Abstract: "We introduce ALE, a new framework for writing games for the An-
droid platform. The primary motivation behind ALE is to empha-
size reading code before writing it. Beginners read game code to
learn how levels can be made, and advanced users read the code of
ALE itself to learn how to create useful and extensible libraries. To
date, roughly 200 students at our university have used ALE, rang-
ing from first-semester engineering undergraduates through Mas-
ters students. ALE has proven useful in teaching non-majors about
CS, in making introductory CS programming courses more excit-
ing, and in encouraging creativity, entrepreneurship, and good pro-
gram design in upper-level electives. Based on these experiences,
we encourage educators at all levels to consider using ALE to im-
prove students' ability to learn by reading code."
From the abstract: "This thesis is dealing with
what have been identified as "pervasive games". Investigation and
analysis of reasons behind their appearance, popularization is made.
Different trends within classical game-development and theory of
classical game-design are investigated to establish similarities and
differences, challenges and solutions this newly emerged type of games
is introducing.
Knowledge presented in theoretical sections is used to design, develop,
deploy and test a game-environment for mobile platforms that is
adjusted for campus area.
This designed game-environment consists of two essential
components: Front-End, which is represented by Android mobile
application and Back-End server logic. Both of components were
designed, tested and implemented. Designed game-environment
received a name "DTU GoblinsNGold and has been launched. It is made
available publicly worldwide through Google Play market.
All of these aspects and milestones are described in details inside
practical part of this thesis.
During game-environment testing valuable data was received that
described all aspects of functionality of implemented system together
with behavioral patterns of players. These results of deployment
together with conclusions are presented in later sections."