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Unshielded Colliders: Poverty and Education - 0 views

  • For example, Mel Riddile points out that when one conditions on various measures of poverty, instead of trailing other nations, the U.S. actually comes out on top! He concludes that "when it comes to school improvement, it's poverty not stupid." Poverty causes educational deficiency.
  • or example, Mel Riddile points out that when one conditions on various measures of poverty, instead of trailing other nations, the U.S. actually comes out on top! He concludes that "when it comes to school improvement, it's poverty not stupid." Poverty causes educational deficienc
    For example, Mel Riddile points out that when one conditions on various measures of poverty, instead of trailing other nations, the U.S. actually comes out on top! He concludes that "when it comes to school improvement, it's poverty not stupid." Poverty causes educational deficiency. Now, I like to actually have data to play around with, in part because people have been known to lie about politically charged issues and in part because I like to have nice graphs (which are not provided by Riddile). Anyway, it turns out that international poverty data is pretty hard to come by and fraught with interpretational difficulties. On the other hand, the National Assessment of Educational Progress provides test data for most of the states in the U.S., and the U.S. Census Bureau provides data on the percentage of people in poverty by state. I took the NAEP data for 8th grade science achievement and regressed on the percentage of people below the poverty line for the measured states. The two are negatively associated: as poverty increases, science achievement scores decrease according to the relationship in the plot below. (Alaska, Kansas, Nebraska, and Vermont did not meet NAEP reporting guidelines and are not included in the plot above.) The association is highly significant (p=9.98*10-6). I also took pilot NAEP data for 8th grade mathematics achievement and regressed on the percentage of people below the poverty line for the measured states. (Evidently, the NAEP has only just started testing for mathematics achievement, and only eleven states were included in their pilot.) Again, the two are negatively associated. The slope of the relation turns out to be almost exactly the same as for science achievement. The association is not as significant, but it is still significant (p=0.0186). (My guess is the association is less significant in this case because fewer states were measured.) Clearly there is an association between poverty and achievement in science and mathem

IIER 20(2): Khine and Hayes - Investigating women's ways of knowing: An exploratory stu... - 0 views

  • Personal epistemological beliefs, one's beliefs about the nature and acquisition of knowledge, and their role in the learning process have become a focus of a growing body research in recent years. Studies show that a person's epistemological beliefs play an important role in their intellectual development as well as in learning specific subjects (Hofer, 2008)
  • Baxter Magolda (1992) describes ways of knowing as being "related to, but not dictated by gender" (p.8)
  • Their subjects described five ways of knowing - received knowledge, subjective knowledge, constructed knowledge, procedural knowledge, all similar to those of Perry, and silence. From their data Belenky et al. distilled these five epistemological positions down to focus on two: preprocedural and procedural knowing, which corresponded to 'relativism' in Perry's scheme. In 1986 this work culminated in the publication of "Women's ways of knowing: The development of self, voice and mind".
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Importantly, they saw that CK and SK scores were not related to performance and thus concluded that 'ways of knowing' were more reflective of a learning style or approach rather than a reflection of ability or intellectual capacity (Gallotti et al., 1999)
  • Research in personal epistemology looks into ways of knowing, focusing on the nature of knowledge (certainty, structure and source of knowledge) and beliefs about learning (speed and ability to learn). The exploration of different learning or cognitive styles and in particular the relationship between gender and epistemological beliefs in tertiary education contexts is an area of much current research focus.
  • Students' separate knowing and connected knowing scores, however, did predict preferences for different kinds of teaching.
  • Separate knowing scores were always higher in males whereas females had always higher connected knowing scores. The connected and separate knowing scores of males were not significantly different, whereas females typically showed significantly higher connected scores.
  • , learning occurs in different ways for different people in different situations, and may be affected by the learning styles of others who are present. According to Gallotti et al. (1999), students tend to prefer teachers whose style reflects their own. Schommer-Aikens and Easter (2006) find it likely that teachers' personal epistemological paradigms would impact on their decisions about forms of instruction, curriculum and evaluation. Should this be the case, an awareness on the part of the teacher and the learners of the predominant or favoured ways of knowing within a learning context might be seen as a useful tool in designing classroom activities which take into account student diversity.

Coahoma, Texas, SMART board case study - 0 views

  • perience with SMART Boards running Notebook software, so I convinced the principal to invest in SMART technology."
  • "We've seen nearly a 10 percent improvement in TAKS pass rates in just two years, as well as an 11 percent increase in math scores on the junior high campus," says Franklin. "These improvements show that the kids are more involved in the learning process. And I believe their increased involvement is directly attributable to the fact that they can interact with the information that is being presented to them on the SMART Boards."
  • "We've seen nearly a 10 percent improvement in TAKS pass rates in just two years, as well as an 11 percent increase in math scores on the junior high campus," says Franklin. "These improvements show that the kids are more involved in the learning process. And I believe their increased involvement is directly attributable to the fact that they can interact with the information that is being presented to them on the SMART Boards."
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • "We've seen nearly a 10 percent improvement in TAKS pass rates in just two years, as well as an 11 percent increase in math scores on the junior high campus," says Franklin. "These improvements show that the kids are more involved in the learning process. And I believe their increased involvement is directly attributable to the fact that they can interact with the information that is being presented to them on the SMART Boards."
    Improvement in state scores by use of SMART boards

Full-Time School Librarians Linked to Higher Student Reading Scores - 0 views

    By Lauren Barack March 6, 2012 Want to see students get higher reading scores? Then make sure their schools have a media specialist. According to new research from Library Research Services, which reviewed standardized test scores from Colorado schools in 2005 and 2011, reading scores statistically increased when schools retained or gained a school librarian.

Notes to Self - 1 views

  • I think if I could focus on a few people’s posts, I could make more quality contributions. 
    • alexandra m. pickett
      i am kinda torn about the small group thing. i hate taking choice away - it seems to me that you can self select your own small groups. why don't you just do that? scan all the posts and then decide who you want to engage and then just pick them to interact with. Read all interact with a select few. In the discussion for this module (2) i have it split into several discussions. i am wondering if splitting it by topic like that will feel different to you. Let me know. ok? I have toyed with the idea of reducing the number of posts required... and just doubling your score on them. what would you think about that? i have never had so many people in the course. It is designed for a more intimate number of students. I am trying to come up with ways make my work more efficient yet still intimate, personal and effective. Work in progress. i am learnking too. : )
    • Lisa Martin
      Alex - Seeing that module 2 was split into several discussions was a HUGE relief to me! It seems much less overwhelming and easier to be organized :-)
    • Tina Bianchi
      Now that some more time has passed, I actually have done what you're suggesting here...reaking all and interacting with a select few. With this approach, it became more manageable. I haven't done my first post for module 2 yet (just finished the readings) but I do think the split into several discussions will make a huge difference. I can only imagine the work you have cut out by having read/rate ALL THESE POSTS! It seems overwhelming, and I am considering the implications of it as I think about designing my course. Thanks for the feedback!
  • We could still have been required to complete the same number of posts, but perhaps had fewer count toward our grade on this first run.  I
    • alexandra m. pickett
      hmmm. i don't count them all. the first couple with my feedback are the grace period... "if i were to rate this it would be a ..."
    • Tina Bianchi
      I understand what you're saying here...I don't know what I missed and where I missed it, but I "assumed" (there's that pesky word again!) that all posts, beginning with the initial introduction, would be rated. I did fewer posts than I should have considering this. There were a few (though admittedly not of high quality as they were early in the Module and I hadn't yet gotten the hang of things) that weren't scored, so what I thought my score would be for discussion in the first module was not even close to my actual score. Live and learn...
    • alexandra m. pickett
      : ) welcome to social learning!
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • As we continue to interact with content and then share that learning with each other, we construct our own meanings and apply what we’re learning in a variety of contexts.
    • alexandra m. pickett
      E U R E A K A !!! brilliant!! : )
  • is imperative that I stop thinking about how to transform my F2F materials to suit the online environment.
    • alexandra m. pickett
      it is impossible to duplicate the f2f environment online. to try to do so is folly. you must reconceptualize. you have to leverage the options and mitigate the limitations of any environment in which you teach.
  • I hit “Publish” only to find half of my post showed up and no way to retrieve what was lost.  Therefore:
  • I am very interested in the hyper-content design. I like the idea that with this model, students determine the order of their own learning activities. In this model, there may be a few things that could be tricky; for example, setting up group activities might be left to the students to manage since they wouldn’t all be completing the same activities at the same time.
    • Lisa Martin
      I've been thinking the same things about this model. I think it's so hard for me to envision because of my lack of experience with it. I also have a hard time applying some of the things we've learned in this course to that design.
  • Whatever it takes.
  • Yet, as I continued reading I realized that my grasp of the content was continuing to evolve.  I feel that I have a deeper awareness of what teaching presence looks like, not only in an online course but also in a traditional classroom, as well.
  • Perhaps it’s time I move from measuring in coffee spoons to taking in the big picture.
    • Maria Guadron
      Love your "How To" section! Can't wait to see your screencasts.
  • Even though the course won’t start until January, I know it’ll be here before I know it.
  • has led to me a realization–the course I’ve created will never (and should never) be finished!  It makes sense.  I never teach the same lesson twice in exactly the same way, so it should go without saying that every time I look at this course and eventually start using it, I will continue to add, remove, and change what’s there.

Research Center: Teacher Quality - 1 views

  • ven so, the specific characteristics that constitute an effective teacher are hotly debated. Teacher quality is extremely difficult to measure. As a result, most studies resort to measurable teacher inputs such as certification, academic degrees, and years of experience. Some studies that have correlated teacher test scores on basic skills tests and college entrance exams with the scores of their students on standardized tests have found that high-scoring teachers are more likely to elicit significant gains in student achievement than their lower-scoring counterparts
  • Deep content-area knowledge
  • e research is not detailed enough to clarify how much subject matter is critical for teaching specific course levels and grades.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Teaching experience
  • less consensus about certification.
  • Many schools have also introduced induction and mentoring programs to address high attrition rates and improve the practice of their inexperienced teachers.
    teacher experience, content knowlege

How Different Types of Knowledge Are Assessed - 0 views

  • Procedural knowledge is knowing how to do something; it involves making discriminations, understanding concepts, and applying rules that govern relationships and often includes motor skills and cognitive strategies
  • Declarative knowledge is knowing that something is the case
  • Problem solving may involve domain-specific strategies, suggesting that different strategies are employed when solving problems in different content a
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • The ability to solve problems builds on declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge.
  • eas, such as math versus writing
  • problem solving involves a sequence of steps, beginning with establishing a representation of the problem, then selecting a strategy that seems appropriate for resolving the problem, followed by evaluating the results of employing that strategy
  • Declarative knowledge involves information one can state verbally. Therefore, tasks will require students to state, explain, discuss, or declare in some other way what they know
  • He described declarative knowledge as a network of propositions, whereas procedural knowledge represented productions. While declarative knowledge involves knowing that something is the case, procedural knowledge involves knowing how to do something
  • To assess problem solving, students are presented a problem to solve or a situation from which they must infer the problem that needs to be solved. Typically, any number of strategies might be used to successfully solve the problem. When scoring student performance where the focus of the assessment is on problem solving, proficiency with particular strategies or other types of procedural (or declarative) knowledge generally is not scored. What is scored are qualities such as the establishment of a clear and appropriate problem representation and sense of goal, the selection of a strategy that is reasonable given the goal to be achieved, and the adequacy with which outcomes from using the selected strategy are evaluated.
    this item discusses different kinds of knowledge, their connection to Bloom's taxonomy, and how to assess each
    Different types of knowledge and how to write performance objectives in line with each.

How to Score Science Notebooks: Rubrics for Assessing Elementary Science Journals | Sui... - 0 views

    Rubrics for assessing science notebooks

running records 17: scoring the running record for boring old bed - YouTube - 0 views

    video on how to score the running record

Study hits 'grade inflation' in New York state testing of pupils | - 0 views

  • middle-school students who passed their math and English Language Arts tests are likely to struggle on their high school Regents exams
  • tudents who scored a Level 3 on their state tests -- which is considered passing -- would likely earn a 65 on their Regents exams, but that a score of 80 was typically needed to earn college credit for a course, according to the News.
  • Steiner is also calling for longer tests with more rigorous questions.
    • Melissa Pietricola
      Does longer mean better? Does a longer test necessarily mean it will better assess the learning objective?
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Critics have long been saying the tests appeared to be getting easier, and have wondered whether the scoring was adjusted to make politicians look better.
    • Melissa Pietricola
      Do regents and middle level state tests give kids "false sense of hope" as she states? My kids could care less what the state says. They are worried about their daily grades.
  • "But by any measure -- including the highly respected NAEP exams, state tests, and graduation rates -- due to the bold reform agenda implemented by this administration, the significant progress made by New York City students has far outpaced that of students in the rest of New York state."
    NYS example of grade inflation; focusing on the middle level

Immediate Feedback and Opportunity to Revise Answers to Open-Ended Questions - 0 views

    Immediate Feedback and Opportunity to Revise Answers to Open-Ended Questions. Two experiments examine the psychometric effects of providing immediate feedback on the correctness of answers to open-ended questions, and allowing participants to revise their answers following feedback. Participants answering verbal and math questions are able to correct many of their initial incorrect answers, resulting in higher revised scores. In addition, the reliability of these scores is significantly higher than the reliability of scores based on no feedback. Finally, anxiety is significantly lower following a test section with feedback and revision.

Research Study: Self-regulated learning in massive open online courses « Lear... - 0 views

  • How do participants plan, implement and reflect upon their learning goals within Change MOOC?What strategies do they use to self-regulate their learning?What tools do they use to self-regulate their learning? How do participants draw upon collective knowledge – people and other environmental resources – when planning, implementing and reflecting upon their learning goals within Change MOOC? What are the environmental factors, in particular those related to the coherence of the information space and structure of the MOOC, that constrain or enable SRL? What are the similarities and differences in the use of SRL strategies between learners who have diverse self-regulatory profiles? For example, do learners who score higher on self-regulatory skill measures use significantly different goal planning, implementation and reflection strategies than participants who score lower on the SRL measures?
    research on self-regulated learning and MOOCs

Castle Learning Online - 0 views

    Website for creating tests/assignments that pull questions from old regents exams and keeps track of score for you. Provides instant feedback to students.

ITD Journal - 0 views

  • Teachers and students need assessment tools that connect to individual learning styles and provide key information to teachers. This information will help to guide instruction and allow students to connect with their unique learning style
    • Joan Erickson
      This sounds very vague to me. I would like to see concrete examples of this
  • assessment to provide feedback and adjustment for the instructional process
    • Joan Erickson
  • assessment as a deliberate use of many methods to obtain evidence to indicate if students are meeting standards
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Universal Design
  • Many of the premier online assessment vendors offer only rudimentary, machine scored true/false, or multiple-choice responses with automatic feedback or essay storage without scoring. Little research has been done to integrate the deep knowledge base we have of learning and assessment into future online assessment tools
  • diverse types of classroom assessments
  • Teachers using online assessment tools can better analyze and adjust teaching approaches based on real-time student assessment data only available through online assessment tools

Grade inflation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • took a rare stance against grade inflation in 2004, and publicly announced a policy designed to curb it. The policy states that A's should account for less than 35 percent of the grades for undergraduate courses and less than 55 percent of grades for junior and senior independent work
  • To date, the administration has not taken steps to strictly enforce these guidelines, instead opting to rely on departments to apply them
  • nearly constant in the Natural Science departments, which were typically at or near the 35% guideline
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • 2.27.
  • 2.55
  • 3.48
  • 90% A's
  • reputation for rigorous grading policies in some science and engineering classes
  • no more than 17% of the students in any given class may be awarded A grades, and that the class GPA should be in the range of 2.7 to 2.9 out of a maximum of 4.0 grade poi
  • GPA at University of Chicago increased from 2.50 in 1965 to 3.26 in 1999
  • Ninety-five per cent scored at least grade C, having gained only 10 marks from 55. Pupils could score an A* with only 51 per cent of the marks
    brief snapshots of collges and universitites's guidelines to combat grade inflation

SCORE: Collaboration Rubric - 0 views

    straightforward rubrics for group learning, peer evaluations

AP Central - The AP Macroeconomics Exam - 0 views

  • Questions
  • All Questions
  • Questions
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Questions
    • Bill Hooper
      Each year, the free response questions from that years A.P. exam are posted. For example, by clicking on the link below, students will be able to view the 2008 questions. These questions have become an integral part of my course as practice and assessment tools.
  • Scoring GuidelinesStudent Performance Q&AScoring Statistics
  • Sample Responses Q1Sample Responses Q2Sample Responses Q3
    • Bill Hooper
      I frequently use the sample responses and give them to students as a way to assess their understanding. I have them grade the student papers and then compare their answers to the actual rubric.
  • 2008: Free-Response Questions
    • Bill Hooper
      The Free-Response questions are posted every year and are a integral part of my course. I use them as practice and assessment tools on a regular basis. I strongly recommend that all AP teachers make use of them.
    • Bill Hooper
      This page contain practice questions and answers for the AP Macroeconomics Exam. However, every AP course available on this site by clicking on the green link in the left hand sidebar entitled "AP Course and Exams" I strongly recommend it!!!!
    Webpage containing every free response question asked on the A.P. Macroeconomics exam for the past 20 years. The questions and their associated detailed solutions are made available.

Rubrics - 1 views

  • A rubric is an authentic assessment tool used to measure students' work. It is a scoring guide that seeks to evaluate a student's performance based on the sum of a full range of criteria rather than a single numerical score.
  • It is a formative type of assessment because it becomes an ongoing part of the whole teaching and learning process.
  • use a range to rate performance.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • focus on measuring a stated objective
  • improve students' end products
  • contain specific performance characteristics arranged in levels indicating the degree to which a standard has been met (Pickett and Dodge).
  • provide the scaffolding necessary to improve the quality of their work and increase their knowledge.
  • help students become better judges of the quality of their own work.
  • allow assessment to be more objective and consistent.
  • force the teacher to clarify his/her criteria in specific terms.
  • provide students with more informative feedback about their strengths and areas in need of improvement.

Analysis of a Rubric for Assessing Depth of Classroom Reflections - 0 views

  • Retention and transfer of learned material are important—although too often merely implicit—goals of classes at the university level. Factors that enhance retention and transfer of learning are now key areas of research, and one frequently recommended method of enhancing these goals is to incorporate reflection into classroom practices (Saito & Miwa, 2007
  • Boyle, Duffy, and Dunleavy (2003) demonstrated that deep learners are characterized by being intrinsically motivated, able to relate new materials to previously learned information, and able to critically evaluate information; deep learning is also positively related to grade point average (GPA) and average exam scores
  • Finally, reflection has been linked
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • incorporating reflections into the classroom is an important opportunity to increase depth of learning in the classroom. This study adds to this growing body of literature by presenting a new method for collecting and assessing reflections to make this incorporation more feasible
  • to deeper thinking (Short & Rinehart, 1993
  • Retention and transfer of learning are two variables related to knowledge, and their relationship to reflections should be studied explicitly rather than inferred from correlates (e.g., the relationship between reflection depth and GPA)

Cuomo Signs Legislation on Public Disclosure of Teacher Evaluations | WKBW News 7: News... - 0 views

  • The new law signed today by the Governor ensures that parents and the general public can assess how schools across New York are performing. The law requires school districts and BOCES to fully disclose their evaluation results to the public and require requires the State Education Department to post and make widely available important data that will allow the public to analyze and compare how schools are performing. School districts and BOCES will also be required to notify and fully disclose to parents and legal guardians the final specific ratings and composite evaluation scores of the teachers and principals to which their student is assigned.
    Legislation makes APPR ratings public in NY state.
    Article regarding public disclosure of teacher ratings in NY state.
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