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Matthew B

Financial Literacy of Young Adults: The Importance of Parental Socialization. - 1 views

    Jorgensen, Bryce L., and Jyoti Savla. "Financial Literacy of Young Adults: The Importance of Parental Socialization." Family Relations 59.4 (2010): 465-478. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. The article is in short summarized by the title. The article suggests that young adults who have a strong family background, and have received financial knowledge from either their parents, or a close mentor, will do much better with managing their finances. The journal's main emphasis was to show which parts of financial literacy was influenced by these standards. Although most students financial knowledge was no greater then the next, most that came from a strong family background had higher financial behavior and financial attitude.
Matthew B

Financial Literacy Among the Young - 1 views

    LUSARDI, ANNAMARIA, OLIVIA S. MITCHELL, and VILSA CURTO. "Financial Literacy among the Young." Journal of Consumer Affairs 44.2 (2010): 358-380. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 17 Nov. This article will be very strong for my paper. For the purpose of my research paper, I would like to focus on young adults. This journal article is directed specifically towards that. In the journal, there was a study done on high school and college level aged students who were asked questions regarding inflation, interest rates, and risk diversification. The best part of this article is that it show that students who are from a solid background, or have been to college, know much more about financiall literacy and how their money will spent in the future. I can use much of this information and studies in my paper.
Jill S

The Relationship Between "Textisms" and Formal and Informal Writing Among Young Adults - 1 views

    Rosen, Larry D., et al. "The Relationship Between "Textisms" and Formal and Informal Writing Among Young Adults." Communication Research 37.3 (2010): 420-440. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. This article is about whether or not there is a connection between textisms and the quality of writing. There has been an overwhelming increase in the use of text messaging, and in some cases young adults use messages more than talking. Two studies were performed trying to determine if there is a relationship, because not much research has been completed. On top of that most of the research has yielded different results. These two studies did not see a connection between the use of textisms and formal writing, but it did between the use of textisms and informal writing.
Jill S

The Relationship Between "Textisms" and Formal and Informal Writing Among Young Adults. - 5 views

    Rosen, Larry D., et al. "The Relationship Between "Textisms" and Formal and Informal Writing Among Young Adults." Communication Research 37.3 (2010): 420-440. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. This article is about whether or not there is a connection between textisms and the quality of writing. There has been an overwhelming increase in the use of text messaging, and in some cases young adults use messages more than talking. Two studies were performed trying to determine if there is a relationship, because not much research has been completed. On top of that most of the research has yielded different results. These two studies did not see a connection between the use of textisms and formal writing, but it did between the use of textisms and informal writing.
Erin H

Financial Literacy of Young Adults: The Importance of Parental Socialization - 1 views

    Jorgensen, Bryce, Jyoti Savla. "Financial Literacy of young adults: The importance of Parental Socialization." Journal of Family Relations 59.4 (2010): 465-478. Ebsco. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. This article tests the idea that parents influence their young on topics such as finances. There are survey results that show parental influence had an impact on the students and their financial outlook. There is also an enormous influence on financial behavior and attitude.
Angela D

Controlling Images, Media, and Women's Development: A Review of the Literature. - 2 views

    Hammer, Tonya R. "Controlling Images, Media, and Women's Development: A Review of the Literature." Journal of Creativity in Mental Health 4.3 (2009): 202-216. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 21 Nov. 2010. From a young age children, especially girls are told or shown what is acceptable for them to look like. The main forms they are shown this is through movies, television, and advertising. Advertising in particular starts at a young age forming children's opinions of what is normal. This is true for both men and women. They are shown this specifically through stereotypes of each gender to form what they should look like, act like, and with whom they should befriend.
Peter W

Reducing Underage and Young Adult Drinking: How to Address Critical Drinking Problems D... - 2 views

    Talks about the major risk and protective factors are being identified and integrated into screening, prevention, and treatment programs to optimize interventions designed to reduce drinking problems among adolescents and young adults. It then goes in to how the different strategies used to combat underage drinking and whether or not they are effective. Windle, Michael, and Robert A. Zucker. "Reducing Underage and Young Adult Drinking: How to Address Critical Drinking Problems During This Developmental Period." Alcohol Research & Health 33.1/2 (2010): 29-44. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 17 Nov. 2010.
Joseph M

Universal Usability Web Design Guidelines for the Elderly (Age 65 and Older) - 1 views

    Zhao, Haixia. "Universal Usability Web Design Guidelines for the Elderly (Age 65 and Older)." Universal Universibility in Practice. April 2001. Web. 22 November 2010. This website has many studied and information involving the computer use of the elderly and thier opinions of computers in comparisoin with other age classes. It has a study that says that the outlooks of computers from the perspective of the elderly aren't very different at all from the perspective of a young adult. It shines a new light on the age old thought that senior citizens do not like computers, they may just not know how to use them.
Erin H

Financial Literacy for Kids: Money Lessons Should Start Young - 1 views

    Keer, Gregory. "Financial Literacy for Kids: Money Lessons Should Start Young." Parenthood. Dominion Enterprises. n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. This article talks about how fast students are getting themselves into debt, and what should be done to help kids become financially independent. The article also talks about the ways in which you can teach someone to save money.
Kathleen P

Using Music to Support the Literacy Development of Young English Language - 2 views

    Paquette, Kelli, and Sue Rieg. "Using Music to Support the Literacy Development of Young English Language Learners." Early Childhood Education Journal 36.3 (2008): 227-232. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. Music is a way to let children experience learning in a different way. The article talked about how by learning and singing songs they are learning literacy and exploring ideas that are not brought up in the common classroom, such as creativity in the art.\n"Whether children listen to the ''music'' of the rain, popular chil- dren's songs, or make their own musical compositions, important skills, such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking are developed. In an early childhood classroom, a musically, literacy-rich environment will generate interest, encourage creativity, and set the stage for a positive learning environment.
Kirsten G

Texting 'is no bar to literacy' - 4 views

    Ward, Lucy. "Texting 'is no bar to literacy.'" The Gaurdian, 23 Dec. 2004. Web. 21 Nov. 2010. The causes and effects of texting for young kids is debated in this article. At a young age kids are more prone to text and be more technologically savvy. However, their literacy is effected by the amount of texting they do. Children that text less write more. Therefore, children that text more, write less and are less involved in their writing abilities. I will use this information in describing the effects of texting at young ages.
Angela D

Comparison of Media‐Literacy Programs to Strengthen College Women's Resistanc... - 3 views

    Irving, L. M. and Berel, S. R. "Comparison of Media-Literacy Programs to Strengthen College Women's Resistance to Media Images." Psychology of Women Quarterly. 25 (2001): 103-111. Wiley Online Library. Web. 3 Nov. 2010. This article is talking about the results of a study that was done among college aged women. It was to see the effects of media images on their body image. It was done with 110 undergraduate women to see what they thought about the images the media was projecting toward them and how it effects how they see themselves. It was also done to see what would help stop this from continuing to happen to these young women. Throughout the study it was shown that with the help of this "intervention" the women began to question whether or not the images were really what ideal beauty looks like. This shows that through media literacy something like this can be stopped and women can feel better about their body image.
Caroline P

How Does Alcohol Advertising Influence Underage Drinking? The Role of Desirability, Ide... - 1 views

    Austin, Enca Weintraub, Meng-Jin Chen, and Joel W. Grube. "How Does Alcohol Advertising Influence Underage Drinking? The Role of Desirability, Identification, and Skepticism." Journal of Adolescent Health. 30 aug. 2005. Wed. 16 Nov. 2010. This article discusses how media can be persuasive towards young adults. Media for alcohol can led to the wrong idea for theses teens. Media effects teens beliefs of alcohol by making drinking look desired. Teens are also more likely to copy their favorite or a cool character who is drinking alcohol. Media does affect the decision making process for children and teens.
Lia F

Storytelling as a Constructivist Model for Developing Language and Literacy - 2 views

    Palmer, Barbara C., Shelly J. Harshbarger, and Cindy A. Koch. "Storytelling as a Constructivist Model for Developing Language and Literacy." Journal of Poetry Therapy 14.4(2001): 199-212. OhioLINK. Web. 3 Nov. 2010. This article lists the benefits of storytelling to young children. When teachers or any adult tells children stories it increases their vocabulary and their listening and reading comprehension. Through story telling, children also learn how to construct a story. They learn what the beginnning, middle, and end are. Once theyl learn how to construct a story, they begin to learn how to write their own stories. Storytelling greatly benefits children's literacy.
Caroline P

Harmful Consequences of Alcohol Use on the Brains of Children, Adolescents, and College... - 2 views

    American Medical Association. "Harmful Consequences of Alcohol Use on the Brains of Children, Adolescents, and College Students." American Medical Association. Web. 3 Nov. 2010. This article by the American Medical Association talks about how television exposure has harmful effects on children and adolescents, when it comes to underage drinking. The exposure of young children, adolescents, and college students to television that had alcohol in it increases the chances of underage drinking. The damaging effects on the brains of alcohol on this age groups brains can be permanent. Television ads make drinking alcohol seem like the normal thing to do so they think its okay to do. These alcohol companies have mascots, other characters, and even slogans geared toward people who are underage.
Eric B

Coach Bombay's Kids Learn to Write: "Children's Appropriation of Media Material for Sch... - 1 views

    This focuses on the involvement of media in life today. This article mainly focuses on the involvement of media in young children's lives. It compares the differences of the affects of having media involvement vs. not having media involvement.
Alysa S

Parents' Perceptions of Professional Support for the Emergent Literacy of Young Childre... - 6 views

    Brennan, Susan A., Gayle J. Luze, and Carla Peterson. "Parents' Perceptions of Professional Support for the Emergent Literacy of Young Children with Visual Impairments." Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness 103.10 (2009): 694-704. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 16 Nov. 2010. A survey was taken of parents who are raising a visually impaired child. The survey concentrated on what types of activities parents engaged with their child. The survey found that it was important for parents to read out loud to the children because it helped them understand "book related" concepts. Concepts such as turning the page, reading left to right, and understanding that books relay a message. This article also states that a parents cannot offer the support their child needs without professional help. Often times parents want to read to their child, but find that they don't know how to go about it, or even what books they should read to them. The article lastly states that parents should also learn Braille. This will open up more opportunities and experiences that a child can have. An experience such as having time as a family to learn Braille and make it a more fun and enjoyable experience for the child.
Angela D

Using Visual Literacy to Help Adolescents Understand How Images Influence Their Lives - 1 views

    Zambo, Debby M. "Using Visual Literacy to Help Adolescents Understand How Images Influence Their Lives." Teaching Exceptional Children 41.6 (2009): 60-67. Communication & Mass Media Complete. EBSCO. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. Children all over the world are greatly effected by the media because they are still learning who they are. The media images they see make them believe that is who they should be and who they should be around. This is not always the most ideal person for a young child to aspire to be. These images effect children and even-more-so effect children with disabilities who have an even harder time fitting in with other children and accepting themselves. These images show them what they are suppose to be like and who their friends should be and this is why media literacy is so important.
Alyssa B

Multicultural Literature and Young Adolescents: A Kaleidoscope of Opportunity - 2 views

    Landt, Susan M. "Multicultural literature and young adolescents: A kaleidoscope of opportunity." Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 49.8 (2006): 690-697. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 17 Nov. 2010. In this article, Susan Landt focuses on the importance of integrating multicultural literature into studies, especially at the adolescent level. Introducing multicultural literature into the classroom is necessary in providing a wider view that opens students to insights of other cultures. Landt claims that if multicultural literature were an integrated part of education teachers wouldn't be struggling to incorporate diversity and multicultural education in their classes. Several important reasons for this assimilation is to acknowledge the many cultures and their contributions to the world. It also helps to bring children into contact with other cultures and helps them to develop awareness at an early age, which will encourage respect for all peoples.
Grant H

Physical Fitness, Adiposity, and Metabolic Risk Factors in Young College Students - 2 views

    Sacheck, Jennifer, Julia Kuder, Christina Economos. "Physical Fitness, Adiposity, and Metabolic Risk Factors in Young College Students." Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 42.6 (Jun 2010): 1039-44. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 21 Nov. 2010. In this study, the health of college students was measured in several different categories. The article explains the technique for determining the different aspect of the students health.
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