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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Dillon Patel

Dillon Patel

NASA - Global Warming - 0 views

  • Global Warming
  • Causes of global warming
  • the late 1800's. A majority of climatologists have concluded that human activities are responsible for most of the warming. Human activities contribute to global warming by enhancing Earth's natural greenhouse effect.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • The greenhouse effect warms Earth's surface through a complex process involving sunlight, gases, and particles in the atmosphere. Gases that trap heat in the atmosphere are known as greenhouse gases.
  • Climatologists (scientists who study climate) have analyzed the global warming that has occurred since
  • human activities that contribute to global warming
  • burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas)
  • clearing of land.
  • reates carbon dioxide, whose chemical formula is CO2. CO2 is a greenhouse gas that slows the escape of heat into space. Trees and other plants remove CO2 from the air during photosynthesis, the process they use to produce food.
    VERY RELIABLE SOURCE Talks about Global Warming in General, the impact of it, the causes of it, it mentions my argument, how Humans are mainly responsible, and other very important details.
Dillon Patel

The main cause of global warming | Time for change - 0 views

  • It took more than 20 years to broadly accept that mankind is causing global warming with the emission of greenhouse gases.
  • More than 80% of the world-wide energy demand is currently supplied by the fossil fuels coal, oil or gas.
  • energy demand is simply too high.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Why have warnings about climate change been ignored for more than 20 years?
  • The true cause of global warming is our thoughtless attitude to Nature.
  • Why were ever more scientific evidence demanded to find the coherence of man-made CO2 emissions as cause of global warming? Why wasn't common sense reason enough to act?
  • Why can one still today find people who stick their head in the sand and don't want to understand what's going on in the earth's atmosphere?
  • Why do most people refuse to change their personal behavior voluntary in order to reduce CO2 emissions caused by their activities?
  • The answer to all these questions is a rather simple one:
  • In our technology and scientific minded world, we seem to have forgotten that mankind is only a relatively minor part of Nature. We ignore being part of a larger whole.
  • It's your personal decision whether you want to be the cause of global warming
  • In this context the question is whether global warming and its effects will eventually wake up mankind and spark off a change of paradigm. Will we understand this hint of Nature to follow the true meaning of life or will we continue to let us manipulate by media and advertisement as sheer and willing consumers in the economic cycle? Will we continue to strive for power, prestige and possessions following the concept „the more the better "? Shall economic growth and an ever increasing personal income continue to be the reason for being here, beyond everything else?
    This website looks very reliable, and it mentions that humans need to realize that it's time for for a change, because global warming is becoming more visible, and scientists have said that global warmings' main cause are humans... With my argument.
Dillon Patel

The Human Contribution - Fossil Fuels, The Planets Natural Balance, The First Warning, ... - 0 views

  • The Human Contribution
  • Fossil Fuels:
  • The Planet's Natural Balance
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • The First Warning
  • Revealing Discoveries
  • Deforestation
  • Beyond CO 2 —the Perils of Methane
  • Other Heat-Trapping Gases
  • The Uncertainty Lingers
  • the term greenhouse warming to describe the current warming of the earth.
  • "The concern is that we human beings are modifying that greenhouse effect by adding to the atmosphere gases that increase the natural abundance of these so-called gases. . . .
  • burning fossil fuel (coal and oil and natural gas), which releases carbon dioxide
  • Over time, pressure and heat from the earth compacted the material into layers of sedimentary rock.
  • Coal is a fossil fuel
  • 1000 B . C .,
  • Industrial Revolution its use began to soar.
  • was found to be both plentiful and cheap,
  • where it was believed the pollutants would disperse without harm." 16
  • All fossil fuels release carbon whenever they are burned, but coal has a much higher carbon content than either oil or gas.
  • The other two fossil fuels, oil and natural gas, are also used to produce electricity, but not as often as coal. Oil and gas are primarily used to heat homes and factories, as well as fuel all forms of transportation from buses to ships and motorcycles to airplanes.
  • Carbon dioxide is a colorless, odorless gas that is naturally present in the atmosphere, but only in tiny amounts.
  • oxygen and nitrogen comprise about 99 percent of atmospheric gases
  • carbon dioxide is only a trace gas, it is essential for life.
    Man's contributions to global warming, I've been focusing my sources on just the basic argument.
Dillon Patel

White House report says people cause global warming - 27 August 2004 - New Scientist - 0 views

  • White House report says people cause global warming
  • People are responsible for the spike in global warming in the last 30 years, says a new US government report.
  • enact policies to curb greenhouse gas emissions.
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • Our Changing Planet
  • climate change research by 13 government agencies.
  • The document reports that global warming in the first half of the 20th century, estimated at 0.2°C above pre-industrial temperatures, "was likely due to natural climate variation", including increased solar activity.
  • can only be explained when factors related to human activity
  • "There's nothing else we can blame it on, really,"
  • "If we don't put the changes in carbon dioxide into our models, we don't get global warming out."
  • "Well over 98% of scientists competent in this area would agree with that," he told New Scientist.
  • "The big question is what effect this will have on climate policy," Janetos told New Scientist.
  • that would be big news indeed."
  • Trenberth agrees, saying Bush's policy thus far has been to "take whatever nature throws at us
  • "Bush has said that if we do something about emissions, it will hurt the economy,"
  • Others experts have lobbied the government to regulate carbon dioxide through the Clean Air Act.
  • "This research will help decision makers and managers in the US and other countries evaluate and respond to climate change."
    According to the white house, humans are the main cause. Reliable source.
Dillon Patel

Scientists agree: Humans causing global warming - 0 views

  • Reader Services: My account | Mobile | RSS feeds | Follow us on Twitter | Facebook | E-mail newsletters | Corrections
  • Scientists agree: Humans causing global warmin
  • Report today makes strongest assertion to date
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • the world's leading climate scientists are reporting today that they are basically certain
  • the effects are likely to last for centuries.
  • Evidence of climate warming is unequivocal.
  • "We did it."
  • "Scientists are pretty well done arguing about whether the warming in the last 50 years is related to burning fossil fuels," Mote said.
  • Researchers said they are more than 90 percent certain that global warming is caused by humans
  • their most powerful assertion to date.
  • the report says, the warming is likely to mean intensified droughts and heat waves, along with unusually strong storms
    This source, which is pretty reliable states that scientists are making a STAND that humans are a huge, and most of the contribution for global warming, and are responsible.
Dillon Patel

Global Warming "Very Likely" Caused by Humans, World Climate Experts Say - 0 views

  • Global Warming "Very Likely" Caused by Humans, World Climate Experts Say
  • Global warming is here, it's human-caused, and it will continue for centuries even if greenhouse-gas emissions are stabilized, an international panel of climate experts said in a report issued today.
  • The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • human activity to Earth's warming temperatures
  • Fossil fuel use, agriculture, and land-use change are fundamentally affecting the systems on our planet," Achim Steiner
  • reach unanimous agreement on the wording of each sentence in the 20-page summary for policymakers. "Most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperature since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic [human-caused]
  • The phrase "very likely" translates to a 90 percent probability
  • In 2001 the panel concluded humans were "likely," or with 66 percent probability
  • Each time they've used a more explicit statement about the human contribution
  • dies the threat of global climate change, said the report will cause some people to "be somewhat more concerned"
  • but doubted it would be
  • would be
  • "revolutionary" in spurring action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Jacoby, who stu
    A very reliable source, National Geographic mentions that Climate Experts say that Humans are "very likely" the main cause.
Dillon Patel

Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says - 0 views

  • our planet's recent climate changes have a natural
  • and not a human-induced
  • controversial theory.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Earth is currently experiencing rapid warming, which the vast majority of climate scientists says is due to humans pumping huge amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. (Get an overview: "Global Warming Fast Facts".)
  • "ice caps" near Mars's south pole had been diminishing for three summers in a row.
  • Astronomical Observatory in Russia, says the Mars data is evidence that the current global warming on Earth is being caused by changes in the sun.
  • Abdussamatov believes that changes in the sun's heat output can account for almost all the climate changes we see on both planets
  • ice ages throughout their histories.
  • "Man-made greenhouse warming has made a small contribution to the warming seen on Earth in recent years, but it cannot compete with the increase in solar irradiance," Abdussamatov said.
  • Abdussamatov believes he can see a pattern that fits with the ups and downs in climate we see on Earth and Mars.
  • has not been well received by other climate scientists.
    From a reliable source, National Geographic, they say that Global Warming's main cause MAY NOT be humans, though in fact solar. Against my argument.
Dillon Patel

Solar Cycles Cause Global Warming & Cooling, not Humans - 0 views

  • Planetary warming has also been observed on Mars, Jupiter, Pluto, and on Neptune's largest moon Triton during the decades following the peak of the "Solar Grand Maximum" - wonder why - there are no humans there!
  • And Pluto is moving further from the sun in its orbit,
  • it should be cooling, but instead it is warming.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • due to solar changes rather than mere human antics.
  • t Earth's oceans are now beginning to cool.
  • The Earth heats up after a Solar Grand Maximum, lagging a bit after the peak. With a Solar Grand Minimum now on its way, a "global cooling" is on the horizon--a natural oscillation occurring in much longer solar cycles.
  • continue to ignore all of this, perpetuating fear and advocating spending billions of dollars on non-solutions.
  • humans contribute to greenhouse gases,
  • the overall effect is a tiny fraction compared to natural causes.
    Humans ARE NOT the cause of Global Warming. Against my argument.
Dillon Patel

How Do Humans Cause Global Warming? | A Cooler Climate - 0 views

  • Driving your car
  • Buying your suburban home
  • Eating supermarket meat
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • tremendous amounts of fossil fuels.
  • storing carbon for thousands, possibly millions of years.
  • When your car burns them, that carbon is instantly released as carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
  • cleared of existing trees and plants that were actively storing carbon.
  • they stopped storing carbon and released all the carbon they had accumulated over tens or even hundreds of years.
  • use of enormous fossil fuel-powered machines in the production,
  • produce methane, a major greenhouse gas.
  • beef, lamb or goat meat,
  • that animal agriculture is responsible for 18% of global greenhouse gas emissions,
  • Is Human-Caused Warming Dangerous?
  • short answer is “yes
  • Much concern exists within the scientific community about global warming, the main cause of which is an accumulation of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere.
    The three most significant ways that humans cause Global Warming and other useful information.
Dillon Patel

How Do Humans Cause Global Warming? - climate change and environmental ... - 0 views

  • main cause of global warming.
  • our species create huge problems that are beyond the ability of other animals to create
  • Humans cause global warming
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • our unique ability to capture and use energy from stored energy sources.
  • Even your basic needs are dependent on fossil fuels.
  • if humans didn’t have the ability to exploit dense energy sources such as coal, oil, and natural gas.
  • their discovery transformed the face of the earth and the nature of humans.
  • the human population has grown by more than five times
  • person uses more energy than ever.
  • This energy comes largely from fossil fuels, the use of which is a direct cause of global warming.
  • we want to decrease global warming, then the amount of carbon released each year by humans must be drastically reduced.
  • the we
  • althy (that means you!) Increasing population among the poor
  • Americans consume 300 – 600 times as much as people in very poor nations, in some cases.
  • many of whom aspire to live “better” lives, to consume like wealthy people.
  • From this it becomes clear why humans are the main cause of global warming.
    The main cause of global warming, the human species, us.
Dillon Patel

Humans are Responsible for Global Warming - CreateDebate - 0 views

    Are humans responsible for Global Warming? *debated*
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