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Keith Hamon

Learning or Management Systems? « Connectivism - 1 views

  • Two broad approaches exist for learning technology implementation: The adoption of a centralized learning management approach. This may include development of a central learning support lab where new courses are developed in a team-based approach—consisting of subject matter expert, graphic designers, instructional designer, and programmers. This model can be effective for creation of new courses and programs receiving large sources of funding. Most likely, however, enterprise-wide adoption (standardizing on a single LMS) requires individual departments and faculty members to move courses online by themselves. Support may be provided for learning how to use the LMS, but moving content online is largely the responsibility of faculty. This model works well for environments where faculty have a high degree of autonomy, though it does cause varying levels of quality in online courses. Personal learning environments (PLEs) are a recent trend addressing the limitations of an LMS. Instead of a centralized model of design and deployment, individual departments select from a collage of tools—each intending to serve a particular function in the learning process. Instead of limited functionality, with highly centralized control and sequential delivery of learning, a PLE provides a more contextually appropriate toolset. The greater adaptability to differing learning approaches and environments afforded by PLEs is offset by the challenge of reduced structure in management and implementation of learning. This can present a significant challenge when organizations value traditional lecture learning models.
    • Keith Hamon
      QEP as I envision it leans heavily toward the second of these two approaches.
    • Thomas Clancy
      Indeed, these two stood out for me, too! We are all about developing PLEs / PLNs for our QEP students.
  • Self-organised learning networks provide a base for the establishment of a form of education that goes beyond course and curriculum centric models, and envisions a learner-centred and learner controlled model of lifelong learning. In such learning contexts learners have the same possibilities to act that teachers and other staff members have in regular, less learner-centred educational approaches. In addition these networks are designed to operate without increasing the workload for learners or staff members.
    • Keith Hamon
      This is the QEP approach to online learning-in a nutshell, and explains why we prefer the suite of open Web 2.0 tools over central learning management systems such as Blackboard Vista.
  • Instead of learning housed in content management systems, learning is embedded in rich networks and conversational spaces. The onus, again, falls on the university to define its views of learning.
    • Keith Hamon
      One of the issues for QEP is to redefine the way ASU defines teaching/learning.
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  • Two key areas are gaining substantial attention: (a) social software, and (b) personal learning environments (PLEs). Social software and PLEs have recently gained attention as alternatives to the structured model of an LMS. PLEs are defined as: “systems that help learners take control of and manage their own learning” (van Harmelen, 2006, ¶ 1). PLEs “are about articulating a conceptual shift that acknowledges the reality of distributed learning practices and the range of learner preference” (Fraser, 2006, ¶ 9). A variety of informal, socially-based tools comprise this space: (a) blogs, (b) wikis, (c) social bookmarking sites, (d) social networking sites (may be pure networking, or directed around an activity, 43 Things or flickr are examples), (e) content aggregation through RSS or Atom, (f) integrated tools, like, (g) podcast and video cast tools, (h) search engines, (i) email, and (j) Voice over IP.
    • Keith Hamon
      This is the QEP approach, but QEP must still accommodate the demands of the institution, or work to change those demands.
  • For an individual used to Skyping, blogging, tagging, creating podcasts, or collaboratively writing an online document, the transition to a learning management system is a step back in time (by several years).
    • Keith Hamon
      Though too many ASU students are not sophisticated Net users, they increasingly will be and we want to enable them to become more sophisticated.
  • LMS may well continue to play an important role in education—but not as a critical centre. Diverse tools, serving different functionality, adhering to open guidelines, inline with tools learners currently use, may be the best option forward.
    • Keith Hamon
      This strikes me as the proper orientation toward technology for QEP to assume.
  • As these learners enter higher education, they may not be content to sit and click through a series of online content pages with periodic contributions to a discussion forum.
    • Keith Hamon
      Increasingly, these will be our students.
  • Involve all stakeholders (beyond simple surveys). Define the university’s view of learning. Critically evaluate the role of an LMS in relation to university views of learning and needs of all stakeholders. Promote an understanding that different learning needs and context require different approaches. Perform small-scale research projects utilizing alternative methods of learning. Foster communities where faculty can dialogue about personal experiences teaching with technology. Actively promote different learning technologies to faculty, so their unique needs—not technology—drives tools selected.
    • Keith Hamon
      These are good goals for QEP to stay mindful of.
    The initial intent of an LMS was to enable administrators and educators to manage the learning process. This mindset is reflected in the features typically promoted by vendors: ability to track student progress, manage content, roster students, and such. The learning experience takes a back seat to the management functions.
    The initial intent of an LMS was to enable administrators and educators to manage the learning process. This mindset is reflected in the features typically promoted by vendors: ability to track student progress, manage content, roster students, and such. The learning experience takes a back seat to the management functions.
Keith Hamon

A Taxonomy of Reflection: A Model for Critical Thinking - 1 views

    In an effort to help schools become more reflective learning environments, I've developed this "Taxonomy of Reflection." - modeled on Bloom's approach.  It's posted in four installments: 1.  A Taxonomy of  Reflection  2. The Reflective Student 3. The Reflective Teacher  4. The Reflective Principal 
Stephanie Cooper


  • Active and Reflective Processing. Active learners tend to learn while doing something active---trying things out, bouncing ideas off others; reflective learners do much more of their processing introspectively, thinking things through before trying them out [12]. Active learners work well in groups; reflective learners prefer to work alone or in pairs. Unfortunately, most lecture classes do very little for either group: the active learners never get to do anything and the reflective learners never have time to reflect. Instead, both groups are kept busy trying to keep up with a constant barrage of verbiage, or else they are lulled into inattention by their enforced passivity. The research is quite clear on the question of active and reflective versus passive learning. In a number of studies comparing instructor-centered classes (lecture/demonstration) with student-centered classes (problem-solving/discussion), lectures were found to be marginally more effective when students were tested on short-term recall of facts but active classroom environments were superior when the criteria involved comprehension, long-term recall, general problem-solving ability, scientific attitude, and subsequent interest in the subject [15]. Substantial benefits are also cited for teaching methods that provide opportunities for reflection, such as giving students time in class to write brief summaries and formulate written questions about the material just covered [15,20].
  • reflective learners do well at individual research and design.
  • Unfortunately---in part because teachers tend to favor their own learning styles, in part because they instinctively teach the way they were taught in most college classes---the teaching style in most lecture courses tilts heavily toward the small percentage of college students who are at once intuitive, verbal, deductive, reflective and sequential. This imbalance puts a sizeable fraction of the student population at a disadvantage. Laboratory courses, being inherently sensory, visual, and active, could in principle compensate for a portion of the imbalance; however, most labs involve primarily mechanical exercises that illustrate only a minor subset of the concepts presented in lecture and seldom provide significant insights or skill development. Sensing, visual, inductive, active, and global learners thus rarely get their educational needs met in science courses.
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  • These problems could be minimized and the quality of science education significantly enhanced if instructors modified their teaching styles to accommodate the learning styles of all the students in their classes. Granted, the prospect of trying to address 32 different learning styles simultaneously in a single class might seem forbidding to most instructors; the point, however, is not to determine each student's learning style and then teach to it exclusively but simply to address each side of each learning style dimension at least some of the time. If this balance could be achieved in science courses, the students would all be taught in a manner that sometimes matches their learning styles, thereby promoting effective learning and positive attitudes toward science, and sometimes compels them to exercise and hence strengthen their less developed abilities, ultimately making them better scholars and scientists.
  • Provide time in class for students to think about the material being presented (reflective) and for active student participation (active). Occasionally pause during a lecture to allow time for thinking and formulating questions. Assign "one-minute papers" close to the end of a lecture period, having students write on index cards the most important point made in the lecture and the single most pressing unanswered question [20]. Assign brief group problem-solving exercises in class in which the students working in groups of three or four at their seats spend one or several minutes tackling any of a wide variety of questions and problems. ("Begin the solution to this problem." "Take the next step in the solution." "What's wrong with what I just wrote on the board?" "What assumptions are implicit in this result?" "Suppose you go into the laboratory, take measurements, and find that the formula we have just derived gives incorrect results: how many possible explanations can you come up with?")
  • How can an instructor do all that and still get through the syllabus? One way is to put most of the material usually written on the board in handouts, go through the handouts quickly in class, and use the considerable class time saved for activities like those just suggested. The consequent gain in quantity and quality of the resulting learning will more than compensate for the photocopying costs.
    • Stephanie Cooper
      Instead of making handouts, they could put the info on the wiki: slideshow, Gdoc, etc.
Stephanie Cooper

Learning through Reflection - 1 views

  • Strategies for Fostering Reflection Hatton and Smith (1995) reported four activites that in in the process of reflection: Action Research Projects Case and cultural studies Practical experiences Structured curriculum tasks: Reading fiction and non-fiction Oral interviews Writing tasks such as narratives, biographies, reflective essays, and keeping journals. However, although these strategies have the potential to encourage reflection, there is little research evidence to show that this is actually being achieved. Obviously "fact" questions do not promote reflection (e.g., What are the functional areas of an air base?). But posing hypothetical situations produced similarly disappointing results (e.g., Assume you have inherited a significant sum of money and wish to buy land in an environmentally sensitive area on which to build. What factors will go into your decision and why?). In contrast, the most successful probe asked learners to write a one page letter to a parent, sibling or other significant person in their lives.
    • Stephanie Cooper
      These are great ideas for creating opportunities for reflective practices into discussion questions and outside research.
  • Extending evaluative feedback might have even more powerful effects. Providing probes may cause the learner to continue to think about the topic, such as: "Have you thought about how a skilled operator might do this?" "But how much does safety really get compromised when you don't use safety shoes?" Pointing out other possibilities may also result in additional thinking about relationships among factors not previously considered, such as:  "Another factor you might consider is how many different tools will be required if you use different size bolts in the design?" "But what if the rate of water flow is doubled?" Although such feedback may be provided via written comments, they are probably most powerful when used interactively in interpersonal dialogue. Carrying on a dialogue with one or more learners about the work they have submitted is probably the ultimate in promoting reflection via feedback. But the logistics of doing so and having discussion leaders who are skilled in the content and possess good interpersonal skills may be beyond the capacity of the system to provide; unless it is computer mediated in some way. Other hints for encouraging reflection include: Seek alternatives. View from various perspectives. Seek the framework, theoretical basis, underlying rationale (of behaviors, methods, techniques, programs). Compare and contrast. Put into different/varied contexts. Ask "what if. . . ?" Consider consequences.
    This may be  useful for the Reflective Practices literacy workshop.
Keith Hamon

A Taxonomy of Reflection: Critical Thinking For Students, Teachers, and Principals (Par... - 0 views

    Reflection can be a challenging endeavor. It's not something that's fostered in school - typically someone else tells you how you're doing! At best, students can narrate what they did, but have trouble thinking abstractly about their learning - patterns, connections and progress. Likewise teachers and principals need encouragement and opportunities to think more reflectively about their craft.  In an effort to help schools become more reflective learning environments, I've developed this "Taxonomy of Reflection." - modeled on Bloom's approach.
Keith Hamon

Reflection for Learning - 0 views

    Reflection is the hallmark of many thoughtfully developed portfolios. Reflections on the products within a portfolio allow the audience to understand why these items were chosen to represent the student and his / her capacities and can provide some of the best indicators of student growth. However many students often have a difficult time thinking about their own learning when confronted by teachers to do so without guidance or support. When asked to reflect on their learning, students often don't know quite what to say or write - as much of the thinking that has gone on has been either subconscious or nonverbal.
Keith Hamon

The Reflective Student: A Taxonomy of Reflection Part 2 - 1 views

    Reflection can be a challenging endeavor. It's not something that's fostered in school - typically someone else tells you how you're doing! At best, students can narrate what they did, but have trouble thinking abstractly about their learning - patterns, connections and progress.
Keith Hamon

DSpace at Open Universiteit: Stimulating reflection through engagement in social relati... - 0 views

    Reflection on one's own behaviour and practice is an important aspect of lifelong learning. However, such practice and the underlying assumed principles are often hidden from the learner's vision, and are therefore difficult to evaluate. Social interactions with others stimulate the learner to re-asses and reflect on the nature of the learner's own behaviour and practice, such as in professional networking contexts and intercultural encounters. This paper describes the prerequisites of learning from these interactions and the possibilities of technological support. It presents one approach to providing support for developing the required skills, with the example of the CEFcult tool, which supports intercultural communicative competence building.
Keith Hamon

Using E-Portfolios to Support an Undergraduate Learning Career: An Experiment with Acad... - 0 views

  • The concept of an e-portfolio is multifaceted — it is a technology, a pedagogical approach, and a process, as well as a product. Its purpose can range from tracking development within a program to finding a job or monitoring performance.
    • Keith Hamon
      ePortfolios are so much more than mere repositories of academic work. They are the students identity on the Net, the space that says, "This is who I am, and this is what I know how to do."
  • a culture of folio thinking, a pedagogical approach that focuses on designing structured opportunities for students to create e-portfolios and reflect on their learning experiences.
    • Keith Hamon
      Folio thinking is very QEP-oriented: providing opportunities for reflection, rationale building, and planning.
  • Instead of prioritizing e-portfolio technology, folio thinking addresses the adoption and integration of e-portfolio praxis in existing contexts as a critical first step toward a successful implementation that can lead to wider scalability and longer-term sustainability of the e-portfolio initiative.
    • Keith Hamon
      We must be careful to focus NOT on the tools for building ePortfolios, but on the practice of building them. The tool should be the choice of the student. After all, we don't dictate which brand of pen they should use.
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  • While introducing the e-portfolio in academic advising is a natural starting point for first-year and transfer students, the success of a broader and longer term e-portfolio implementation depends on the integration of e-portfolios into the Stanford curriculum and in other activities related to milestones of the undergraduate learning career.
    • Keith Hamon
      To be successful, ePortfolios must integrate across an entire program with specific links to each course.
    E-portfolio efforts at Stanford have focused on capturing and documenting students' learning and engaging in reflection, rationale building, or planning, contributing to a culture of folio thinking. In fall 2010, Stanford initiated a pilot introducing e-portfolios to assist with the advising of students in their first two years prior to declaring a major, to learn from students and advisors how e-portfolios and folio thinking can enhance their face-to-face interactions. The pilot will explore the possibility that persistence can be improved through the active involvement of others (mentors, alumni, family, peers) in the lives of students as facilitated through the medium of e-portfolios.
Stephanie Cooper

Reflective Writing for College Students: The Benefits of Keeping a Learning Journal - 1 views

  • A growing number of colleges and universities are requiring students to practice reflective writing or to keep a learning journal
    • Stephanie Cooper
      Substitute personal blog for personal journal.  
  • There are numerous models of reflection that can help students get started. One such model is the Gibbs Cycle of Reflection which is an easy template for analyzing a learning experience. Choose one event that happened and ask the following questions:
Keith Hamon

elearnspace. Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age - 1 views

    Behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism are the three broad learning theories most often utilized in the creation of instructional environments. These theories, however, were developed in a time when learning was not impacted through technology. Over the last twenty years, technology has reorganized how we live, how we communicate, and how we learn. Learning needs and theories that describe learning principles and processes, should be reflective of underlying social environments.
Keith Hamon

Frontal Cortex | Wired Science | - 0 views

  • Because the subjects were thinking about what they got wrong, they learned how to get it right.
    • Keith Hamon
      This suggests one of the strengths of reflective writing & ungraded writing: a space where people can be free to fail without a grade penalty and then reflect on that failure and learn from it. This works very much against our usual drive to transfer the "right answer" to our students.
  • The problem with praising kids for their innate intelligence — the “smart” compliment — is that it misrepresents the psychological reality of education. It encourages kids to avoid the most useful kind of learning activities, which is when we learn from our mistakes. Because unless we experience the unpleasant symptoms of being wrong — that surge of Pe activity a few hundred milliseconds after the error, directing our attention to the very thing we’d like to ignore — the mind will never revise its models. We’ll keep on making the same mistakes, forsaking self-improvement for the sake of self-confidence. Samuel Beckett had the right attitude: “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.”
    • Keith Hamon
      Let's find ways to reward those who are willing to stretch into failure and then learn from those experiments-NOT those who seek only the safe, sure answer.
    The physicist Niels Bohr once defined an expert as "a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field." Bohr's quip summarizes one of the essential lessons of learning, which is that people learn how to get it right by getting it wrong again and again. Education isn't magic. Education is the wisdom wrung from failure.
Mary Ann Scott

Writing for Learning--Not Just for Demonstrating Learning - 2 views

  • And the main thing to keep in mind is that if you are not teaching a writing course, there is no law that says you have to comment.
    • Mary Ann Scott
      Not all writing is for the teacher's consumption and subsequent evaluation of the student's learning. It is part of the process of learning. We need to let students learn without judgment at least some of the time.
  • There's a quick and easy form of "proto-commenting" that is remarkably effective--especially appropriate perhaps for think pieces: putting straight lines alongside or underneath strong passages, wavy lines alongside or underneath problem passages, and X's next to things that seem plainly wrong. I can do this almost as fast as I can read, and it gives remarkably useful feedback to students: it conveys the presence and reactions of a reader.
    • Mary Ann Scott
      If you feel the need to respond, here is a short and easy way to remind your students that you are there to guide them.
  • Two-fers:
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  • About think-pieces:
  • Students understand and retain course material much better when they write copiously about it. We tend to think of learning as input and writing as output, but it also works the other way around. Learning is increased by "putting out"; writing causes input. Students won't take writing seriously till all faculty demand it. Writing needn't take any time away from course material. We can demand good writing without teaching it. The demand itself teaches much. Students won't write enough unless we assign more writing than we can comment on--or even read. There is no law against not reading what we make them write. Writing can have a powerful communal or social dimension; it doesn't have to feel solitary.
    • Mary Ann Scott
      These premises are KEY. Read every one of them and consider how they can work in your class.
  • 8 minutes of writing at the start of class to help students bring to mind their homework reading or lab work or previous lectures. 8minutes in mid class when things go dead--or to get students to think about an important question that has come up. 8 minutes at the end of class or lecture to get them to think about what's been discussed. 5 minutes at the end of class to write to us about what they learned that day: what was the main idea for them, what was going on for them during that class. Not only will this help them integrate and internalize the course material; it helps our teaching by showing us what's getting through and what isn't.
    • Mary Ann Scott
      Some excellent examples of reflective writing in action.
  • This is the name I give to writing that is a bit more thought out and worked over--but not yet an essay:
  • Think pieces are a productive and nonpunitive way to make students do the reading on time and come to class.
  • When students understand that they are being asked for two very different kinds of writing in the course, their essays get better because of their extensive practice with low stakes think pieces, and their low stakes writing gets more thoughtful when they experience it as practice for the high stakes essays (and relief from them too)
    • Mary Ann Scott
      Take the "punishment" out of writing by showing your students that is part of learning. Give them the freedom to express themselves in ways that won't be judged.
  • I find term papers involve maximum work and minimum learning.
    • Mary Ann Scott
      Absolutely true!
  • Peer feedback or student response groups.
Keith Hamon

ProfHacker - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 1 views

  • Writing in class gives students direct access to me as they think through their ideas.
    • Keith Hamon
      This is a key benefit of flipping the classroom.
    I suspect that many of us ask students to do some kind of writing in class: whether reflecting on the day's topic, responding to a brief prompt, or outlining their ideas. I include those kinds of writing-to-learn activities in my classes as well.
Keith Hamon

Connectivism - PhD Wiki - 1 views

    Maintaining that learning theories should be reflective of underlying social environments, Siemens (2004) describes the limitations of behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism (and the epistemological traditions which underpin them - objectivism, pragmatism and interpetivism - and their representations of what is reality and knowledge) to introduce connectivism as 'a learning theory for the digital age.'
Keith Hamon

NCTE Inbox Blog: Five Ways to Learn about Students This Fall - 0 views

  • Ask students to reflect on their writing habits and process.
  • Ask students to tell you about their regular or most significant interactions with technology
  • ongoing reflection on the writing students do, a process that will keep you informed about the writers you teach.
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  • You can learn much about students' prior knowledge by asking them to tell you about what they want to do in the future.
  • asking students to share an artifact of their writing process that is significant—a favorite pen, something they have written, a diary. Anything.
    New students… bring with them literacy experiences from other classrooms, from their homes, and from their communities. The challenge is to figure out what they know and connect to that prior knowledge and experience as soon as possible. … Here are five strategies:
Keith Hamon

Reflections on open courses « Connectivism - 0 views

  • MOOCs reduce barriers to information access and to the dialogue that permits individuals (and society) to grow knowledge.
    • Keith Hamon
      We have yet to truly explore this reduction of barriers to information access, but it is emerging before our eyes. When lectures by Nobel-prize physicists and writers are online for free, then what do we local physics and English teachers have to offer our classrooms? We need to think through that.
  • Knowledge is a mashup. Many people contribute. Many different forums are used. Multiple media permit varied and nuanced expressions of knowledge. And, because the information base (which is required for knowledge formation) changes so rapidly, being properly connected to the right people and information is vitally important.
    • Keith Hamon
      This captures nicely the shift from learning as a solitary activity within the individual mind to learning as a networked, interconnected activity within a personal learning network.
  • MOOCs share the process of knowledge work – facilitators model and display sensemaking and wayfinding in their discipline. They respond to critics, to challenges from participants in the course. Instead of sharing only their knowledge (as is done in a university course) they share their sensemaking habits and their thinking processes with participants. Epistemology is augmented with ontology.
    • Keith Hamon
      Online, our knowledge-making becomes explicit, and we shift from traditional teaching methods back to older apprenticeship methods. We let our students see us struggle to create new knowledge out of data and experience.
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    • Keith Hamon
      This suggests some of the new kinds of value that teachers can bring to their local classes.
    Siemens' thoughts about the impact of open courses on learning and the Academy.
Keith Hamon

coupled-inquiry cycle: A teacher concerns-based model for effective student inquiry, Th... - 0 views

    a model of inquiry has emerged that seems to balance the vision of student-centered inquiry described in the NSES with an inquiry strategy that reflects teacher concerns. This model, called the Coupled Inquiry Cycle, combines, or "couples", "teacher guided" inquiry with "full" or "open" inquiry, into an inquiry cycle based on a learning cycle format
Keith Hamon

Langwitches Blog » Taking Student Blogging to the Next Level? - 0 views

    Many benefits of blogging seem to become apparent over time. That has happened in my own learning journey as a blogger as well.  It is the reflective nature and the timeline of a blog, as well as the growing connections with readers that will reveal growth as a writer, the benefits of being a member of a network and a contributor to a global community.
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