Planning is imperative for any technology initiative - iPad or otherwise. You need to ensure that you clearly understand and communicate how the technology integrates with your overall pedagogical objectives. Too many institutions purchase technology and then search for ways to utilize it ... or leave it collecting dust on the shelf.
Leadership for Mobile Learning
"Resources for exploring the hottest topic in educational technology via CoSN's Leadership for Mobile Learning Initiative"
Created and curated by Lucy Gray
Last week we started looking at rollouts of iPads in schools by searching out, reading, and summarizing findings in articles discussing these types of programs. This week we continue our examination of this topic by sharing take-aways from this excellent article in the March/April 2011 Educause Review.
We are excited that you are joining us in one of our iPad workshops at ISTE 2011. We hope that you will learn about the use of iPad in education and will leave with new ideas to implement mobile devices in your educational environment.
"Baylor's long-term institutional goals will eventually include the reduction of computers on campus and other devices such as LabQuests, SmartBoards and the required use of handheld graphing calculators. Academic departments are being asked to reduce photocopying expenses by 50 percent beginning 2012-13, and parents will see significant savings in textbook purchases in the future"