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Web application Development Company India - iStudio Technologies - 13 views

¡Hola a todos los jugadores peruanos! El sitio web registro on Melbet ofrece información detallada sobre la variedad de juegos disponibles en Melbet Casino. Me impresionó la amplia selección de tra...

technology app

y 9216

The Future of Search: Social Relevancy Rank - 0 views

  • Real-time Web search (of streams of activities) is a hot topic right now.
  • Solution 101: Rank by Friends and People You Follow
  • Here is an idea so obvious that it is surprising Twitter has not implemented it already: front-load search results with people you follow.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • This is not possible on Twitter today, but it already works great on FriendFeed.
  • Small Worlds and Taste Neighbors
  • As a next step, search results could rank people you may not be directly following but who are being followed by people you follow.
  • And now, as always, please tell us what you think? What would you expect from a search engine with Social Relevancy Rank built in?
  • someone who is followed by hundreds of thousands of users is likely more relevant to you than someone you don't know at all.
  • Using number of followers as a weight might be a good way to order the rest of the activity stream.
    • y 9216
  • The Quest for the Perfect Filter
  • Social Relevancy Rank will evolve over time to help us make sense of endless streams of activity. This ranking will have a profound impact on how we tap into our friends' opinions.
  • The Influencers and the Crowd
    FriendFeed has recently launched a search feature, and so Facebook search must be coming soon. Real-time Web search (of streams of activities) is a hot topic right now. Everyone, including Google and Microsoft, recognizes the value of using trusted contacts as filters. What was once called social search is now called real-time search, but this time it will really happen. First, it will be applied to streams and then to the Web in general. What we are about to get is a Social Relevancy Rank. Whenever you search streams of activity, the results will be ordered not chronologically but by how relevant each is to you based on your social graph. That is, people who matter more to you will bubble up. How does this work? Well, there will be a formula, just as there is a formula for Page Rank.
avivajazz  jazzaviva

BackupURL - 0 views

    BackupURL creates instant cached copies of web pages. The content of a web page stays the same while you share the link provided. The cached page can also be used for referencing or even mirroring data. The cached page will always be online (html,css,images) no matter whether the original site is up or down.
avivajazz  jazzaviva

ScrapBook Plus :: Add-ons for Firefox :: Remember Onfolio? - 5 views

    Replaces Onfolio. Fantastic for foldered archiving of webpages on your local drive.
Taylor South

What May Make Gclub a Legit Gambling Web Page? - 0 views

    A very good and extraordinary internet site contains all the important aspects about graphics, designing and advertising. Interesting web sites are developed by making use of competencies and ways which make their outlook special and amazing. An fantastic
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ProgrammableWeb: Web 2.0 Mashup Matrix - 1 views

    An experimental matrix of Web 2.0 mashups.
    Usage: Hover the cursor over any cell in the matrix. A small box gives details on mashups for that API combination. Top links in hover box bring you to that API's reference page. Links in body of hover box take you directly to the mashup. Not all combinations have mashups & only those with the 'º' indicator currently have entries. Cells at the intersection of same API (ex: Amazon+Amazon) list any other examples for that API.

    Note that there are two views into the matrix: the default view shows only those APIs for which mashups have been added to the database. The second view shows all APIs regardless of whether there's currently a mashup registered. It's big. Definitions: What is a mashup anyway? As always, it's good to check Wikipedia's definition, but essentially a "mashup" is a web-based application built through (creative) combination of data from multiple sources. Often, but by no means always, this data is retrieved by using a vendor's API such as those listed here. (An API? Also at Wikipedia.) Some recent press may also help explain: BusinessWeek's "Mix, Match and Mutate", The Economist's "Mashing the Web". Background: This is an experiment. It is intended to be both a reference point and also a visualization. What you see here today will change both in content and form shortly. I am quite interested in seeing the 'space' in which mashups exist. Clearly, some APIs such as Google Maps, appear to be more widely used than others. UI Issues: Cross-browser support is good but not complete. Sometimes it can b

Shambles Termly Newsletter Feb 09 now online - 21 views

shambles newsletter web2 teaching lerning international


Mommy Life: Alex is special! - card campaign for kicked-out kindergartner - 0 views

    This is the web page from that video I recently posted.
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