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Bonner Online-Bibliographie zur Comicforschung - 0 views

    Die Bonner Online-Bibliographie zur Comicforschung ist eine bibliographische Datenbank, die die internationale wissenschaftliche Literatur zu Comics, Graphic Novels, Manga und verwandten Gebieten erschließen möchte. Nicht erfasst wurden bisher (mit wenigen Ausnahmen) Artikel in Fan-Magazinen und Tageszeitungen. Die Bibliographie versteht sich als Komplement und Ergänzung zu ähnlichen Unternehmungen, die einen abweichenden (teilweise umfassenderen) Ansatz haben, wie oder die comics research bibliography.

The Visual Linguist - 0 views

    Il blog di Neil Cohn sul raapporto tra parola e immagine

Emaki Productions * The website of Neil Cohn - 0 views

    Il sito di Neil Cohn sul rapporto creativo tra parola e immagine

The Lord of the Rings Family Tree Project - 0 views

    Lord of the Rings Project, commonly shortened LotrProject, is a creative web project dedicated to the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. It is perhaps most known for the extensive and ever updating genealogy, the historical timeline of Middle-Earth and the statistics of the population of Middle-Earth. LotrProject was published in January 2012 by Emil Johansson with the genealogy as the only feature. To much surprise it gained a lot of attention which spurred the development of the site. Since then the project has expanded to become a creative outlet for Emil and now features several interactive Tolkien related projects.

University of Oxford Podcasts - Audio and Video Lectures - 0 views

    This free site features public lectures, teaching material, interviews with leading academics, information about applying to the University, and much more.

W3C Internationalization Activity Homepage - 0 views

    The W3C Internationalization (I18n) Activity works with W3C working groups and liaises with other organizations to make it possible to use Web technologies with different languages, scripts, and cultures. From this page you can find articles and other resources about Web internationalization, and information about the groups that make up the Activity.

W3C Internationalization Checker - 0 views

    This checker performs various tests on a Web Page to determine its level of internationalisation-friendliness. It also summarises key internationalization information about a page, such as character encoding and language declarations, etc.

MultilingualWeb - 0 views

    The MultilingualWeb project is exploring standards and best practices that support the creation, localization and use of multilingual web-based information. Through a series of workshops open to the public and various communication channels, we will spread information about what standards and best practices currently exist, and what gaps need to be filled.

Utopia Docs - 0 views

    Utopia Documents v2.2, is a free PDF reader that connects the static content of scientific articles to the dynamic world of online content. See also pdfx v1.0 > a fully-automated PDF-to-XML converter for scientific articles. It takes a full-text PDF article as input and outputs the hierarchy of its distinct logical elements in an XML format.

Observatoire européen du plurilinguisme - 0 views


Florbela Espanca: o espólio de um mito | Poesia, conto e crítica florbeliana - 0 views

    A obra e a personalidade literária de Florbela Espanca têm constituído indisfarçáveis motivos de embaraço para a crítica académica - um embaraço que nunca impediu a extraordinária receptividade dos leitores. Este projecto, que junta investigadores portugueses e brasileiros, tem como uma das suas mais marcantes vertentes a tentativa de reconstituição do processo de "apropriação" e de "socialização" de um conjunto de obras da autora que devem, em nosso entender, ser retomadas com novas leituras.

Letterature lusofone d'Africa : per conoscere gli scrittori di Angola, Capo V... - 0 views

    Guida introduttiva online gratuitamente scaricabile di introduzione alle letterature lusofone aricane a cura del Centro Cabral di Bologna

The Feminist Spectator - 0 views

    Jill Dolan's (Princeton University) blog about theatre, performance, film, and television, focusing on gender, sexuality, race, identity. It addresses how the arts shape and reflect our lives; how they participate in civic conversations; and how they serve as a vehicle for social change and a platform for pleasure

Marketing tradicional o marketing en Internet para traductores - Marketing para traduct... - 0 views

    il blog della traduttrice Elena Fernandez sul marketing offline, e soprattutto online, per i traduttori

Women's Life Writing Network Home - 0 views

    a cross-institutional, national and international community of women's life writing scholars and practitioners
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