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Bryan Pregon

Presidential election tests Facebook friendships - - 1 views

    "Nearly one-fifth of people admit to blocking, unfriending or hiding someone on social media over political postings, according to a recent survey "
    People seem to be a lot more confrontational when discussing politics online. This article doesn't surprise me at all. On of the comments on the cnn page says this: "We're truly a nation of petulant teenaged adults who can't stand to hear anything but our own opinions trumpeted, and anything that smacks of disagreement, we put our fingers in our ears and sing the "Star Spangled Banner" at the tops of our callow lungs. Good lord, we need to grow up." I agree with it. Whenever people post political statements/articles on facebook they seem to have the expectation that all of their friends will agree with them, and get offended when someone has a different opinion. It's not surprising that confrontations on the internet have led to friendships breaking.
Kirstina Michl

Romney's Tax Plan - 1 views

    I'm sorry if I offend any Romney fans, but this is too funny. I don't want to spoil anything, so you'll just have to click on the link.
    Funny, very much so. I think it's worth 20 seconds of your life to view this site.
Jeremy Vogel

Larry King to moderate 3rd party candidate debate - 0 views

    Larry King, the celebrated talk show host accustomed to A-list interview guests, has agreed to moderate a debate featuring a squad of minor-party presidential candidates. The former CNN giant will guide next Tuesday's debate in Chicago, which will be broadcast on the Internet. The candidates taking part are the Libertarian Party's Gary Johnson, the Green Party's Jill Stein, the Constitution Party's Virgil Goode and the Justice Party's Rocky Anderson.
    This should be interesting, and I'm glad that someone is giving third parties a chance to be heard. As King said, our political system isn't a two party system by law, and I strongly disagree with the two party system. It would be great if third parties could get more recognition.
Jeremy Vogel

Five things we learned from Tuesday's debate - 0 views

    (CNN) -- While President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney were ostensibly responding to questions from uncommitted voters at a town hall-style debate on Tuesday, they found plenty of opportunities to attack each other during the 90-minute encounter.
    Romney was doing fine, until he opened his mouth. "When you're explaining, You're losing"
Bryan Pregon

Facebook vs Gang Crime - 2 views

    "How authorities use online activity to fight gang-related crime"
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    I think the internet in general is such a great resource and If that means the authorities use it to crack down on suspects more power to them! If the suspect post about those illegal activities then its there own fault. I think what many people don't realize is even If you delete something of of Facebook It never really goes away Its on the internet for everyone to see for forever.
    I agree with Hope on this, once it's posted, it's posted. Even if you delete it, its still there.
    They know the risks if they post something. They know what they are putting out there and if they do they deserve it for at least not being sneaky.
    The legality of this is interesting. I would assume that I do have some right to privacy upon getting online, but I also know that I am on something anyone can view at almost any time. So I would have to ask myself a few things if I were to determine the legality of this. 1. Is facebook public even if you have privacy settings? 2. Do privacy settings give you a right to privacy online 3. Is there an assumption of risk for posting anything online? This is interesting to me, I mean, I assume that I have a right to what I text a friend to be a private conversation between my friend and myself. I also know that every text I send, a copy is sent to be stored somewhere, somehow, and can be accessed by someone with legal authority.
    Hope worded this perfectly, I couldn't have done better myself. People need to be more aware of how permanent and public the internet is. Think twice before posting online. Try to brainstorm all the possible consequences of what you are posting.
Bryan Pregon

Debate Highlights Songified! - YouTube - 1 views

    This should be a reminder to watch tonight's Presidential debate. 
Bryan Pregon

Google's Driverless Cars Permitted by New California Law- Bloomberg - 3 views

    That's really cool! I would like to ride in one of these! Although I probably won't be able to for quite some time.
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    that sounds cool but what would happen if the car malfunctioned and the driver wasnt able to gain control?
    it would be a good idea but will take huge amounts of time to make.
    Personally, I would not want one, for it to run on detailed maps, and be able to override and read every factor of driving, it would require the internet. Assuming it is using google maps, what if it cannot connect to the internet? That's dangerous. To add, like ever machine, there is going to be an error, and this will probably raise accident rates.
    . . . Google in general honestly kind of scares me. Like, yeah, the Chromes and Docs and stuff are beneficial for school things, but they don't have to try to take over the world. (And Payton brought up a good point with the car needing to be connected to the internet to work.) Also, has anyone heard about how Google asks you for your real name instead of allowing you to use a screen name (or something like that)? I remember, I think it was two days ago, that I was going to post a comment on a YouTube video that I had watched with my YouTube account that I've had since 2007, and then Google was all like, "Oh hey want to show your real name instead of your screen name?" and I was like, "Heck no." And there have been times where they purposely log me out of my Google account, and then when I sign back in, they ask for my cell phone number and I click skip because I'm not giving my number to Google. It's for some stupid information loss thing or whatever. But who knows if they're actually protecting your personal information and your privacy?
Bryan Pregon

5 things we learned from the presidential debate - - 2 views

    "By most accounts, Republican challenger Mitt Romney was the clear winner of Wednesday's first debate with President Barack Obama. Romney engaged the incumbent while Obama looked down at his lectern. The challenger was a more forceful debater while Obama appeared less than engaged." Here are five things we learned on Wednesday"
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    I agree, Mitt Romney was the clear winner. I watched the entire live debate at home and Mitt Romney was on fire. He was very prepared, but it didn't seem scripted. At the beginning of the show it explained how all debates are very detailed in their scripts, even with random comments to their opponent. He was very engaged in the conversation and stayed on the different topics and specifically pointed out his differences between what he and Obama were saying. It was a very interesting debate. The both had a lot to say, but over all, Romney was at the top of his game while Obama was a little out of it and didn't seem quite as interested.
    People keep saying Mitt Romney won but I honestly don't think he did I am not judging them on how well they speak I am judging on who has the beliefs I do and who will do what I believe right for this country and in that case I believe Obama "won" the debate because no one can really win the debate granted one can look more prepared or more interested and I'll agree that Romney did do that but he didn't say the things I wanted to hear from the future president Obama did
    In all honesty, from what the article mentioned, Obama did not say much to discredit Romney. I'm wondering if Obama is going to hold out and save the infamous 47% mark, vague political outline of his plan, and any other anti-Romney ideas until a later date within this election. Also, Rainie, as for not being able to win a debate, I disagree for the most part, but not in full. Political ideals fall into, "Who wins a political debate." The debate itself, is just getting people to realize what policies they believe would work. This is one situation that I agree, there can be no winner. But as to most debates, there are clear winners.
    Exactly I agree with most of that Payton, I was specifically talking about this debate. I don't need them to say everything in that one debate because I don't just listen to the debate to get my information I listen to them on just regular speeches and articles all that good stuff and out of all of that not just the debate I think people should make their decision. Just my opinion
    I have watched other things like speeches and looked online. But this post is strictly just about the debate and to me Mitt Romney won. Now, I understand there is no actual winner and I'm not saying you guys are wrong, but going by just this debate, Romney without a doubt won.
    Alex, if there is no actual winner than how did he win? that's contradicting yourself. I agree that Romney presented himself better at the debate but outside of the debate I believe Obama has and you believe Romney has we are just going to have to agree to disagree
Payton Whiteaker - 3 views

This just interests me, I want some thoughts, not to much to read either, more over statistics.


started by Payton Whiteaker on 11 Oct 12 no follow-up yet
Bryan Pregon

Justices will soon decide whether to take up same-sex marriage appeals - - 7 views

    I'm not sure if we as a society, are prepared for such a big idea to be handled. The Justices are going to, if they take up the case, make some major leaps and bounds for the community, or pretty much end same sex marriage. If the court does take up the case, I am going to want to follow it extremely closely.
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    I think that it is time for the Supreme Court to rule on this issue. This is an issue that is important to a minority group that has never really been ruled on by the Supreme Court. I personally want to see how the Court applies the Loving v. Virginia case to one or all of the cases they may hear. I just don't expect anything until after the election in November because it has become an important issue this election cycle. Payton I don't think that the Supreme Court could end same-sex marriage. Marriage licenses are left up to each individual state and I can't imagine any possible outcome that would result in the Supreme Court taking away a State's right to issue a marriage license to whoever they want to grant a license to. I can see them saying there is no right to marry at the federal level or that the Federal Government doesn't have to recognize same-sex marriages but I don't see them telling states that they can't issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple if the state wants to.
    Jeremy, what I am saying is that same sex marriage, if ruled against, will have almost no chance of reversing the choice for a very long time. Based upon our constitutional values though, I doubt that they will rule in favor of those that oppose same sex marriage though.
    I'm still like . . . trying to figure out why exactly some people hate the idea of gay marriage so much and want to make sure that it's not legal. I mean, even if it's for religious reasons, like their religion doesn't support gays and lesbians, it's not like they would be getting married in their church or that they even want to. It doesn't affect those against gay marriage at all. It really only affects gays and lesbians and it makes them happy.
    I think whatever the outcome and effects of the ruling will be a new direction in our lives as Americans. I'm interested in how this will effect us in the future.
  • I know I got a little confused about why some people think same sex marriage marriage is bad and I found this to be very helpful in understanding it.
    I, myself, do not agree with gay marriage, or being gay at all. But that is my personal beliefs. I don't want people to try to tell me that I'm wrong, because I'm not saying I am right. I know this is a big issue in the U.S and it does need to be addressed, but I do think it is more of a state issue. As for gay marriage, it will probably be passed to be legal, and that's fine because it really doesn't affect me, I am straight. But from a conservative viewpoint, here is why some don't agree with gay marriage, not just because of religion. It is because it defeats the whole sacredness marriage was and still is meant to be. To me it is for man and wife. Not man and man or woman and woman. I am not intending to offend anyone at all, if someone wants to be gay, then be gay. I will not discriminate, I just will not support it, because I don't agree with it.
    You do realize that times have changed, right? And there are a lot of things that have changed as times have gone on, like gender roles, for example. It used to be that women were raised to do all the housework and mothering and such because "things were meant to be that way". Meanwhile, men were raised to fight and work on the farms because "things were meant to be that way". Now women, while payed less, are allowed to have jobs and have gotten the right to vote, but even so still have to fight to gain and keep other rights. Honestly, unless you're white, straight, and male, you haven't really gotten rights until sometime in the late 19th /20th century, and for some in the 21st century. Also, how would a homosexual relationship ruin the sacredness of marriage? When you really consider it, marriage isn't all that sacred, especially these days because there's money and materialism involved, and then of course sex too. Of course, sex is okay so long as you're married, but if you're not married and you've had sex, it's considered immoral, according to society. And even though people these days marry for love, those things are still involved in it. And if marriage is sacred, then why are divorces allowed? Aren't sacred things supposed to be protected no matter what? Divorce obviously doesn't protect marriage. It just ends marriages. If marriage was considered sacred then divorces wouldn't be allowed, and divorce is necessary at times.
    I think that if a man and a woman hate each other but still have more rights to get married than two homosexuals who actually love each other, then we should definitely legalize it!
    Whoa, I never said anything about the roles of men and women, sex or divorce. I was stating my opinion on gay marriage, and I will continue to do so in this comment. Again, not intended to offend anyone, just my take on what I think about gay marriage and being gay in general. Kirstina, you just proved my point for me that being gay isn't right by saying it depends on how people are raised that changes how they will be like when their older. So are the way people are raised now, affecting if they are gay or straight? If someone were told tell me that people are born gay, I would say they are wrong. (I'm bringing this up because that is probably what you and many viewers believe) Here's why, when you're a little kid, you don't think about which gender you like. You think about having friends with whoever and don't even know about how to take friendship further than that, as a child. There is no gene in your body that makes you gay.Plus, no one that says they're gay, knows until they are teens or older. That is because they observe how others are, think about how they are treated by the opposite gender and make their decision. And why are there all of the sudden so many gay people? Why weren't there any back then? Not because it wasn't allowed, because it wasn't not allowed, it was just unheard of. It's (to me) because it isn't natural. It is a life CHOICE that people have made for their OWN reasons. Some for attention, some to fit in, some because they can't find someone of the opposite sex that is interested in them and some for reasons I don't know. People are put on this Earth to make more people, just like animals are here to live, provide for people and make more animals. Two men or two women physically cannot make more people. Man and man and woman and woman are not meant to be together. What is and/or was meant to be can't change. Because whatever is meant to be is just meant to be and you can't change that, no matter what time in history it is. Gay marriage d
    Gay marriage does ruin the sacredness of marriage because a married couples are supposed to stay together, reproduce, carry on the human race, and be a happy family. I know, sounds a little far fetched in this modern day, but if America could go back to that, this country would be so much better off. I'm not saying divorces don't happen, or are wrong because my parents are divorces and my mom is remarried and that doesn't make them bad people. But I am saying that they made a mistake somewhere and did, in turn affect the sacredness of marriage. Divorces should not be illegal, but people should think twice before getting married. Also, I'm not trying to squash the dreams of gay couples, or tell anyone that I'm right and their wrong, that is not my intention.
    Alex I would just like to point out a few things you may have over looked or may not have known. The first thing is that there aren't "all of the sudden so many gay people?" There have been homosexual and bisexual people throughout history. One example is the first gay couple to be joined by Civil Union in the world, in Denmark, in 1989 and had been in a relationship 40 years prior to their Union. The reason we don't hear much about homosexuality in history is because it used to be a crime that if found guilty of being homosexual you could be put to death or thrown in jail for it (the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy has more information on this particular subject). It is reasonable, then, to believe that homosexuals would keep their homosexuality to themselves as to protect themselves from violence. Another thing you seem to overlook is that there are heterosexual couples who "physically cannot make more people," for one reason or another without using alternative methods such as surrogates and/or in vitro fertilization. that still enjoy the benefits and legal aspects (such as inheritance and the right to hospital visits and end of life decisions for their spouse) of marriage. These same options are also available for Same-Sex couples and they have the option to have children that are the biologic child of one of the parents just like families where one of the parents is infertile. Homosexual behaviors have also been observed in natural populations in a large number of other animals have shown homosexual behaviors while observed in their natural habitats and also in unnatural locations such as zoos. So to say that homosexuality is unnatural ignores that these observations have been made in the "natural" world. The finial thing that you brought up was about when people form, or in your words "choose", their sexuality. The American Psychological Association says that a persons sexual orientation can start to form in middle childhood and early adolescence a
    Alex . . . you totally missed my point with me saying how people used to be raised. This is what I said: "And there are a lot of things that have changed as times have gone on, like gender roles, for example. It used to be that women were raised to do all the housework and mothering and such because "things were meant to be that way". Meanwhile, men were raised to fight and work on the farms because "things were meant to be that way". Now women, while payed less, are allowed to have jobs and have gotten the right to vote, but even so still have to fight to gain and keep other rights." I was merely giving that as an example of how times have changed and how things have changed. If women and nonwhite races can get rights over time, then why can't homosexual people? That doesn't seem fair. Marriage has now become a legal thing, and even if you don't want to, you have to accept it as it is - a legal thing that's nowhere near sacred. So what's so bad about gays having the the same legal rights to get married and all the legal things that come with it? Also, at dinner tonight, my dad told me that marriage used to be a property thing. Women/wives used to be considered property and not human beings. African Americans became slaves of the American white people, and therefore were also property. Now slavery is illegal, and marriage happens between two people who love each other and are willing/want to be legally bound. Also, therefore marriage has never been sacred. I also agree wholeheartedly with what Jeremy said.
    Guys, Alex gave her opinion, she even said in her that is her personal belief, and that she didn't want anyone trying to tell her that she was wrong. She stated her opinion, you don't have to kill her through a website, It is her opinion, lay off.....
    I am glad to see opinions on both side of this issue in the comments (lots of good information in many posts and "food for thought"). Thanks for being respectful in your comments! To continue the discussion, Americans are almost equally divided on gay marriage. Here is the most recent poll data to see how we have changed our opinion since 1996...
    In all reality, gay marriage being a possibility to be legalized, is very interesting. Our constitutional founders, from what many anti-gay's claim, say that the founders were all religious, and did not support gay marriage. The problem with that is the constitutional wording, freedom of religion. Another issue is separation of church and state, this the facts Mr. Pregon gave are interesting, but can we say the religion is a reason as to why gay marriage should/should not be legal? Something funny, although probably irrelevant, is the idea of a church for the gay community to worship as they please, and is accepting of gay marriage. Form some sort of religion out of this, and by that, the gay community can simply do as they please, and get married as they want just by the basis of our constitution. I don't know why, but that thought just came to mind.
Bryan Pregon

Election 2012: Obama-Romney comparison - 0 views

    Very good breakdown of each candidate and the issues that they disagree on, money they've spent, etc.
    Obama seems to have a lot more support then Romney money wise. I wonder if that is going to have an outcome on the election, or if bigger the more wealthy just support Obama, even though Romney is the one saying not to Tax them. This is very interesting to me.
Jeremy Vogel

No, Justice Scalia, Overruling Roe, Criminalizing Sex and Killing Inmates Are Not 'Abso... - 2 views

    Conservative Justice Antonin Scalia routinely pretends that his approach to the law is merely to follow the clear language of the Constitution, and anyone who does not reach the same conclusions he does must be doing it wrong.
    Just.... Wow.... How can someone find the constitution so easy? Either, he has spoken to the dead and found out what the founding fathers believe on gay marriage, or he is inserting his own beliefs into this.
Bryan Pregon

Council Bluffs Schools blocking Facebook - 3 views

shared by Bryan Pregon on 04 Oct 12 - No Cached
    I am curious if you agree or disagree with the decision. Here are excerpts from three documents the school district has sent me about the decision.
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    i think blocking it was 50/50, good for the kids that are addicted to changing their status, but bad for people who are on it during free time or lunch.
    I agree with Andrew because there are a lot of people that abuse he privilege, but then there are the ones that only get on when told that they can or in free time.
    I think that our school system is going way Wacko with this, with Facebook, yeah block it, but you should block it on the school's wifi not the chromes. you should be able to get on at you house. What is the harm there...? Its not like you are getting distracted from a teacher talking..... With the cell phones. Yeah, thats whatever... I understand that you aren't supposed to have them out during class, but only being aloud to have them during lunch and before or after school, it makes me feel like we are back in Jr. High, that was their policy. I even remember i went to work Kirn's show and i forgot that there was that rule and so i was walking down the hallway texting, i looked right at the teacher and said that i was in high school, she laughed and said sorry and gave it back. But i think with this rule the students will feel like that are being treated as jr high students again and i know that would make me frustrated. But not having a relaxed rule on cell phones students will just get super mad and well, teacher's and Administrators,, You're gonna have a bad time...
    I agree with Eric, it should just be blocked on the wifi, not the Chromes themselves because now the people who brought their own computers can get on facebook, or the people with internet on their phones can access it that way. So the school didn't block the students %100, they just made an obstacle for the students to get through, because I think we all know someone is going to find a way around it soon, like they did last year.
    I agree with Eric and Alex as well, just block it on their wifi during the school day.
    It does feel like we are still in Junior High. but how do most Students? certainly not like they are in high school. If people would act their age then you could use this statement. take a look around the hallways and you know what i am talking about. And when you are on facebook or any other website it is a distraction because you are zoned out of everything that is going on around you and ten minutes can easily turn into an hour or a couple of hours
    a good 3/4 of the conversations during class periods... maybe not everyone's but at least mine has been about getting around the the Facebook block. They say Facebook is distracting well it is for certain people that get on it constantly but what really is distracting is people constantly talking about how they are trying to get back on Facebook through the chromes. That's not distracting a select few it's distracting us all.
    I feel like if the school has such a big problem with Facebook they need to realize that although blocking Facebook from chromes will stop many students from getting on it the majority of us do have smart phones. Meaning we can still get on Facebook. I think that if a student doesn't know how to control their use on facebook during school they will have to deal with the consequences and that it wasn't necessary to block the site, it's called responsibility and if someone doesn't know how to be responsible then that's their problem. Also I don't understand why students aren't able to get on Facebook outside of school?
    I don't feel like blocking Facebook was very beneficial. High school is supposed to be preparing us for college or a career, in which we will have access to anything we want. How are we supposed to know how to limit distractions if we don't have the opportunity to do so now? On another note, the students who aren't doing their work now with Facebook unblocked still aren't generally going to do it even without that particular distraction.
    I agree with Rainie, Jaidlyn, and Olivia. The school board and the administrators don't know what we are thinking in class, yes they might see that a good portion of our students are on Facebook, but also, a good majority is paying attention and actually learning, I personally find Facebook a good tool for school, because there has been multiple times where I have no clue what so ever on what is going on so I go and ask some of my friends that are in college and ask them, and also my friends explain it so much better than Teacher's do, I feel as though most of the times teacher's just speak it so they can get paid, they don't go in depth to it. So I feel also that if they were teaching more hands on there would be less Facebook usage, well, at least there would be if it was unblocked.
    Sorry.. I realized that I didn't finish.. With what Rainie said, that is so true you can't sit through a whole class period with out hearing, "This is peeveing me off!" or "There has to be a way around it, that will be my project this weekend, to figure out what how to get around this dumb thing!"
    Personally, if the schools are trying to prepare us for the future, then why limit what we can do, and not do with the chromes? How does limiting us teach us good decision making skills? I mean, in the future, if you are at work and spend 4 hours of your time at work on facebook, you are gonna get fired. We should have it just to learn that we do not need it. Plus, students are just going to move onto the next thing. Like there are not a billion other things we are going to get on?
    I completely agree with Payton. There are so many things that aren't blocked and we can move right on to the next thing.
    I totally agree with both Eric and Payton, also what about using our phones, Ipods, and personal computers to get on FB at school. An I know most of the people on FB use it to waste time, what about the students using it during free time for good things like making a FB page for a club or a FB event for a soccer game?
    In response to Payton W: If an employee would get fired for wasting company time on Facebook, what is a logical penalty for teachers/administrators to administer to those who refuse to work? It is hardly a solution to take the computer away, since there is so much effort placed on getting kids to use them for class work. Of course we cannot "fire" our students like an employee. Following your logic, shouldn't "moving on to the next thing" also get you the same penalty? Isn't the real issue students wasting time (whatever it might be)?
    Mr. Pregon, the personal issue with this is, we can't go around blocking things all the time, that does not teach good choice-making skills. I know that one solution, that may only work in some situations, is that, make them do it by hand. I've seen teachers use this before, and noticed quiet a bit improvement on students taking it upon themselves to avoid facebook. Mr. Nelson, in Algebra 2 made someone solve a 3 variable question using Matrices by hand, which can take about 10 minutes for a single problem. That student has not been on facebook in his class, or at least caught, since. As for penalties, students do have privileged that teachers may take away, such as going to the bathroom during class. Although, that is unlikely to affect most students, it is hard to say whether or not that will have much affect. Perhaps a major punishment such as Monday school if caught so many times? I have no direct answer as to how this should work though.
John Cooper

NFL concedes bad call cost Packers victory; refuses to change outcome | News from south... - 1 views

  • - NFL concedes bad call cost Packers victory; refuses to change outcome | Southeastern Connecticut News, Sports, Weather and Video | The Day newspaper Rachel Cohen, AP Sports Writer Publication: NEW YORK (AP) - The NFL conceded Tuesday that a bad call cost the Green Bay Packers the game while upholding the Seattle Seahawks' victory.
    They know they made a mistake, it was obvious to everyone there and watching it at home. i dont even like the packers but i hate blown calls worse. swallow your pride and change it refs
    I just don't understand why they wouldn't change it if they knew it wasn't right. What reason do you have for not changing it?
Jeremy Vogel

SCOTUS takes another crack at gray market resales - 0 views

    April 17 (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court has decided to take a second crack at reconciling two apparently contradictory provisions in the Copyright Act: one that permits buyers to resell goods without worrying about permission from U.S. copyright holders, and another that controls the importation of copyrighted material into the United States. It may sound arcane, but this is a hugely-consequential issue. The case in which the Supreme Court granted certiorari involves a Thai grad student reselling used foreign-manufactured books on eBay, but the high court's ultimate ruling will profoundly affect the approximately $63 billion "gray market" business.
Jeremy Vogel

Steep drop in unemployment rate spawns conspiracy - 2 views

    WASHINGTON (AP) - Sasquatch might as well have traipsed across the White House lawn Friday with a lost Warren Commission file on his way to the studio where NASA staged the moon landing.
Ember Groover

Mitt Romney 'dyed his face brown' to appeal to Latino voters - 1 views

    This was incredibly amusing to me. I would really like to doubt this was his intention (perhaps a terrible spray-tan mishap?), as you would have to think very low of your voters to do so purposely. However, he has also received a lot of flak for seemingly pandering to everyone for votes -- this certainly fits that image.
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    if he did this on purpose i think that is absolutely ridiculous.
    That is crazy. I can't believe that he would do that.. let alone anyone doing that.l
    Pretty sure 47% of the Latino population is on government aid, so, he's just doing what he can to try and have any chance of winning the up coming election. After his comments, I am pretty sure he is going to struggle to gain anymore aide.
    even if he did "dye his face brown" i dont see how he think's that would get him more votes. probably was like ember stated that it was terrible spray tan or too much sun.
    I really don't think Mitt Romney would do this because he is desperate for votes, I think the election is running a very close race. Again, he is only human, it could have been a bad spray tan or too much sun on his face or maybe someone who who was getting him "camera ready" put the wrong shade of make up on his face. It could be a number of possibilities, and for people to assume that he "dyed his face brown" to get more votes is ridiculous.
    The tactics politicians do to get any sort of votes, how desperate.
Hope Philbrick

Romney clarifies stance poll shows Americans priorities on immigration - 3 views

Politics CNN News

Bryan Pregon

Judge throws out Occupy arrests as unconstitutional - - 0 views

    The mass arrests of Occupy Chicago demonstrators that city leaders praised as a model for respecting protesters' rights were ruled unconstitutional Thursday by a Cook County judge who also declared that the city's overnight park curfew violates the First Amendment.
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