MaryFran's Google Docs Tutorials - 39 views
WiFli Student Response System - 19 views
The Tech Curve: Managing Google Docs in the Classroom - 11 views
Google Workshop - 18 views
Opening New Spaces in the Digital Writing Workshop with Google Docs - 6 views
Writing-Wksp-General - 5 views
This is an awesome sliderocket about how to use Google Docs to facilitate a Writing Workshop created by Susan Oxnevad. Look for links to examples within the presentation so you can use everything she shares. This slide show shares not only best practices in running a writing workshop but also is a best practice itself in creating a stand alone presentation that instructions in a powerful way. Writing teachers everywhere should take 10 minutes to work through this slide show this week.
Docs Blog: Find facts and do research inside Google Documents - 8 views
If you want students to draft work in Google Docs, you have to teach them about the Research pane. It lets you search for the appropriate license (click the down arrow) and set the citation method. You can insert photos, search Google Scholar and a dictionary, your own files, and even the web. When you mouse over the item, you have the option to cite the source or insert a link. Very cool and handy for writers. This is an older feature that hasn't gotten the press it deserves in classrooms. If you have Google Apps for education this is a BIG DEAL because it simplifies finding pictures and does many other things that online citation generators do all within Google Docs.
Demo - Google Docs - 15 views
YouTube - docs's Channel - 16 views
In addition, we just launched our own YouTube channel at You can view all of the videos above in the custom video gadget at the top of the channel, which will help you keep track of which videos you've already watched. If you're just getting started, we hope these videos help you discover more about Google Docs. And if you're a Google Docs expert, you might enjoy sharing some of these videos with a friend. Posted by: Peter Harbison, Product Marketing Manager