This site provides extensive resources for students, teachers, scholars, and all others interested in researching the Georgian Theatre milieu, both in London and the British American colonies.
Sito di immagini di teatro francese del XVII e XVIII secolo. Da questo portale è possibile fare delle ricerche particolarizzate in base al ruolo della persona cercata, al genere teatrale, alle pubblicazioni etc...
This website is devoted to Golden Age Spanish theatre, and offers a variety of resources for the student and researcher working in this field. Available to download from the site are electronic versions of a selection of plays by Cervantes, Lope de Vega, Tirso de Molina, Calderón de la Barca, and Ruiz de Alarcón.
This website was dedicated to British Gothic drama and its various manifestations between 1768 - the year of composition of the first Gothic tragedy, Horace Walpole's The Mysterious Mother- and the later, pre-Victorian, culture of the 1820s and 30s. The materials made available here range from critical bibliographies to links to internet resources and teaching and study aids, and are offered as a starting-point for all those readers who wish to explore Gothic drama and theatre in order to rediscover a cultural phenomenon which, although now relatively unfamiliar to contemporary readers, was as notorious, shocking and frightening as the better-known Gothic romance. This website is no longer updated.
Portale dell'Università di Valencia con accesso a links, alle riviste elettroniche LEMIR, MEMORABILIA, STYCHOMITIA, alle basi dati: Base de datos del teatro español, e alle principali banche dati bibliografiche nazionali ad accesso gratuito
This section of a website by Scott R. Robinson MFA, Professor of Theatre Arts at Central Washington University, examines costume and fashion through history as an aid to constructing theatrical costumes. The site covers periods from the ancient and Classical world, through medieval times and through to modern western styles ending in the Edwardian era
Una bibliografia compatta sulla traduzione a cura di Jesús Tronch, Universitat de València, accessibile per settori. Sezioni speciali dedicate alla traduzione letteraria, alla traduzione per il teatro, alla traduzione audiovisiva e a Shakespeare.
This is the website of a research project based at Lancaster University and St Martin's College, Lancaster, which explores the fifteenth-century York Mystery Plays and their various social, intellectual, religious, and theatrical contexts using multimedia technology.
This is a specialised bibliographic source about Native American Women playwrights providing a directory listing the work that is kept in the archives of the Miami University libraries. Information is provided about playwrights such as Annette Arkeketa, Shirley Cheechoo, Martha Kreipe De Montano, Vera Manuel, Janet Rogers and Elizabeth Theobald
a site dedicated to African American women who have gifted, shaken up, and disturbed the theatre world with their powerful words. It is a testament to their courage and perseverance. Hopefully, this site will encourage other sister storytellers to make their words heard.
The free online guide to modern playwrights and theatre plays which have been written, adapted or translated, into English since the production of Look Back in Anger in 1956