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Emoji are even more like language than previously thought - 0 views

    This article talks about emojis and how their meaning depends on the reader's interpretation. Researchers are building more understanding of the role emoji play in human communication, by studying the linguistic properties of emoji in comparison with languages like English.
Lara Cowell

'People Don't Use Words Any More': A Teenager Tells Us How To Use Emojis Properly - 1 views

    Emojis, the smileys in Japanese electronic messages and web pages, earned their way into digital culture royalty just a few years back, when various developers created apps for mobile users to download that allowed them the option to add little picture messages into text conversations. When Apple introduced iOS 6, it allowed iPhone users to directly integrate emojis into their keyboard through the OS settings. Now, they're everywhere in pop culture.
Lara Cowell

How New Emoji Are Changing the Pictorial Language - The Atlantic - 2 views

    As emoji have become more specific in both their appearance and their meaning, their ideographic flexibility has eroded. Emoji are transforming into a large catalog of fixed portraits, rather than a smaller set of flexible ideograms.
Lara Cowell

How the sexy peach emoji joined the resistance - The Washington Post - 0 views

    If you want to understand how the peach emoji has come to represent both the potential impeachment of President Trump and a butt, you must first look to the ancient Sumerians. Cuneiform, their early system of writing, began as a series of pictograms, and some characters represented multiple words or concepts. But it could be "tricky to represent something in the abstract," said Vyvyan Evans, a British linguistics professor and author of "The Emoji Code." So the Sumerians would repurpose an existing pictogram that had resonance with the hard-to-illustrate concept.

Are Emojis Creating a New or Old Visual Language for New Generations? A Socio-semiotic ... - 0 views

    While the invention of emojis was fairly recent, researchers have found that instead of creating a new type of communication, emojis call back to ancient proto-languages and cuneiform-type scripts. Emojis can be helpful in communicating online across cultures, due to the ease of interpretation across all language systems.

How Emojis are Changing the Way We Communicate with One Another - 1 views

    This article was really interesting because it talked about how emojis are changing the way we communicate with each other. It talked about how emojis are replacing words in a simpler form, which can decrease the effectiveness of communicating with other people.
Lara Cowell

Academics horrified as Shakespeare works are retold in EMOJI - 0 views

    The OMG Shakespeare series replaces prose with text speak and emoticons. Furious academics have branded the new books 'absolutely disastrous.' Regarded as some of the finest works in English literature, now some of William Shakespeare's greatest plays--Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth and A Midsummer Night's Dream--have been translated into emojis.

The Rise of Emoji on Instagram Is Causing Language Repercussions - 0 views

    The increasing use of emojis is causing a drop in English slang and is slowing become a new language.
Lara Cowell

State of the Union in emoji - 1 views

    Barack Obama says his address to Congress this year is all about 'finding areas where we agree, so we can deliver for the American people'. And if there's one thing we can all agree upon, it's emojis.
Lara Cowell

Emojipedia - 0 views

    The emoji search engine. A fast emoji search experience with options to browse every emoji by name, category, or platform.

Bill Nye Uses Emoji To Explain Our Dreams, Make Them Come True - 0 views

    This article is also linked to a video in which Bill Nye the science guy explains dreams to kids using emoji. This article and video demonstrates that children are beginning to use and understand emoji at a younger and younger age.

Emoji-Trendy Slang or a Whole New Language? - 1 views

    How the Emoji is affecting our daily communication. Could Emoji be considered as a new language?

When things are so bad you have no words, donʻt reach for an emoji - 1 views

    This article talks about the use of emojis in place of words. It describes emoji for serious, tragic matters as offensive and crass. They say when discussing these serious-type matters, it is better to say nothing at all than use emoji's to an express a verbally indescribable emotion.

Investigating the Potential for Miscommunication Using Emoji | GroupLens - 0 views

    A study on emoji polysemy across different operating systems

Face with Tears of Joy Is Word of the Year: Are Emoji a Sign... : Nursing Education Per... - 0 views

    Emojis have now become the norm when it comes to online communication, however, it is now making its mark in health care. There is now interest in using emojis to help facilitate health literacy and engage patients with their own health data.

Are older adults adapting to new forms of communication? A study on emoji adoption acro... - 1 views

    Emojis are emerging as a new form of communication online, mostly used by younger generations as a way to add emotional depth to online communications. A study conducted suggests that while older generations are less confident about using emojis, they are able to interpret them, and use them with minimal errors.

Could Emoji Ever Be a Language? - 1 views

    We could get by pretty well only communicating through emojis.
Lara Cowell

Katy Perry: "Roar", emoji style - 0 views

    Katy Perry's #1 hit, rendered (mostly) in emoji.
Lara Cowell

Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year Is Not a Word - 2 views

    And the 2015 word of the year: the emoji for "tears of joy." Whereas traditional alphabet scripts struggle to keep pace with 21st century rapid communication, emoji, in contrast, "are becoming an increasingly rich form of communication, one which transcends linguistic borders...They can serve as insightful windows through which to view our cultural preoccupations."
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