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Web application Development Company India - iStudio Technologies - 13 views

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started by istudiosmo on 06 Oct 18
  • istudiosmo
    As the best web application development company in India, we at iStudio Technologies provides the most valuable and splendid service in web app development. Holding more than a decade of experience in creating custom web application for diversified industrial players we are expertized in decoding our client needs and delivering spontaneous results through our updated service. We follow some proven and result oriented strategies that works very well and helps you to generate more clients.

    · Value to Money

    · On-time delivery

    · Market and client acquisition

    · Improved ROI

    Web application development services

    We at iStudio Technologies provide custom web application services in India that addresses and provide solutions to your entire business requirements.

    a) App-Integration and App Re-Engineering

    Web app-integration and web-app re-engineering services provided from us helps to figure out your requirements in designing, development, integration, testing, and deployment. Here we used to connect your pre-existing functionalities and data with our trending architectures and platforms.

    b) Technology Consulting

    We at iStudio Technologies provide complete web application technology consulting in India that meets your entire business requirement. We carry out an in-depth analysis to spot out your pain points and provide proper solutions to rejuvenate your business through web application.

    c) Custom Web Application Development

    Whether it is about creating a basic landing page or creating a highly complicated web solution, we are the best players in the industries who make you stand apart from the crowd through our extraordinary service. We at iStudio Technologies deliver custom web application services in India, which helps you to overcome all the business complexities and acquire more number of clients.

    d) Technology Update

    Getting upgraded with technology is found to be highly mandatory in today's business scenario; irrespective of the industry you belong you are bound to this upgradation. Same as it is also important to stay updated with technology stack, as a pioneer in web application development we always implement the trending and ongoing technology framework to develop web application for our clients.

    e) Website Maintenance and Quality Testing

    Focusing on creating website application doesn't make any dent in your business wallet, and you need to carryout few tasks apart from that to stay ahead of the competition. One among them is the website maintenance and testing, as the best website maintenance company in India, iStudio Technologies make sure your web application works in the error free mode 24*7.

    f) Project Building

    Being one of the top 10 web application development company in India, iStudio Technologies has a huge experience in upgrading the latest technologies and incorporating the same for changing business requirements. Hence we help all set of diversified industrial players to unbox their project requirements and create a succeeding strategy that would definitely make an impact in the web application arena.

    Our Technology Stack

    A) PHP WEB Development

    PHP web application services

    As the best PHP development company in India, iStudio Technologies makes the best use of this scripting language and keep updating with its versions to provide seamless service to their clients. This particular programming language has some striking feature which tends to be highly beneficial for the end user too.

    Once developed its application, this can be easily maintained due to its open-source nature, and this scripting language is found to be cost effective to acquire and flexible in handling enormous data. We work with some extraordinary PHP based frameworks to make complete use of its advantage and implement the same in our development. Hire dedicated PHP developers from us to bring in the real difference in your web application.

    Benefits we cater from different PHP framework

    · Our dedicated PHP resources get involve in efficient Laravel based web application development that brings in rich-features, high scalability and security to the application and also supports to complete it within the stipulated time frame.

    · We develop the most commanding application based on Cake PHP with the help of our developing team which brings in all its uniqueness together like object relational mapping, easy extendibility, CRUD scaffolding, test creation, building MVC pattern, and incorporating security.

    · Codeigniter based application delivered from iStudio Technologies will be fast, reliable and highly capable. Using this framework modular program can be easily handled which supports the compatibility with lot of web servers, various operating systems and platforms.

    B) Open Source Development

    Open source development services

    We at iStudio Technologies are the leading open source development company in India, who practice several strategic approaches to improve operational efficiency and reduce your spending in order to attain the business excellence. Our open source application web application development service is helpful in multiple ways like providing quality software, integrating management and enhancing enormous support for web application.

    As a promising open source service provider in India, iStudio Technologies makes great use of leading open source frameworks like Symfony, ASP.Net and Django to provide seamless web application service to their diversified client base.

    Benefits we cater from different open source framework

    · Symphony framework helps your business application to work fast by running fewer system resources, either you need to create a simple or complex web application Symfony will be the most suitable one. A lot of innovative features can be added to enterprise application using this framework and supports to maintain it for longer period.

    · We induce the efficiency of your business application through implementing ASP.NET framework and completely uses its advantage as it reusable codes and components helps companies to spend less amount on their applications. Assisted by some commendable features like private components and controlled code sharing it are easy to deploy any kind of application and moreover it is the most reliable framework with high performing server.

    · Using Django framework a specific project can be comprehended easily with less effort, this means it saves lot of operational time and money. As a fast loading framework this has become an ideal solution having primary focus with deadlines.

    C) Ruby on Rails Development

    Ruby on Rails development services

    As a start-up friendly development framework Ruby on Rails is highly preferred by upcoming businesses, we at iStudio Technologies provide bestRuby on Rails development services in India that encomposed with its complete benefits. As a framework Ruby on Rails caters several benefits to startups like cost-effectiveness, high quality, scalability and security in developing a custom web application.

    · Phoenix- Considered being a new-age development framework Phoenix is meant to be used for developing efficient web application and mobile application particularly. It single handedly serves 1 lakh users from its server without any obstacles. It also maintains a fantabulous connectivity between two different processes as it involves lot of background work. Adding upto the flame applications developed on this framework platform addresses and performs real-time state updates.

    · Sinatra- A web application with complete functionality can be created using Sinatra framework in a single file. This is a lightweight framework as it addresses essential requirements. Sinatra is more flexible than other frameworks as it is highly preferred for API implementation and it is well used for Ruby gems and Rack Middleware extensions.

    · Cuba- Cuba framework as a development platform gives better experience from its environment to users and high scalability. It gives complete privilege for the users to select from provided options to display the database, application servers, and cloud environment. Web applications based on Cuba framework can be easily deployed using single server.

    D) HTML5 Development

    HTML5 development services

    As the most promising language HTML keep updating with its versions and found to be beneficial for the industry always. As the top HTML5 development company in India, iStudio Technologies helps its clients to achieve the required efficacy through implementing HTML5 language. This version of HTML is found to be a game changer as it enhances accessibility, provide seamless service in streamlining videos, providing best local storage feature, and most importantly improves intractability of web application.

    HTML5 framework benefits

    · Bootstrap- This framework maintains high speed during the phase of development and implementation and assures 100% responsiveness with greater consistency. Web applications can be easily customized using this framework that incorporates required feature for business application; it also provides greater support during maintenance and helps to fix all the issues.

    · Sencha Touch- This framework is found to be highly compatible and we make a great use of it as it blends well with every operating system. Sencha holds the most defending set of responsive features in it like quick navigation and smooth browsing which is always on high demand. It has a beautiful set of API features that gets well connected with hardware.

    · Ionic Framework- Creating a web application based on Ionic framework caters several business benefits like elegant design, high performance and usage of extensible technology. A better design always generate good leads and Ionic is useful in that aspect, also it improves the overall performance of your website moreover it opens the gate of developing custom web app with the help of technology whenever necessary.

    E) UI/UX Development

    UI/UX development services

    The UI/UX development will be the decider of any web application as it strongly and directly influence the target audience and the exact online business. A well framed UI/UX design will definitely deliver some conspicuous benefits like customer acquisition, customer retention; minimal spending towards support, increases productivity and reduces development time. As a UI/UX service provider in India, iStudio Technologies ensures that their clients attain these benefits from their service.

    Features of UI/UX

    · A highly influencing and relevant content design

    · Incorporating personalization to the core adds advantage

    · Prevalence of seamless Omni channel enhances user experience

    · Impressive and relevant images hold the grip

    · Adding full-screen videos will turn the table

    · Bold typography will be the representation of trends

    F) Nodejs Development

    Nodejs development services

    As the best Nodejs development company in India, iStudio Technologies incorporate the benefits of this particular framework which is found to be event-driven, non-blocking I/O model and a light weight component. It carries out some unique specialties like speed, efficiency, easily accessible and has lot of reusable components.

    Nodejs framework benefits

    · Sails.js- This promising framework from Node.js is highly scalable, productive and performs well in every single aspect. This framework helps to load a file automatically holding it as one of its functionality, this framework also undergoes automatic configuration. Sails.js directly integrates Socket.IO in its functionalities and it also uses respective alternatives to get rid of Socket.IO if needed.

    · Nestjs- This particular framework takes great care of Node.JS by maintaining its server side application in an efficacious and scalable way. Nestjs uses modern javascript in its functionalities and it is well supported by Typescript.

    · Meteor.JS- Framing a web application or mobile application in the Meteor framework platform has lot of in-built benefits like cross-platform accessibility and reduced Time to Market (TTM) in developing the entire application. The entire work can be completed in a couple of days and the users can expect quicker results. With less number of codes this framework is built in real time which in turn saves time and effort for both the stake players (developers and users as well)

    G) Expressjs Development

    Expressjs development services

    Expressjs is found to be an established web application framework that works well in lightweight, interactive and enterprise oriented web applications. As the top Expressjs development company in India, iStudio Technologies builds a strong API based on Java-script and other front-end system like API. We have mighty experience with Expressjs in order to provide our clients with accomplished service like making the website work faster, customize and configure easily, permits to route the application and middleware modules through which some additional tasks where performed like Jade, Vash, and EJS.

    Features of Express.js

    · Express.js highly supports MVC architecture

    · Building restful API in express.js is faster when compared to other frameworks

    · As stated before you can use templating languages like Jade or EJS that reduces the amount of HTML code to be written in a page

    · Here you can use relational database like MySQL and it can also be implemented in a simple way

    · It provides highly convenient routing tools for web-server that implements modular middleware pattern which is used to process different requests

    H) Reactjs Development

    Reactjs development services

    As the leading Reactjs development company in India, iStudio Technologies provide seamless web application services to its clients using the functionality of reactjs. This web development framework is found to be SEO friendly, highly focused towards user interface, enhances efficiency and contribute towards easiness of usability.

    Features of Reactjs

    · Reactjs helps to create highly dynamic and interactive web application that presents functionalities in a simple and elegant way.

    · React as framework always holds a copy of a DOM object present in it, this is called one way data binding and hence it is found to be easy process to manipulate virtual DOM instead of updating the original DOM on screen.

    · React has its own event system which is highly compatible of W3C object model hence it is capable of providing a cross-browser functionality to the native event.

    · By implementing one way data-binding with application architecture called Flux, reactjs used to control the entire workflow of the application.

    · Everything is component in React framework as the entire web page is divided into small components to enhance the scope of User-Interface.

    I).Net Framework Development

    .Net framework development services

    As the best .net development company in India, iStudio Technologies keep embracing with the latest technologies of web application framework to provide hassle free .net based development services. Our .net development carries some unique features like easy deployment, reliability, security, cross platform access and integration with legacy systems.

    Features of .NET framework 4.7.2

    · Improved accessibility in this .NET version provides enhanced user experience in the application which is developed.

    · Lot of cryptographic enhancement has been done to upgrade the security assisted with better decompression support from ZIP archives and using additional number of APIs.

    · Easy and efficient development with regular and structured programming model

    · Flexible with various programming languages available in a secured way

    · Provides horizontal capability and best UI practices which are more constant

    J) MEAN Stack Development

    MEAN stack development services

    As the top MEAN stack development company in India, iStudio Technologies combines the master frameworks like MongoDB, Expressjs, Nodejs and AngularJS in the right way to attain maximum benefits. Since this framework is found to be a multi combinational one it caters the most diversified set of benefits like high flexibility, cost effectiveness, extreme speed, reliability, reusability, open source and cloud compatibility.

    Features of Mean stack framework

    · Extensive code sharing and reusable codes have really made a dent in the wallet of MEAN stack framework to be adopted by any businesses.

    · As a highly preferred stack of startups this one holds the perk of high speed and performance due to the very existence of additional frameworks, libraries, and reusable modules.

    · One core advantage of using MEAN stack for development is it increases the overall team efficiency and helps to meet the Time to Market status as everyone uses the single JavaScript.

    · Since Node.js holds the centricity of MEAN stack it assures some sky high performance compared to other programming languages like PHP, Python and Ruby.

    · Abundant number of Java developers is available in software market as it is a great niche for any business to acquire them easily.


    As the leading web application development company in India, iStudio Technologies provides best application framework to the most diversified set of industrial players which enhances their presence and improves their position in the particular business region. We are the fair player who provides equal amount of quality for our clients who are varied in different aspects like size, business, and industry.

    · Healthcare

    · Hospitality

    · Retail

    · Ecommerce

    · Banking

    · Finance

    · Academics

    · Construction

    · Social networking

    · Manufacturing

    · Real estate

    · Energy

    · Logistics

    · Media & Entertainment

    Our workflow - web application development

    We at iStudio Technologies provide custom web application development services in India by following a well-structured and result oriented workflow approach to deliver the expected results to our clients.

    Step1: Requirement gathering

    This is the initial stage of web application development where we used to gather enough requirements from our clients in order to avoid miscommunication and unnecessary errors in the work. This is done through having regular interaction with the client.

    Step2: web application development

    Once the requirements were gathered, we carry forward with developing the application. Here we split up the work and work functionality and then combine it together. Post the work on functionality is completed we combine them together to bring a clear picture and fix the loop holes if exists.

    Step3: Final Testing

    As an end-to-end service provider in web application, iStudio Technologies make sure it brings zero error when delivering the web application to the clients. Hence we focus more on testing part to ensure the efficacy of the application developed.

    Our benefits- web application development

    We at iStudio Technologies provide custom web application services in India, by making best use of our existing technology stack and keep enhancing our skills by servicing various clients from different industries.

    · 11+ years of experience

    · Highly competitive set of developers

    · 100% client satisfaction

    · High quality

    · On time delivery
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