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Rhondda Powling

Canada | BiS - 0 views

    A number of Canadian public libraries are pioneering a new service delivery model, which emphasizes collaborative service development and delivery, with library staff and the communities the library serves. Through this community-led service framework, library staff work with communities to understand their needs and deliver services that meet those needs, often devoting significant time outside the library walls. This article highlights two Canadian urban libraries which have embraced the community-led service approach, in order to remain relevant in our ever-changing environment.
Rhondda Powling

MoversandShakers 2011 - 1 views

    For ten years now, LJ's Movers & Shakers has been spotlighting librarians and others in the library field who are doing extraordinary work to serve their users and to move libraries of all types and library services forward. They hail from all corners of the library world and several nations. Nominated by their colleagues, friends, bosses, and just plain admirers, they are just the tip of the iceberg. We know there are many more Movers out there, making libraries better and taking them into the future.
Rhondda Powling

Reconceptualising the School Library as Collaborative Makerspace | Services to Schools - 0 views

    "It is essential that school leaders apply the same spirit of innovation and future focus to the re-imagination of their school library environments as they do to other aspects of both their built and virtual school environment. Library as creative collaborative makerspace is an exciting, transformative idea that warrants exploration."
Rhondda Powling

So Now What?: The Future for Librarians - 0 views

    Article that looks at library services and the work of library staff. The article asks questions about what do the future trends mean for us who work in the library field. It is a positive artlce that concludes that libray skills and training are still very valid and are just as useful in the digital world as they were in the print era, if ew are willing to take our future into our own hands and not meekly hand everything over to commercial bodies.
Mansel Wells

Library of Congress Digital Collections - 0 views

    Featured Digital Collections & Services: American Memory American History & Culture - A digital library of historic maps, photos, documents, audio and video from American Memory. Historic Newspapers - Enhanced access to America's historic newspapers through the Chronicling America project. International Collections - International materials and bilingual presentations from overseas libraries from Global Gateway. Legislative Information - THOMAS provides searchable full text of bills, Congressional Record and more. Performing Arts - Collections, articles and special presentations on music, theater and dance materials. Prints and Photographs - Catalog of about half of the Library's pictorial holdings with over 1 million digital images. Veterans History - Experience first-person stories of wartime service through personal artifacts. Web Site Archiving - Searchable archives of historic Web pages including national elections, 9/11 and more.
Cathy Oxley

franlhughes' favorites on Flickr - 2 views

    This is a photostream of favourite library displays and layouts from Fran Hughes, Education Officer: Library & Information Services, Catholic Education Services Cairns Diocese
Rhondda Powling

What defines a modern library? Exciting conversations emerging from the Inter... - 1 views

    "From August 27th through the 30th, 2012 , young librarians from ten countries are convening in Latvia to inspire each other, solve common issues, and develop skillsets related to advocacy, communications, and service/project design."
Rhondda Powling

When "Library" Is Not an Action but an Old Building - A TTW Guest Post by Dr.... - 0 views

    "For us,we offer services that we believe complement each other and provide a range of support for researchers. But,our patrons do not necessarily see it this way. As Anderson also said,"Value that is not valued is not valuable" (p. 289). Obviously,it is on our shoulders to continue to advocate and reinvent libraries to better serve our users. But,frankly,that's what I feel like I've been doing for the last decade."
Rhondda Powling

eBooks: Amazon Introduces Whispercast to Manage Fleets of Kindles | LJ INFOdocket - 0 views

    Libraries and schools that lend Kindles to users might be interested in this new service from Amazon that just launched.
Fran Bullington

Documenting+Student+Achievement.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 5 views

    This pdf file provides questions to guide groups through the process of identifying library services that promote student learning and success.
Alison Hall

SBDS Prototype 0.1 - 0 views

    SBDS will be a new discovery service focussed on Australia, Australians, and items found in Australian collecting institutions. It will provide a single point of access to resources currently discoverable via the Library's multiple discovery services, and to digitised material freely available online anywhere in the world.
Rhondda Powling

Content curation | Services to Schools - 1 views

    "Content curation is the ongoing finding and sharing of relevant digital and non-digital content about a specific topic for a specific audience. Typically, this content will come from a variety of properly credited sources and will be collated in such a way that the collection will be more useful than its individual elements."
Mansel Wells

Library Media Services » Collaboration - 0 views

    Collaboration between the Teacher and the Librarian is essential to further student achievement. If you are new to collaboration, or you haven't flexed your collaborative skills lately, here are some resources you might find useful!
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