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John Evans

Education World: A Paradigm Shift for Student Engagement - 3 views

    ""There just isn't enough time to integrate technology and adequately cover the curriculum." "What will happen next year when they go to a new classroom and realize school is work and not all 'fun and games?' You're setting them up for disappointment." "Playing games all day just isn't good teaching." Sentiments like these echo in the hallways and classrooms, offices, and teachers' lounges across the nation. Technology can be an important tool that helps teachers teach and students learn. But are we utilizing it to its fullest potential?"
Dennis OConnor

YouTube - RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms - 0 views

  • This animate was adapted from a talk given at the RSA by Sir Ken Robinson, world-renowned education and creativity expert and recipient of the RSA's Benjamin Franklin award.For more information on Sir Ken's work visit:
    This is an amazing illustration of Sir Kenneth Robinson's presentation on schooling in the 21st century.  It's fascinating to watch an illustrator create a visual map of Robinson's ideas as they are spoken.  The content of the presentation is enormously important to any educator struggling to change the system.  It's even more important to those who've been subdued and mislead by old ideas into thinking they can't learn or create.
Phil Taylor

The death of the digital native: four provocations from Digifest speaker, Donna Lanclos... - 0 views

  • A very different paradigm is 'visitor and resident'1. Instead of talking about these essentialised categories of native and immigrant, we should be talking about modes of behaviour
  • A very different paradigm is 'visitor and resident'1. Instead of talking about these essentialised categories of native and immigrant, we should be talking about modes of behaviour
John Evans

How A Classroom Of iPads Changed My Approach To Learning - Edudemic - 5 views

    "By recognizing that our prior experience with ICT had created paradigms that constrained our thinking, we are starting to glimpse new learning opportunities made possible by one-to-one integration of iPads. Rather than viewing iPads as substitutes for other technologies (including paper), it is our view that iPads can be used as tools and environments for learning that allow for deeper and more diverse engagements.  Our journey with iPads in learning continues."
Phil Taylor

TechLearning: No more paper, no more books - 3 views

  • effective infrastructure, delivery systems, and content are only half the story. The more exhilarating half of the story involves changing the classroom paradigm.
  • Try out this HOT (higher order thinking) challenge
  • f you like taking notes with a pen and paper, take a look at one of the LiveScribe smartpens.
John Evans

Teaching with Technology in the Middle: Finding new hope for research papers (and a new... - 0 views

  • I had just about accepted that research papers were lifeless, when a few weeks ago I tried out an idea for a project with my students that has given me new hope.  The project, a research paper, was a little different than anything I had done with my classes before, and I began it before I fully had my head around where it would go.   It combined a novel we had just finished, The Hunger Games, with a little brainstorming, some Diigo assisted web research, and a lot of writing.  The result was paradigm shifting.
Phil Taylor

Jeff Bezos Owns the Web in More Ways Than You Think | Magazine - 2 views

  • It is a third gadget, the long-awaited Amazon tablet called the Kindle Fire, that represents his company’s most ambitious leap into the hearts, minds, and wallets of millions of consumers.
  • the Fire is an emblem of a post-web world, in which our devices are simply a means for us to directly connect with the goodies in someone’s data center.
  • Amazon, on the other hand, is a content-focused company—almost half of its revenue comes from sales of media like books, music, TV shows
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • This keeps iPads tethered to the paradigm of local storage, putting a premium on machines with more memory (which cost hundreds of dollars more). Amazon, by contrast, emphasizes streaming.
John Evans

untitled - 0 views

  • According to William Rust, research director for the IT research and consulting firm Gartner, there is a new digital divide occurring in schools. Whereas this divide used to refer to whether or not students had access to technology, now it concerns whether schools are using technology effectively to achieve results.
  • Regarding the changing nature of learners, Gartner believes that so-called "digital natives" will demand, and need, new types of learning experiences.
  • "The biggest shift we're seeing right now is student preference shifting from print to digital resources," Rust noted. "It's all about the web."
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  • And technology's broad accessibility, Gartner believes, is changing the paradigm for how students receive instruction. Like the growing trend of telecommuting to work, Rust predicted, virtual and distance education soon will trump the delivery of instruction via brick-and-mortar classrooms.
Dennis OConnor

Boise State Mixes Emerging Tech into Education - 0 views

  • “What we’re talking about is a completely different shift in that paradigm where you as a learner have some choice," Haskell said. “You can choose your own way through the curriculum. You can choose the activities that you want to participate in and eliminate those that don’t fit into your comfort zone or interest.”
    Quest based learning platform?  A very edgy idea.
Natalia Giacosa

Critical Thinking and Technology - 0 views

  • to recapture the significance of our inquiries,
  • We must help them understand why anyone might want to solve this problem or answer this question. We must remind them of the connection between today's smaller question and the larger issues.
  • faith in their ability to succeed, if we ask about their attitudes and their values as well as about their ability to understand, if we act excited, and if we ask them both to understand abstract concepts and to see the relevance of those concepts to people's lives. We must appeal directly to their curiosity.
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • teaching students to understand, analyze, synthesize, evaluate evidence, and so forth.
  • specific abstract reasoning capacities.
  • ess telling and more asking.
  • bring models of knowledge with them to our classes, preconceptions that have a profound influence on what they think they learn and how they react to what we tell them.
  • Relatively few people have fixed styles of learning in which they can learn from only one kind of experience, but many people do have learning personalities in which they often express preference for one approach or another.
  • If we provide that diversity, we can speak to different personalities while encouraging everyone to expand their preferences, and to consider the joys of learning in new ways.
  • feel comfortable,
  • uneasiness, the tension that stems from intellectual excitement, curiosity, challenge, and intense concern with a particular question, the tension that emerges primarily from the questions that we ask, the challenges that we issue,
  • provisions an author must make are the ones that lead a student to rectify incorrect responses.
  • work collaboratively in solving important problems.
  • Think about uncovering it so your students can better understand it.
  • sustained, substantial, and positive influence on the way they think, act, or feel)
  • solve
  • create
  • a sense of control over their own education;
  • work will be considered fairly and honestly
  • try, fail, and receive feedback from expert learners
  • Good Practice Emphasizes Time on Task
  • paradigms of reality are students likely to bring with them that I will want them to challenge
  • challenge students to rethink their assumptions and examine their mental models of reality?
John Evans

Critical Knowledge: 4 Domains More Important Than Academics - TeachThought - 1 views

    "As academic standards shift, technology evolves, and student habits change, schools are being forced to consider new ways of framing curriculum and engaging students in the classroom, and project-based learning is among the most successful and powerful of these possibilities. Of course, content knowledge matters. It's hard to be creative with ideas you don't understand. Academics and their 'content'-organized in the form of 'content areas' like literature, math, and science-are timeless indexes of the way we have come to understand the world around us through stories, patterns, numbers, measurements, and empirical data. The idea here, though, is that we (i.e., the field of public education) have become distracted with academics. Knowledge is only useful insofar as students tend to use that knowledge as they grow into adults that live through doing so. Studying philosophy or physics or poetry but not living through them-that's the difference between knowledge and academics."
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