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Kirsten Carter

Vaughan Memorial Library : Tutorials : Plagiarism - 0 views

    The Vaughan Memorial Library designed this colorful and nteractive flash tutorial on plagiarism to help university students learn how to cite resources, but it is also suitable for younger students.
    Easy tutorial that explains what plagiarism is. Choose a player and go through the steps.
Anne Bubnic

How to Turn Your Network into Fort Knox: 100 Tips + Tutorials - 0 views

    If you're a small business owner, family member, student or just someone with a laptop who loves shopping online and is addicted to your online banking, you might think that you're not a big target for identity thieves, hackers or viruses. The truth is that no one is really safe from prying eyes when they're online, so turn to this list of 100 tips, tutorials and resources that will help you beef up your own network security.
Anne Bubnic

Wikipedia: Beneath the Surface [flash video tutorial] - 0 views

    This wikipedia tutorial was produced by a group of librarians and present it from an academic standpoint. Good stuff!
Anne Bubnic

Second Life Wiki: Video Tutorials - 0 views

    New to Second Life? Learn te skills you need in minutes with these video tutorials.
Anne Bubnic

Passport to the Internet | Internet Literacy Tutorial - 1 views

    Tutorial helps students in Grades 4 to 8 develop the critical thinking skills they need to apply to their online experiences by enabling them to use popular online tools and Web sites in a secure and ethical manner, and to their full potential.There are licensing requirements for using this material but the fee is nominal.
Anne Bubnic

What is Phishing? [Flash Tutorial] - 0 views

    Learn all about phishing and spoof sites with this flash tutorial from and McAfee.
Anne Bubnic

GetNetWise [Video Tutorials] - 0 views

    Flash video tutorials from GetNetWise on family internet safety topics like turning on filtering, making social networks more private, using WiFi, monitoring cookie files, hiding browser history information, spyware and spam filtering.
Anne Bubnic

How to use Facebook Privacy Settings [video tutorial] - 0 views

    Excellent video tutorial by Larry Magid of It walks users through the process of setting up privacy settings on a Facebook account.
Anne Bubnic

ISTE Std IV: Digital Citizenship [Slideshare Tutorial] - 0 views

    Slideshare tutorial about ISTE Teacher Standard IV: Digital Citizenship by Jason Ohler.
Anne Bubnic

Plagiarism Court : You Be The Judge [Shockwave Flash] - 0 views

    Plagiarism Court: You Be the Judge, This is a Plagiarism Avoidance Tutorial created by Ramona Islam for Fairfield University in the wake of the New York Times scandal where a writer fabricated and plagiarized numerous stories. Although designed for college students, the lessons are appropriate for younger grades.
Anne Bubnic

Setting Privacy Controls on Social networking sites - 0 views

    These flash video tutorials will show you how to adjust privacy settings on major social networking sites to restrict who can access and post on your child's website.
Anne Bubnic

FlickrStorm. Search on Flickr with some Magic - 1 views

    Use Flickr Storm with your students for locating imagery for digital storytelling projects. It locates multiple photos for you that relate to the keyword and annotates with a Creative Commons license, providing the user name you need for attribution. There is a great tutorial on using Flickr Storm at
Cheryl Mitchell

Tutorial: How to Choose a Search Tool - 9 views

    How to search for anything online
Anne Bubnic

World Book Tutorial: How To Do Research - 0 views

    World Book Student's "How to Do Research" feature provides tutorials and exercises for students and educators on 21st century information literacy skills.
Megan Black

Plagiarism - 11 views

    Excellent Plagiarism site with links to other resources, and audio on each page to read aloud the text.
Colette Cassinelli

Digital Technology 101 for Parents - 0 views

    Digital Technology 101 offers guidance and advice on how to monitor some of the most popular communication tools used by teens today: social networking, cell phones, instant messaging,
Anne Bubnic

ISTE Std IV for Teachers: Digital Citizenship - 0 views

    A slideshare tutorial on Digital Citizenship: Seeing, Addressing the Big Picture.
Jason Epstein

Digital Tattoo - 4 views

    Tutorial. Just like a tattoo, your digital reputation is an expression of yourself. It's highly visible, and hard to remove. Explore how your online identity affects you, your friends, your school and your job - for better and for worse - and how to make informed choices.
    This is AWESOME! Thank you!
    "In short, it is your digital identity. Just like a tattoo, your digital reputation is an expression of yourself. it is formed and added to by you and others over time."
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