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Rhondda Powling

Internet Archive Partners With 150 Libraries to Launch an E-Book Lending Program - 2 views

    The Internet Archive, in conjunction with 150 libraries, has rolled out a new 80,000 e-book lending collection today on This means that library patrons with an OpenLibrary account can check out any of these e-books. The hope is that this effort will help libraries make the move to digital book lending. "As readers go digital, so are our libraries," says Brewster Kahle, founder and Digital Librarian of the Internet Archive
Rhondda Powling

What Can Libraries Learn from New User (and Non-User!) E-Reading Data from the Pew Inte... - 0 views

    The Pew Research Center began studying how the role of public libraries, as well as the needs and expectations of their patrons and communities, are changing in the digital age. Funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, grounded by a Library Advisory Group, and conducted by the Pew Internet & American Life Project, the first set of reports focus on the rise of e-reading and e-books at libraries.
Cathy Oxley

12 Reasons Teachers should use Diigo - 1 views

    Diigo stands for "Digest of Internet Information, Groups and Other stuff." It is a social bookmarking program that allows you to save your 'favourites' online, so that they can be accessible from any computer with an internet connection. However, Diigo does much more than this.
Mansel Wells : Learning Center : Plagiarism Definitions, Tips on avoiding Plagiarism,... - 0 views

    The Learning Center is designed to help educators and students develop a better sense of what plagiarism means in the information age, and to teach the planning, organizational, and citation skills essential for producing quality writing and research. Our site offers information about: * Plagiarism defined, in easy-to-understand terms * Tips on how to avoid both internet-based and conventional plagiarism * Guidelines for proper citation, and links to help with specific citation styles * Suggestions for developing good research and writing skills * Answers to frequently asked questions, including explanations for often misunderstood concepts like fair use, public domain, and copyright laws * Definitions for important research-related terms * Suggestions for integrating plagiarism education into lesson plans * Tips for creating assignments that discourage plagiarism and encourage original thinking * Information on the causes of plagiarism today * Help with identifying different types of plagiarism, in particular plagiarism from the internet * Printable handouts for students on plagiarism, proper citation, and paper writing
Mansel Wells

School Library Learning 2.0 - 0 views

    Tools of the new Internet: Web 2.0 tools that are bringing our kids in touch with the entire world through social networking, video, audio, and gaming sites. The CSLA 2.0 team encourages you to take time to explore and enjoy all the tools of this new Internet
Mansel Wells

Librarians' Internet Index About Us: Overview - 0 views

    Librarians' Internet Index (LII) is a publicly-funded website and weekly newsletter serving California, the nation, and the world. Every Thursday morning we send out our free newsletter, New This Week, which features dozens of high-quality websites carefully selected, described, and organized by our team of librarians. Topics include current events and issues, holidays and seasons, helpful tools for information users, human interest, and more.
Mansel Wells

Librarians' Internet Index - 0 views

    Librarians' Internet Index (LII) is a publicly-funded website and weekly newsletter serving California, the nation, and the world. Every Thursday morning we send out our free newsletter, New This Week, which features dozens of high-quality websites carefully selected, described, and organized by our team of librarians. Topics include current events and issues, holidays and seasons, helpful tools for information users, human interest, and more
Fran Bullington

ALA | Minors' Rights to Receive Information under the First Amendment - 0 views

  • Of course, in United States v. American Library Ass'n, 123 S. Ct. 2297 (2003), the recent case considering a challenge to the Children's Internet Protection Act, the Supreme Court plainly upheld the constitutionality of a filtering software system applicable to minors. Importantly, however, the Court recognized that the filtering must be disabled at the request of an adult and that minors also had a right to request unblocking of material constitutionally protected as to them.
    According to this, filtering of the Internet at schools must be disabled at the request of an adult.
Rhondda Powling

What librarians make. A response to Dr. Bernstein and an homage to Taylor Mal... - 1 views

    Joyce Valenza'a excellent response to Dr. Bernstein's suggestion that in this Internet age, Governor Cuomo eliminate the antiquated requirement that all high schools have at least one full-time librarian and a minimum number of books.
Mansel Wells

Education Week's Digital Directions: Checking Sources - 0 views

    As the Internet has evolved into a major source of information for students researching history and social studies, it also has become a place where hidden agendas and false information can trip up both students new to a topic and teachers searching for credible sources of historical data.
Mansel Wells

American and English Literature Online Books - 0 views

    Internet School Library Media Center (ISLMC) literature collections in online book format. This page contains links to online books in American literature, English literature, church history, history and government documents. For the convenience of foreign language teachers, some non-English sites such as French literature, are included. This page is part of the ISLMC Young Adult Literature; Middle & Secondary English page. The ISLMC is a meta-site designed for teachers, librarians, parents and students to preview selected sites.
Mansel Wells

Visuwords™ online graphical dictionary and thesaurus - 0 views

    Visuwords™ online graphical dictionary - Look up words to find their meanings and associations with other words and concepts. Produce diagrams reminiscent of a neural net. Learn how words associate. Enter words into the search box to look them up or double-click a node to expand the tree. Click and drag the background to pan around and use the mouse wheel to zoom. Hover over nodes to see the definition and click and drag individual nodes to move them around to help clarify connections. * It's a dictionary! It's a thesaurus! * Great for writers, journalists, students, teachers, and artists. * The online dictionary is available wherever there's an internet connection. * No membership required.
Mansel Wells

Reference > Franklin Institute Educational Hotlists - 0 views

    Reference Hotlist 1. The People History 2. Fun Trivia 3. Word Lab 4. RefDesk 5. Units of Measurement 6. LibrarySpot 7. 50 States and Capitals 8. Metric System and Unit Conversion 9. SpellWeb 10. New York Public Library 11. HyperHistory Online 12. Guide to Grammar and Writing 13. Biographies of Scientists 14. A Web of Online Dictionaries 15. SciCentral 16. HHMI's Virtual Lab 17. New York Times Books 18. The Time Zone Page 19. Time Zone Converter 20. A Dictionary of Units 21. Explorers of The World 22. WWWebster Dictionary 23. The Quotations Page 24. Research-It 25. American Sign Language Dictionary 26. Mad Scientist Network - An Ask-The-Expert Network 27. The Internet Public Library 28. The Library of Congress 29. Encyclopedia.Com 30. Encyclopedia of the Orient 31. Encarta Encyclopedia 32. Writing Style Guide 33. Columbia Guide to Online Style 34. "The Elements of Style" By William Strunk, Jr. 35. Bartlett's Familiar Quotations 36. A Word A Day 37. 38. 39. Environmental Directory 40. Science & Engineering Encyclopedia 41. Metric Conversion Table 42. Adventures of CyberBee
Rhondda Powling

Which Creative Commons License is Right for me? - 2 views

    A useful comic poster from CC Poland offers a good resource to begin discussions about Creative Commons. 6 types of licenses are discussed with with their separate conditions attached to each of them. "
Rhondda Powling

Facts & Questions on Blogging, Curating & Collecting - 2 views

    What is the difference between blogging and curation if they are both about finding and sharing great content?  According to Deanna Dahlsad at Kitsch-Slapped, is the focus. While bloggers often cover anything that interests them as the are online where as curators are characterized by a strong focus on a specific topic.  
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