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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Matt G


Academic Fit of Student-Athletes: An Analysis of NCAA Division I-A Graduation Rates - 3 views

    Ferris, Eric, Mark Finster, and David McDonald. "Academic Fit of Student-Athletes: An Analysis of NCAA Division I-A Graduation Rates." Research in Higher Education 45.6 (2004), 555-575. Ohio Link. Web. 19 Nov 2010. A study was conducted using the graduation rates of college student athletes in order to determine their legitimacy. Researchers concluded that graduation rates alone cannot account for the lower rates among athletes. They say that there are numerous factors that affect this, including admissions standards and wealth of the institution. The study also discusses the relationship between admissions and educational attainment. The study concludes with hopefully providing a model that promotes both academic and athletic excellence.

The Effects of Higher Admission Standards on NCAA Student-Athletes: An Analysis of Prop... - 5 views

    Price, Joshua A. "The Effects of Higher Admission Standards on NCAA Student-Athletes: An Analysis of Proposition 16." Journal of Sports Economics 11.4 (2010), 363-382. Ohio Link. Web. 19 Nov. 2010 This was a study done to determine the effect an increase in minimum admission standards would have on student-athletes. This was done for a few reasons, but primarily to increase the graduation rates of athletes. It also shows that because of the increase in admission standards, more athletes began transferring from division two schools. The proposition required a higher GPA and standardized test scores from high school athletes in order to play college athletics. The graduation rates, beginning at 52%, increased annually for many years.

A Comparison of Athletes and Non-Athletes at Highly Selective Colleges: Academic Perfor... - 3 views

    Aries, Elizabeth, et al. "A Comparison of Athletes and Non-Athletes at Highly Selective Colleges: Academic Performance and Personal Development." Research in Higher Education 45.6 (2004), 577-602. Ohio Link. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. This was a study that compared athletes and non-athletes at highly selective colleges. First, it compares conclusions people have come to about student-athletes. On one hand, some believe that athletics help to develop the person in a wide variety of ways. On the other hand, some believe it takes up too much time and takes away from their academics. This study basically shows that it varies from person to person, depending on the particular school they attend.

Class and cleats: Community college student athletes and academic success - 2 views

    Horton Jr., David. "Class and cleats: Community college student athletes and academic success." New Directions for Community Colleges 2009.147 (2009): 15-27. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. This articles talks about the impact of athletic participation on community college students. Since these schools do not profit greatly from sports, their motives are discussed. Community colleges pride themselves in providing access to higher level learning. This is especially true when it come to minorities because it gives them the chance at an education. Clearly, the motives of these schools are very different than those of elite athletic universities.

Athletes going to college get 'special' treatment - 4 views

    Schrotenboer, By Brent. "Athletes Going to College Get 'special' Treatment | The San Diego Union-Tribune." San Diego News, Local, California and National News - Web. 19 Nov. 2010. . This articles talks about how some students are accepted at schools even though their grades don't meet the regular admission standards. They call these students "special admits" which include athletes. 70% of scholarship athletes at UCLA were accepted as special admits. On the other hand, only 3% of the regular student body was accepted as special admits. The article stresses the point that the athletic department should not be included in the admissions process.

Grading College Athletes - 3 views

    Rampell, By Catherine. "Grading College Athletes -" The Economy and the Economics of Everyday Life - Economix Blog - Web. 19 Nov. 2010. . This article discusses the fact that athletes do worse in school than non-athletes. The gap between the grades of recruited athletes and non-athletes continues to grow. The grades of male recruited athletes continue to drop. This raises the question of the effect of athletics on education. Are they getting enough attention or too much?

New Grades on Academic Progress Show Widespread Failings Among Teams - 5 views

    Suggs, Welch. "New Grades on Academic Progress Show Widespread Failings Among Teams." Chronicle of Higher Education 51.27 (2005): A40-A42. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 19 Nov. 2010 This article focuses on the NCAA progress rates over a period of years. It was clear that the progress of basketball and football players were relatively low. Also, the impact of the standards of college sports is discussed. Almost half of top level college football and basketball players are not expected to graduate. This staggering statistic raises many questions about the treatment of college athletes.

WINNING AT WHAT? - 2 views

    Ginsburg, Richard D., and Rich Lillash. "WINNING AT WHAT?." Independent School 66.4 (2007): 18-28. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. This article asks the question of how schools define "winning" with their student-athletes. Should it be a diverse person with all around success, or is it excellence in a singular sport? The truth is that people are now trying to focus on one sport in order to gain a scholarship. The problem with this is that it draws the student athlete away from other valued activities. The desire to specialize conflicts with many schools' core values.

Admission Preferences for Minority Students, Athletes, and Legacies at Elite Universities. - 5 views

    Espenshade, Thomas J., Chung Chang Y., and Joan L. Walling. "Admission Preferences for Minority Students, Athletes, and Legacies at Elite Universities." Social Science Quarterly (Blackwell Publishing Limited) 85.5 (2004): 1422-1446. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. This was a study done to show the preference different types of applicants receive. Applicants who receive an SAT score of over 1500, are African American, and are recruited athletes are given preference. The athletic admission "advantage" continues to grow. Elite colleges are giving preference to athletes who do not necessarily deserve to be accepted into their school. Colleges continue to extend preferences to students of numerous abilities.

"Faculty and male student athletes: racial differences in the environmental predictors ... - 2 views

    Comeaux, Eddie, and C. Keith Harrison. "Faculty and male student athletes: racial differences in the environmental predictors of academic achievement." Race, Ethnicity & Education 10.2 (2007): 199-214. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 3 Nov. 2010. This article is talking about how outside environmental variables affect the academic achievements of college athletes. It also talks about the varying types of athlete to faculty interaction. A certain study shows that black and white athletes do not benefit equally from this interaction. The author is inferring that black and white athletes are treated much differently, in some situations at least. Faculty and students are now discussing how to fix this problem in order to improve communication and the experience of college athletics.
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