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Fran Bullington

ETTC Wikis - Wikis by Discipline - 3 views

    Educational wikis by discipline links.
Rhondda Powling

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - LeakyPedia - 0 views

    For all things Harry Potter. Presented as a wiki, the LeakyPedia has excellent information on Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, however the rest of the books and all of the films need additional information. This could be an opportunity for students who are fans of the books and/or the films to submit something to the site. The style of articles for the wiki has already been laid out, so students would be able to easily follow the templates on the site
Mansel Wells

Webinar: Using a wiki for Libraries - 0 views

    This is a video of a presentation illustrating various ways a wiki can be used in public and school libraries.
Cathy Oxley

The Page Turners - Online Wiki for Book Lovers - 0 views

    This is a collaborative book lovers wiki for students around the world to add to
Rhondda Powling

cooltoolsforschools » home - 0 views

    A great wiki site to find good resources
Mansel Wells

Curriki - Collaborative collection of curriculum - 0 views

    Curriki is a community of educators working together to create quality materials. It is an online environment that enables free distribution of world-class educational materials to anyone who needs them. The name is a play on the combination of 'curriculum' and 'wiki' which is the technology we're using to make education universally accessible.
Fran Bullington

njasladvocacy / FrontPage - 0 views

    New Jersey School Library Association's advocacy wiki.
Fran Bullington

critical-assessment - home - 0 views

    This wiki provides many links to tools that help students in research and critical thinking.
Fran Bullington

web20meetsstandards - home - 0 views

    This is a wiki about using Web 2.0 tools. Joyce Valenza and others will be presenting info on this at the ALA conference this weekend.
Fran Bullington

Grazing for Digital Natives - wikiworkshop - 1 views

    Jennifer Dorman's wikispaces workshop. Excellent resource for those just beginning with wikis.
Rhondda Powling

Create infographics | - 2 views

    This is an online tool for creating interactive charts and graphs.There are four basic chart types that you can create on; bar, pie, line, and matrix. Each chart type can be edited to use any spreadsheet information that you want to upload to your account. The information in that spreadsheet will be displayed in your customized chart. When you place your cursor over your completed chart the spreadsheet information will appear in small pop-up window. The charts can then be embedded into your blog, website, or wiki.
Mary K

educationalsoftware » Web searching tips - 0 views

    Extensive list of web searching resources from a comprehensive educational technology wiki
Cathy Oxley

Grazing for Digital Natives » diigo - 0 views

    A Diigo wiki with videos and links to tutorials.
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