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Rhondda Powling

ALA President Molly Raphael releases report on e-book talks with e-book distributors | American Libraries Magazine - 0 views

    A report, released by American Library Association (ALA) President Molly Raphael, regarding meetings with e-book distributors during the Public Library Association (PLA) Conference, March 13 - 17.
Rhondda Powling

YALSA offers readalikes for "Mockingjay" ALA | ALA Press Releases - 2 views

    Teens and their parents can find similar titles to "Mockingjay" in the 2011 nominations for YALSA's Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults (PPYA) booklist, particularly the What If… themed list, which highlights titles featuring alternative history and worlds, steampunk, apocalyptic fiction and cyberpunk, among other settings.
Fran Bullington - 0 views

    Annotated list of resources for slms
Fran Bullington

ala2009 @ flexyourinfo - 0 views

    keep up with ALA - photos and tweets.
Mansel Wells

ALA | Professional Resources - 0 views

shared by Mansel Wells on 23 Dec 08 - Cached
    Collections include Archives, Digital Libraries, E-Books, Geneology & Local History, Government Documents, Maps
Rhondda Powling

Ebooks & Digital Content | Transforming Libraries - 2 views

    To help meet a growing need, the ALA's Digital Content & Libraries Working Group was formed in Fall 2011 to implement the recommendations and to continue the work of ALA's Task Force on Equitable Access to Digital Content. Working Group members were selected by the ALA President based on their high level of expertise and range of experience regarding libraries and digital content, and are broadly representative of the various constituencies within the Association and library community. This website is meant to be a resource to support libraries in their transformation from print to digital content
Fran Bullington

web20meetsstandards - home - 0 views

    This is a wiki about using Web 2.0 tools. Joyce Valenza and others will be presenting info on this at the ALA conference this weekend.
Fran Bullington

ALA | AASL releases new guidelines - 0 views

    New guidelines for school library media centers.
Fran Bullington

ALA | Minors' Rights to Receive Information under the First Amendment - 0 views

  • Of course, in United States v. American Library Ass'n, 123 S. Ct. 2297 (2003), the recent case considering a challenge to the Children's Internet Protection Act, the Supreme Court plainly upheld the constitutionality of a filtering software system applicable to minors. Importantly, however, the Court recognized that the filtering must be disabled at the request of an adult and that minors also had a right to request unblocking of material constitutionally protected as to them.
    According to this, filtering of the Internet at schools must be disabled at the request of an adult.
Rhondda Powling

750 videos posted during banned books read-out | American Libraries Magazine - 1 views

    750 videos posted during banned books read-out
Rhondda Powling

Libraries as makerspaces - 0 views

    Slides from a presentation by Kristin Fontichiaro
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