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Car LSD Monitor | Abu Dhabi, UAE | Savnpik Autos Discount - 0 views

    Buy LCD Monitor with DVD-TV Tuner only for 700 AED instead of 1000 AED available in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Avail Falcon Sham Car Accessories disocunt at Savnpik Autos.
Judy Echeandia

Cyberbullying: Parents, Tech Companies Join Forces to Keep Kids Safe - [ - 1... - 0 views

  • Tech companies are releasing new software products that monitor and police kids' Internet use, helping them avoid cyberbullying and letting parents know when it's occurring. Internet monitoring software like CyberBully Alert lets kids notify parents when they're being bullied and takes a screen shot of the computer when a child clicks an alert icon. Programs like CyberPatrol and Spector allow parents to keep tabs on everything kids do on MySpace and Facebook, and keep screen snapshots and a record of what kids write in chat and instant messages.
    • Vicki Davis
      Interesting that there is now a program - CyberBully Alert that helps parents protect their children from harrassing behavior.
  • Using these programs, parents can also block Web sites and downloads of movies, music or images. Verizon announced in June that it will begin offering similar free security tools for parents. Internet security software maker Symantec has an online tool it will preview to some parents next month that will notify them by text message when a child attempts to access a forbidden site. The tool, code-named Watchdog until its official release, also lets parents control who is on the child’s buddy list. Symantec offers online tips at its Norton Family Resource Center.
  • software maker CyberPatrol is releasing a series of Internet videos for parents.
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  • The best defense, Criddle said, is a strong offense.
    Tech companies are releasing new software products that monitor and police kids' Internet use, helping them avoid cyberbullying and letting parents know when it's occurring.
Anne Bubnic

A Web 2.0 Approach To Cybersafety [Nancy Willard] - 0 views

    An effective school-based strategy to address the issue of online safety should include these six key components:
    EDUCATIONAL USE - Schools must ensure that when students use the Internet, their activities have an educational purpose -- class assignments, extra credit work, and perhaps some high quality enrichment activities as a reward
    SUPERVISION AND MONITORING Schools must shift focus from reliance on filtering to better supervision and monitoring.
    MEANINGFUL CONSEQUENCES Misuse of the Internet must lead to a meaningful consequence -- but it should be recognized that suspension of Internet access privileges just causes more work for teachers. Requiring a service contribution to the school and establishing "close monitoring status" for all Internet use are preferable consequences.
    ACCIDENTAL ACCESS TO PORN - All students and staff must know that if inappropriate material appears, they should quickly turn off the monitor or turn it so it can't be seen, and then report it. Following any incident or discovery, there must be a responsible assessment of culpability.
    INAPPROPRIATE BLOCKING Selected staff in every school building must have the authority and ability to quickly override the filter to provide other staff or students access to sites that have been inappropriately blocked
    INTERNET SAFETY AND RESPONSIBLE USE EDUCATION Schools must provide effective Web 2.0 Internet safety and responsible use education to students and parents.


24Hour Nursing Care| Health care at home|Tech Tricks health care| - 0 views

    After a Critical Surgery and Serious Injury, a patient must need a trained personal caregiver at home to fulfilling their daily basic needs, their family members are unable to help them because they are not medically trained, in how to handle a critical patient and care for them. At that time a patient needs a 24-hour Nursing care service from a well-trained nurse and more support staff, those who take care of critical patients, old people, sick bedridden patients, pregnant women, and newborn babies care at home. 24 Hour Nursing care at Home Involves: * checking wounds/ Dressing * oxygen administration * Ventilator care * BiPAP/ CPAP Monitoring * reviewing medications * Monitoring and concern about medical history and symptoms. * Take reading the blood Pressure, Temperature, heart rate, and breathing. * to check on the diet of the patient * daily checkups, Physiotherapy, and diagnostic tests * observing their physical and mental status, support them emotionally in hurry to recover. * Educating and advising the patients on their health and well-being. Tech Tricks health care service provides 24 hours Nursing care for helping people in their critical times, providing nurses at home for their locations, all over Odisha. they are always active and provide their health care service, and arrange all medical facilities anywhere you search the service at home.

temperature monitoring system wifi - 0 views

    ATE200 high voltage switchgear temperature monitoring sensor is a belt switchgear temperature sensor that is capable of individual installation within high-voltage cabinets and low-voltage drawer cabinets. This switchgear temperature sensor is mainly used to monitor the temperature of electrical connection points such as cable joints and circuit breaker contacts in high and low-voltage switch cabinets, to prevent the overheating of the contact resistance caused by oxidation, looseness, dust, and other factors during the operation process from becoming a safety hazard, which can improve equipment safety protection, timely, continuously and accurately reflect the operating status of the equipment, and reduce the accident rate of the equipment.
Colette Cassinelli

Digital Technology 101 for Parents - 0 views

    Digital Technology 101 offers guidance and advice on how to monitor some of the most popular communication tools used by teens today: social networking, cell phones, instant messaging,
Anne Bubnic

Copyright Webquest for 6th Graders - 0 views

    The Copyright Police are checking student multimedia projects for possible copyright violations. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, and violators will be prosecuted under the federal law. The Copyright Police are having some difficulty checking leads because there are so many students creating multimedia projects. You and your group have been hired by the Copyright Police to monitor multimedia projects created in our school. The Police Chief will give you information about a multimedia project to investigate and provide some Copyright Guidelines for your group.
    The Copyright Police are checking student multimedia projects for possible copyright violations. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, and violators will be prosecuted under the federal law. The Copyright Police are having some difficulty checking leads because there are so many students creating multimedia projects. You and your group have been hired by the Copyright Police to monitor multimedia projects created in our school. The Police Chief will give you information about a multimedia project to investigate and provide some Copyright Guidelines for your group.\n
Anne Bubnic

Eight Tips for Monitoring and Protecting Your Online Reputation - 9 views

    Here are 8 tips to monitor and protect one's online reputation from the U.S. Government Information Security Blog: Search your name. Type your first and last name within quotation marks into several popular search engines to see where you are mentioned and in what context. Narrow your search and use keywords that apply only to you, such as your city, employer and industry association. Expand your search. Use similar techniques to search for your telephone numbers, home address, e-mail addresses, and personal website domain names. You should also search for your social security and credit card numbers to make sure they don't appear anywhere online. Read blogs. If any of your friends or coworkers have blogs or personal web pages on social networking sites, check them out to see if they are writing about or posting pictures of you. Sign up for alerts. Use the Google alert feature that automatically notifies you of any new mention of your name or other personal information. Limit your personal information. Tweet/chat/discuss regarding business and the emerging trends in your industry, but limit posting information on your personal life, which could be a subject of major scrutiny by recruiters and hiring managers. Also, be sure you know how organizations will use your information before you give it to them. Use privacy settings. Most social networking and photo-sharing sites allow you to determine who can access and respond to your content. If you're using a site that doesn't offer privacy settings, find another site. Choose your photos and language thoughtfully. You need to ensure that information posted online is written professionally without use of swear words and catchy phrases. Also, be very selective in posting photographs, and use your judgment to ensure that these photographs are how you want the world to see you. Take action If you find information about yourself online that is embarrassing or untrue, cont

Software That Monitors Children's Virtual Playgrounds - 0 views

  • NetModerator, a software tool built by Crisp Thinking, a private company based in Leeds, England, can monitor online chat “for intent as well as content,” says Andrew Lintell, the company’s chief executive. To build the tool, he says, Crisp Thinking analyzed roughly 700 million lines of chat traffic, some from conversations between children and some, like conversations between children and sexual predators, provided by law enforcement groups.
  • Sexual predators are always a concern, she says, though she described the likelihood of a child being targeted by an adult with malicious intent as “statistically low.”
  • “Imagine a thousand children, 95 percent of whom have excellent typing skills, all typing at the same time,” she says. “Now try to monitor those conversations as they scroll past you on a screen.”
    Software That Guards Virtual Playgrounds
    The last "highlight" is particularly telling.

Cyber bullies run amok at top school - 0 views

  • PARENTS have been urged to confiscate their children's mobile phones at night and monitor computer use after two year 9 students from the prestigious Sydney girls' school Ascham were forced to leave the school because of cyber-bullying.
    Parents have been urged to confiscate their children's mobile phones at night and monitor computer use after two year 9 students from the prestigious Sydney girls' school Ascham were forced to leave the school because of cyber-bullying.
Anne Bubnic

AB 307 [Chavez Bill ]- California - 0 views

    AB 307 charges districts to "educate pupils and teachers on the appropriate and ethical use of information technology in the classroom, Internet safety, avoiding plagiarism, the concept, purpose, and significance of a copyright so that pupils can distinguish between lawful and unlawful online downloading, and the implications of illegal peer-to-peer network file sharing."

    This bill shows up as additional items in the planning criteria found in the EETT grant applicationCalifornia Education Code Section 51871.5, -- legislation, monitoring student internet use, ethical use of educational technology in the classroom, information literacy, aspects of information literacy/Internet safety, cyber-bullying, research studies and reports.
Anne Bubnic

Terror in the Classroom: What Can be Done?, Part 4 - 0 views

  • A survey conducted by MSN United Kingdom found that 74% of teens as compared to 80% in this study did not go to anyone for advice when they were cyberbullied (, 2006). One reason some teenagers are reluctant to tell parents or adults is the fear of retaliation.
  • Many times parents don't get involved because they are afraid of invading their teen's privacy. Others may feel that as long as they have filtering software their teen is protected from negative material.
  • Parents need to be educated about cyberbullying- what it looks like, what the effects are and how to handle it. Rosalind Wiseman, educator and author of the best seller "Queen Bees & Wannabes", suggest parents consider the following: Use technology as an opportunity to reinforce your family values. Attach rules and consequences if inappropriate behavior occurs. Move the computer out of your child's bedroom and into the family room. Teach your child not to share passwords. Install monitoring and filtering software. Monitor your child's screen name(s) and Web sites for inappropriate content. If cyberbullying occurs, save and print out any evidence and decide whom you should contact for assistance.
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  • n Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District, 393 U.S. 503 (1969). The court ruled that a student's right to free speech can be limited when the speech "materially disrupts class work or involves substantial disorder or invasion of the rights of others." The standard of "material disruption" set by Tinker is often referred to by the courts
    What Can Parents Do? Schools should start addressing students, parents and staff about the issues of cyberbullying. Students need to be reminded that what they do in cyberspace is not really anonymous. They need to know their behaviors and words are downloadable, printable and sometimes punishable by law. The courts have given some direction for schools dealing with cyberbullying. "School districts are well within their legal rights to intervene in cyberbullying incidents - even if these incidents were initiated off-campus - if it can be demonstrated that the incident resulted in a substantial disruption of the educational environment"
Anne Bubnic

I Know What You Did 5 Minutes Ago (It Came Through My Facebook Feed) - 0 views

    Live feeds from social networking sites make it easy to monitor the actions of friends. But how much information constitutes "too much information" is a conversation that needs to take place with teens. Not everything is as private as it may seem.
Anne Bubnic

Protecting Children from Adult Content on Wireless Devices - 0 views

  • What You Can Do If you are concerned about your children accessing adult material from their wireless phones/devices, consider the following: Monitor how your children are using their wireless phones or other wireless devices. For example, are they using them mainly for talking, or are they using them for messaging, taking photos and downloading applications? Check with your carrier to see what types of material it offers and what types can be accessed from your children’s handsets. Check with your carrier to see if there are ways to prevent access to and downloading of content that may contain inappropriate material and that is available on a per-use or per-application basis (e.g., games, wall paper images, songs). Monitor your bill. Any content purchases made from a wireless phone should appear on your monthly bill, so check your bill to see if any purchases have been made from your children’s phones/devices. The FCC requires that the descriptions of charges on wireless carrier bills be full, clear, non-deceptive, and in plain language. Check with your carrier to see what handsets are available for your children that are not capable of accessing advanced applications that may contain adult material. Check with your carrier to see whether subscriptions to wireless data or wireless Internet packages also offer access to adult material on your children’s phone.
    With the benefits of wireless technology comes a potential harm: the growing use of wireless phones and devices by children affords them the opportunity to access adult material that may be inappropriate for them. The FCC offers 6 tips for wireless safety.
Anne Bubnic

Spying on the Text Generation - 0 views

    When it comes to watching over their tech-obsessed teenagers, parents are learning the dangers of too much information. Having the ability to monitor and knowing how to is important. But sometimes the threat of intervention [Don' t give me reason to...] is better than actual intervention.
Vicki Davis

Do You Read Blocked Blogs? at Change Agency - 0 views

  • This morning, Bud The Teacher, posted a request for designs for a 21st Century version of the “I Read Banned Books” buttons that we are all so familiar with. In response to this request, I played around with an idea:
    Bud the Teacher and Stephanie Sandifer are planning an I read blocked blogs day. This is going to be an event for educators advocating access. It would also be a great time to talk about ways to monitor when you provide access. This also happens to be the first aspect of ad4dcss and we've listed it on the wiki. They have shirts that people can get and buttons for your blog.
    This is going to be a great project.
Anne Bubnic

GetNetWise [Video Tutorials] - 0 views

    Flash video tutorials from GetNetWise on family internet safety topics like turning on filtering, making social networks more private, using WiFi, monitoring cookie files, hiding browser history information, spyware and spam filtering.
Anne Bubnic

Cyberbullying the teacher - 0 views

    The increasing trend of cyber-bullying has transcended the playground, according to a study cited by the Christian Science Monitor, as over a quarter of teachers and principals are the subject of mocking blog posts or doctored images. This new brand of bullying tends to be more malicious than normal schoolhouse pranks, and can undercut a teacher's ability to perform in the classroom. Opinions differ, however, on what solutions to pursue. Some school districts have come down hard, using provisions like North Carolina's cyberstalking law to charge students criminally for electronically communicated threats, racial slurs, and, in one case, spurious accusations of pedophilia.
Anne Bubnic

Youth using phones to harass and spy on partners - 2 views

    A survey of 1200 teens and young adults (conducted by Knowledge Networks for the Associated Press and MTV) found that 22% of the digital youth reported they have been targeted for digital abuse, either through cell phone, email or internet monitoring by someone they were dating.
Anne Bubnic

How Privacy Vanishes Online, a Bit at a Time - 1 views

    In social networks, people can increase their defenses against identification by adopting tight privacy controls on information in personal profiles. Yet an individual's actions, researchers say, are rarely enough to protect privacy in the interconnected world of the Internet. The FTC is worried that rules to protect privacy have not kept up with technology. The FTC and Congress are weighing steps like tighter industry requirements and the creation of a "do not track" list, similar to the federal "do not call" list, to stop online monitoring.
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