Contents contributed and discussions participated by Clement Chen
Where can I find the list of the sites that I bookmarked most frequently? - 29 views
I remembered that in Diigo version 3.0 there is a section where I can see top ten sites that I bookmarked most. But I cannot find that section in Version 4.0. Could anybody kindly tell me if that function is suspended?
That's a great pity. That can be a research tool to examine if my collection has bias or not.
Would the developers of Diigo consider to resume this service?
highlights missing when page is reloaded and/or duplicated or missing in other views of... - 442 views
started by Graham Perrin on 12 Sep 09
3 follow-ups, last by Graham Perrin on 06 Oct 09
Graham Perrin liked it
I also encountered this problem yesterday and today.
I bookmark and highlight web pages almost every day. But yesterday afternoon I began to notice that the highlights in one of my bookmark disappeared. And the original page cannot be cached.
Today I bookmarked 6 pages, of which only 1 has retained my highlights. What's more, when I tried to modify my tags on these bookmarks, 3 of them failed to save the modified tags and showed only with "no_tag". And all of these bookmarks still failed to cache the original pages.
I tried both Diigo toolbar in FireFox and Diigolet in Chrome as well as Opera 10.00, but the result remain the same.
I am using Diigo in Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: .
Can somebody kindly explain how to fix this? I relied heavily on Diigo to do my research these days. - ...1 more comments...
Many thanks, Graham. I just reported these problems to Diigo.
Now I have to save the bookmarks in Zotero with a tag "todiigo" :) -
Thanks for your summary and urge.
I've just written about the way I use Zotero and Diigo in your thread.
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Very disappointed, since have lots of web page to bookmark and organize today...