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John Evans

Why use rubrics? (Infograph) - 7 views

    "The use of rubrics in the classroom falls in and out of favor, as do other trends. This infographic demonstrates why rubrics, unlike other trends, should be here to stay. Rubrics, in essence, are an easy way to score student work objectively. They are succinct scoring charts that allow for student work to be fairly evaluated. Therefore, it can improve teaching methodologies and ensure unbiased assessment. Rubrics can also be used to help increase student agency and intrinsic motivation, a constant struggle in today's reward based culture. This infographic is neatly split into two sections, "Why Use Rubrics?" and "How to Use Rubrics?" This allows the use (presumably a teacher) to easily refer back to relevant information as needed to help deliver quality education, regardless of experience or expertise."
John Evans

The 7 Commandments of Effective Studying [Infographic] - 2 views

    "Why is it important for students to learn effective studying practices? Besides the obvious reasons  of doing better on exams, there are purposes that are higher in practicality. For instance, part of the art of effective studying means mastering Information Fluency. Some of its concepts are part of the great infographic featured below from ELearning Infographics."
John Evans

Teen Social Media Infographic from Common Sense Media | Common Sense Media - 0 views

  • Social Media, Social Life: How Teens View Their Digital Lives is the latest research report from Common Sense Media's Program for the Study of Children and Media. We surveyed over 1,000 13- to 17-year-olds nationally to understand how they perceive social media (like Facebook and Twitter) affects their relationships and feelings about themselves. Read highlights from the study in the infographic below, and visit our research page to download the full report.
    Social Media, Social Life: How Teens View Their Digital Lives is the latest research report from Common Sense Media's Program for the Study of Children and Media. We surveyed over 1,000 13- to 17-year-olds nationally to understand how they perceive social media (like Facebook and Twitter) affects their relationships and feelings about themselves. Read highlights from the study in the infographic below, and visit our research page to download the full report.
Phil Taylor

Free Technology for Teachers: A Picture is Worth 1,000 Gigabytes: Creating InfoGraphics... - 0 views

    "InfoGraphics seem to be all the rage these days. Cool graphic designs blend images and words to create an informative story or graphic about a specific topic. There are a multitude of InfoGraphics available to use as teaching tools to disseminate information"
John Evans

How to Promote Your Blog Effectively [Infographic] | SocialTimes - 0 views

    "In digital marketing, there is always a new trend, a new technology or a new way of thinking to take into account. But there is still a place for the humble blog. An infographic from Referral Candy provides tips from top marketing experts to improve your blog, and more importantly to promote your blog effectively. First and foremost, your blog must be good. Providing helpful content, providing a unique perspective, telling stories, and responding quickly to trends will keep your content engaging and fresh. Once the content is there, make sure that customers and readers can find that content easily. "
John Evans

Edutech for Teachers » Blog Archive » The 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship I... - 4 views

  • With the wide variety of resources available for teachers, there’s no reason we shouldn’t be promoting the importance of behaving safely and responsibly in the digital world. Speaking of resources, check out the nifty infographic shown below, one that can be used to address various aspects of digital citizenship.
    "With the wide variety of resources available for teachers, there's no reason we shouldn't be promoting the importance of behaving safely and responsibly in the digital world. Speaking of resources, check out the nifty infographic shown below, one that can be used to address various aspects of digital citizenship."
John Evans

Infographic: Tallest Mountain to Deepest Ocean Trench - 4 views

    "Infographic: Tallest Mountain to Deepest Ocean Trench"
John Evans

10 Awesome Free Tools To Make Infographics - 12 views

    "10 Awesome Free Tools To Make Infographics"
John Evans

Free Technology for Teachers: Journey to the Centre of the Earth - An Animated Infographic - 0 views

    "Journey to the Centre of the Earth is a neat infographic produced by the BBC. As you scroll down the infographic you will see little pieces of information slide into the graphic from the sides. Each of these pieces of information is a fun fact like the maximum depth of a metal detector, the depths of sunken boats, the depths of the layers of the Earth, and the pressure you would feel at various depths below the Earth's surface."
John Evans

The Science of Earthquakes | Weather Underground - 2 views

    "We usually only learn about the magnitude of an earthquake and the location of the epicenter. This infographic explains how ground waves and depth define the magnitude on the Richter Scale and the amount of destruction that implies. It also illustrates plate boundaries on the globe and the regions where most earthquakes occur. The Earthquakes infographic by Weather Underground also describes hydraulic fracking and how this has increased earthquake activity in places where earthquakes don't naturally occur."
John Evans

What You Need to Know about Data Footprints ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 1 views

    "One of the tasks I have in my to-do list for this month is to write a post on the difference between the digital behaviour of Generation Y and that of Baby Boomers. However today as I was sifting through my Feedly feeds I came across this interesting infographic entitled " Data Footprint by Generations ". Going through its content I found that it, partly, clicks in with the post I am working on. The graphic provides data about technology usage by the different generations. It particulalry tracks the digital footprint of these 3 generations in terms of their video viewing habits, Internet usage , and connected devices. I think it would have been way better if the designers of this infographic provided some more clarifications on the definitional elements of these 3 generations and not just limit the data on them to age-range."
John Evans

Warning! Plagiarism Is On The Rise! - 4 views

    "EasyBib, an information literacy platform that provides citation, note taking, and research tools have created this helpful infographic on plagiarism. "Plagiarism, source attribution and critical thinking are among some of the real problems that our educators and students face. We put together this infographic to shed light on the matter, to underscore why librarians are needed more than ever, and to show what EasyBib is doing about it.""
John Evans

Infographic: Selecting Digital Content for Your School | Getting Smart - 6 views

    "As blended learning content continues to grow it has become increasingly difficult for teachers and administrators to decide what content to use. We appreciate this infographic put together by EducationElements on the 4 steps schools can follow when making the decision on which digital content to implement"
John Evans

Education by Numbers ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 0 views

    "If you like the language of numbers ( I bet qualitative researchers do ) then the infographic below will be of great interest to you. It features some interesting facts about the state of education in the world like the number of students, number of teacher in pre-k to high school...etc. I am sharing with you this infographic first because the data it contains is really amazing and second because this work has been realized by Microsoft Education which is a reliable source ."
John Evans

InfoGraphic Overload / The Soda Ban Debate: What Does It Mean for Your Health? #infogra... - 3 views

    RT @OliveLucas: The Soda Ban Debate: What Does It Mean for Your Health? #infographic
John Evans

Calculate Your Caffeine Infographic | Caffeine and You - 0 views

    "The infographic above shows caffeine concentration: it reflects the amount of caffeine per ounce - you can use these numbers to determine how much caffeine you're consuming. Simply multiply the milligrams per ounce (in the graphic) by the ounces in a beverage."
John Evans

Lisa Nielsen: The Innovative Educator: Infographic flyer: What's your digital footprint? - 5 views

    "This infographic flyer was created to put important digital footprint information in one place in a graphically pleasing format. Take a look and let me know what you think. "
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