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Kangdon Lee

Directory of Learning and Performance Tools - 0 views

    Directory of Learning and Performance Tools tools web2.0 e-learning resources learning elearning performance Web 2.0
Syed Amjad Ali

E-Learning Course Development Standards - 0 views

    A few important concepts to be considered by Learning Manager to understand their learning needs and assess e-learning vendor who can fulfill them.
Syed Amjad Ali

Why E-Learning - A simple analysis - 0 views

    E-Learning industry is witnessing tremendous growth in terms of revenue and application. It has become a synonym for many of the learning requirements in corporates, academics and government institutions. To provide most suitable learning solutions, industry experts exploring and inventing creative methods and approaches such as Custom Learning Solutions, Rapid Learning Solutions, Gamifications, Instructor Led Training programs and blend of these methods and approaches.
Syed Amjad Ali

E-Templates - A new approach in Rapid E-Learning Course Development - 0 views

    Advanced eLearning Authoring Tools have made eLearning Development Easy The rapid and extensive advances in technology have brought on incredible innovation in all fields of human interest. The impact of the same can be seen in the e-learning space, and these days, this specialized segment is breaking new ground continuously.

Role of E-Learning Platforms In Revolutionising Education Sector - 1 views

    Role of E-Learning Platforms In Revolutionising Education Sector
Thieme Hennis

eLearn: Feature Article - 0 views

  • Ten Web 2.0 Things You Can Do in Ten Minutes to Be a More Successful E-learning Professional By Stephen Downes, National Research Council Canada
    Ten Web 2.0 Things You Can Do in Ten Minutes to Be a More Successful E-learning Professional By Stephen Downes, National Research Council Canada
Syed Amjad Ali

E-Learning and Blended Learning - 0 views

    It is difficult to find one simple solutions for a complex issues. The expectations with regards to performance at work place or at home are complex; we need a blend of various learning solutions to resolve these complex issues. In such a scenario, Blended learning offers a greater chance of success.
Sachin Yadav

Design - 18 views

Looking for inspiration to enhance your website's navigation? Check out these 10 best mega menu examples that showcase user-friendly designs and efficient organization. From eCommerce to SaaS platf...

yc c

Does the Brain Like E-Books? - Room for Debate Blog - - 3 views

  • They should be like the historical coffeehouses, taverns and pubs where one shifts flexibly between focused and collective reading — much like opening a newspaper and debating it in a more socially networked version of the current New York Times Room for Debate.
    • Bakari Chavanu
      Many websites like NewsVine seem to offer this kind of experience.
  • Still, people read more slowly on screen, by as much as 20-30 percent. Fifteen or 20 years ago, electronic reading also impaired comprehension compared to paper, but those differences have faded in recent studies.
  • Reading on screen requires slightly more effort and thus is more tiring, but the differences are small and probably matter only for difficult tasks.
  • ...18 more annotations...
  • In one study, workers switched tasks about every three minutes and took over 23 minutes on average to return to a task. Frequent task switching costs time and interferes with the concentration needed to think deeply about what you read.
  • After many years of research on how the human brain learns to read, I came to an unsettlingly simple conclusion: We humans were never born to read. We learn to do so by an extraordinarily ingenuous ability to rearrange our “original parts” — like language and vision, both of which have genetic programs that unfold in fairly orderly fashion within any nurturant environment. Reading isn’t like that.
  • And that, of course, is the problem at hand. No one really knows the ultimate effects of an immersion in a digital medium on the young developing brain. We do know a great deal, however, about the formation of what we know as the expert reading brain that most of us possess to this point in history
  • Hypertext offers loads of advantages. If while reading online you come across the name “Antaeus” and forget your Greek mythology, a hyperlink will take you directly to an online source where you are reminded that he was the Libyan giant who fought Hercules. And if you’re prone to distraction, you can follow another link to find out his lineage, and on and on. That is the duality of hyperlinks. A hyperlink brings you to information faster but is also more of a distraction.
  • floor. I once counted my books among my most prized possesions, now I wish I could somehow convert them all to digital files.
  • My book shelves are full, and books are stacked on the
  • Textbooks also require big double pages with margins for notes. Writing and reading are communication between writer and reader, the audience and genre (and thus expectations) are important, and the format and technology can be used for bad or good. One is not better than the other, they are different, and the more we know of the needs of writers and readers the better technology will become.
  • All of the commentators and responses miss a crucial question here: reading for what purpose?
  • To further complicate this, most of what I read for pleasure is about art or photography, and the kind of history that comes with cool pictures. If paper suddenly disappeared I'd be lost. Most of what I read for work has to be verified, cross referenced, fact-checked, etc. on a tight deadline. If the Internet suddenly disappeared, I'd be more than lost--I'd be paralyzed.
  • I also completely disagree that the web has killed editing. It has just changed the process to include the reader. It would be more accurate to say that it is killing the sanctity of Editors. 'Bout time, that.
  • The missing component in E-Reading seems to be the ability to critically grasp and evaluate the material. Learning is transmitted, but it is more linear than holistic. Now in my 70's, I find that reading from a monitor is a distancing experience. There is an intimacy to reading from a traditional book that is missing in the digital format.
  • Chinese reading circuits require more visual memory than alphabets.
  • I assume that technology will soon start moving in the natural direction: integrating chips into books, not vice versa.
  • important ongoing change to reading itself in today’s online environment is the cheapening of the word.
  • Hypertext offers loads of advantages.
  • When you read news, or blogs or fiction, you are reading one document in a networked maze
  • More and more, studies are showing how adept young people are at multitasking. But the extent to which they can deeply engage with the online material is a question for further research.
  • However, displays have vastly improved since then, and now with high resolution monitors reading speed is no different than reading from paper.
Syed Amjad Ali

Soft-skills training for employees via E-learning - 0 views

Soft-skills training use full for employee what good looks like and giving the some introductory practice opportunities. Soft-skills are important port in a company culture. Please have a look at f...

Soft-skills training E-learning

started by Syed Amjad Ali on 06 Feb 15 no follow-up yet
Donna Baumbach

A List of the Top 200 Education Blogs - 14 views

    News & Trends - Teaching - Learning - Professor Blogs - College - Campus Life - School Athletics - International & Study Abroad - E-Learning - Administrators and Departments - Technology & Innovation - Admissions & Rankings - Internet Culture - Education Policy - Specialty - Library & Research - Librarian Blogs - Miscellaneous

Buy Google Business Reviews - 100% Non-Drop,Safe,Real 5 Star Reviews.... - 0 views

    Buy Google Business Reviews Introduction Google is the world's largest search engine, and it's used by millions of people every day to find information on the web. That's why it's important for your business to get positive reviews from people who have used your products or services. If you want to know more about how you can buy google reviews and how they work, read on! Can you buy google reviews for your business? Yes, you can buy google reviews for your business. In fact, it's one of the most popular ways to get great customer feedback and improve your overall online presence. We've already covered why you should be buying google reviews here on our site, but let's take a deeper dive into what they are, how they work and if they're worth it (or not). Do you want to buy google reviews for your business? Buying Google reviews for your business is a great way to boost your ratings and get more positive reviews. But how do you go about it? And what are some of the best places to buy google reviews? We'll cover all that and more in this article. How can I get more positive Google ratings? If you're looking for more positive reviews, here are some tips: Respond to reviews that are negative. The best way to respond is by thanking the reviewer for their honest feedback and explaining how you will use it as a learning opportunity, or by offering a discount if they would like one or two more items from your store. Respond to reviews that are neutral or positive with an explanation that explains why your product/service was better than another similar product/service (but also highlights any benefits of using yours). This helps show customers why they should choose YOU over others in terms of quality and value! Responding to fake ones with facts about yourself can help combat this issue before it gets out of hand! Also try contacting the owner directly via email so they know what happened was not intentional; this may result in removing their acco
    Buy Google Business Reviews Introduction Google is the world's largest search engine, and it's used by millions of people every day to find information on the web. That's why it's important for your business to get positive reviews from people who have used your products or services. If you want to know more about how you can buy google reviews and how they work, read on! Can you buy google reviews for your business? Yes, you can buy google reviews for your business. In fact, it's one of the most popular ways to get great customer feedback and improve your overall online presence. We've already covered why you should be buying google reviews here on our site, but let's take a deeper dive into what they are, how they work and if they're worth it (or not). Do you want to buy google reviews for your business? Buying Google reviews for your business is a great way to boost your ratings and get more positive reviews. But how do you go about it? And what are some of the best places to buy google reviews? We'll cover all that and more in this article. How can I get more positive Google ratings? If you're looking for more positive reviews, here are some tips: Respond to reviews that are negative. The best way to respond is by thanking the reviewer for their honest feedback and explaining how you will use it as a learning opportunity, or by offering a discount if they would like one or two more items from your store. Respond to reviews that are neutral or positive with an explanation that explains why your product/service was better than another similar product/service (but also highlights any benefits of using yours). This helps show customers why they should choose YOU over others in terms of quality and value! Responding to fake ones with facts about yourself can help combat this issue before it gets out of hand! Also try contacting the owner directly via email so they know what happened was not intentional; this may result in removing their acco
Vahid Masrour

Training Day: Web 2.0 Extends Learning Environment - 0 views

    crossovers from web2.0 to e-learning are obvious... but thanks for writing them out.

SaaS product development - 10 views

Nowadays, the volume of applications for image recognition is also growing, find more. E-commerce, automotive, healthcare and gaming are expected to be the biggest players in the coming years. Big ...


Kristian Chartier

eLearn: Feature Article - E-learning 2.0 - 0 views

    • Kristian Chartier
      e-Learning stuff near bottom of the page
Sachin Yadav

Development - 10 views

Our MERN Stack developers help businesses build apps that are robust, dynamic, and interactive web solutions that adapt to evolving market demands.

Syed Amjad Ali

Ready to use templates for quality E-Learning courses! - 0 views

New trends, new styles and unique graphics for elearning templates available for rapid authoring tools; Articulate Storyline, Abode Captivate and Lectora: - Charts and Graphs - Engaging Slides - G...

Etemplates in india list of top elearning templates models e-templates for training courses

started by Syed Amjad Ali on 21 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
Raul Hugo

Tendencias de Web 2.0 aplicadas a la educación en línea - 5 views

  • En el caso de la educación, lo que muchas veces preocupa a las instituciones educativas es la libertad propuesta por Web 2.0 para la circulación libre de datos, pues en estas instituciones la información y experiencia de sus educadores es su principal producto
    • Raul Hugo
      Me parece un comentario muy acertado, conversando con el Prf. Sotelo en la Universidad la Cantuta de Perú, me dijo lo mismo, que el producto principal de ina institución educativa es la información y experiencia de sos maestros.
  • Un ejemplo de esto, sucede al buscar "arte" en De los primeros diez resultados que arroja la búsqueda, ocho son en inglés, y dos en francés (búsqueda realizada el 21 de noviembre de 2006). Estos resultados denotan que a pesar de los esfuerzos de estas compañías por detectar el idioma en que se hace la búsqueda, la ventaja se le da a los sitios en inglés. Por su parte, al hacer la misma búsqueda en, el resultado fue mucho más variado, con sitios en español, portugués, francés e inglés.
  • desde la explosión de Internet, la información está al alcance de todos. El profesor ha dejado de ser el orador sagrado, dispensador único de la ciencia. En consecuencia, su rol ha de ser definido
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • … las posibilidades técnicas de las nuevas herramientas no garantizan por sí mismas la activación de su potencial pedagógico y comunicacional, sin el juicio crítico en la toma de decisiones, en el diseño de proyectos y en el desarrollo de programas bien se puede suceder que la innovación tecnológica sólo sea un costoso y llamativo ropaje para viejas prácticas.
    Esta explicación de la web 2.0 y como aplicarla a la educacion a distancia, me agrado mucho
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