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Social Media Suggestions for Your Online Course - 2 views

  • When you consider the possible uses for social media in your courses: find a tool with features that fit your needs, start slowly with just one new project or activity, evaluate your experience and your students' experiences, and continue to revise your approach.
  • Develop your digital identity. Last on my list, but certainly not least, how are you presenting yourself online? What will students in your next term find when they Google your name? Think about how your thoughtful use of social media could help students get to know you and connect with you online. Consider social networking options like LinkedIn and activities such as blogging.
  • Encourage online study groups. The collaborative nature of most social media applications makes them a great fit for bringing students together online for conversations, group projects, writing assignments, and more.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Stock a course library. Social bookmarking sites, such as Diigo, can be used to not only tag and groups articles and other web-based resources for your students to access, but also allows you and them to leave notes and highlight selected passages. Group forums are also an option.
  • Create a movie trailer. How do you welcome students and introduce them to your course?
  • Develop a dynamic presentation. While the debate about online lectures continues, there are social options available to enhance your presentations and those of your students.
  • Create a class hashtag. These keywords used with the "#" symbol allow you and your students to filter the Twitter stream for information related to the course
  • Don't add social media, or any new tool, just for the sake of adding it. Explore the ways in which these applications can help you and your students reach course goals and objectives, encouraging collaboration and engagement along the way.
  • Social media options not only allow for presentation of information, but also support connections among participants who access the information. Researchers Andreas M. Kaplan and Michael Haenlein published a definition of social media that includes "applications that … allow creation and exchange of user generated content." 
Felipe de Jesus Garciasantana

20 Twitter Hashtags Every Teacher Should Know About | Edudemic - 1 views

    " Added by Jeff Dunn on 2012-01-31 10 The following is a cross-post from our friends over at Be sure to check out their site for other great lists and edu-tips! Twitter chats are such a great way to stay connected and informed in your professional circle, and education is no exception. Through education chats, you can find out about new methods for teaching, tech resources, even jobs for teachers. Most chats are held weekly, and offer an opportunity to have a regularly scheduled conversation with like-minded educators. Check out our collection to find a wealth of Twitter chats that are great for all kinds of educators. General These Twitter chats cover anything and everything in education, and represent a great jumping off point for those just getting started in Twitter education chats. #edchat - Talk to a variety of educators around the world through #edchat, Tuesdays at noon and 7 p.m. EST. #lrnchat - Every Thursday night from 8:30-10 p.m. EST, you can connect with other educators and discuss learning. #edbkchat - On Wednesdays at 4 p.m. EST, you can discuss educational books and topics in learning and pedagogy. #spnchat - Find out about successful practices in education and education reform through #spnchat Tuesdays at 9 p.m.. #ptchat - Wednesdays at 9 p.m. EST, parents and educators around the world can open the lines of communication on #ptchat. #urbaned - This Twitter chat for educators discusses topics relevant to urban education and beyond, every first and third Sunday of the month at 9 p.m. EST. #teachchat - Connect with other teachers and find out what they're doing in their classrooms on #teachchat Wednesdays at 9 p.m. EST. #teaching2030 - Discuss big picture education issues, strategies, and reform through the #teaching2030 chat, every third Thursday at 8:30 p.m.. #smedu - Wednesdays at noon and 9 p.m. EST social media professionals, students, educators, and more can di
Felipe de Jesus Garciasantana

Web 2.0 LMS - Learning Management System - 0 views

    Studies indicate that building professional social capital is one of the biggest causal factors of high-performing channel partners.  Today's social media and Web 2.0 tools, give organizations the means they need to help channel partners build their social capital.

User Activity Comparison Of Popular Social Networking Sites [INFOGRAPHIC] - 1 views

  • shows the comparison of the latest user stastics of popular social networking sites – Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn and Pinterest.
  • In an infographic
Felipe de Jesus Garciasantana

Pearson's "Free" LMS - 0 views

  • Many schools are rethinking the LMS, not just because these tools have cost them a pretty penny, but because they're looking for ways that can further student collaboration and that can emphasize content and learning and not just administration. That could put Pearson in a good position to be a go-to tool for schools, particularly if the focus becomes content, something Pearson does hold market control over. As the Delta Initiative's Phil Hill told Inside Higher Ed, Pearson "wants to change the perception of an LMS to [make colleges] say: �Hey, that's a commodity, that's a delivery system � and really education, and the education system, needs to be about the content itself and how students interact with that content.'"
    • Felipe de Jesus Garciasantana
      Learning Management Sistem educational tools
  • drian Sannier, senior vice president of product at Pearson, told Inside Higher Ed that the new OpenClass can be used absolutely for free. No licensing costs, no costs for maintenance, and no costs for hosting. So this is a freer offer than Moodle is. It's a freer offer than any other in the space. And from the email I received from the PR firm handling the announcement, I give you these gems: "Pearson Launches First Truly Free and Open Learning Platform for Higher Ed." The tool "Provides Open Access." And this is where we need to stop and scrutinize what's happening here and look past the invocations of "free" and "open." Why would Pearson offer a free LMS? For one thing, Pearson doesn't need to sell OpenClass. Its emphasis -- indeed, its strategy -- lies elsewhere. Pearson is the largest education company in the world -- with or without success in the LMS market -- with profits of �208 million for the first half of this year alone. Its educational sales are up 9%; it's educational profits are up 31%. Much those sales and profits come from educational content: textbooks -- both print and digital -- as well as other curriculum offerings. (Much of the profits come from assessment products and services too -- Pearson sells the textbooks and the standardized tests. That's pretty damn lucrative, clearly.) Pearson can give away OpenClass in the hopes that schools will go for the "up-sell" and buy the company's other offerings. Many schools are rethinking the LMS, not just because these tools have cost them a pretty penny, but because they're looking for ways that can further student collaboration and that can emphasize content and learning and not just administration. That could put Pearson in a good position to be a go-to tool for schools, particularly if the focus becomes content, something Pearson does hold market control over. As the Delta Initiative's Phil Hill told Inside Higher Ed, Pearson "wants to change the perception of an LMS to [make colleges] say: �Hey, that's a commodity, that's a delivery system � and really education, and the education system, needs to be about the content itself and how students interact with that content.'" For its part, Pearson says that it's not going to lock users in to using just its content. But I can't help but wonder if that's true. After all, I think we need to question its usage of adjectives like "free" and "open" here. Furthermore when a company touts Google's involvement when really, what we have here is just a fairly simple and straight-forward integration with Google Apps, we should be a little suspicious about the labeling and the marketing and our consumption habits. More Sharing ServicesShare | Share on twitter Share on facebook Share on gmail Share on diigo var addthis_config = {"data_track_clickback":true}; Tags: <a href
  • Adrian Sannier, senior vice president of product at Pearson, told Inside Higher Ed that the new OpenClass can be used absolutely for free. No licensing costs, no costs for maintenance, and no costs for hosting. So this is a freer offer than Moodle is. It's a freer offer than any other in the space. And from the email I received from the PR firm handling the announcement, I give you these gems: "Pearson Launches First Truly Free and Open Learning Platform for Higher Ed." The tool "Provides Open Access
    So interesting "No licemsing costs, no costs for maintenance, and no costs for hosting. So this is freer offer than Moodle is...than any other in the space" really?

Five Essential Skills for the Facebook Era - IEEE Spectrum - 1 views

  • In a new book, Howard Rheingold says social networks are changing the way we think
  • podcast
    Howard Rheingold_podcast_April_27_2012_IEEESpectrum
    Howard Rheingold_podcast_April_27_2012_IEEESpectrum
Elisa Prieto

Las Tics Y La Preparacion Del Docente | Las Noticias de la Educación - 0 views

  • “la utilización de las nuevas tecnologías, en especial de la informática como herramienta en el proceso de mediación enseñanza aprendizaje, se va convirtiendo día a día en un medio frecuente en nuestras aulas en los tres niveles de enseñanza: Primaria, Media y Superior”, ya que las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación abren nuevas perspectivas a la labor educativa
  • y ensanchan el diapasón de información al estudiante, razón por la cual se necesita una preparación óptima del profesor en las TICs, así como una actualización permanente en función de los cambios que se operen en el proceso docente educativo a nivel macro social para irlo adaptando al centro educativo en dependencia de sus condiciones.
  • Sabido es que la generación nacida con la era de las TICs suele estar más familiarizada con esta tecnología que la anterior generación de profesores, razón por la cual es necesaria una mayor preparación del docente a fin de asumir los retos que se imponen ante él. Ya no sólo es la preparación y presentación de un Power Point en el aula, ahora es el dominio de una serie de conocimientos que se necesitan para orientarse en el uso de plataformas de enseñanza en las cuales el profesor se ve comprometido a superarse en aras de no aparecer desactualizado ante los alumnos.
    • Esther Aguilar
      la clave está en la actualizacion continua
    Las TICs con respecto a la labor del docente en el aula.
    En este blog se justifica perfectamente la razón de ser de esta ruta enREDarse para aprender. Está breve y muy interesante.
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