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diane darrow

Technology Integration Matrix - 3 views

    The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) illustrates how teachers can use technology to enhance learning for K-12 students. The TIM incorporates five interdependent characteristics of meaningful learning environments: active, constructive, goal directed (i.e., reflective), authentic, and collaborative (Jonassen, Howland, Moore, & Marra, 2003). The TIM associates five levels of technology integration (i.e., entry, adoption, adaptation, infusion, and transformation) with each of the five characteristics of meaningful learning environments. Together, the five levels of technology integration and the five characteristics of meaningful learning environments create a matrix of 25 cells as illustrated below.
diane darrow

The Beginner's Guide to 21st Century Teaching and Learning - 1 views

    The Beginner's Guide to 21st Century Teaching and Learning, designed for the digital immigrant, will answer these and many more of your questions, hesitations and fears surrounding integrating the internet and technology into your curriculum. It serves as a technology handbook for teachers ready to harness technology as a teaching and learning tool.
    for teacher professional development explaining 21st century learning and contains awesome simple and direct tips.
diane darrow

Preparing Your School for an iPad Implementation - iPads in Education - 2 views

    Planning is imperative for any technology initiative - iPad or otherwise. You need to ensure that you clearly understand and communicate how the technology integrates with your overall pedagogical objectives. Too many institutions purchase technology and then search for ways to utilize it ... or leave it collecting dust on the shelf.
diane darrow - 0 views

    Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) attempts to the nature of knowledge required by teachers for technology integration in their teaching, while addressing the complex, multifaceted and situated nature of teacher knowledge.
diane darrow

Putting the iPad to Work in Elementary Classrooms -- THE Journal - 1 views

    The combination of rich graphics, an intuitive touch screen, and lightning-fast processing speed is bringing educational technology to new levels of student engagement, she told a packed session titled The iPad Revolution: Innovative Learning in the Classroom at this year's International Society for Technology in Education conference in Philadelphia.
diane darrow

iPad As.... - 2 views

    Over the past few months, iPads have exploded throughout schools and classrooms. Their flexibility, versatility, and mobility make them a phenomenal learning tool. In webinars and blog posts, we have talked about the iPad as....
diane darrow

Technology Integration Matrix - 1 views

    mobile device lessons that use higher order thinking
diane darrow

Collaborize Classroom | Online Education Technology for Teachers and Students - 2 views

    A free online collaborative classroom platform. Comes with lesson ideas and resources.
diane darrow

Part 1: Flipping The Classroom? … 12 Resources To Keep You On Your Feet | 21 ... - 3 views

    Links and info to support Flipped Classroom concepts
Janet Cerni

Education Week: Educators Evaluate Learning Benefits of iPad - 1 views

  • centerpiece of a social studies curriculum that blends online and face-to-face learning.
  • supplement
  • But such rapid adoption of a device with such a short history means that figuring out the best educational use can involve a lot of trial and erro
  • ...23 more annotations...
  • “Is this the best use of our funds, or is it simply a tool to engage and motivate our students?”
  • “Of course, technology has that capability, but is that always the best angle?”
  • In September, Virginia announced the purchase of 350 iPads for 4th, 7th, and 9th graders in four counties to test the use of the device as a 1-to-1 computing tool in social studies classrooms.
  • th and 9th grade classes used gaming and assessment applications
  • Pearson
  • personalize reading assignments based on proficiency,
  • e-text feature
  • most teachers and students supported continuing the pilo
  • Pearson officials say their material would be more refined a second time around after learning their own lessons about designing content.
  • that can lead you to want to overload the presentation.”
  • Excluding the fad factor, experts say there are legitimate reasons for educational interest.
  • For this to work, really, next year, you need to have a team—one or two or three teachers—who will just sit down and go through this and put stuff on there that’s going to matter,” he says. “Trying to do it during the school year is just crazy.”
  • Teachers in the pilot also reported having to learn on the fly.
  • iPad to help highlight key vocabulary words
  • some apps to help students understand fractions and decimals
  • definitely a work in progress
  • The question may be whether the iPad is best suited as a 1-to-1 device or to be shared as part of a stable of digital classroom tools.
  • students can choose which device to use for an ongoing book-publishing project
  • students rotate between workstations
  • 34,000-student Irving Independent School District, where all high schools follow a 1-to-1 computing model, about 10 students and 20 administrators are testing an assortment of tablet-computing devices to see how they would meet their daily needs
  • administrators
  • tablets to access their calendars and email while on the run through campus, as well as how to use their touch-screen capabilities to check off rubrics for teacher evaluations like they would with an evaluation form.
  • RANDA Solutions,
diane darrow

OITQueens - iPad Institute for Innovative Leaders - 1 views

    Office of Educational Technology iPad Institute for Innovative Leaders
diane darrow

Rhe312: Writing in Digital Environments | Molly O'Hagan Hardy - 0 views

    a brief exploration of the history of writing technology, we will immerse ourselves in digital environments, analyzing the role of gender, race, economics and other ideologies of power in creating the material forms and tools that allow us to communicate in the contemporary moment.
diane darrow

Guided Reading with Jenna Complete Lesson < Teaching Channel - 1 views

    Teaching Channel has great videos and lesson ideas for classroom teachers. All lessons connect to the Common Core standards What is lacking is the role of technology.
diane darrow

7 Reasons Why the iPad is Going to Change Education | School Technology Solutions - 0 views

    From the Reed Union wikki
diane darrow

Right Tools Can Unleash iPad's Creativity - - 1 views

    Additional tools for iPad that are helpful
diane darrow

iPads in Education - Implementation Stories and Lessons Learned ... | Leadership for Mo... - 1 views

    Leadership for Mobile Learning "Resources for exploring the hottest topic in educational technology via CoSN's Leadership for Mobile Learning Initiative" Created and curated by Lucy Gray
diane darrow

iPads in Education - Implementation Stories and Lessons Learned (continued) | Emerging ... - 0 views

    Last week we started looking at rollouts of iPads in schools by searching out, reading, and summarizing findings in articles discussing these types of programs. This week we continue our examination of this topic by sharing take-aways from this excellent article in the March/April 2011 Educause Review.
diane darrow

iPads In Education - How's It Going So Far? | Emerging Education Technology - 0 views

    A growing number of schools have launched programs to provide iPads to students. What returns is this investment yielding?
diane darrow

Staff Development Links - 0 views

    valuable links for integrating technology
diane darrow

More Schools Embrace the iPad as a Learning Tool - - 0 views

    "I think this could very well be the biggest thing to hit school technology since the overhead projector," Mr. Wolfe said.
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