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anorexia and the media Essay - 0 views

  • Two main eating disorders pertain to thinness they are Anorexia nervosa and Bulimia nervosa
  • A National survey revealed that up to seventy five percent of women consider themselves too fat when in reality they are below the ideal weight standards that are established.
  • In America fifty six percent of all women are on diets.
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  • Women of ages eleven years of age to seventeen years old number one wish is to lose weight and keep it off.
  • By the time these girls reach the age of eighteen eighty percent of them have dieted.
  • with young women
  • This is not only a problem
  • The advertisement for this product displays a thin, beautiful model dressed in a short, low-cut dress lounging on a bar stool. They have her long thin legs that take up most of the page with not a trace of cellulite on them. The caption for this advertisement is written across her tiny waist and it reads "Everybody could use a little less fat"
  • Lite Cheese portrays that a women cannot be thin enough an even every women who is thin must worry that their bodies are "too fat".
  • The ideal thin appears in television and magazines especially for women.
  • standard in television is slimmer for female then it is for males.
  • Popular women's magazines contain approximately ten times as many dieting articles
  • These students will gain weight and then diet. This triggers eating disorders
  • Suddenly they are on their own with food, usually for the first time in their lives

EBSCOhost: India Confronts Gender-Selective Abortion - 0 views

  • he Lancets stated that over the last 20 years there have been 10 million missing female births in India.

Anorexia Nervosa Symptoms, Signs, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment by - 0 views

  • Anorexia nervosa, commonly referred to simply as anorexia, is one type of eating disorder.
  • A person with anorexia often initially begins dieting to lose weight.
  • The individual continues the endless cycle of restrictive eating, often accompanied by other behaviors such as excessive
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  • Approximately 95% of those affected by anorexia are female, but males can develop the disorder as well.
  • anorexia typically begins to manifest itself during early adolescence
  • In the U.S. and other countries with high economic status, it is estimated that about one out of every 100 adolescent girls has the disorder.
  • According to the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), an estimated 0.5%-3.7% of women will suffer from this disorder at some point in their lives.
  • ny experts consider people for whom thinness is especially desirable, or a professional requirement (such as
  • models, dancers, and actors
  • At this time, no definite cause of anorexia nervosa has been determined. However, research within the medical and psychological fields continues to explore possible causes.

United States of America: Foreign Aid - 0 views

  • When the going gets tough, Americans keep giving
  • early $241 billi
  • 2002 set a new high
  • ...26 more annotations...
  • over 2001's total in current dollars
  • $240.92 billion in gifts equaled 2.3 percent of US gross domestic product.
  • amount represents a 0.5 percent decline since 2001
  • "the resilience and pervasiveness of giving in our culture,
  • Most donations come from individuals (76 percent of the total), and some nonprofit sectors were hit harder last year than others
  • The USA is only the world's biggest giver because it is rich.
  • most stingy and self-interested giver in the developed world:
  • USA is the
  • America is the world's most generous nation.
  • one of the most conventional pieces of 'knowledgeable ignorance
  • between
  • $6 and $15 billion in foreign aid in the period between 1995 and 1999
  • Japan gives more than the US,
  • between $9 and $15 billion in the same period
  • absolute figures are less significant than the proportion of gross domestic product (GDP, or national wealth) that a country devotes to foreign aid
  • US ranks twenty-second of the 22 most developed nations.
  • President Jimmy Carter
  • We are the stingiest nation of all'
  • Denmark is top of the table, giving 1.01% of GDP, while the US manages just 0.1%
  • long established the target of 0.7% GDP for development assistance
  • Denmark, 1.01%; Norway, 0.91%; the Netherlands, 0.79%; Sweden, 0.7%
  • US is highly selective in who receives its aid
  • 50% of its aid budget is spent on middle-income countries in the Middle East, with Israel being the recipient of the largest single share.
  • 80% of that aid itself actually goes to American companies in those foreign countries.
  • 3. Conclusion
  • The rest of the world

Fast Food and Obesity - Fast Food, Health and Obesity in America - HealthTree - 0 views

  • The link between fast food and obesity seems simple enough: Fast food is notoriously high in fats, sugar, salt and calories.
  • A survey by the Pew Research Center (2006) reports that almost 20 percent of Americans eat at fast food restaurants at least twice a week

Should fast food restaurants be forced to serve healthier food? - Yahoo! Answers - 0 views

  • It seems to me that the fast food industry should be blamed for most if not all of the obesity in America. People want to eat healthy but the fast food industry has taken over. There are no other alternatives. Sure they claim to have healthy alternatives but when you look at their version of a healthy alternative in most cases you are back where you began. For instance the salad that they offer has the same deep fried chicken loaded with sodium that they put on the sandwich and the salad dressing is loaded with empty calories. Shouldn't the fast food industry be held more accountable for the products they serve. One sandwich can have the entire days worth of fat and calories. Like it or not fast food is a way of life and the industry should bear some of the blame. We should start a campaign to reduce calories across the board.

Six Wonderful Things About Games - 0 views

  • Research is mounting that playing games can make you smarter.
  • At the 2009 MI6 conference, he pointed out that games engage the same brain machinery that’s used when one is learning.
  • Is it a coincidence that “nerds” often possess an interest in computer games, as well as have an aptitude for subjects like maths and science?
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  • A huge number of engineers, designers and artists have taken up their careers because of the excitement they gained from their exposure to games. Games challenge the imagination, and designing them is a fun and rewarding experience.
  • Part of this includes challenging kids to design games
  • This hasn’t been lost on the Obama Administration, which is including educational games in a $260mm program
  • It is often said that playing video games improves one’s hand-eye coordination.  This is a very important skill to have outside the realm of video games
  • playing games could help someone become a better surgeon (it does—a lot).
  • games have gotten people excited about learning something new.
  • eople do learn new things they might never have, just by playing these games.
  • Academic research has shown that games can increase the feelings that lead to creativity
  • laying WoW directly intersects with the study of applied mathematics.
  • ophisticated spreadsheets and statistical models to reach their conclusions
  • their first exposure to formal applied mathematics
  • well-researched tables, proofs and statistics.
  • If only my gradeschool teachers had come up with something this engaging to get me interested in in the almost impenetrable world of mathematics!
  • Furthermore, games themselves are becoming an increasingly creative medium
  • video and computer games
  • an be quite influential in fostering creative expression
  • Games even inspire creativity outside of the game
  • games as creative catalysts
  • we’re still at the very beginning of games as a means of artistic and creative expression
  • games provide a venue for expression
  • Furthermore, the study found that teens who are exposed to civics within games (e.g., city-simulators like SimCity, or running a guild/clan in other games) are more likely than other teens to be interested in political and civics activities.
  • players are learning real economics and business skills
  • Such claims have been repeatedly debunked after extensive research,
  • Unlike any other medium, games gets different people from different countries, political views and religions all playing together. Not because they are elite; not because they’re spectators, but because you must work together to solve problems.
  • I’m convinced that the more we play together, the more we’ll learn to live with each other
  • Games are fun, and that’s enough for me. Maybe it isn’t enough for you—or for your friends or for your family. I hope you the information I’ve presented is helpful to you in explaining many of the other positives about games.  Not only are games fun, but they’re also healthy, and can promote positive brain development, career opportunity and social behavior.

Humans are Responsible for Global Warming - CreateDebate - 0 views

    Are humans responsible for Global Warming? *debated*

Why video games are good for kids - 0 views

  • There is a lot of controversy about how bad video games are for children, in regards to violence, and general obsession with playing, so much so that nothing else matters to them. Having been quite involved in more than one video game in my time, I can attest to the fact that they can become quite addicting and there is a kind of obsession that drives you to keep playing until you’ve won the game
  • Video games have many benefits to children which most of us never even think of. Video games promote good eye-hand coordination, problem solving skills, critical thinking and competition.

Media and Girls - 0 views

  • North American girl will watch 5,000 hours of television, including 80,000 ads, before she starts kindergarten.
  • there is a long way to go, both in the quantity of media representations of woman and in their quality.
  • female characters make up only 32 per cent of the main characters on TV,
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  • However,almost 70 per cent of the editorial content in teen mags focuses on beauty and fashion, and only 12 per cent talks about school or careers.
  • difficult for girls to negotiate the transition to adulthood.
  • he numbers for girls drop steadily from 72 per cent in Grade Six students to only 55 per cent in Grade Ten.
  • because of the widening gap between girls' self-images and society's messages about what girls should be like.
  • girls are surrounded by images of female beauty that are unrealistic and unattainable.

Grand Theft Auto: Do Video Games Cause Behavior Problems? - 0 views

  • “You play as a thug with problems you must steal and shoot your way out of, but the problems this time are disconcertingly more realistic.
  • (ie: of the level that shoots and steals his way out of problems?? Wouldn’t this indicate some psychopathic tendencies? Do parents actually buy this game for kids?)
  • The killing and stealing bothers this writer not at all, just the curse words. And, there is this comment, barely literate and disturbing: “dis game is tight the graphocs rock one thing i enjoy is that you get to kill people and take peoples nice cars and in one mission u can buy a big plane like ones at the airports”.

Should Euthanasia be legalized in India? - 0 views

  • A painful disease is one in which the patient suffers unbearable and excruciating pain. A chronic disease is a long lasting one and an incurable disease is one whose cure has not been found till date.
  • The individual should have at least the right to choose a graceful death for himself. Why should he be allowed to keep suffering day and night?
  • a patient should be allowed to decide when he has suffered enough.
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  • After all as an individual, you decide where to marry, you decide where to work, and at the last hurdle of your life, you should be allowed to choose how do you want to end your life.
  • What if the patient is in coma and is unable to make a decision, should the relatives be allowed to make it?
  • Legalising voluntary Euthanasia would lead to involuntary euthanasia. In this society, full of greed and corruption anything is possible.
  • The Bible says, “Thou shalt not kill” And even Islam does not allow anyone to take away life.
  • We have cases, where doctors are often beaten up if the patient was not treated properly, what would happen to a doctor if he merely suggested Euthanasia to the relatives? Will the relatives be able to understand the suffering of the patient?
  • Some people feel we don’t choose when to be born and we should not be given the right to choose when to die.
  • On the contrary, others feel that a life of pain is not a life but an imposition and we should be at least allowed to end it in a dignified peaceful manner.

National Air and Space Museum Press Release: National Air and Space Museum to Receive A... - 0 views

  • world's only supersonic passenger jetliner.
  • 27 years of Concorde service last mont
  • wice the speed of sound at around 1,350 mph,
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • titude of up to 60,000 fee
  • about twice as fast as on conventional aircraft
  • 04 feet
  • 09 tons, is far too large and heavy for display in the Mall building. It will be exhibited at ground level in the Udvar-Hazy (pronounced OOD-var HAH-zee) Center aviation hangar.
  • made a round-the-world trip in 1998
  • d 17,820 flight hours during 6,966 flights.

Euthanasia - Described and Debated - 0 views

  • active and passive
  • the elimination of the old, weak, and disabled.
  • People who are "not useful" could be exterminated simply for that reason
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • request death for the sick because of questionable reasons. Someone might only be thinking of their own gain, knowing that they are mentioned in a will.
  • Many believe that "only God can give life and only God should take it away" (Cundiff, 64). There is also the question to consider of the fallibility of physicians. Many lives could be ended too hastily as a result of incorrect prognosis or diagnosis.
  • While the pain should be treated (for example, with painkillers), the person should not be forced to live through methods like life-support,
  • In most cases, people who request assisted suicide or euthanasia are actually crying for help
  • Euthanasia could easily become a way to minimize health care costs.
  • physicians are being offered cash bonuses if they fail to provide care for their patients. Doctors could face financial risks for actually doing their jobs.
  • Medical care is something that must be provided. We cannot walk out on people who are suffering
  • No person is entitled to consent to have death inflicted on him, and such consent does not affect the criminal responsibility of any person by whom death may be inflicted on the person by whom consent is given.
  • it is called passive
  • "the government [does] not have the right to [allow] one group of people . . . to kill another group of people"
  • The government also does not intend to make anyone suffer
  • The allowance of euthanasia would open up doors of undesirable practices.
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