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Paul Beaufait

5 Instructional Shifts to Promote Deep Learning - Getting Smart by Susan Oxnevad - DigL... - 14 views

  • The seamless integration of technology into the Common Core-aligned curriculum supports learning through active participation and increases opportunities for all students to have access to the tools and information they need for success.
    Oxnevad suggests, "Students can develop transferrable knowledge and skills as they engage in learning experiences that require them to construct knowledge" (¶1). She argues for "seamless integration of technology" that will enable "students students to have access to the tools and information they need for success" (¶2), and proposes five instructional strategies for teachers to use to achieve those ends, namely: 1. Preparing "complex questions that require students to use higher level thinking skills" (Help students uncover knowledge, ¶2); 2. Facilitating learning from engaging and online resources, rather than delivering content (Eliminate the front of the classroom); 3. Creating opportunities for real world collaboration (Encourage collaboration); 4. Exploiting classroom and online opportunities for "frequent [and] informal assessment to gauge the effectiveness of your instruction and make adjustments to maximize the learning experience for each student" (Informally assess students [and instructional practices]); and 5. Preparing and publishing screencast tutorials for students to peruse whenever necessary, "...[i]Instead of spending valuable instructional time teaching the same tech skills over and over again to individual students" (Provide students with built in tech support). This October 30, 2012, post ends with an illustration comprising focus questions and a ThingLink product of fifth grade students' work. A list of links to related posts follows.

Buy Facebook Accounts - 100% Verified BM Accounts - 0 views

    Buying Real facebook accounts is a great way to increase the number of fans your page has. Buying Facebook Accounts The first thing you need to know is that buying an old Facebook account is easy and safe. You can buy a fake account from anywhere on the internet and then use it to boost your own profile with followers, likes and comments. If you're looking for cheap prices on Facebook fake accounts then look no further than our marketplace: we have thousands of profiles available at incredibly low prices! If you want something more advanced than just buying a fake one-time use account then check out our other services which allow users to create multiple new profiles through one single purchase! We also offer features such as business manager tools which allow businesses owners manage multiple pages under one login window without having any knowledge about how this works - simply enter in all your details into one page (including password) before hitting 'create new page' button and wait until it has been created successfully OR if there are any problems then contact us directly via email or phone number provided during checkout process - we'll resolve them immediately after receiving feedback from customer support team member who handles inquiries like these daily so rest assured knowing everything will run smoothly once purchased through our website." Buy facebook accounts with friends Buy Facebook Accounts With Friends If you want to buy a Facebook account with friends, there are several options. You can do this by simply asking them and letting them know that you want a new account so they can log into it and see your profile information before selling it out from under you. However, this method is not always successful because some people may not want their friend's information sold on the black market or given away for free. Buy Facebook Accounts Buy Facebook Accounts With Marketplace Another way to get access to someone else's account witho
    Buy Fake Likes and Followers on Facebook Buying Facebook likes and followers is a popular way to make your page look more popular. You can buy likes for your business, product or service, or even yourself. If you want to increase the number of likes on your Facebook page then there are many ways that you can do this. Buy Facebook Accounts Buying fake accounts is one of them, but it's not always easy to find out if someone else has bought Facebook accounts for themselves or for others in order to manipulate things in their favor on the social network site! In fact, most people think that buying fake accounts is illegal because they believe that doing so violates terms of service agreements between users and companies like Facebook itself (which isn't true). However, while buying fake profiles may be considered an ethical violation by some-and thus technically illegal in many jurisdictions-it's not necessarily punishable by law enforcement unless done maliciously (in which case legal action could result). Buy Fake Profile Pictures for Facebook Fans Buy facebook accounts facebook accounts Buy Fake Profile Pictures for Facebook Fans Buy fake profile pictures for facebook fans is one of the most popular services on the Internet. To get a lot of likes on your fan page or profile, you need to buy it from us. If you want to buy fake profile pictures then visit our website and order your desired amount of likes from us at cheap rates. We have created an amazing team who works hard to provide best services in this field so that everyone can find their own solution easily without any problems at all! Get Approved for Banning on Facebook If you have been banned from Facebook, it means that your content has been taken down for violating the company's policies. You'll receive an email informing you of what happened and how to appeal the ban-if necessary. Buy Facebook Accounts You can also report inappropriate content on Facebook by clicking "Report" next to
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Paul Beaufait

Teaching knowledge wiki | Teaching English | British Council | BBC - 15 views

    "The teaching knowledge wiki is a collection of definitions of ELT terminology. Each entry includes a definition, an example illustrating the concept and information about how the concept can be applied in the classroom context." (subsite of BBC/British Council Teaching English site)
Anthony Beal

Games For Learning Institute » Games - 0 views

    "Most people would agree that a good game could help students learn. But what, exactly, makes a game good? With their vast popularity and singular ability to engage young people, digital games have been hailed as a new paradigm for education in the 21st century. But researchers know surprisingly little about how successful games work. What are the key design elements that make certain games compelling, playable, and fun? How do game genres differ in their educational effectiveness for specific topics and for specific learners? How do kids learn when they play games? Does the setting (classroom vs. casual) matter? How can games be used to prepare future learning, introduce new material, or strengthen and expand existing knowledge? How are games designed to best facilitate the transfer of learning to the realities of students' everyday lives? And how can we use all of this knowledge to guide future game design?"
David Wetzel

How to Integrate Wolfram Alpha into Science and Math Classes - 10 views

    What is Wolfram Alpha? It is a supercomputing brain. It provides calculates and provides comprehensive answers to most any science or math question. Unlike other search sources, you and your students can ask questions in plain language or various forms of abbreviated notation. Contrary to popular belief, Wolfram Alpha is not a search engine. Unlike popular search engines, which simply retrieve documents based on keyword searches, Wolfram computes answers based on known models of human knowledge. It provides answers which are complete with data and algorithms, representing real-world knowledge.
Diego Morelli

Wolfram Alpha Computational Knowledge Engine - First Official Demo - 0 views

    Two days ago Stephen Wolfram gave an early preview of his "computational knowledge engine" Wolfram Alpha at a talk at Harvard University. The video of the whole presentation (1h 45min long) is here above, while down below you can find some highlights I transcripted from his speech.

Javascript Framework - 1 views

    NC WEB WORLD is one of the top professional training institutes in Navi Mumbai. Our aim is to give extra knowledge and empower our students to acquire their dream or make the career in the information technology sector.Its Improve your confidence to face interviews easily. We are providing job oriented courses like C, C++, Java, Android, Web designing, PHP, .net, Digital marketing, Angular JS, Software testing, Soft skill, UI designing. We cover all topics from basic to advance level with more practice by highly qualified expert faculty. Our course is 100% practical one faculty for one student with 100% job assistance and its offer a Company oriented training Knowledge
Paul Beaufait

MultiBrief: Effectively incorporating technology with English learners - 2 views

  • Perhaps the first consideration is the instructional purpose of the lesson, and how the technology will enhance that purpose or help students to achieve the goals and objectives of the lesson.
  • Technology, as mentioned earlier, has the power to increase student knowledge and skills in various content areas. Yet another consideration that must be taken into account when working with English learners is how the technology is increasing academic language knowledge and skills. It is critical, then, that teachers take into account not only the content goals and objectives for the lesson, but also the language goals and objectives as well as the linguistic demand of the tasks students will need to accomplish in the classroom.
  • English learners need additional instructional supports or scaffolds, including providing students with necessary background knowledge that other students may possess, using graphic organizers, pictures/visuals, demonstrations and realia, and providing redundant information and differentiated instruction based on students' language proficiency level. When researching various technology tools, it is critical that we investigate how the tool addresses these principles.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • The use of technology in the classroom is quickly becoming not only commonplace, but also essential for helping students gain the 21st-century skills they will need to be successful in the future.
  • when implementing technology in the classroom, an important component of instruction is to teach students how to use technology effectively and responsibly. Students may need guidance and instruction on how to use technology appropriately given the task and learning at hand, how to avoid distractions with technology, and how to effectively navigate the digital world.
    In this article, Herrmann explains principles to guide the adoption and utilisation of technology to help meet general and specific needs of English-as-an-additional language learners.
Paul Beaufait

Appropriacy | TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC - 5 views

    One item in the British Council and BBC's teaching knowledge database, which provides definitions, examples, and brief suggestions regarding classroom practices
Benjamin Jörissen

rre : Message: [RRE]The Social Life of Information - 0 views

  • The importance of people as creators and carriers of knowledge is forcing organizations to realize that knowledge lies less in its databases than in its people.
  • Learning to be requires more than just information. It requires the ability to engage in the practice in question. Indeed, Bruner's distinction highlights another, made by the philosopher Gilbert Ryle. He distinguishes "know that" from "know how".
  • This claim of Polanyi's resembles Ryle's argument that "know that" doesn't produce "know how," and Bruner's that learning about doesn't, on its own, allow you to learn to be. Information, all these arguments suggest, is on its own not enough to produce actionable knowledge. Practice too is required.
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • Despite the tendency to shut ourselves away and sit in Rodinesque isolation when we have to learn, learning is a remarkably social process. Social groups provide the resources for their members to learn.
  • Learning and Identity Shape One Another
  • Bruner, with his idea of learning to be, and Lave and Wenger, in their discussion of communities of practice, both stress how learning needs to be understood in relation to the development of human identity.
  • In learning to be, in becoming a member of a community of practice, an individual is developing a social identity.
  • So, even when people are learning about, in Bruner's terms, the identity they are developing determines what they pay attention to and what they learn. What people learn about, then, is always refracted through who they are and what they are learning to be.
  • In either case, the result, as the anthropologist Gregory Bateson puts it neatly, is "a difference that makes a difference". 29 The importance of disturbance or change makes it almost inevitable that we focus on these.
  • So to understand the whole interaction, it is as important to ask how the lake is formed as to ask how the pebble got there. It's this formation rather than information that we want to draw attention to, though the development is almost imperceptible and the forces invisible in comparison to the drama and immediacy of the pebble. It's not, to repeat once more, the information that creates that background. The background has to be in place for the information to register.
  • The forces that shape the background are, rather, the tectonic social forces, always at work, within which and against which individuals configure their identity. These create not only grounds for reception, but grounds for interpretation, judgment, and understanding.
    • Benjamin Jörissen
      kulturelle Muster, die qua Sozialisation erworben werden, und die in Bildungsprozessen verändert werden.
  • A Brief Note on the "Social"
  • It took Karl Marx to point out, however, that Crusoe is not a universal. On his island (and in Defoe's mind), he is deeply rooted in the society from which he came
  • Jean-Paul Sartre
  • We need not watch long before we can explain it: he is playing at being a waiter in a cafe . . . . [T]he waiter plays with his condition in order to realize it
  • So while people do indeed learn alone, even when they are not stranded on desert islands or in small cafes, they are nonetheless always enmeshed in society, which saturates our environment, however much we might wish to escape it at times.
  • For the same reason, however, members of these networks are to some degree divided or separated from people with different practices. It is not the different information they have that divides them.
  • Rather, it is their different attitudes or dispositions toward that information -- attitudes and dispositions shaped by practice and identity -- that divide. Consequently, despite much in common, physicians are different from nurses, accountants from financial planners.
  • two types of work-related networks
  • First, there are the networks that link people to others whom they may never get to know but who work on similar practices. We call these "networks of practice"
  • Second, there are the more tight-knit groups formed, again through practice, by people working together on the same or similar tasks. These are what, following Lave and Wenger, we call "communities of practice".
  • Networks of Practice
  • The 25,000 reps working for Xerox make up, in theory, such a network.
Walco Solutions

Instrumentation Training, Embedded System Training, PLC Training Kerala | Walco Solutions - 0 views

    We provide an inflammatory platform to burn and fire your knowledge in technical horizon.Our industry molding program will take you from theoretical simulation world into real life engineering designs, which will be a propellant to an engineering career. Instrumentation training Kerala, Instrumentation training, Embedded System training Kerala, Embedded training, PLC training Kerala, PLC training
    We provide an inflammatory platform to burn and fire your knowledge in technical horizon.Our industry molding program will take you from theoretical simulation world into real life engineering designs, which will be a propellant to an engineering career. Instrumentation training Kerala, Instrumentation training, Embedded System training Kerala, Embedded training, PLC training Kerala, PLC training
Hurray Software Academy

SAP PI|ERP|SAP Training in Bangalore-HURRAY Software Academy - 0 views

    ERP,SAP technical| Learn SAP PI from good trainer with industry exposure focusing mainly on business scenario than SAP Customization or SAP Transaction industry knowledge. For mroe details visit:
Hurray Software Academy

SAP Netweaver,Webdynpro|ERP|SAP Training in Bangalore-HURRAY Software Academy - 0 views

    ERP,SAP technical|Learn SAP NETWEAVER,WEBDYNPRO and contribute your knowledge in developing user interface technology. For more details visit:
Peterss Jone

Easy Steps to Know About Bad Credit Instant Loans - YouTube - 0 views

    Get you knowledge about your financial source without placing any application procedure despite their bad credit loans via online. These type of fiscal woes can make people hurt even when they having already in bad credit status. So, Bad Credit Instant Loans meet your financial requirement with the easy application procedure.
izz aty

Google For Educators - 14 views

    At Google, we support teachers in their efforts to empower students and expand the frontiers of human knowledge. That's why we've assembled the information and tools you'll find on this site. Learn more about Google for Educators.
David Wetzel

Engaging Students with Digital Media in Science and Math - 8 views

    Digital Media follows the old adage "A picture is worth a thousand words!" when it comes to science and math. The use of visuals is ideal for helping students construct background knowledge for developing a better understanding of science and math concepts.
Maryanne Burgos

Introduction to Creative Thinking - 0 views

    • Maryanne Burgos
      This is the viewpoint of the authors of Disrupting Class who believe that "innovation does not take root through a direct attach on the existing system.  Instead it must go around and underneath the system.  This is how disruption drives affordability, accessibility, capability and responsiveness." (p. 225)
  • Reapplication.
  • general purpose spray cleaners can be used to kill ants.
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • Changing Direction
  • the goal is to solve the problem, not to implement a particular solution.
  • Motivation--a willingness to expend the effort--is more important than laboratory apparatus. And remember that you can always do something. Even if you cannot totally eradicate the problem from the face of the earth, you can always do something to make the situation better.
  • Mistakes aren't fun, but they sure are educational.
  • Positive Attitudes for Creativity
  • Curiosity. Creative people want to know things--all kinds of things-- just to know them. Knowledge does not require a reason. The question, "Why do you want to know that?" seems strange to the creative person, who is likely to respond, "Because I don't know the answer." Knowledge is enjoyable and often useful in strange and unexpected ways
  • halleng
  • Challenge. Curious people like to identify and challenge the assumptions behind ideas, proposals, problems, beliefs, and statements. Many assumptions, of course, turn out to be quite necessary and solid, but many others have been assumed unnecessarily, and in breaking out of those assumptions often comes a new idea, a new path, a new solution.
  • Constructive discontent. This is not a whining, griping kind of discontent, but the ability to see a need for improvement and to propose a method of making that improvement. Constructive discontent is a positive, enthusiastic discontent, reflecting the thought, "Hey, I know a way to make that better."
  • 4. A belief that most problems can be solved.
  • 5. The ability to suspend judgment and criticism.
  • Remember then that (1) an idea may begin to look good only after it becomes a bit more familiar or is seen in a slightly different context or clothing or circumstance
  • 6. Seeing the good in the bad. Creative thinkers, when faced with poor solutions, don't cast them away. Instead, they ask, "What's good about it?" because there may be something useful even in the worst ideas. And however little that good may be, it might be turned to good effect or made greater.
  • 7. Problems lead to improvements.
  • 8. A problem can also be a solution
  • 9. Problems are interesting and emotionally acceptable.
  • Miscellaneous Good Attitudes
  • 1. Perseverance.
  • 2. A flexible imagination
  • 3. A belief that mistakes are welcome. Modern society has for some reason conceived the idea that the only unforgivable thing is to fail or make a mistake. Actually failure is an opportunity; mistakes show that something is being done. So creative people have come to realize and accept emotionally that making mistakes is no negative biggie. One chief executive of a big American corporation warns all his newly hired managers, "Make sure you make a reasonable number of mistakes." Mistakes are educational and can lead to success--because they mean you are doing something.
  • Robert Harris Version Date: July 1, 1998
    • Maryanne Burgos
      Biographical info on Robert A. Harris
Kathleen N

PHPmotion :: free video sharing script - free youtube clone - - 0 views

    PHPmotion Media Sharing CMS - PHPmotion is a free video sharing software that also has support for other types of media such as audio/mp3 sharing. The Content Managent System or (media cms application) will allow you to create and run your very own Video Sharing website, Music Sharing Site, Picture Sharing Site. With very little knowledge required you can now have a website just like ,, veoh, hi5 and best of all, its 100% free to download and use.
Paul Johnston

How to Decide Whether to Buy an Inkjet Printer or Laser Printer? - 0 views

    If you need to replace your printer, there is one question that you'll definitely come across whether you should go for an inkjet printer or a laser printer. We're here to provide you with the knowledge you need to make an educated decision about your new printer. Here are some things you need to know.

Become a Quorum Developer: A Comprehensive Guide - 0 views

    By getting certified, you will become a blockchain expert and will be able to set yourself apart from the rest of the pack. This will provide you with the perfect competitive advantage. You will be able to upgrade your knowledge base and build your professional credibility and reputation. Getting certified will also help you be in the good books of your employers as it will provide them with the impression that you are willing to learn and improve yourself continuously.
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