literacy is beginning to be defined as the ability to share meaning through symbol systems in order to fully participate in society
Shmoop: Study Guides & Teacher Resources - 0 views
Shmoop is a research resource, learning guide and much more. It will engage students and provide teachers with quality material that can make learning fun.
This is an exciting new tool that secondary teachers will love. The creators of Shmoop have put together great information, resources, learning guides, and more. The writers have a sense of humor and the material is on target. Definitely a must share Web 2.0 tool. Check it out!!
The Heritage of Digital and Media Literacy | KnightComm - 0 views
“text” is beginning to be understood as any form of expression or communication in fixed and tangible form that uses symbol systems, including language, still and moving images, graphic design, sound, music and interactivity.
New types of texts and new types of literacies have been emerging over a period of more than 50 years.
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Regarding what's missing from the Core Common Standards -- new texts, new media, viewing... Where does "complexity" of new media text get taught? How will teachers learn to parse it? Is new media analysis and production a discipline? Yes in my opinion. Is it interdisciplinary? Yes. Media related to various content areas have their own criteria. Video, photography, blogs, social networks and the systems that deliver them are, in a way, their own languages. They are increasingly dominating how our society functions, informs and represents itself. HOW can this still be an afterthought for educators? Fear? Uncertainty on how to proceed? Because it's not tested? The text landscape is more complex than the textbook.
New web-search formulas have huge implications for students and society | Research | eS... - 0 views
The more consistently you participate in online social media—such as by blogging, or tweeting, or leaving comments on websites—the higher your Klout score will be.
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