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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Omar Cafini

Omar Cafini

24h bar camp: 24 ore per realizzare un progetto - 0 views

    Un evento unico nel suo genere in Italia, appena nato ha bisogno del supporto di tutti per crescere... diffondete la voce...
Omar Cafini

BigScreen Live - 0 views

Omar Cafini

PlanHQ - Web Based Business Plan Software - 0 views

    achieve your Business Plan
Omar Cafini

FiveList : Your Top Five - 0 views

    FiveList is an innovative online community where you can create a list of your top five favorite things. Once you've created a list you will be able to find other users who have similar lists, view friends, and manage your own photo gallery.
Omar Cafini

BigCarrot - 0 views

    WELCOME TO BIGCARROT, A NEW WAY TO DEMOCRATIZE innovation and advocate for the causes you believe in. The site allows people with a common interest to come together and pool their contributions to create an inducement prize. Anyone can start a prize on any topic-from large social issues to smaller personal pursuits-and anyone with the ability to claim the prize can submit a solution. It's the best way to achieve real results.
Omar Cafini

Shyftr - 0 views

Omar Cafini

uberVU - All your content and conversations in one place - 0 views

    All your content and conversations in one place
Omar Cafini - Tell the world how was it at - 0 views

  • is a free service to communicate about past and future events. Give your feedback, note it, add comments, pictures or videos. You can stay connected with the members who were at the same events.
Omar Cafini

TwitterLocal - 0 views

Omar Cafini

Veeple - 0 views

Omar Cafini

Sampa - Create a Free Website, Baby website, Family website, Personal website - 0 views

    Your personal private place on the web
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