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Stephanie Cooper

Memo to Students: Writing Skills Matter - 1 views

  • Only 51% of all high school students who took the college entrance exam are prepared for college-level reading, according to a report released last month by the American College Testing Program (ACT). Essentially, anyone deemed "ready" has a 75% chance of earning a grade of C or higher and a 50% chance of a getting a B or higher in reading-intensive college classes.
  • But too often, undergraduates enter -- and leave -- B-school without the basic knowledge needed to write effectively, which can hinder their academic and job success. Now, spurred by low test scores and recruiter demand, some schools are taking action.
  • Strong writing skills are crucial for business majors looking to enter the corporate world. The ability to communicate topped the list of recruiting companies' desired traits this year among college candidates, according to the National Association of Colleges & Employers' 2006 Job Outlook.
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  • Some program directors at colleges and universities stress that writing shouldn't be taught in isolation. At Indiana University's Kelley School of Business, all communication classes incorporate writing, speaking, listening, and teamwork, showing business majors that all facets are connected and necessary for successful interactions. Frequently, high schools and other B-schools teach writing as an independent form of communication, says Sue Vargo, director of business communication. "Here students aren't just writing for the sake of writing or speaking for the sake of speaking," she says.
  • Placing students from the get-go into courses that rely heavily on writing is another tactic B-schools use. All Penn State freshmen take a seminar, with specific modules for Smeal College of Business students, on topics including diversity, leadership, and service. Among six writing assignments is a personal-reflection piece, designed to enhance creativity among students who may not be used to using their imaginations in this way. In contrast, the senior capstone, also writing-intensive, focuses more on analyzing business and financial statements.
  • "Students will walk into class and say, 'I don't enjoy reading.' I say it's like the first time they had a beer. It tastes awful. But if you drink it enough, you'll like it," says Hoyle. "Reading, museums, and the theater are acquired tastes." In the process, students may acquire a fondness -- and talent -- for writing as well.
    • Stephanie Cooper
      I love this quote!! LOL
    • Thomas Clancy
      "Reading served here." This certainly reflects what I see in Dr. Cherry's classes and what I hear Bruce saying, that some students at ASU have very poor reading skills and a deficient vocabulary for college reading.
Mary Ann Scott

Writing for Learning--Not Just for Demonstrating Learning - 2 views

  • And the main thing to keep in mind is that if you are not teaching a writing course, there is no law that says you have to comment.
    • Mary Ann Scott
      Not all writing is for the teacher's consumption and subsequent evaluation of the student's learning. It is part of the process of learning. We need to let students learn without judgment at least some of the time.
  • There's a quick and easy form of "proto-commenting" that is remarkably effective--especially appropriate perhaps for think pieces: putting straight lines alongside or underneath strong passages, wavy lines alongside or underneath problem passages, and X's next to things that seem plainly wrong. I can do this almost as fast as I can read, and it gives remarkably useful feedback to students: it conveys the presence and reactions of a reader.
    • Mary Ann Scott
      If you feel the need to respond, here is a short and easy way to remind your students that you are there to guide them.
  • Two-fers:
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  • About think-pieces:
  • Students understand and retain course material much better when they write copiously about it. We tend to think of learning as input and writing as output, but it also works the other way around. Learning is increased by "putting out"; writing causes input. Students won't take writing seriously till all faculty demand it. Writing needn't take any time away from course material. We can demand good writing without teaching it. The demand itself teaches much. Students won't write enough unless we assign more writing than we can comment on--or even read. There is no law against not reading what we make them write. Writing can have a powerful communal or social dimension; it doesn't have to feel solitary.
    • Mary Ann Scott
      These premises are KEY. Read every one of them and consider how they can work in your class.
  • 8 minutes of writing at the start of class to help students bring to mind their homework reading or lab work or previous lectures. 8minutes in mid class when things go dead--or to get students to think about an important question that has come up. 8 minutes at the end of class or lecture to get them to think about what's been discussed. 5 minutes at the end of class to write to us about what they learned that day: what was the main idea for them, what was going on for them during that class. Not only will this help them integrate and internalize the course material; it helps our teaching by showing us what's getting through and what isn't.
    • Mary Ann Scott
      Some excellent examples of reflective writing in action.
  • This is the name I give to writing that is a bit more thought out and worked over--but not yet an essay:
  • Think pieces are a productive and nonpunitive way to make students do the reading on time and come to class.
  • When students understand that they are being asked for two very different kinds of writing in the course, their essays get better because of their extensive practice with low stakes think pieces, and their low stakes writing gets more thoughtful when they experience it as practice for the high stakes essays (and relief from them too)
    • Mary Ann Scott
      Take the "punishment" out of writing by showing your students that is part of learning. Give them the freedom to express themselves in ways that won't be judged.
  • I find term papers involve maximum work and minimum learning.
    • Mary Ann Scott
      Absolutely true!
  • Peer feedback or student response groups.
Nicolette Elzie

Writing in College - 1. Some crucial differences between high school and college writing - 1 views

  • You get no credit for asserting the existence of something we already know exists.
  • You must shape and focus that discussion or analysis so that it supports a claim that you discovered and formulated and that all of your discussion and explanation develops and supports.
  • In that sense, you might state the point of your paper as "Well, I want to show/prove/claim/argue/demonstrate (any of those words will serve to introduce the point) that "Though Falstaff seems to play the role of Hal's father, he is, in fact, acting more like a younger brother who . . . ."" If you include in your paper what appears after I want to prove that, then that's the point of your paper, its main claim that the rest of your paper supports.
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  • Most of us begin our research with a question, with a puzzle, something that we don't understand but want to, and maybe a vague sense of what an answer might look like. We hope that out of our early research to resolve that puzzle there emerges a solution to the puzzle, an idea that seems promising, but one that only more research can test.
  • A good point or claim typically has several key characteristics: it says something significant about what you have read, something that helps you and your readers understand it better; it says something that is not obvious, something that your reader didn't already know; it is at least mildly contestable, something that no one would agree with just by reading it; it asserts something that you can plausibly support in five pages, not something that would require a book.
    I thought this was a great article on the differences between collegiate level writing and high school writing. Moreover, it lays a groundwork for writing a paper. If only there was some way to convey these differences to our students in a way that they will understand without feeling discouraged. I think the weakness of the article is that it is very long, if I wanted to pass this on to a student I fear that the sheer length would deter them away from both reading it and/or finishing it. On the other hand, if we could manage to make this simpler or convert it into a series of short workshops for students then I think the content would be extraordinarily beneficial.
Stephanie Cooper

JOLT - Journal of Online Learning and Teaching - 1 views

  • The use of web logs (“blogs”) has become a popular addition to many college courses as faculty try to find new ways to integrate this popular technology into the classroom. (Beeson, 2005; Quible, 2005; Ducate, 2005, Glogoff, 2005).   By the end of 2004, 32 million Americans said they had read a blog, eight million Americans had created blogs, and almost half were created by people under age 30 (Reine, 2005).   In fact, Huffaker (2005) cites several studies that reveal that a significant number of blog authors are younger than 20.  Lenhart (2006) notes that by 2006, these numbers had increased to 12 million American adults who keep a blog, and 57 million American adults who say they read them. Thus, students come to the classroom with a facility for maintaining and communicating through blogs.  Beeson (2005) argues that it is an approach that is more in keeping with their way of thinking (29).  With the increased popularity of blogs, faculty members have been integrating them into their courses to enhance class discussion.  Past research has summarized findings from case studies involving the use of blogs in a single course (Glogoff, 2003; Quible, 2005; Ducate, 2005).  The authors of this study, conducted at a business university, assigned a similar blogging exercise in three different courses—expository writing, e-commerce, and government--in order to introduce students to the use of blogs in their respective disciplines and to help students prepare for meaningful classroom discussion. This study finds that by completing the required readings and then posting discussion questions and reflections on topics of interest to which their classmates can respond--essentially beginning the conversation prior to the class session--students become more engaged in the course material. This exercise requires students not only to read the required course materials but to engage with them critically in order to move beyond a superficial understanding of the materials.  By using the same assignment and assessment tool, the authors found that blogs can be effective in enhancing class discussion in a range of disciplines and in integrating liberal learning into professional programs.            Blogging in the Classroom
  • Like online threaded discussion groups, blogs are an easy way to engage in dialogue on the web outside the classroom. The availability of several blog providers such as Google’s,, and make it free and easy to set up, manage, and update blogs frequently and without additional support.   By using blogs “students become familiar with blogging, a tool now used by an ever-increasing number of employers to support routine operating functions” (Quible, 2005, p. 76).
  • Since blogs are a fairly recent pedagogical tool, new scholarship has emerged that points to its benefits in the classroom.  The ability of students and faculty to easily update an online journal promotes blogging as a new form of communication to enhance class discussion and to create a community outside the classroom.  Flatley (2005) argues that the technological medium provides a space where students can interact with one another, and it can open up the classroom space "where discussions are continued and where every student gets an equal voice" (p. 77).  In addition, blogs can promote collaboration (Flatley, 2005; Williams & Jacobs, 2004; Oravec, 2002).
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  • In contrast to more traditional forums for online discussion, blogs are open to the world to see. This provides visibility for students to share their ideas with the larger world. Quible (2005) says that blogs are “a natural in business communications courses” (p. 73) because they enable students to share their writing with a larger audience.  Glogoff (2003) notes that students “used the [class] blog for a purpose other than from what it was initially intended,” (p. 2162) causing them to create a new blog for a more general audience.  Huffaker (2005) argues that bloggers can get feedback on their writing from a wide range of other bloggers, and "they can link to fellow bloggers, creating an interwoven, dynamic organization" (p. 94).  In addition, "students can have a personal space to lty member not want student writing made public, blogs can be maintained so that only the students in the are allowed to access it and post to it.
Keith Hamon

Google Currents - ProfHacker - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 1 views

    Google Currents is an application for Apple's iOS and Google's Android [that] lets you add content that you might want to read from a variety of sources. Google offers a list of featured content that is predictable: Forbes, CNET, ReadWriteWeb, and the like. Google has some other subject-specific lists of content too. The real strength of the app, as far as I am concerned, is the ability to add any RSS feed including those in your Google Reader account.
Keith Hamon

Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing, Volume 1 | Writing Spaces - 1 views

    Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing, Volume 1, is a collection of Creative Commons licensed essays for use in the first year writing classroom, all written by writing teachers for students.
Keith Hamon

eLearn: Feature Article - E-learning 2.0 - 1 views

  • Sharing content is not considered unethical; indeed, the hoarding of content is viewed as antisocial [9]. And open content is viewed not merely as nice to have but essential for the creation of the sort of learning network described by Siemens [10].
    • Keith Hamon
      Open content is one reason we prefer Google tools over Blackboard or Moodle, both of which are closed systems that restrict access to content.
  • In a nutshell, what was happening was that the Web was shifting from being a medium, in which information was transmitted and consumed, into being a platform, in which content was created, shared, remixed, repurposed, and passed along. And what people were doing with the Web was not merely reading books, listening to the radio or watching TV, but having a conversation, with a vocabulary consisting not just of words but of images, video, multimedia and whatever they could get their hands on. And this became, and looked like, and behaved like, a network.
    • Keith Hamon
      QEP wants to join this network, adding its smaller class networks to the larger network, thereby enriching both.
  • Blogging is very different from traditionally assigned learning content. It is much less formal. It is written from a personal point of view, in a personal voice. Students' blog posts are often about something from their own range of interests, rather than on a course topic or assigned project. More importantly, what happens when students blog, and read reach others' blogs, is that a network of interactions forms-much like a social network, and much like Wenger's community of practice.
    • Keith Hamon
      Student blogging is still one of the more significant strategies for encouraging students to use writing as a tool for learning and communicating.
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  • What happens when online learning ceases to be like a medium, and becomes more like a platform? What happens when online learning software ceases to be a type of content-consumption tool, where learning is "delivered," and becomes more like a content-authoring tool, where learning is created? The model of e-learning as being a type of content, produced by publishers, organized and structured into courses, and consumed by students, is turned on its head. Insofar as there is content, it is used rather than read— and is, in any case, more likely to be produced by students than courseware authors. And insofar as there is structure, it is more likely to resemble a language or a conversation rather than a book or a manual.
    • Keith Hamon
      This shift from medium to platform is key to understanding writing in Web 2.0 as opposed to writing in print for it radically shifts the relationships between writer and subject and writer and reader.
  • learning comes not from the design of learning content but in how it is used
    • Keith Hamon
      This is a radical shift away from the activity of the teacher to the activity of the students.
    E-learning has been around for ten years or so. During that time, it has emerged from being a radical idea-the effectiveness of which was yet to be proven-to something that is widely regarded as mainstream. And now, e-learning is evolving with the World Wide Web as a whole and it's changing to a degree significant enough to warrant a new name: E-learning 2.0.
Keith Hamon

Students, Reading and Writing - ProfHacker - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 0 views

  • In many courses that are not focused on writing skills, instructors might not provide detailed enough instructions on their writing assignments to convey to the student what the instructors’ expectations are
    • Keith Hamon
      This is a key issue for QEP: helping faculty to compose assignments that maximize a student's chances for success.
  • a badly written essay may be the result of the student author not understanding the subject rather than not being a capable writer.
    • Keith Hamon
      Even a well-written assignment must be placed within the context of solid learning. If a student does not understand the material, then their chances for errors-and plagiarism-increase dramatically.
  • On the question of how students are incorporating and acknowledging the sources they find through their research, Howard and Jamieson report that the vast majority of the first-year writing student essays studied so far are defined primarily by “patchwriting,” evidence that students are not really understanding or engaging the material they are reading for their essays.
    • Keith Hamon
      It seems that students use patchwriting to complete an assignment that they don't understand, simply filling up paper with whatever comes to hand.
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  • I would argue, we need to ensure in every department on campus that we structure our courses and our assignments such that students learn where and how to find authoritative source material and such that students must demonstrate a solid comprehension in writing of the material they’re writing about.
    • Keith Hamon
      The issue with plagiarism, then, is that students don't understand their assignment, don't understand the material they are writing about, and don't understand why a writer would incorporate outside material in the first place. We should fix this.
    So what happens between the end of that two-course sequence and the start of the rest of those students' college careers? If pressed I would offer a hypothesis or two: In many courses that are not focused on writing skills, instructors might not provide detailed enough instructions on their writing assignments to convey to the student what the instructors' expectations are, and A different issue is whether or not the student understands the course material: a badly written essay may be the result of the student author not understanding the subject rather than not being a capable writer.
Thomas Clancy

Math learning software and other technology are hurting education. - Slate Magazine - 0 views

    Now I KNOW this article is about MATH and not writing, but please skim/read it over and apply what is being said here to what we know about the teaching of English -- grammar and writing -- and how we have our favored "old" way of learning and teaching and how that often contrasts with new and "improved" methods that we see.
Keith Hamon

Teachers Guide on The Use of Wikis in Education - 1 views

    According to Leuf and Cunningham, a wiki is "a free expandable collection of interlinked webpages, a hypertext system for storing and modifyinh information, a data base, where each page is easily edited by any user." A Wiki can be thought of as a combination of a web site and a Word document. At its simplest, it can be read just like any other web site, with no access privileges necessary, but its real power lies in the fact that groups can collaboratively work on the content of the site using nothing but a standard web browser. The Wiki is gaining  traction in education as an ideal tool for collaborative work.
Thomas Clancy

What Good Writing Indicates, and Doesn't - Room for Debate - - 1 views

    "Students and teachers need the terminology of grammar so they can discuss sentences easily, so they can talk about the parts that don't fit together and the parts that should be moved around. And it is such discussions about sentences, along with lots of reading and writing, that help students write correctly and well - and maybe land a job." -- Let's consider putting this quote up in a prominent spot in our writing labs!!
Keith Hamon

Nik's Learning Technology Blog: Free Downloads - 1 views

    A collection of tech resources, tutorials, and guides, especially for teaching English. You can download all of these documents free of charge or read them online.
Keith Hamon

Why Johnny Can't Search - a Response - 0 views

    high school and college students may be "digital natives" but they're wretched at searching. In a recent experiment at Northwestern, when 102 undergraduates were asked to do some research online, none went to the trouble of checking the author's credentials. In 1955, we wondered why Johnny can't read. Today the question is why can't Johnny search?
Kelly Gardiner

10 Best Books on the Future of Higher Ed - Online Universities - 0 views

    Some great reading here - for those rainy afternoons.
Stephanie Cooper

Learning through Reflection - 1 views

  • Strategies for Fostering Reflection Hatton and Smith (1995) reported four activites that in in the process of reflection: Action Research Projects Case and cultural studies Practical experiences Structured curriculum tasks: Reading fiction and non-fiction Oral interviews Writing tasks such as narratives, biographies, reflective essays, and keeping journals. However, although these strategies have the potential to encourage reflection, there is little research evidence to show that this is actually being achieved. Obviously "fact" questions do not promote reflection (e.g., What are the functional areas of an air base?). But posing hypothetical situations produced similarly disappointing results (e.g., Assume you have inherited a significant sum of money and wish to buy land in an environmentally sensitive area on which to build. What factors will go into your decision and why?). In contrast, the most successful probe asked learners to write a one page letter to a parent, sibling or other significant person in their lives.
    • Stephanie Cooper
      These are great ideas for creating opportunities for reflective practices into discussion questions and outside research.
  • Extending evaluative feedback might have even more powerful effects. Providing probes may cause the learner to continue to think about the topic, such as: "Have you thought about how a skilled operator might do this?" "But how much does safety really get compromised when you don't use safety shoes?" Pointing out other possibilities may also result in additional thinking about relationships among factors not previously considered, such as:  "Another factor you might consider is how many different tools will be required if you use different size bolts in the design?" "But what if the rate of water flow is doubled?" Although such feedback may be provided via written comments, they are probably most powerful when used interactively in interpersonal dialogue. Carrying on a dialogue with one or more learners about the work they have submitted is probably the ultimate in promoting reflection via feedback. But the logistics of doing so and having discussion leaders who are skilled in the content and possess good interpersonal skills may be beyond the capacity of the system to provide; unless it is computer mediated in some way. Other hints for encouraging reflection include: Seek alternatives. View from various perspectives. Seek the framework, theoretical basis, underlying rationale (of behaviors, methods, techniques, programs). Compare and contrast. Put into different/varied contexts. Ask "what if. . . ?" Consider consequences.
    This may be  useful for the Reflective Practices literacy workshop.
Thomas Clancy Why study? Just steal the course! - Keka - Open Salon - 0 views

    This blog might be too long for use in classes, but I would seriously consider shortening it and distributing at least part of it to students. Maybe we will make some version of it available in our labs and on our Web site. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Nicolette Elzie

Lectures Didn't Work in 1350-and They Still Don't Work Today - Hope Reese - The Atlantic - 1 views

    To be read with "From the Campfire to the Holodeck: Creating Engaging and Powerful 21st Century Learning Environments"
Thomas Clancy

Critical Thinking: What Is It, Anyway? - 1 views

  • The ability to think critically is arguably the most important skill for the 21st century person.
    • Keith Hamon
      Well, critical thinking is one of five writing literacies taught in QEP classes. Is it the most important?
    • Thomas Clancy
      Indeed, we are all about including the five "literacies" in our writing opportunities, even though, technically, "literacy" cannot be pluralized!
  • Instead of using the Five W’s for developing content (they’re the basics for writing a successful news piece), use the Five W’s to analyze any post/piece of writing.
    • Keith Hamon
      This is a nice technique to add to the QEP toolbox, and has a dual use for both writing and reading. Keep in mind that QEP should also address reading, as Tom points out to us.
    critical thinking demands objective examination of a topic and then a conscious response to that examination.
    critical thinking demands objective examination of a topic and then a conscious response to that examination.
Keith Hamon

Author Nicholas Carr: The Web Shatters Focus, Rewires Brains | Magazine - 1 views

  • it would be a serious mistake to look narrowly at such benefits and conclude that the Web is making us smarter.
    • Keith Hamon
      Is it not also a mistake to look at the same evidence and conclude that the Web is making us dumber?
    What kind of brain is the Web giving us? There is much we know or can surmise-and the news is quite disturbing. Dozens of studies by psychologists, neurobiologists, and educators point to the same conclusion: When we go online, we enter an environment that promotes cursory reading, hurried and distracted thinking, and superficial learning. Even as the Internet grants us easy access to vast amounts of information, it is turning us into shallower thinkers, literally changing the structure of our brain.
Stephanie Cooper

Education can empower us with skills to act upon the world « Moving at the Sp... - 0 views

  • Reading and writing gave me skills to create with and to act on the world... through assignments like these I was learning how to marshal evidence and frame an argument. And I was also becoming more adept at handling a sentence, folding information onto it, making a complex point without losing the reader. These skills played out again and again on different topics and in different settings, leading to the ability to write a research article, a memo advocating a course of action, a newspaper opinion piece, an essay like the present one... All of the forgoing helped me develop a sense of myself as knowledgeable and capable of using what I know. This is a lovely and powerful quality-- cognitive, emotional, and existential all in one. It has to do with identity and agency, with how we define ourselves, not only in matters academic but also in the way we interact with others and with institutions. It has to do with how we move through our economic and civic lives. Education gave me the competence and confidence to independently seek out information and make decisions, to advocate for myself and my parents and those I taught, to probe political issues, to resist simple answers to messy social problems, to assume that I could figure things out and act on what I learned. In a sense, this was the best training I could have gotten for vocation and citizenship.
    A strong argument for learning to read and write...
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