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Suzannah Claire

Bug:: Floating Sticky Notes Do Not Share to Diigo Groups - 148 views

bugs floating annotation groups sticky note bug resolved

started by Suzannah Claire on 20 Sep 08
  • Suzannah Claire
    Hello again!

    Just thought I should note this since you are expanding your groups features. There is a slight bug in the ability to share to groups that depends on the interface from which you are sharing.

    A. From the Toolbar

    1. Add a floating sticky note to a page

    2. Bookmark a site

    3. Select from the dropdown a group you want to share to

    4. Click Include existing annotations

    The floating sticky note WILL appear in the group's bookmarks

    B. From Diigo

    1. While logged into diigo, browse to "my bookmarks"

    2. Pick any of the bookmarks available. Check the check box next to any of them.

    3. From the drop down menu "Share to a group...." pick any group

    The floating sticky note will NOT appear in the groups bookmarks.

    This means, in order to share any floating sticky notes, a user has to browse to the bookmarks original site, re-bookmark the site, and use the Share-To-Group feature from the toolbar in order for the floating sticky notes to appear in the targeted group.

    This does NOT seem to be a problem for regular sticky notes that are connected to a highlight.

    FYI, I personally find the floating stickynote an excellent tool to use for inserting the actual citation for an article, making bibliographies so much easier for me.

    Good luck, let me know how it goes!!



    Viva Diigo!
  • Vincent Tsao
    > A. From the Toolbar
    > 1. Add a floating sticky note to a page
    > 2. Bookmark a site
    > 3. Select from the dropdown a group you want to share to
    > 4. Click Include existing annotations

    ===> hi Suzannah, from toolbar i can not reproduce this bug follow your steps, will u try again?

    > B. From Diigo
    > 1. While logged into diigo, browse to "my bookmarks"
    > 2. Pick any of the bookmarks available. Check the check box next to any of them.
    > 3. From the drop down menu "Share to a group...." pick any group
    ===> y, this is tricky bug, thanks for your report, now fixed
  • Suzannah Claire
    Hey Vincent!

    Thanks so much for getting back to me. I guess I was unclear again. There isnt anything wrong with the toolbar ability to fix floating sticky notes, I was just sending you my exact steps in both interfaces so you would know what i was doing.

    Thanks so much for fixing the floating sticky note issue! Your quick response is SO appreciated.

  • Alexander Lee
    I am not sure how I turned on the floating sticky notes but I would LOVE to turn them off. I have so many on the front of my facebook page that it is getting hard to navigate around them.

    Thank you for your help!
  • Graham Perrin
    @ Julie

    The option to hide annotations appears in:

    * the toolbar of Diigolet
    * the sidebar of installed versions of Diigo.
  • Graham Perrin
    Subject: Floating Sticky Notes Do Not Share to Diigo Groups

    @ Julie

    Please, could you post to a separate topic? Thanks.

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