that provided extrinsic feedback during a serious game affected presence. Across different modalities and conditions, we found that feedback and other ITS features do not always affect presence. Our results suggest that it is possible to provide extrinsic feedback in a serious game without detracting from the immersive power of the game itself. "
Garrett Eastman

Gameplay Design for Role-Playing Battle Systems - 0 views

    Abstract: "This thesis explores role-playing games, an existing genre within the current game industry. Role-playing games have many different parts which together create the whole game experience for the user. However, this research has focused on what arguably can be said to be the core gameplay feature of role-playing games: The battle system. This was mainly conducted by analyzing existing games using different methods, primarily by identifying gameplay design patterns in the games, and comparing them using a cluster method. The use of patterns allowed basic elements for observing and analyzing the relation between different role-playing games while the clusters provide overviews of the subcategories of the role-playing genre. This thesis presents view of the role-playing genre from the perspective of combat systems through two main results. The first result is the trees created by the clusters which explain subgenres through the presence of specific gameplay design patterns. The second result is four categories of patterns: those which illustrate patterns found in nearly all role-playing games; those that define the tree result; those that can have strong impact on gameplay but without affecting subgenre membership; and those that link combat system to other parts of the gameplay. Through this, the research has established a view on the design space of role-playing games and created visualizations of how different role-playing games relate to each other. From this relation a designer can further understand how to design for different gameplay experiences for the user."
Garrett Eastman

Building a cognitive gaming platform - 0 views

    "User centric gaming experiences with organic movement"
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