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Sue Morris

Five Inspirational Blogs for Special Education Teachers - 0 views

    5 special needs teachers share their strategies through their blogs...

Coaching Teachers: What You Need to Know - 0 views

    Article about coaching teachers, the necessary training for being a coach, etc. "A principal may see the coach as part of and accountable to the administration. Yet in order for coaching to be effective, teachers need to be able to completely trust a coach and know that what is said and observed will not be repeated to the principal."
Rhys Daunic

Students Speak Up in Class, Silently, via Social Media - - 2 views

    This was a thought-provoking article with a lot of interesting ideas around how to use the "back-channel" in the classroom. I was especially taken aback by all of the comments that essentially lambasted these teachers for integrating 21c learning experiences into the classroom. One commenter said: "It needs to be explained to teacher Erin Olson that teachers should be encouraging students to extricate themselves from all the electronic gadgetry and to pay attention." Ah yes, wouldn't it be nice if all of students sat quietly in their desks and listened attentively with their hands folded, ready to take in the sage wisdom of the instructor standing in front of the room. Unreal.

State-Approved Teacher and Principal Practice Rubrics | EngageNY - 3 views

    This is a great resource that more schools are mandating links to on their local web site ... Thanks for sharing, Logan.
Rene Hahn

Making Time for Teacher Collaboration Is Crucial | Edutopia - 0 views

    The leadership group comes together regularly for in-depth discussions about topics such as project learning, technology integration, and authentic-assessment strategies. Then they take ideas back home to share with their colleagues
    Earlier this year, the National Staff Development Council released a report, "Professional Learning in the Learning Profession." As the report points out, the United States "is far behind in providing public school teachers with opportunities to participate in extended learning opportunities and productive collaborative communities."

Creating Online PLC's - 23 views

When I began teaching math in the late 80s, I had two powerful learning experiences that shaped the math educator I am today. Both of these experiences involved teachers like me working cooperativ...

web2.0 PLC collaboration elearning


Teachers Network: How To: Incorporate Technology in the Classroom - 2 views

    Here are some great introductory resources to help teachers get started with integrating technology into their curriculum.
Pablo Zatz

Teachers' Domain Newsletter: The Thanksgiving Issue! - 0 views

    Great PBS resources and great ideas.
Rhys Daunic

Google Apps Marketplace - Teacher Dashboard for Google Apps - 0 views

  • Teacher Dashboard gives you a bird's-eye view of class activity across Docs, Sites, Blogger, Picasa & Gmail, and greatly simplifies setup and maintenance of your class Google Apps environment. Get birds-eye view of student activity across Apps Automate setup & maintenance of your domain Provide full visibility to student materials
Rhys Daunic

Video: Common Core State Standards - Elementary School - 0 views

    Two schools TMS has worked with were profiled by the Teaching Channel in this video that unpacks the Common Core Standards for elementary schools. Funny that they mention "technology" being integrated throughout the standards, but their example is of teachers watching videos of each other. I happen to know that both schools are doing much more sophisticated work that blends digital media into students' ELA and Math units, but it's not yet on the radar of CCSS evaluators (at least at the time this video was made).
Rhys Daunic

Interesting Ways to use the Interactive Whit... - "Google Docs" - 0 views

    Teacher contributed Google Docs Presentation.  

Idaho Teachers Fight a Reliance on Computers - - 0 views

    A good read. How would you respond?

Will We Need Teachers Or Algorithms? - 0 views

    Vinod Khosla talks about the next wave of education reform... there's a lot of best practices that we currently use mentioned here. Good, quick read.
Rhys Daunic

Teaching like it's 2999 - 0 views

    Great apple/iPad ccss focused teacher blogging her day to day exPeriences in concise form. 
Corinne Carriero

How the Flipped Classroom Is Radically Transforming Learning - THE DAILY RIFF - Be Smar... - 1 views

    Teachers talk about the change in their teaching and in student learning by "flipping" instruction and becoming facilitators/coaches- spending more time working with individual students and groups as opposed to being the "sage on the stage"
Rhys Daunic

Teaching like it's 2999 (web version) - 2 views

    Great apple/iPad ccss focused teacher blogging her day to day exPeriences in concise form.
Pablo Zatz

Sophia upgrades its website with 25,000 free academic tutorials and more | eSchool News - 1 views

    This is a great resource to share with teachers
Sheila Tebbano

Mapped historical photos, film, and audio | SepiaTown - 1 views

    See then and now pictures of locations in major cities. This is really interesting for NYC teacher and kids.
    Check out this site!
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