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Contents contributed and discussions participated by johannessimon81


Scientists engineer shortcut for photosynthetic glitch, boost crop growth by 40 percent - 3 views

    Did we just solve overpopulation and climate change? With 40% more efficient crops we could easily sustain 10+ billion people on Earth. And 40% more efficient plants would absorb much more CO2 than we are emitting (currently: artificial CO2 emission ~29 GT/y, photosynthesis CO2 capture through plants ~450 GT/y) I am usually very worried about the risks of climate change, but this could be a real game changer!

Chemists create molecular 'leaf' that collects and stores solar power without solar panels - 2 views

    An international team of scientists led by Liang-shi Li at Indiana University has achieved a new milestone in the quest to recycle carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere into carbon-neutral fuels and others materials.

Amazon's New Truck Can Haul Five Copies of the Internet-With Room to Spare - 1 views

    I guess this is for data what oil tankers vs. pipelines are for hydrocarbons. Isn't ESA doing something similar for satellite data? I seem to remember that Leopold mentioned that at some point.

Fiji ants farm plants, study shows - 1 views

    Ants found in the Pacific islands of Fiji behave as miniature farmers, carefully sowing and fertilising the seeds of at least six types of plant, a study said Monday.

Physics tweak solves five of the biggest problems in one go - 3 views

    Extension of standard model to explain a number of unexplained phenomena.

Material that shrinks in heat can weather extreme temperatures - 3 views

    Meet the incredible shrinking material. Most things swell when they warm up, creating engineering headaches, but now a 3D-printed material has been configured to contract instead. When two interlinked materials expand at different rates, they can warp or crack. It's a problem in buildings, bridges, electronics and anything else that is exposed to a wide temperature swing.

memristor-brain | University of Southampton - 3 views

    Memristor-Based Artificial Neural Networks, huge potential for true, high-power AI

IBM Neuromorphic chip hits DARPA milestone and has been used to implement deep learning - 2 views

    "IBM delivered on the DARPA SyNAPSE project with a one million neuron brain-inspired processor. The chip consumes merely 70 milliwatts, and is capable of 46 billion synaptic operations per second, per watt-literally a synaptic supercomputer in your palm." --- No memristors..., yet.:

Hinton - Stanford Seminar - Can the brain do back-propagation? - 2 views

    Very interesting presentation on how the brain can back-propagate error signals during learning (using time-derivatives to encode errors). Hinton discusses how back-propagation can be achieved with very limited / unsophisticated tools and in excessively noise environments.

The Neural Network Zoo - The Asimov Institute ( that name!) - 2 views

    Cute info-graphics on different machine learning architectures

Plastic Clothing Inspired By Kitchen Wrap Releases Body's Infrared Radiation To Cool Th... - 0 views

    Any unintended consequences..?

There's a Planet Like Earth Orbiting the Nearest Star to the Sun - 0 views

    Time to get out the Fission Fragment Rocket Engine!

Is It Foolish to Model Nature's Complexity With Equations? - 1 views

    They use a technique they call "Empirical Dynamic Modeling" to find correlations between different variables of chaotic systems. Might be interesting for things like climate modeling and similar chaotic systems. The idea seems pretty straight forward but I never encountered it before - so I'm no sure if this is really a new development (curious if anybody else knows). If you are short on time just watch the video embedded in the article.

Breaking the optical diffraction limit by a factor 3-4... ideas for telescopes? - 0 views

    In this article the authors describe an improvement of their optical microscope techniques for which some of the received a Nobel prize in the past. They achieve resolutions far beyond the optical diffraction limit which is supposed to limit detail resolution due to quantum-mechanical effects. Their techniques include structured illuminiation (producing interference patterns), switchable fluorescent markers as well as multi-frame super resolution enhancement. Authors are able to take a single image in about 0.3 seconds which allows the study of protein processes in the cell: . Although it is hard to imagine the application of many of these techniques for telescopes (except for super resolution), I am wondering if any of this could help building telescopes with increased optical power or reduced weight. Any ideas..?

No Big Bang? Quantum equation predicts universe has no beginning - 3 views

    Told you so...

This incredible electron micrograph shows light as both a particle and a wave - 6 views

    So basically we can photograph light now. Not just detect photons but photograph LIGHT WAVES. Really clever setup BTW.

The world's first Carbon Fiber 3D Printer - 3 views

    Something for the ACT! It costs just ~$5000.

Methane fluctuations on Mars - 1 views

    Localized high concentrations of methane have been discovered by the Curiosity rover. This points to localized sources of methane of yet unknown nature. Maybe the ACT's odor source localization should be resurrected!
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