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John Evans

creatingaPLN » home - 0 views

    joevans · My Wikis · My Mail · My Account · Help · Sign Out · wikispaces *This page can only be edited by organizers of this wiki.homeProtected * pagesubmenu o print o what links here? o rename o delete o redirect o unlock o view source * discussion * history * notify me Protected Welcome to our resource wiki for: Personal Learning Networks: The Power of the Human Network Judith Epcke (@jepcke) and Scott Meech (@smeech) Locations of visitors to this page Bold Italic Underline Color and Style Ordered List Unordered List Horizontal Rule Insert Link Remove Link Insert Images and Files Embed Widget Insert Table Insert Special Character Insert Code Cancel none Optional: a note about this edit for the page history log Optional: tags for this page, separated by commas Cancel Note that the content you create on is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 License. Please only submit content that you write yourself or that is in the public domain. Learn more about our open content policy. Insert a File Double click an image or file to insert it into the page. Show: please wait... Page: Jump: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Double clicking a file: inserts the file links to the file Upload New File notUploading Insert External Image by URL Enter an external image address, click "Load", then double click the image to insert it into the page. * Wikispaces Wikispaces * Video Video * Audio Audio * Calendar Calendar * Spreadsheet Spreadsheet * Document Document * Polls Polls * RSS Feed RSS Feed * Chat and IM Chat and IM * Slideshow Slideshow * Map Map * Bookmark Bookmark * Other HTML Other HTML Choose the category of application you would like to embed from the list on the left. Choose the kind of content you would like
John Evans

Personalize Learning: Starting Small but Dreaming Big to Personalize Learning - 1 views

    "At Branson Junior High, our amazing team of teachers and principals, along with the encouraging support of our school district superintendents to be innovative with a purpose, are on a journey to personalize learning for every child. We are starting small, but dreaming big and have already experienced some momentous transformations in our school culture. At this school year's kick-off orientation event for parents and learners, we built on the familiar analogy of a go-kart track to communicate the vision of personalized learning at BJH (Branson, MO is a big tourist destination in mid-America). Most junior high/middle school aged kids would be excited to hear their parents say they were going to the go-kart track for a night out of family fun. However, if when they arrived at the track the parent asked the attendant for a two-seater go-kart and then directed their son/daughter to climb in the passenger seat, the child's excitement level would immediately deflate. You can easily picture in your mind's eye the typical response a child would have to their parent's action: "I thought we were here to have fun?! Can't we each have our own go-kart to drive?" Likewise, if we desire fully engaged and responsible learners, then we must provide them the opportunities to drive their own go-kart. Just like a go-kart track, we set-up safe boundaries, provide some initial guidance, but then let the learner buckle-up and drive!"
John Evans

Teens, Social Media & Technology Overview 2015 | Pew Research Center's Internet & Ameri... - 2 views

    "24% of teens go online "almost constantly," facilitated by the widespread availability of smartphones. Aided by the convenience and constant access provided by mobile devices, especially smartphones, 92% of teens report going online daily - including 24% who say they go online "almost constantly," according to a new study from Pew Research Center. More than half (56%) of teens - defined in this report as those ages 13 to 17 - go online several times a day, and 12% report once-a-day use. Just 6% of teens report going online weekly, and 2% go online less often."
John Evans

How to Quickly Create Beautiful Abstract Wallpapers for iOS 7 - 0 views

    "Many have noticed that iOS 7′s overall appearance is largely dependent on the devices wallpaper, and a good or bad wallpaper can make or break the look of things along with general usability, particularly for the home screen. It turns out that some of the best looking wallpapers on iOS 7 are very abstract, multicolored, blurry images, and that's what we're going to focus on making here. I've sort of perfected a quick formula for creating nice wallpapers in iOS 7 directly on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, using an excellent free photo editing app called Snapseed. Snapseed is really great at making very nice professional looking photo adjustments on the go, but we're going to use it to go the other direction; make a bad photo look even worse, thus creating an abstract blurred image that actually makes an excellent wallpaper."
John Evans

Beyond Makerspaces: Why We Created an xLab at Our School - A.J. Juliani - 1 views

    "I cringe when people ask me, "Are you handy?" Partly because I don't consider myself to be the best with tools, but also because it is asking me to judge whether or not I'm capable of fixing, making, or crafting something. Here's the thing, I didn't know how to put new shower tiles in and patch up my existing dry wall with cement board when we had a leak last year…but I had a friend help get me started, I watched a few DIY Youtube videos, looked at some articles online, and now I know how to do that (although not too well). The same thing happens in high schools all the time. The "handy" kids go to shop class, the "artsy" kids go to art class, the "business" kids go to business classes, the "techy" kids go to web design classes and so on… It's got to stop. We can't continue labeling kids as one thing or another thing. What we know about the future workforce is that creativity, making, and innovating will be at the center of most jobs…and that will require students to be all of the above: 'Experts predict that 50 per cent of occupations today will no longer exist by 2025 as people will take up more creative professions,' said Martin Chen, Chief Operating Officer of Genesis."
John Evans

Neil Gaiman: Why our future depends on libraries, reading and daydreaming | Books | The... - 0 views

    "It's important for people to tell you what side they are on and why, and whether they might be biased. A declaration of members' interests, of a sort. So, I am going to be talking to you about reading. I'm going to tell you that libraries are important. I'm going to suggest that reading fiction, that reading for pleasure, is one of the most important things one can do. I'm going to make an impassioned plea for people to understand what libraries and librarians are, and to preserve both of these things."
John Evans

Dear Parent: About THAT kid… « Miss Night's Marbles - 1 views

    "Dear Parent: I know. You're worried. Every day, your child comes home with a story about THAT kid. The one who is always hitting shoving pinching scratching maybe even biting other children. The one who always has to hold my hand in the hallway. The one who has a special spot at the carpet, and sometimes sits on a chair rather than the floor. The one who had to leave the block centre because blocks are not for throwing. The one who climbed over the playground fence right exactly as I was telling her to stop. The one who poured his neighbour's milk onto the floor in a fit of anger. On purpose. While I was watching.  And then, when I asked him to clean it up, emptied the ENTIRE paper towel dispenser. On purpose. While I was watching. The one who dropped the REAL ACTUAL F-word in gym class. You're worried that THAT child is detracting from your child's learning experience. You're worried that he takes up too much of my time and energy, and that your child won't get his fair share. You're worried that she is really going to hurt someone some day. You're worried that "someone" might be your child. You're worried that your child is going to start using aggression to get what she wants. You're worried your child is going to fall behind academically because I might not notice that he is struggling to hold a pencil. I know. Your child, this year, in this classroom, at this age, is not THAT child. Your child is not perfect, but she generally follows rules. He is able to share toys peaceably. She does not throw furniture. He raises his hand to speak. She works when it is time to work, and  plays when it is time to play. He can be trusted to go straight to the bathroom and straight back again with no shenanigans. She thinks that the S-word is "stupid" and the C-word is "crap." I know."
John Evans

Where Edtech Can Help: 10 Most Powerful Uses of Technology for Learning - InformED : - 2 views

    "Regardless of whether you think every infant needs an iPad, I think we can all agree that technology has changed education for the better. Today's learners now enjoy easier, more efficient access to information; opportunities for extended and mobile learning; the ability to give and receive immediate feedback; and greater motivation to learn and engage. We now have programs and platforms that can transform learners into globally active citizens, opening up countless avenues for communication and impact. Thousands of educational apps have been designed to enhance interest and participation. Course management systems and learning analytics have streamlined the education process and allowed for quality online delivery. But if we had to pick the top ten, most influential ways technology has transformed education, what would the list look like? The following things have been identified by educational researchers and teachers alike as the most powerful uses of technology for learning. Take a look. 1. Critical Thinking In Meaningful Learning With Technology, David H. Jonassen and his co-authors argue that students do not learn from teachers or from technologies. Rather, students learn from thinking-thinking about what they are doing or what they did, thinking about what they believe, thinking about what others have done and believe, thinking about the thinking processes they use-just thinking and reasoning. Thinking mediates learning. Learning results from thinking. So what kinds of thinking are fostered when learning with technologies? Analogical If you distill cognitive psychology into a single principle, it would be to use analogies to convey and understand new ideas. That is, understanding a new idea is best accomplished by comparing and contrasting it to an idea that is already understood. In an analogy, the properties or attributes of one idea (the analogue) are mapped or transferred to another (the source or target). Single analogies are also known as sy
John Evans

5 Ways to Use Pokemon Go as a Learning Tool - Daily Genius - 1 views

    "As a curriculum supervisor and a demonstration teacher at the A. Harry Moore School of New Jersey City University - an innovative urban special education school - we are always looking for new and interesting technology applications that will pique the interest of our student population while connecting to academic and social goals. We recently found a learning opportunity that benefits our student population in many ways and in an unexpected way: through the Pokemon Go App. This piece will share our story and discuss how we used Pokemon Go Pokestops on the New Jersey City University Campus and in various Jersey City neighborhoods to supported social engagement, community awareness, travel, and 21st century instruction."
John Evans

25 Green Projects to Show the Earth Some Love - 0 views

    "The movement to "go green" has been growing stronger over the past few decades. People are thinking more about the everyday changes they can make to help make planet Earth a little nicer and less touched by the harm of pollution. Might as well, since most of us are going to be stuck here for the rest of our lives. Whether you're building a wind turbine for your home or just planting a garden, there are a lot of DIY ways for you to go green."
John Evans

When Autism Goes Viral - krissy venosdale - 0 views

    "Social media is fascinating.  It's the double edged sword of the 21st century.  It can highlight the good and it can put a magnifying glass on the bad.  There is a story going viral right now about a teen having her birthday party alone. I love that this teen is going to be flooded with cards that will likely mean more to her than any of us can comprehend.  It's going to be a really awesome surprise for her. But, then I start to get frustrated.  The string of people proclaiming, "I'm sending a card," goes viral.  Everyone proclaiming how terrible it is for this teen to be alone on her birthday.  Everyone who must not have any true idea of what autism is really like for families, for children, and for the world."
John Evans

4 Tips for Managing the Pokémon GO Craze in Your Classroom | Common Sense Edu... - 0 views

    "As you've no doubt noticed, Pokémon GO has taken the world by storm since its release on July 5, 2016. It's getting people outside to actively explore their surroundings and giving millions their first experience with augmented reality. But it's also raising questions and concerns about whether the game's location and mapping features are compromising people's data and information and luring players into danger. With school starting up again soon, we wanted to offer some guidance for teachers on how to address and manage the Pokémon GO craze in your classroom and school. "
John Evans

3 Ways to Safely Play Pokemon GO - 3 views

    "Pokemon GO, an augmented reality (AR) mobile game that requires players to venture out into the real world to play, has courted many catastrophes. In search of rare Pokemon, players have stumbled into dangerous neighborhoods, fallen off ocean bluffs, and been robbed; all because they were completely immersed in the game. If not used carefully, Pokemon GO can be dangerous."
John Evans

Review of Makey Makey Go and Inventor Booster Kit | Create, Collaborate, Innovate - 1 views

    "If you read my blog then you know I love all things Makey Makey!  While I was writing Makey Makey lesson plans last summer, I was super stoked to hear the announcement of their Kickstarter campaign for the super portable Makey Makey Go. Mine came just in time for Christmas, but unfortunately, I had to hold off on tinkering with it right away because Aaron and I have been busy working on projects for our upcoming book deadline. We've finally had some time to work out a few projects with the Go and I am in LOVE with it!"
John Evans

Apps Gone Free Notifies You Of App Store Sales and Great Free Apps - 1 views

    "iOS: More apps go on sale or get discounted on a given day than anyone can really keep track of, but Apps Gone Free for the iPhone and iPad does a great job of keeping you up to date on which apps go on sale on what day and which apps go from paid to free-all right on your phone. "
John Evans

Teaching the Essential Skills of the Mobile Classroom | Edutopia - 0 views

    "Think back 20 years. Pay phones still worked, and only doctors carried pagers. Laptops weighed as much as bowling balls, and few of us had Internet access. In fact, much of what we now consider commonplace -- Google, email, WiFi, texting -- was not even possible. If that was 20 years ago, where are we going in the next 20? We are all going mobile! Tablets, smartphones, Chromebooks -- and yet, these devices only serve as the most recent iteration of mobile technology in the classroom. Remember Netbooks? How about those old-school Macbooks that looked like toilet seat covers? What if we go back further? What about chalk and slate?"
International School of Central Switzerland

interactive-notebooks - home - 0 views

    The purpose of the interactive notebook is to enable students to be creative, independent thinkers and writers. Interactive notebooks are used for class notes as well as for other activities where the student will be asked to express his/her own ideas and process the information presented in class. Requirements vary from teacher to teacher and is set up according to the directions of the teacher. Some go left/right, others go right/left, and still others go sequential. It really does not matter, so keep that in mind when looking at the suggestions. The purpose of this page to give teachers a starting point for setting up their own notebooks with their classes. The links presented on this page were shared by teachers on T-Net, A to Z, and Pro-Teacher , and of course, TCI, the originators of the Interactive Student Notebook, as examples of good interactive notebooks and guidelines. Credit belongs to the creators of the individual sites. I have tried to divide the sites by subject categories, but many are inter-changable.
John Evans

Get Your Game On-Do the Snow Clothes Challenge! - 0 views

    "Those of you who live and teach in northern climes know what winter is all about. It's not about the beauty of the fluffy white stuff or the bone-chilling temperatures or even the short sunlight hours each day. In a primary classroom, it is really all about the snow clothes. Assuming that the temperature is warm enough to actually go outside (in my school division the children go outside unless the temperature-including wind chill-is below -28C), the whole putting on/taking off all those snow clothes takes up a LOT of time. For some students, it is a ten-minute process. And when you consider that it has to be done first thing in the morning, before and after two recesses, at lunch time and again at the end of the day…well, you can see a lot of time needs to go into this every day."
Cally Black

How To Address Negative Student Behavior in 1:1 Classrooms | Edudemic - 0 views

    I strongly believe that technology is going to completely revolutionize the classroom. But when are we going to start addressing the negative aspects of the one-to-one classroom? When are we going to acknowledge the fact that just because every student has a device it does not mean that they will get a 36 on the ACT? I have seen videos of babies that can play with an iPad, but that does not mean that high school students intuitively know how to use one to effectively collaborate and communicate in the classroom.
John Evans

8 Characteristics of the Innovative Leader | The Principal of Change - 1 views

    " "Why are we okay that management hasn't seen innovation in a 100 or 50 years, but we demand innovation in every other aspect of our lives?" Jamie Notter As we continue to look at teachers, students, and learning becoming more "innovative", it is important that leadership changes. As administrators often set the tone for their district or their building, if they are saying the same, it is not likely that things are going to change in the classroom. Leadership needs to not only "think" different, but they need to "act" different. For leaders to be effective in changing a school or an organization, they need to change themselves first. It is way too easy to go a leadership conference and get ideas of things that you are going to do with your staff. What is important is changing your own practice first. So along the lines of what is happening within "pockets" of classrooms around the world, leaders must embody the characteristics that they seek. As my good friend Jimmy Casas says, "what we model is what we get.""
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