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Garrett Eastman

The Use of Game Dynamics to Enhance Curriculum and Instruction: What Teachers C an Lear... - 0 views

    Abstract: "This article examines the need for public school educators to adapt a game design mentality when designing secondary level curriculum and instruction . Game design is presented as a tool for improving student learning and suggestions are offered for how educators can incorporate game dynamics such as narrative context, explicit interconnectedness, well - ordered problems, control, choice, customization, and co - design."
Garrett Eastman

User-Centered Research in the Early Stages of a Learning Game - 0 views

    "Games offer a compelling medium for learning. However, designing a successful learning game that features engagement alongside its educational objectives is a craft that is still underway. Our research adapts a user-centered approach toward designing a game that will teach children conflict resolution skills. By involving users of the game, namely teachers and students, in the design process we reveal new considerations for how to create convincing narratives of conflict, sustain children's engagement and gain teachers' support. At the same time, our work highlights the challenges facing researchers in this domain who must balance users' values, needs and expectations with the game's learning objectives."
Garrett Eastman

A Simultaneous-Movement Mobile Multiplayer Game Design Based on Adaptive Background Par... - 0 views

    "Abstract-Implementations of mobile games have become prevalent industrial technology due to the ubiquitous nature of mobile devices. However, simultaneous-movement multiplayer games - games that a player competes simultaneously with other players - are usually affected by such parameters as latency, type of game architecture and type of communication technology. This paper makes a review of the above parameters, considering the pros and cons of the various techniques used in addressing each parameter. It then goes ahead to propose an enhanced mechanism for dealing with packet delays based on partitioning the game background into grids. The proposed design is implemented and tested using Bluetooth and Wi-Fi communication technologies. The efficiency and effectiveness of the design are also analyzed."
Garrett Eastman

Technical framework in game development startups - 0 views

    "In this thesis, the objective is to study the technical framworks in game development startups and compare them to medium size game development organizations with established product lines. The thesis was done as qualitative research applying grounded theory method in analysis of the data. Based on the results, the game organizations, regardless of their size, are pleased with the tools they have chosen. The main selection criterias for the tools are support for fast iterations, -sharing and -prototyping regardless of the organization size. Game development projects are adaptable and features can change rapidly. The technical framework in game development has to support these features."
Garrett Eastman


    From the abstract :"The Vikings! is an asynchronous multiplayer social game that adapts Viking Age (700s-1000s C.E.) social practices and structures in the hopes of producing a synthetic Viking society. Players manage Viking households, sail the open seas, raid Viking and foreigner households, and develop economic and political relationships with other players to ensure their own survival and prosperity. To successfully prosecute this project, the author came to devise: a semi-formal method for adapting historical situations to interactive simulations; a set of criteria for evaluating the quality, internal consistency, and historical fidelity of such simulations; and a technique for constraining the scope of adaptation to only what is necessary for the player's enjoyment and the designer's aesthetic goals."
Garrett Eastman

Design of Emergent and Adaptive Virtual Players in a War RTS Game - 0 views

    "a method for the automatic generation of virtual players that adapt to the player skills; this is done by building initially a model of the player behavior in real time during the game, and further evolving the virtual player via this model in-between two games."
Garrett Eastman

Developing a Digital Game to Support Cultural Learning amongst Immigrants - 0 views

    Abstract :"Immigrants entering the European Community face a range of challenges in adapting to and understanding the culture of their host nation. Failure to address these challenges can lead to isolation and difficulties integrating into the society of the host country, leading to fragmented communities and a range of social issues . As part of a comprehensive suit e of services for immigrants , the European - funded M obile Assistance for Social Inclusion and Empowerment of Immigrants with Persuasive Learning Technologies and Social Network Services (MASELTOV) project seeks to provide both practical tools and le arning services via mobile devices, providing a readily usable resource for immigrants . In this workshop paper, the game - based learning aspect of the MASELTOV project is introduced, with the rationale behind its design presented. In doing so, the b enefits and implications of mobile platforms and emergent dat a capture techniques for game - based learning are discussed, as are methods for putting engaging gameplay at the forefront of the experience whilst relying on rich data capture and analysis to pro vide an effective learning solution. Through comparison to several other projects, a number of recommendations are put forward for games deployed in contexts similar to that of MASELTOV: a focus on establishing a significant audience with which to conduct ethical research into efficacy, the need for robust pedagogical frameworks suited to the learning context, and the evolution of methods for data capture and analysis of player activity."
Garrett Eastman

Adaptive Agent for Player-Specific Fitness and Health Incentives in Mobile Location Bas... - 0 views

    As the game models player behavior it can use that data to encourage desired behavior, specifically for wellness apps
Garrett Eastman

Dynamically Adapting Training Systems Based on User Interactions - 0 views

    "Game-based simulation systems are increasingly being used to train users in several applications across government, in- dustry, and academia. Designing game-based training sys- tems that can measurably improve learning while providing an engaging training experience is a challenging problem. In this paper, we describe a novel framework that tightly inte- grates game-based training systems with instructional com- ponents using data analysis to address this problem. Intelli- gent training systems based on this framework dynamically adapt both the training and the instructional components to measurably improve learning in play sessions. We propose a three phase approach to automatically identify points in a play session to predict high-value future scenarios, validate predictions, and prescribe actions. A case study using the KDD Cup 2010 educational data set is described illustrating the e®ectiveness of the proposed approach."
Garrett Eastman

An Alien's Guide to Multi-Adaptive Educational Computer Games - 0 views

    The Zeitgeist that Teaches Geography Challenges of Learning Game Design Introducing the Story Engineand Learning Engine The FourStage Approach to JustinTime Personalization Meeting the Challenges of Gamebased Learning A Possibility to Reduce Costs of DEGs Learning Effectiveness Validation LEV Interactive Digital Storytelling Narrative GameBased Learning Objects Challenges in Realizing Personalized Digital Gamebased Learning Realtime Interaction Trajectory for Adaptivity Evaluation RITAE
Garrett Eastman

Agile Game Development - 0 views

    From the introduction: "With the sudden and massive influx of mobile technologies, the need for efficient agile techniques in the video game de- velopment industry has amplified further. With relatively short lifecycles and unique input, size, and performance constraints, as well as dealing with a wide range of device hardware, the industrys development process as a whole has had to adapt in order to survive. We present a subset of these adopted methods and technologies as they pertain to agile development in the video game industry."
Garrett Eastman

A Foundation for Growth: An Introductory Course in Computer Game Development - 0 views

    Abstract:"A one-semester introductory undergraduate course in computer game development is described. The freshman-level course has been taught for four years. The course was designed and implemented in the context of a new curriculum in computer game development. Goals of the course were to retain undergraduate computer science (CS) majors, attract new students to CS, and expose students to the content creation pipeline used in more advanced courses. A significant aspect of the course is the end-of-semester project to create a machinima - a video created using computer game technology. Besides the initial goals for the course, other benefits were discovered including fostering a sense of community by helping students get to know their peers early in the program. Results, both quantitative and anecdotal, show the course has exceeded expectations in meeting the goals originally established. In addition, the course content has been adapted to the format of a three-day summer workshop to recruit high school students to the university. The course has been integral to the growth of the CS program, enabling the program to nearly triple in size over four years and achieve both statewide prominence and national recognition."
Garrett Eastman

Defining Usability Quality Metric for Game Prototype Using Software Attributes - 0 views

    From the abstract: "This study presents the defining usability quality metric for game prototype using software attributes by referring to ISO Standards 9126 - 3: Software Engineering - Product Quality, with the adaptation for the quality as surance and measurement during game p rototyping period. In order to be fully utilized and optimized the effectiveness of the proposed quality metric, it is best to define the development process environment and its application simultaneously."
Garrett Eastman

Churchill Club - Event Detail - Open Forum: Technology in Education: How Will it Change... - 0 views

    " In March 2012, US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan expressed his conviction that "technology is a game-changer in the field of education." One year ago President Obama put out a call for "investments in educational technology that will help create digital tutors that are as effective as personal tutors, educational software as compelling as the best video game." What are the sorts of promising innovations living up to this challenge? How are they accelerating the quality of and access to education? Is gaming an effective tool? What are the challenges in adapting these technologies in everyday practice? And how can we trust that they will deliver on the promises? Are there compelling opportunities for entrepreneurs? The Churchill Club has assembled a diverse set of thought leaders to offer unique perspectives on these questions and explore big changes looming over the horizon."
Garrett Eastman

Learn Computer Science by Gaming - 0 views

    "we look into various research papers that has used computer games as a tool in teaching introductory CS to students. The challenge here now is "how to design a successful CS educational game?" Different research in this area are conducted to discover the factors that make a lovable educational CS game that is easily adapted by new CS students, while being helpful for learning the course related contents."
Garrett Eastman

Energy-Aware Adaptations in Mobile 3D Graphics - 0 views

    "Smartphone devices are becoming the de facto personal com- puting platform, rivaling the desktop, as the number of smartphone users is projected to reach 1.1 billion by 2013. Unlike the desktop, smartphones have a constrained energy budget, which is further challenged by increasingly sophisti- cated applications. Amongst the most popular applications on smartphone devices are games and virtual environments that rely on 3D graphics. Due to the computational inten- sity of geometry and rasterization, as well as the perpetually illuminated display, these applications are extremely power- hungry. To prolong the battery life of devices running these applications, we propose two new energy-aware adaptation schemes that can be employed in 3D graphics applications: lighting limitation and textural transformation. Our results show that we can conserve between 20% and 33% of energy with acceptable sacri ces to a user's visual experience."
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