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Dillon Patel

Humans are Responsible for Global Warming - CreateDebate - 0 views

    Are humans responsible for Global Warming? *debated*
Vikram Mohan

New York City mosque debate will shape American Islam » World/National News »... - 0 views

  • "The joke is on moderate Muslims," said Muqtedar Khan, a University of Delaware political scientist and author of "American Muslims, Bridging Faith and Freedom." "What's the point if you're going to be treated the same way as a radical? If I get into trouble are they going to treat me like I'm a supporter of al-Qaeda?"
Vikram Mohan

Mosque debate: New Yorkers take dim view of rabble-rousing outsiders - 0 views

  • The heated national debate is unrecognizable from the reality in New York, both politically and spatially. For starters, there are the practical questions of whether the Islamic center's politically unconnected organizers have the savvy and know-how to navigate the city's real estate universe or to put together the $100 million they need for their ambitious project. But if they somehow do, the city's entire political establishment supports their right to build on private property.
Shumona Raha

Euthanasia - Described and Debated - 0 views

  • active and passive
  • the elimination of the old, weak, and disabled.
  • People who are "not useful" could be exterminated simply for that reason
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  • request death for the sick because of questionable reasons. Someone might only be thinking of their own gain, knowing that they are mentioned in a will.
  • Many believe that "only God can give life and only God should take it away" (Cundiff, 64). There is also the question to consider of the fallibility of physicians. Many lives could be ended too hastily as a result of incorrect prognosis or diagnosis.
  • While the pain should be treated (for example, with painkillers), the person should not be forced to live through methods like life-support,
  • In most cases, people who request assisted suicide or euthanasia are actually crying for help
  • Euthanasia could easily become a way to minimize health care costs.
  • physicians are being offered cash bonuses if they fail to provide care for their patients. Doctors could face financial risks for actually doing their jobs.
  • Medical care is something that must be provided. We cannot walk out on people who are suffering
  • No person is entitled to consent to have death inflicted on him, and such consent does not affect the criminal responsibility of any person by whom death may be inflicted on the person by whom consent is given.
  • it is called passive
  • "the government [does] not have the right to [allow] one group of people . . . to kill another group of people"
  • The government also does not intend to make anyone suffer
  • The allowance of euthanasia would open up doors of undesirable practices.
Shumona Raha

Euthanasia: Should it be made legal? Why? - 0 views

  • The difference is, in euthanasia, the person who is dying performs the last act while in assisted death another person performs the act. For example a physician can help in the process by giving lethal medications through the oral or intravenous routes. If the physician himself administers it then it is physician-assisted suicide, but, if he sets up the injection apparatus and the person who wants to die presses the button then it translates into euthanasia.
  • On one side it has been argued that for people on life support systems and people with long standing diseases causing much pain and distress, euthanasia is a better choice
  • it is much more practical and humane to grant the person his/her wish to end his/her own life in a relatively painless and merciful way
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  • In 1997, Oregon was the first to enact the physician-assisted suicide law in the United States.
  • It will lead to a person having an option to consult his/her medical practitioner and choosing the right time and right way to end his/her life.
  • But at the same time laws should be in place to make sure that there are proper standards in place to avoid unnecessary deaths in our present day stress filled lives.
Vikram Mohan

Mosque debate splits Dems, especially in N.Y. - Politics - Capitol Hill - - 0 views

  • As vulnerable congressional Democrats weigh how to respond to President Barack Obama's statements on Muslims' right to build a mosque near ground zero, those in New York and closest to the controversy are staying silent or scrambling away.
Anjan Narain

Doctor-Assisted Suicide - 0 views

  • Euthanasia
  • To be acceptable to most Americans, any legislation drafted to legalize doctor-assisted suicide will clearly need to balance the desire to end suffering with the need to protect especially vulnerable patients. Timothy Quill puts forward two conditions for the future of this debate. If we legalize euthanasia, he says, we must ensure that absolutely every treatment and pain-management alternative has been tried before we allow a doctor to assist a patient to die.
  • if assisted suicide remains illegal, we must give doctors some kind of guidance in dealing with this morally and emotionally wrenching issue that presently rests entirely on their shoulders.
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  • Many who oppose the legalization of doctor-assisted suicide acknowledge that the practice goes on every day--and feel that society should tolerate it, but not legalize it
  • Judge Guido Calabresi reasoned, "It may well be that a society may prefer subterfuge and covert practice to trying to draw lines that are extraordinarily difficult to draw." A similar view against legalization was expressed in a Detroit News editorial (May 18, 1995): "Sometimes families and doctors will quietly try to frustrate a ban, but society must err on the side of life by officially declaring the practice off-limits."
  • they must either openly break the law, or explicitly hide what they are doing, neither of which are comfortable options.
  • Hogan argued, "With state sanctioned and physician-assisted death at issue, some 'good results' cannot outweigh other lives lost due to unconstitutional errors and abuses."
  • The Oregon act would have been first in the U.S. to allow doctors to assist patients in dying. The law would have let doctors prescribe (but not administer) a lethal dose of drugs to terminally ill patients who had formally requested to die.
  • The law required that the patient request to die three times, the last time in writing, and that doctors wait 15 days after receiving the final request to prescribe the lethal dose. A minimum of two physicians would have had to determine that the patient had six months or less to live.
  • patients' involvement in treatment decisions has been increased debate over doctor-assisted suicide, in which patients seek help in dying from their physician.
  • A November 1993 Louis Harris Associates poll found that a majority of Americans (58%) approve of Dr. Jack Kevorkian, a controversial retired Michigan pathologist who has made a mission of assisting terminally ill people to die
  • The issue of doctor-assisted suicide has touched off highly publicized dialogue on how to care for the terminally ill, and specifically, how to manage pain.
  • Euthanasia is defined as "the bringing about of a gentle and easy death for a person suffering from a painful incurable disease," while suicide is "the intentional killing of oneself.
  • active euthanasia, which is at the center of the current controversy. Passive euthanasia is defined as "allowing to die," and is used to describe a decision to withhold treatment, or remove life support, from a patient who may be in a coma or vegetative state.
Puja DeGamia

Debate: Portrayal of women in mass media - Debatepedia - 0 views

  • A big part of media audience consists of teenagers, who are particularly vulnerable
  • This is because the mentality of young people is in the process of formation.
  • The impact of media on the morality of the younger generation can affect the future of our society negatively.
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  • Women are portrayed as perfect models. Although very often "Photoshop-edited",
  • hile stressing the importance of being slim. This leads in consequence to "promotion of anorexia", which is clearly undesirable.
  • Many girls idolize models and feel the need to mirror their thinness.
  • Models of a very low weight are setting bad examples to these girls
  • can be held responsible for the increasing number of girls with eating disorders
  • The fashion industry is not to blame for eating disorders. Eating disorders are serious mental illnesses and are not simply triggered by models and images of thin people.
Shumona Raha

Should Euthanasia be legalized in India? - 0 views

  • A painful disease is one in which the patient suffers unbearable and excruciating pain. A chronic disease is a long lasting one and an incurable disease is one whose cure has not been found till date.
  • The individual should have at least the right to choose a graceful death for himself. Why should he be allowed to keep suffering day and night?
  • a patient should be allowed to decide when he has suffered enough.
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  • After all as an individual, you decide where to marry, you decide where to work, and at the last hurdle of your life, you should be allowed to choose how do you want to end your life.
  • What if the patient is in coma and is unable to make a decision, should the relatives be allowed to make it?
  • Legalising voluntary Euthanasia would lead to involuntary euthanasia. In this society, full of greed and corruption anything is possible.
  • The Bible says, “Thou shalt not kill” And even Islam does not allow anyone to take away life.
  • We have cases, where doctors are often beaten up if the patient was not treated properly, what would happen to a doctor if he merely suggested Euthanasia to the relatives? Will the relatives be able to understand the suffering of the patient?
  • Some people feel we don’t choose when to be born and we should not be given the right to choose when to die.
  • On the contrary, others feel that a life of pain is not a life but an imposition and we should be at least allowed to end it in a dignified peaceful manner.
Vikram Mohan

New York City voters oppose mosque near Ground Zero - New York Political Buzz | Examine... - 0 views

  • The planned Staten Island mosque would be partly built on a street named in honor of a firefighter that was killed as a result of the 9/11 terror attacks. Visit here for a breakdown of the Quinnipiac poll results and questions. The Muslim initiative that intends to build a mega mosque and center near Ground Zero is named the Cordoba Initiative. The president of that Initiative is Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and has the support and backing of the Malaysian government, which desires Sharia law.
Vikram Mohan

Most New Yorkers Oppose Ground Zero Mosque: Poll | NBC New York - 0 views

  • A majority of New Yorkers oppose plans to build a mosque and Muslim cultural center two blocks from Ground Zero, according to a Quinnipiac University Poll released Thursday.
  • Fifty-two percent of the respondents said they did not want the mosque to be built at all, 31 percent are in favor of it, and 17 percent are undecided.
  • "New York enjoys a reputation as one of the most tolerant places in America, but New Yorkers are opposed to a proposal to build a mosque two blocks from Ground Zero," said Quinnipiac University Polling Institute Director Maurice Carroll in a press release.
golan elzur

The EU Ban on Animal Testing for Cosmetics - Animal Free Zone (UK) - 0 views

  • The ban was agreed upon in 2002, but goes into effect in 2009
  • After years of discussion and debate, language for the ban was completed by 1998. Initial passage of the ban occurred in 2002
  • During the process, it was learned that some companies planned to circumvent the ban by testing cosmetics on animals outside the border of the EU and then import them for sale.
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  • The cosmetics industry maintains that animal testing is the only way to be sure that ingredients in cosmetics and personal hygiene products will not c
  • ause cancer or aggravate allergies
  • France has consistently opposed the EU ban. Collectively, the cosmetics companies in France make it the largest animal tester in Europe. However, opinion polls indicate that 60 percent of French citizens oppose animal testing
Yasmin Tandon

The Debate over Foreign Aid - Council on Foreign Relations - 0 views

  • $4 billion--a 7 percent reduction in the already frugal
  • proposed budget of
  • $58.8 billion
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  • -$14.6 billion--for global challenges like health, food security, climate change, and humanitarian assistance.
  • less than a quarter
  • wants to maintain a strong commitment to overseas assistance and global health.
  • budget request includes strategic
  • structural shifts to reach those goals, including aligning foreign assistance more closely with foreign policy objectives, demanding greater accountability from recipient governments, and delivering more "bang for the buck" by increasing cross-agency cooperation, streamlining delivery of goods and services, and reducing U.S. government redundancies.
  • In fact, $14.6 billion for the abovementioned global challenges amounts to a mere .38 percent of the $3.8 trillion federal budget.
  • Americans want to be magnanimous in helping poor nations but also want to reduce spending
  • The problem is that polls show that Americans actually believe that spending on overseas health, development, and humanitarian and anti-poverty programs is 15 to 20 percent of the national budget. In fact, spending has never exceeded 0.5 percent.
  • Very little of the government's budget is discretionary and easil
  • also lack the strong constituency backing of other government programs
  • global financial crisis
  • greatly increased the need for agricultural, poverty, and health programs
  • World Bank estimates show backward movement on key health and development targets since the onset of the economic crisis.
  • 2. Will the Obama administration's structural reorganization of foreign assistance achieve the administration's, or Congress', goals?
Puja DeGamia

media influence on anorexia - 0 views

  • connection between the increasing thinness of so many celebrities and the alarmingly rapid rise in eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa?
  • much debate still centers around the extent of media influence on anorexia.
  • despite the evidence
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  • accept that extreme thinness is anorexia.
  • norexia is the desire to maintain a lower body weight than is normal and healthy.
  • If a little girl sees a variety of thin/anorexic celebrities on TV, in magazines, decides with her friends that they are beautiful, that she'd like to look like them and, in an attempt to do so, she proceeds to lose 20 kilos, she's anorexic!
  • The danger is that the numbers of women who have uncomfortable thoughts about their bodies are far, far higher than those suffering from full blown anorexia
  • once these thoughts have first sprung into existence, all they need is a little nourishment to make them sprout roots...and grow.
  • First into a diet, often into an eating disorder such as anorexia.
  • she just feels inadequate and guilty because she can't bring herself to starve her body to the same extent as the models and celebrities do.
  • it's impossible to find a magazine without at least one spread on some amazing diet and exercise regime, always with the implicit message that we are 'wrong/lazy' if we don't follow it.
  • not only does media influence on anorexia exist, anorexia is deliberately being perpetuated by the media and the mixed messages it portrays
  • he media, especially ads and commercials for appearance-related items, suggest that we can avoid the hard character work by making our bodies into copies of the icons of success.
  • ads reveals a not-so-subtle message ? ‘You are not acceptable the way you are. The only way you can become acceptable is to buy our product and try to look like our model, who is six feet tall and wears size four jeans - and is probably anorexic’
  • In 1995, before television came to their island, the people of Fiji thought the ideal body was round, plump, and soft. After 38 months of Melrose Place, Beverly Hills 90210 and similar Western shows being beamed into their homes, Fijian teenage girls showed serious signs of eating disorders.
  • To underestimate media influence on anorexia is to underestimate the power it has to influence the self esteem of us all.
Aditi Buti

Jihad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

shared by Aditi Buti on 16 Nov 10 - Cached
  • religious duty of Muslims
  • Arabic, the word jihād translates into English as struggle.
  • ppears frequently in the Qur'an and common usage as the idiomatic expression "striving in the way of Allah
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  • Muslims use the word in a religious context to refer to three types of struggles: an internal struggle to maintain faith, the struggle to improve the Muslim society, or the struggle in a holy war
  • t British orientalist Bernard Lewis argues that in the Qur'an and the ahadith jihad implies warfare in the large majority of cases.
  • Mahatma Gandhi's satyagraha struggle for Indian independence is called a "jihad" in Modern Standard Arabic
  • The term 'jihad' has accrued both violent and non-violent meanings. It can simply mean striving to live a moral and virtuous life, spreading and defending Islam as well as fighting injustice and oppression, among other thi
  • d that
  • A commitment to hard work" and "achieving one's goals in life" "Struggling to achieve a noble cause" "Promoting peace, harmony or cooperation, and assisting others" "Living the principles of Islam"[14]
  • mean "duty toward God", a "divine duty", or a "worship of God", with no militaristic connotations. Other responses referenced, in descending order of prevalence:
  • A poll by Gallup showed that a "significant majority" of Muslim Indonesians define the term to mean "sacrificing one's life for the sake of Islam/God/a just cause" or "fighting against the opponents of Islam". In Lebanon, Kuwait, Jordan
  • and Morocco, the majority used the term to
  • jihad is the only form of warfare permissible under Islamic law, and may consist in wars against unbelievers, apostates, rebels, highway robbers and dissenters renouncing the authority of Islam
  • aim of jihad as warfare is not the conversion of non-Muslims to Islam by force, but rather the expansion and defense of the Islamic state
  • encourages the use of Jihad against non-Muslims.
  • Sura 25, verse 52 states: “Therefore, do not obey the disbelievers, and strive against them with this, a great striving.”[41] It was, therefore, the duty of all Muslims to strive against those who did not believe in Allah and took offensive action against Muslims. The Qu’ran, however, never uses the term Jihad for fighting and combat in the nam
  • Allah
  • qital is used to mean “fighting.” The struggle for Jihad in the Qu’ran was originally intended for the nearby neighbors of the Muslims, but as time passed and more enemies arose, the Qur'anic statements supporting Jihad were updated for the new adversaries.[40] The first documentation of the law of Jihad was written by ‘Abd al-Rahman al-Awza’i and Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Shaybani. The document grew out of debates that had surfaced ever since Muhammad's death.[39] Early instances
Ben Walters

Violence and Video Games - 0 views

  • As the level of violence in video games has increased, so has concern for the effects on those who play - especially those who play a lot. Many are quick to point out that most school shootings in recent years have been carried out by avid gamers, and their games of choice were always dark and violent.
  • But it begs the question: Which comes first? Can aggressive and violent behavior be attributed to violence in video games? Or do those who play already have violent tendencies which draw them to violent games? It's a type of "chicken or the egg" debate that has strong advocates on both sides.
  • The more lifelike they've become, the more interest there has been in the correlation between violent games and violent behavior.
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  • In order to play and win, the player has to be the aggressor. Rather than watching violence, as he might do on television, he's committing the violent acts. Most researchers acknowledge that this kind of active participation affects a person's thought patterns, at least in the short term.
  • Another factor that concerns both researchers and parents is that violence in video games is often rewarded rather than punished.
  • If played frequently enough, games like this can skew a young person's perception of violence and its consequences.
  • In 2002, researchers Anderson and Bushman developed the General Aggression Model (GAM). Often considered one of the greatest contributions to the study of violence and video games, the GAM helps explain the complex relationship between violent video games and aggressive gamers.
  • The GAM takes some (though not all) of the heat off video games by acknowledging that a gamer's personality plays into how he is affected by violence. Anderson and Bushman refer to three internal facets - thoughts, feelings, and physiological responses - that determine how a person interprets aggressive behavior. Some people's responses are naturally more hostile, making them predisposed to respond more aggressively to violent video games.
  • Short-term effects were easily identified in the GAM; the most prominent being that violent games change the way gamers interpret and respond to aggressive acts. Even those who aren't predisposed to aggression respond with increased hostility after playing a violent video game. The game becomes what's called a "situational variable" which changes the perception of and reaction to aggressive behavior.
  • No long-term studies have been conducted to date, so there are only hypotheses.
  • Anderson and Bushman theorized that excessive exposure to violent video games causes the formation of aggressive beliefs and attitudes, while also desensitizing gamers to violent behaviors.
  • Parents would be wise to monitor the amount of time their kids spend gaming and watch closely for any negative effects.
Kanika Vaish

EBSCOhost: The Truth About Teen Girls - 0 views

  • essarily support one. Despite a minor increase in 2006, the rate of pregnancies among teen girls has been on a downward trend since 1991. Another indicator, the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases, is alarmingly high: nearly 1 in 4 girls ages 14 to 19 and nearly 1 in 2 African-American girls, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But this is the first year such a study has been completed, and the study doesn't separate 14-to-16-year-olds from 17-to-19-year-olds, so it's still unclear which way that trend is heading.
  • Other studies imply that girls, while not exactly chaste, are not behaving in ways that media reports about the hookup culture might lead us to believe. According to the Guttmacher Institute, one-third of surveyed teenagers 15 to 17 had had oral sex, and most of those were not virgins. Of teens ages 15 to 19 who had had oral sex only, two-thirds reported having had only one partner.
  • They don't want to be like the characters in Gossip Girl (only 16% of whose viewers are actually teen girls) or America's Next Top Model; they just want to look like them, to try on that identity.
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  • "They think, If I have a baby, I'll be someone. It gives them an identity." How can Ireland be so sure? She gave birth to daughter Haley, now 3, when she was 15.
  • Once the idea has taken hold, it's hard to shake off, and the fact that the presidential campaign features a pregnant 17-year-old means that the debate about teenage sexuality is growing only more heated. Girlhood sexiness seems to be everywhere: on TV shows and in movies, in advertising, in teen magazines and all over the Internet.
Ben Walters

Jail for couple whose baby died while they raised online child - - 0 views

  • Jail for couple whose baby died while they raised online child
  • Seoul, South Korea
  • sought a five-year sentence for negligent homicide, but the court handed out a two-year sentence.
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  • A couple whose baby starved to death while they raised a virtual child in an online fantasy game
  • During their trial, the court heard that the toddler weighed 6.4 pounds (2.9 kgs) when she was born, but was only 5.5 pounds (2.5 kgs) at the time of her death.
  • Three-month-old Kim Sa-rang died of malnutrition in September while her parents were engaged in 12-hour sessions of Prius Online. In the 3-D fantasy game, players nurture an online girl who gains magical powers as she grows.
  • "This is the first legal case regarding Internet addiction in Korea,"
  • Internet gaming is hugely popular in South Korea, with some 21,500 'PC Bangs' -- or Internet cafes -- offering ultra-high speed Internet connections nationwide.
  • The case has highlighted the dark side of the nation's Internet, an industry touted by South Korean officials as cutting edge. A public debate is under way in the nation over online privacy and regulating Internet rumors.
  • There is particular concern about gaming addiction and its effects on teenagers and those estranged from mainstream society.
  • "Consequently, it comes as no surprise to me that two people who were disconnected from society in general found a common psychological space that kept them physically and socially divorced from reality,"
  • Suwon, the satellite town south of Seoul where the tragedy occurred, was named "Intelligent City of the Year" this month by a New York-based think-tank Intelligent Community Forum.
  • The honor was awarded because of the town's investment in broadband infrastructure and its push to increase connection speeds to 1 gigabyte per second, according to reports.
Ben Walters

Does game violence make teens aggressive? - Technology & science - Games - On the Level... - 0 views

  • Can video games make kids more violent? A new study employing state-of-the-art brain-scanning technology says that the answer may be yes.
  • brain scans of kids who played a violent video game showed an increase in emotional arousal – and a corresponding decrease of activity in brain areas involved in self-control, inhibition and attention.
  • he does think that the study should encourage parents to look more closely at the types of games their kids are playing.
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  • “Based on our results, I think parents should be aware of the relationship between violent video-game playing and brain function.”
  • he scans showed a negative effect on the brains of the teens who played “Medal of Honor” for 30 minutes. That same effect was not present in the kids who played “Need for Speed.”
  • And it’s also not known what effect longer play times might have. The scope of this study was 30 minutes of play, and one brain scan per kid
  • But what about violent TV shows? Or violent films? Has anyone ever done a brain scan of kids that have just watched a violent movie?
  • Kids in his study experienced increased emotional arousal when watching short clips from the boxing movie “Rocky IV.”
  • Larry Ley, the director and coordinator of research for the Center for Successful Parenting, which funded Mathews’ study, says the purpose of the research was to help parents make informed decisions. “There’s enough data that clearly indicates that [game violence] is a problem,” he says. “And it’s not just a problem for kids with behavior disorders.”
  • But not everyone is convinced that this latest research adds much to the debate – particularly the game development community. One such naysayer is Doug Lowenstein, president of the Entertainment Software Association.
  • “We've seen other studies in this field that have made dramatic claims but turn out to be less persuasive when objectively analyzed.”
  • And they’ve got plenty of answers at the ready for the critics who want to lay school shootings or teen aggression at the feet of the game industry. Several studies cited by the ESA point to games’ potential benefits for developing decision-making skills or bettering reaction times. Ley, however, argues such studies aren’t credible because they were produced by “hired guns” funded by the multi-billion-dollar game industry.
  • Increasingly parents are more accepting of video game violence, chalking it up to being a part of growing up. “I was dead-set against violent video games,” says Kelley Windfield, a Sammamish, Wa.-based mother of two. “But my husband told me I had to start loosening up.” Laura Best, a mother of three from Clovis, Calif., says she looks for age-appropriate games for her 14 year-old son, Kyle. And although he doesn’t play a lot of games, he does tend to gravitate towards shooters like “Medal of Honor.”  But she isn’t concerned that Kyle will become aggressive as a result. “That’s like saying a soccer game or a football game will make a kid more aggressive,” she says. “It’s about self-control, and you’ve got to learn it.”
  • “Let’s quit using various Xboxes as babysitters instead of doing healthful activities,” says Ley, citing the growing epidemic of childhood obesity in the United States. And who, really, can argue with that?
Shumona Raha

Should euthanasia be legalised? - The Times of India - 0 views

  • Passive euthanasia, where an incurable patient is taken off the respirator with the consent of his relatives, for another patient who needs the respirator system, is also not uncommon.
  • Generally people who want to commit euthanasia are under a lot of stress.
  • "It is time we accept euthanasia though in a restricted sense,"
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