Cognos Framework Manager - ABC LEARN - 0 views
abclearn on 27 Feb 17Getting started with Cognos Framework Manager Framework Manager is a metadata modeling tool that drives query generation for IBM Cognos software. A model is a collection of metadata that includes physical information and business information for one or more data sources. Whenever we start creating a model, we need to understand the requirement first and then we can choose whether to go for star schema or snowflake schema or just a relational schema. While creating a framework manager metadata model we will come across the below terms: Project: A project contains a model, namespaces, packages, data sources, and related information for maintaining and sharing model information. The project will be saved as a .cpf file and an XML file which defines the project. Different terms associated with Framework Manager: Models: Model contains your dimension tables, fact tables, and the related join information. A framework manager model is a metadata layer between your database and the reporting applications. Using Model, we can create dimension tables, fact tables and even create filters. Namespace: A namespace uniquely identifies query items, dimensions, query subjects, and other objects. You import different databases into separate namespaces to avoid duplicate names. Packages: A package is a subset of the dimensions, query subjects, and other objects defined in the project. A package is what is actually published to the IBM Cognos BI server, and it is used to create reports, analyses, and ad hoc queries. Dimensions: A dimension is a broad grouping of data about a major aspect of a business, such as products, dates, or markets. Query Subjects: A query subject is a set of query items that have an inherent relationship. In most cases, query subjects behave like tables. Query subjects produce the same set of rows regardless of which columns were queried. There are different types of query subjects which we can learn going further. Query Items: A query it