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HP Dreams of Internet Powered by Phone Chips (And Cow Chips) | - 0 views

  • For Hewlett Packard Fellow Chandrakat Patel, there’s a “symbiotic relationship between IT and manure.”
  • Patel is an original thinker. He’s part of a group at HP Labs that has made energy an obsession. Four months ago, Patel buttonholed former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan at the Aspen Ideas Festival to sell him on the idea that the joule should be the world’s global currency.
  • Data centers produce a lot of heat, but to energy connoisseurs it’s not really high quality heat. It can’t boil water or power a turbine. But one thing it can do is warm up poop. And that’s how you produce methane gas. And that’s what powers Patel’s data center. See? A symbiotic relationship.
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  • Financial house Cantor Fitzgerald is interested in Project Moonshot because it thinks HP’s servers may have just what it takes to help the company’s traders understand long-term market trends. Director of High-Frequency Trading Niall Dalton says that while the company’s flagship trading platform still needs the quick number-crunching power that comes with the powerhog chips, these low-power Project Moonshot systems could be great for analyzing lots and lots of data — taking market data from the past three years, for example, and running a simulation.
    of relevance to this discussion: Koomey's Law, a Moore's Law equivalent for computing's energetic efficiency

A Formula for Happiness - - 1 views

    beati pauperes spiritu :-) "Political junkies might be interested to learn that conservative women are particularly blissful: about 40 percent say they are very happy. That makes them slightly happier than conservative men and significantly happier than liberal women. The unhappiest of all are liberal men; only about a fifth consider themselves very happy." I think that there are many factors missing there that are just not asked possibly such as altruism as a source for happiness ...
    According to The Beatles "Happiness is a warm gun"... To each his own, I guess. :-)
    It really depends on one's values really. If your values don't follow the standard vanilla flavor then it all breaks down.

Enhanced marine sulphur emissions offset global warming and impact rainfall : Scientifi... - 0 views

    ocean fertilization might induce increased marine aerosol (DMS) emissions leading to further cooling effect but also changes in precipitation

Personal Thermal Management by Metallic Nanowire-Coated Textile - 2 views

    By wearing clothes that have been dip-coated in a silver nanowire (AgNW) solution that is highly radiation-insulating, a person may stay so warm in the winter that they can greatly reduce or even eliminate their need for heating their home. With as extra bonus: Besides providing high levels of passive insulation, AgNW-coated clothing can also provide Joule heating if connected to an electricity source, such as a battery. The researchers demonstrated that as little as 0.9 V can safely raise clothing temperature to 38 °C, which is 1 °C higher than the human body temperature of 37 °C. How about that for personal comfort during the cold winter months
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    These applications seem more and more promising. However I wonder about the toxicity aspects of wearing this stuff and apparently some research is starting to be developed to assess that, see showing results of pulmonary toxicity of AgNW
    sounds almost like the asbestos story re-started :-)
    Found an European project that takes care of the environmental, health and safety aspects of nanomaterials

gravity doesn't exist - 2 views

    apparently warm things attract each other instead. a symbolic prize of a virtual launch vehicle based on a smeg fridge/freezer for the most amusing/shortest refutation. "A ~1068 gm hollow copper sphere hovers above a 1000 W heat element." "After power was applied to the heat element for 400 s, the means of the first and last ~6 force measures indicate that the sphere's gravitational mass increased by 1.9 % or 20 gm."
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    I didn't know the viXra project. It's a great help to the PHYS RF at ACT. Whoever posted something there is crackpot for sure...
    this looks like absolute humbug to me .... reminds me of some rotating superconductors :-)

You know you have been in Finland too long, when... - 4 views

shared by Luzi Bergamin on 23 Jun 10 - Cached
    How you know you have been to long in xy. The Finnish version. My favorite is 33. You accept that 80°C in a sauna is chilly, but 20°C outside is freaking hot. Quite a lot of them are outdated, esp. about opening hours of shops, and one is definitely missing. Your normal mealtime has shifted to 11am for lunch and 5pm for dinner. But don't worry, it's a really comfy place here, isnt' it Jose??
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    well somethings you get used to in a year (like salmiakki or koskenkorva) others don't (seriously, lunch at 11?!?!)
    But what stage are you in already, Luzi?
    I would say a 50% Finn. I do have lunch at 11am, every working day, an 80 degrees sauna indeed is just a warm room. But I will never get used to salmiakki (which is just literally eating a cleaning agent!!) and you can imagine that "silence is fun" is not really MY motto...
    True?? 22. You understand why the Finnish language has no future tense. No, I don't think I ever will understand that one... Finns are quite future-oriented at two particular times of the year. On the day after Midsummer (see above), they say "Well, it's all downhill from now on" and prepare feverishly for winter, and similarly after December 21st they perk up and start thinking about Midsummer - ignoring the fact that they still have to get through January, February and March before the place becomes inhabitable again...
    ... Finnish language has no future tense. That's true
    everything expressed with "tomorrow I go to " or "in one year" etc? what about the distinction between to future events, one conditional on the other?

An evil atmosphere is forming around geoengineering - 0 views

  • A number of right-wing think tanks actively denying climate change are also promoting geoengineering, an irony that seems to escape them.
  • Wood believes that climate engineering is inevitable. In a statement that could serve as Earth's epitaph, he declared: "We've engineered every other environment we live in, why not the planet?"
  • It's estimated that if whoever controls the scheme decided to stop, the greenhouse gases that would have built up could cause warming to rebound at a rate 10 to 20 times that of the recent past - a phenomenon referred to, apparently without irony, as the "termination problem".

changement_climatique__octobre_2010.pdf - 2 views

    Report commissionned by French ministry on the question of global warming and causes - in french though.

Stratospheric Water Vapor is a Global Warming Wild Card - 1 views

    Climate models are not able to reproduce the observed decrease in stratospheric water vapor which shows that the global water cycle is still not known well enough and further research is desperately needed. 

Skeptical Science now an iPhone app - 2 views

    iPhone app with scientific assessment of arguments used by global warming skeptics
    very good idea! and it seems well done, the graphics are very clear and the literature abondant.

Top 10 Surprising Results of Global Warming | LiveScience - 5 views

    #4 is pretty interesting 
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    first time I hear about this!!! Is there any peer reviewed paper reference to this? should impact missions like GOCE!!
    There are (even in Science): There is also a group at UCAR (lead by S. Solomon, one of the Gods in atmospheric research) who are analyzing this effect:
    for the drag effect, this is well known in fluid mechanics, we use the Knudsen number, which explains this phenomenon ... for a perfect gaz though!

Global Warning - a project of the National Security Journalism Initiative - 0 views

    "WASHINGTON, D.C. - In a three-month investigation, a team of Northwestern University student reporters has found that the US nation's security establishment is not adequately prepared for many of the environmental changes that are coming faster than predicted and that threaten to reshape demands made on the military and intelligence community. This is despite the fact that the Defense Department has called climate change a potential "accelerant of instability." The Medill School of Journalism graduate student team began publication on January 10 of its findings on the national security implications of climate change with a series of print, video and interactive stories."

Video - The Great Global Warming Swindle - 2 views

    joke posting??
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    No. People SHOULD look at alternative views to be more informed. Criticism of areas of science is a GOOD thing, it helps science to grow. Unfortunately, when it comes to this issue, people, including ACT members have a closed mind and do not want to listen to alternative view points. But I am sure many people in the group have seen it before. Have you?
    This is why i always post crazy stuff .... its disruptive. ..... although sometimes its a joke ;)
    why not this one then?

Orbiting standards lab could improve climate predictions - - 2 views

  • Policy makers would be much better placed to combat the effects of global warming if scientists had access to accurate measurements of the Earth's radiation balance from a dedicated satellite, claims an international group of physicists.
  • it estimates that the satellite could cut a decade or more from the time needed to make useful projections of global temperature at the end of the 21st century.

Photonic Thermos | Physical Review Focus - 0 views

  • The pure vacuum of a thermos is not the best possible insulator for keeping your soup warm. Last year a team found theoretically that a structure known as a photonic crystal could block heat flow even more effectively than vacuum.

How Much More Rain Will Global Warming Bring? -- Wentz et al. 317 (5835): 233 -- Science - 2 views

    following the previous link

Permafrost melt poses major climate change threat - 0 views

    release of CO2 from permafrost

Space-Based Solar Power - Pentagon Fights Global Warming with Satellites - Popular Mech... - 0 views

    another one on SPS

Energy Imbalance Behind Global Warming | LiveScience - 0 views

    The measured energy imbalance of Earth
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