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Keith Hamon

elearnspace. everything elearning. - 1 views

    This site and blog explore elearning, knowledge management, networks, technology, and community.
Stephanie Cooper

Ultimate List of Free Music for eLearning Development - 2 views

    A list of great websites with free music for instructional videos, etc.
Keith Hamon

onlineteachingguide / Front Page - 1 views

    This wiki focuses on eLearning, esp. Internet or web-based delivery methods.
Keith Hamon

eLearn: Feature Article - E-learning 2.0 - 1 views

  • Sharing content is not considered unethical; indeed, the hoarding of content is viewed as antisocial [9]. And open content is viewed not merely as nice to have but essential for the creation of the sort of learning network described by Siemens [10].
    • Keith Hamon
      Open content is one reason we prefer Google tools over Blackboard or Moodle, both of which are closed systems that restrict access to content.
  • In a nutshell, what was happening was that the Web was shifting from being a medium, in which information was transmitted and consumed, into being a platform, in which content was created, shared, remixed, repurposed, and passed along. And what people were doing with the Web was not merely reading books, listening to the radio or watching TV, but having a conversation, with a vocabulary consisting not just of words but of images, video, multimedia and whatever they could get their hands on. And this became, and looked like, and behaved like, a network.
    • Keith Hamon
      QEP wants to join this network, adding its smaller class networks to the larger network, thereby enriching both.
  • Blogging is very different from traditionally assigned learning content. It is much less formal. It is written from a personal point of view, in a personal voice. Students' blog posts are often about something from their own range of interests, rather than on a course topic or assigned project. More importantly, what happens when students blog, and read reach others' blogs, is that a network of interactions forms-much like a social network, and much like Wenger's community of practice.
    • Keith Hamon
      Student blogging is still one of the more significant strategies for encouraging students to use writing as a tool for learning and communicating.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • What happens when online learning ceases to be like a medium, and becomes more like a platform? What happens when online learning software ceases to be a type of content-consumption tool, where learning is "delivered," and becomes more like a content-authoring tool, where learning is created? The model of e-learning as being a type of content, produced by publishers, organized and structured into courses, and consumed by students, is turned on its head. Insofar as there is content, it is used rather than read— and is, in any case, more likely to be produced by students than courseware authors. And insofar as there is structure, it is more likely to resemble a language or a conversation rather than a book or a manual.
    • Keith Hamon
      This shift from medium to platform is key to understanding writing in Web 2.0 as opposed to writing in print for it radically shifts the relationships between writer and subject and writer and reader.
  • learning comes not from the design of learning content but in how it is used
    • Keith Hamon
      This is a radical shift away from the activity of the teacher to the activity of the students.
    E-learning has been around for ten years or so. During that time, it has emerged from being a radical idea-the effectiveness of which was yet to be proven-to something that is widely regarded as mainstream. And now, e-learning is evolving with the World Wide Web as a whole and it's changing to a degree significant enough to warrant a new name: E-learning 2.0.
Keith Hamon

5 Tools for Building a Next-Generation 'Hybrid' Class Website - ProfHacker - The Chroni... - 0 views

  • To build the module, we used a rapid e-learning authoring tool called Adobe Captivate. Some other popular programs for this kind of rapid authoring are Articulate and Lectora. Captivate is great for building interactive self-guided simulations and branching scenarios.
    • Keith Hamon
      We should explore how to add external tools to ASU's Moodle so that we can gather info about our students.
  • We created our unit in PearlTrees by adding links to all the web-based readings, videos and articles for the course and then embedded it into our LMS.
  • We decided used Prezi to create a Case Study Library with six categories (Health, Education, etc.) to introduce our students to the tools organizations are using to address different elements of the peacebuilding and international development spectrum.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Our LMS had a built-in functionality for users to submit links and tag them, but other options include setting up a class Diigo account with one class username and password. If the majority of participants are already on Facebook and Twitter, other options include creating a dedicated course Facebook group to share content, or setting up a class hashtag (ex. #AU1234) for Twitter to categorize and easily reference all class tweets. (Read further ProfHacker reflections on teaching with social media.)
  • This course was just the beginning of our attempt at TechChange to go beyond what industry leaders like Blackboard and others currently provide to find and implement the most effective technologies and platforms to support dynamic learning. The feedback from the participants was remarkably positive, and the model is something that can easily scale with the right tools and training.
    The tools we discuss below can be embedded into any open source LMS and down the road we plan to revisit other platforms.
Stephanie Cooper

What Will Higher Education Look Like in 25 Years? - 1 views

  • Futurists surveyed for The Future of Higher Education report by the Pew Internet and American Life Project pontificated on what higher education would look like in 2020. Thirty-nine percent said higher education wouldn’t look much different than it does today. But 60 percent said higher education would be different, complete with mass adoption of teleconferencing and distance learning. In their written responses, however, many of them painted scenarios that incorporated elements of both.
  • Futurists view the coming decades as an opportunity for teacher/student relationships to occur almost purely through technology — an approach known as technology-mediated education. But faculty members look to maintain the university model that’s been in place for centuries, with a sprinkle of technology integration.
Keith Hamon

How to Create Excellent Courses with Open Education Resources | online learning insights - 0 views

    Open Educational Resources abbreviated as OER, are openly formatted and licensed documents and media accessed on the Web that are useful for teaching, learning, education, assessment and research that anyone can openly use and reuse, without charge.
Keith Hamon

Digital Portfolios in the Age of the Read/Write Web (EDUCAUSE Review) | | ... - 0 views

    Key Takeaways Education built around digital portfolios not only ties together various student-generated artifacts into a coherent whole but also creates an environment in which technology use has a clearly identified purpose. Hundreds of services provide free hosting and website creation tools and are ideal platforms for digital portfolios because they can support just about any type of digital content. Turning consumers of knowledge into producers of knowledge transforms learning into an active experience.
Keith Hamon

Online Learning: A User's Guide to Forking Education | Online Learning | HYBRID PEDAGOGY - 0 views

    At exactly this moment, online education is poised (and threatening) to replicate the conditions, courses, structures, and hierarchical relations of brick-and-mortar industrial-era education. Cathy N. Davidson argued exactly this at her presentation, "Access Demands a Paradigm Shift," at the 2013 Modern Language Association conference. The mistake being made, I think, is a simple and even understandable one, but damning and destructive nonetheless. Those of us responsible for education (both its formation and care) are hugging too tightly to what we've helped build, its pillars, policies, economies, and institutions. None of these, though, map promisingly into digital space. If we continue to tread our current path, we'll be left with a Frankenstein's monster of what we now know of education. This is the imminent destruction of our educational system of which so many speak: taking an institution inspired by the efficiency of post-industrial machines and redrawing it inside the machines of the digital age. Education rendered into a dull 2-dimensional carbon copy, scanned, faxed, encoded and then made human-readable, an utter lack of intellectual bravery.
Keith Hamon

The Best Posts On The "Flipped Classroom" Idea | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of... - 0 views

    I'm a bit wary/skeptical about this whole "Flipped Classroom" idea and how it works in practice.
Stephanie Cooper

Looking for "Flippable" Moments | Flip It Consulting - 0 views

  • For me, the FLIP is when you “Focus on your Learners by Involving them in the Process”
  • This is the moment when you stop talking at your learners and “flip” the work to them instead.  This is the moment when you allow them to struggle, ask questions, solve problems and do the “heavy lifting” required to learn the material.
  • Students can look up the content on their own and find the answer to a question within a matter of seconds.  What they can’t always do on their own is analyze, synthesize, and experience the process of engaging in higher levels of critical thinking. This is when they need to do the messy work of learning, evaluating, and critiquing. This is when they need your structure and guidance, but not your answers. They have to make meaning for themselves. This is a “flippable moment.”
    • Stephanie Cooper
      This is what Oprah would call an "aha" moment.  I've always wondered EXACTLY how to utilize the lecture-free time during class.  This puts it into perspective.
    Great advice and tips for using the "Flipped" model
Keith Hamon

Getting More Out of Student Blogging | Sue Waters Blog - 0 views

    So I've put together tips for getting the most out of blogging with your student (you can watch the recorded ETMOOC student blogging session here). For more information I recommend you work through our step by step guide to blogging with students.
Keith Hamon

What You Need to Know About MOOCs - Technology - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 0 views

    Colleges and professors have rushed to try a new form of online teaching known as MOOCs-short for "massive open online courses." The courses raise questions about the future of teaching, the value of a degree, and the effect technology will have on how colleges operate. Struggling to make sense of it all? On this page you'll find highlights from The Chronicle's coverage of MOOCs.
Keith Hamon

'Networked minds' require fundamentally new kind of economics - 0 views

    Economics has a beautiful body of theory. But does it describe real markets? Doubts have come up not only in the wake of the financial crisis, since financial crashes should not occur according to the then established theories. Since ages, economic theory is based on concepts such as efficient markets and the "homo economicus", i.e. the assumption of competitively optimizing individuals and firms. It was believed that any behavior deviating from this would create disadvantages and, hence, be eliminated by natural selection. But experimental evidence from behavioral economics show that, on average, people behave more fairness-oriented and other-regarding than expected. A new theory by scientists from ETH Zurich now explains why. 
Keith Hamon

10 Ways To Use Technology To Teach Writing - 1 views

    There are a variety of tech tools and methods out there for teaching writing that can make the process easier and more fun for both teachers and students. While not every high-tech way of teaching writing will work for every class or every student, there's enough variety that there's bound to be something for everyone.
Keith Hamon

Eric Mazur on new interactive teaching techniques | Harvard Magazine Mar-Apr 2012 - 1 views

    This innovative style of learning grew into "peer instruction" or "interactive learning," a pedagogical method that has spread far beyond physics and taken root on campuses nationally. Last year, Mazur gave nearly 100 lectures on the subject at venues all around the world. (His 1997 book Peer Instruction is a user's manual; a 2007 DVD, Interactive Teaching, produced by Harvard's Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, illustrates the method in detail.)
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