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Keith Hamon

MyPortfolio Schools - 1 views

  • They have the potential to provide a central, linking role between the more rigid, institution-led learning management system and the learners’ social online spaces.
    • Keith Hamon
      This is a marvelous place to position the eportfolio: the link or bridge between the hierarchy of school and the rhizomatic network of society.
    In short, [an eportfolio] is an online space from which to manage your life, learning and goals.
Keith Hamon

Using E-Portfolios to Support an Undergraduate Learning Career: An Experiment with Acad... - 0 views

  • The concept of an e-portfolio is multifaceted — it is a technology, a pedagogical approach, and a process, as well as a product. Its purpose can range from tracking development within a program to finding a job or monitoring performance.
    • Keith Hamon
      ePortfolios are so much more than mere repositories of academic work. They are the students identity on the Net, the space that says, "This is who I am, and this is what I know how to do."
  • a culture of folio thinking, a pedagogical approach that focuses on designing structured opportunities for students to create e-portfolios and reflect on their learning experiences.
    • Keith Hamon
      Folio thinking is very QEP-oriented: providing opportunities for reflection, rationale building, and planning.
  • Instead of prioritizing e-portfolio technology, folio thinking addresses the adoption and integration of e-portfolio praxis in existing contexts as a critical first step toward a successful implementation that can lead to wider scalability and longer-term sustainability of the e-portfolio initiative.
    • Keith Hamon
      We must be careful to focus NOT on the tools for building ePortfolios, but on the practice of building them. The tool should be the choice of the student. After all, we don't dictate which brand of pen they should use.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • While introducing the e-portfolio in academic advising is a natural starting point for first-year and transfer students, the success of a broader and longer term e-portfolio implementation depends on the integration of e-portfolios into the Stanford curriculum and in other activities related to milestones of the undergraduate learning career.
    • Keith Hamon
      To be successful, ePortfolios must integrate across an entire program with specific links to each course.
    E-portfolio efforts at Stanford have focused on capturing and documenting students' learning and engaging in reflection, rationale building, or planning, contributing to a culture of folio thinking. In fall 2010, Stanford initiated a pilot introducing e-portfolios to assist with the advising of students in their first two years prior to declaring a major, to learn from students and advisors how e-portfolios and folio thinking can enhance their face-to-face interactions. The pilot will explore the possibility that persistence can be improved through the active involvement of others (mentors, alumni, family, peers) in the lives of students as facilitated through the medium of e-portfolios.
Keith Hamon

Dr. Helen Barrett's Electronic Portfolios - 0 views

    Great site for exploring the concept of ePortfolios
Keith Hamon

Course: Creating Student e-Portfolios with Google Sites - 0 views

    A course hosted in Moodle exploring how to create ePortfolios in Google Sites.
Keith Hamon

Electronic Portfolio | - 0 views

    A collection of online resources about ePortfolios.
Keith Hamon

Portfolio - 1 views

  • Of all the systems that I have tried, this Google Site as my presentation portfolio, with my own domain name, with my Blogger blog as my reflective journal, is my favorite example, and the one that I will continue to update.
    • Keith Hamon
      Helen Barrett is a recognized expert in the portfolio movement, and her endorsement of Google Site & Blogger as primary eportfolio tools is convincing to me.
    Welcome to the Google Sites version of my e-portfolio. I am exploring the capabilities of using this system to maintain electronic portfolios as part of my research on implementation of online electronic portfolio systems. Of all the systems that I have tried, this Google Site as my presentation portfolio, with my own domain name, with my Blogger blog as my reflective journal, is my favorite example, and the one that I will continue to update.
Keith Hamon

Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL) - Home for... - 0 views

    Established in 2009, the Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL, pronounced "able") is a membership organization for the world e-portfolio community that now has established affiliations and collaborations with nearly all world-wide portfolio initiatives, projects and organizations.
Keith Hamon

Digital Portfolios in the Age of the Read/Write Web (EDUCAUSE Review) | | ... - 0 views

    Key Takeaways Education built around digital portfolios not only ties together various student-generated artifacts into a coherent whole but also creates an environment in which technology use has a clearly identified purpose. Hundreds of services provide free hosting and website creation tools and are ideal platforms for digital portfolios because they can support just about any type of digital content. Turning consumers of knowledge into producers of knowledge transforms learning into an active experience.
Keith Hamon

All Things Google: Using Google for Writing Portfolios - ProfHacker - The Chronicle of ... - 0 views

    I opted to have students use Google Sites to create their portfolios, for several reasons. Students were already using Google Documents for their essays, so the interface was reasonably familiar to them. Google Documents integrates well with Google Sites, so it was very easy for students to embed their essays in their portfolios. Google Sites allows for easy customization, for any student who might want to get creative with site design. Using Google Sites along with Google Documents makes it very easy for students to control who's allowed to see what.
Keith Hamon

Student Electronic Portfolios: A Model | Expat Educator - 0 views

    This post has two purposes: (1) Present a model you can use for your own students' portfolios. It is critical to know what you want students to present before you begin. (2) Provide videos that show you, step-by-step, how to set up portfolios using Google sites.
Keith Hamon

ePIstudy - 0 views

    The ePI study is exploring large-scale implementations of e-portfolio use in Higher and Further Education and professional organisations in the UK . It is JISC funded and led by the University of  Nottingham.
Keith Hamon

Reflection for Learning - 0 views

    Reflection is the hallmark of many thoughtfully developed portfolios. Reflections on the products within a portfolio allow the audience to understand why these items were chosen to represent the student and his / her capacities and can provide some of the best indicators of student growth. However many students often have a difficult time thinking about their own learning when confronted by teachers to do so without guidance or support. When asked to reflect on their learning, students often don't know quite what to say or write - as much of the thinking that has gone on has been either subconscious or nonverbal.
Keith Hamon

Classroom Wikis and Professional Portfolios - Powerful Ingredients for Blended Learning - 2 views

    It is a "best practice" for classroom teachers today to use a website as a learning portal for links and resources related to class studies. In this learning module we'll learn the difference between blogs and wikis, explore examples of K-12 exemplary classroom wikis and professional portfolios, as well as tools for creating educational wikis.
Keith Hamon

Andrea Smith's Portfolio - Introduction - 1 views

    Example of a wiki as an e-portfolio.
Keith Hamon

Dr. Helen Barrett's Electronic Portfolios - 0 views

    Information about  Electronic Portfolio Development and Digital Storytelling
Keith Hamon

EchucaELearning - Digital Portfolios - 0 views

    This wiki is a collaborative learning space. If you want to contribute to this e-portfolio or digital portfolio page, please join the wiki and then add your thoughts, your notes or describe how you created digital portfolios for your students.
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