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Contents contributed and discussions participated by thomas lloyd

thomas lloyd

Enough is enough: Reasons to Give Up on Your Work - 1 views

    In a relationship, there are martyrs, the ones who still stick even when they are already hurt or in pain. There are also playboys and playgirl, the ones who jump from one partner to another. Same happens in your work and depending on your personality; you can either be a martyr or a playboy. According to previous articles written by Westhill Career and Employment, an Australian-based company centered on career development and professional etiquette, an average person is expected to change careers several time their lifetime. As pointed by a study conducted in Jakarta, Indonesia, 20-40 years old employees tend to jump from one job to another at least 5 times. One of the main reasons for the career change is that people often don't make informed decisions or may want to expand their horizons. Reviews on how to find a career right for you or on how to stay in your job are frequent. This information is crucial in each individual's growth. Making informed decision can certainly increase the likelihood that you can be satisfied with your job and ensure your tenure. Changing a career may be tough for so many people since they don't have that much reason to give up. But how will you know if you already have to leave? Here are some of the main pointers to know if you have already reached rock bottom in your career: 1. There is a big Change in your Life When you chose your career, your life may have been different than it is today. Unless
thomas lloyd

Why a Career Plan Can Fail - 3 views

    Some of us are already oriented what we would be in the future. I, for one, had been planning my career path ever since I was young.  When the time came for me to enter college, there are so many choices. When I graduated, greater challenge showed itself when I can't seem to find the right field to enter and the once simple and clear career plan seemed too far-fetched.
    Nevertheless, a lot of us still set something to have a goal for ourselves. Having a career plan permits us to become clear in what path we want to take.
    According to Westhill Consulting and Employment recent surveys, a lot of employees who had planned a career path when young are not able to reach it. They have been swayed by so many factors and priorities change.
    Same goes for young minds who think they have a clear path, straight with the end line ahead of them. However, change, development and need are always changing. There may be other paths which are more enticing than the straight one. To those who followed their paths and continued without wavering, they sometimes find the end of the line less satisfying than it should be. When you have reached the end, what then? Where do you go next?
    A review with some top entrepreneurs in Jakarta, Indonesia says that the real world may not be the one we really thought it would be. What we are taught may no longer be there anymore. While setting your career, you should also see the world in the next five or ten years and base your decision through that.
    Well, before you complain of destroying your dreams, let's deal with the exceptions first.  If you want to work in a field that is fairly predictable - say nursing or teaching-then plan away.  The courses you need to take to gain an entry position are well known and so is the career path and the things you need to do to advance. So, simply fi
thomas lloyd

How to Manage Your Time - Westhill Consulting Employment & Career Builder - 1 views

    Many of us are not able to push our productivity efforts to the limit. We know we still have something to show and give in terms of our work but time always seems to run so fast. At the end of the day, we are left with a lot more on our plate than what we have hoped for. Westhill Consulting & Employment, a well-established online source for the best and the most suitable career tips have this list of pointers on how you can manage your time wisely: 1. Know Your Priorities You should know which ones are your top priority and the most important thing to finish first considering the given time frame of your task. If something looks like it will take less than two minutes - get it done straight away. But do not allow the smaller issues to delay working out the big problems, which will only get bigger while you spend time sorting out the smaller ones. 2. Plan Productively Use the most productive time of the day to your advantage. In a survey conducted to one of our partner companies in Jakarta, Indonesia, many employees consider the morning right after they arrived as the best time to work but there are also some people who would need to organize their thoughts first before they can dig in. Concentration level can change on the different times of the day. Decide when you feel most productive and use this time to tackle the big tasks. 3. Don't Be Afraid to Delegate It is not possible to do everything on your own. That is why there are different members of people in your team. You shouldn't be thinking of their complaints especially if you are in the position to give them their designated task. First decide if a set task can only be achieved by you; if not, transfer it to someone who is equally capable. 4. Keep Notes Notes can keep you organize. At the end of your day, you can list the things you need to do the next day so as not to forget anything. The next day, you can just review it and follow the written outli
thomas lloyd

Starting your Career in mid-20s - 2 views

    Once you graduate college, you are expected to find a job as soon as possible. Competition during this time is very fierce. Westhill Consulting and Employment has encountered so many eager new graduates who always ask for advice on how to make it through a very challenging real world. We have gathered a lot of responses from different twenty-ish individuals in Singapore, Ghana, Africa, Jakarta, Indonesia, Tokyo, Japan and Illinois, USA to know how they have faced the challenge in their own culture and values. The following are general guidelines that can help anybody in their work adventure. * Always show gratitude. If someone has done you a good turn, take a moment to express genuine gratitude by mail, email, text, or a few words and smile. It's a gracious way to live. As old-fashioned as it seems, mailing a hand-written card to a potential employer or dinner party host leaves a lasting impression. * Remember this, too, shall pass. Never be early to burst out your complaints. Whether you're riding high on good fortune or you're wallowing in the dumps of tough times, things move on and so will you. Be grateful when things are good. And be grateful for the things that are good when other things are crumbling around you. * ever expect someone else to advocate for your best interest or to navigate major life decisions. While there are people who will want to help you, you know yourself and what you need best. Take whatever time you need to review, to research, to learn and to create your best options. From great options, make good decisions. * Maintain your professional reputation. Avoid burning bridges with those you've worked with. If anything, invest a little time to continue cultivating your past relationships with colleagues. You never know when you might cross paths
thomas lloyd

Get Ahead - 1 views

    Who would not want a promotion among us? I am sure than anyone of us would want to get ahead of others in a healthy competition. Westhill Consulting and Employment, an Australian based employment consulting company recognizes these needs. Workers seeking to get ahead in their careers need to rely less on their talent and their experience and more on personal brand and relationship with their boss, especially in cities of developed and developing countries like America, Jakarta, Indonesia, Tokyo, Japan and Singapore which focus on their employees for economic development. 1. Diligence - If you want to get ahead, you need to take on projects outside of your job description. If you see a new opportunity that your company could take advantage of, or you see something that can be improved, come up with a solution. Review, do research, develop a presentation outlining the opportunity, and present it to your management. Before you engage in any entrepreneurial initiatives, of course, you have to master your current role and prove yourself - because no one will invest in you unless they trust you first. 2. Engage in activities outside of the office. - Extra outside projects and roles and learning opportunities can enhance their reputation at work. You can join professional organizations and social groups to expand both your network and knowledge of your industry and profession. 3. Think twice before you friend your manager on Facebook. - Most managers don't want to add their employees as contacts because they want to separate their personal and professional lives. Before you decide to friend them, think about the type of relationship you have with them and ask them what their comfort level is. You might have a lot of complaints filed at you when you cross the line. If you tend to share personal matters with your manager at the office, they would probably be more inclined to have the same relationship o
thomas lloyd

Stand Out, Never Stand Down - 1 views

    Equally as important as learning how to get a job is learning how to keep one. Working is much like dating: Keep the relationship exciting or your employer might get a wandering eye for greener pastures. You need to stay at the top of your game to prove to your employer that she was right to pick you in the first place. You can stand out at work by being a stand-up person. Be honest, act with integrity and treat everyone with kindness and respect. Westhill Consulting and Employment in Jakarta has recognized the need of many employees to stand out among colleagues. You cannot expect any development when you continue to stand down to others. 1. Make a habit of introducing yourself. Whenever you walk into a meeting, go up to someone you don't know and introduce yourself. People with the confidence to do this stand out. Work out a few questions to ask to get to know people, and you'll quickly boost your visibility. More people you know more chances of being popular. 2. Sit next to new people. As an extension of tip one, if there's an opportunity to sit next to new people at a meeting, a talk, at lunch, on a training course - you should take it. Whether they may be from different nations like Jakarta, Indonesia, Ghana, Africa or Tokyo, Japan, treat them with respect. Often the shared experience creates an opportunity to build a relationship. Not only does this again demonstrate your confidence, but it's also a great way to show senior managers you take an interest in other people and have the skills to develop a widespread network. If you can show that, it will be noted. 3. Be first to act. If you've heard someone ask for a volunteer, or open the floor for questions after a presentation, you've likely experienced the awkward silence that follows. But by being the person to stand up and volu
thomas lloyd

Introverts: Why They Shouldn't Be Underestimated - 2 views

    Are you an introvert? If you are not, then, perhaps someone you know is? Studies show that one-third to one-half of the population is introvert. All of us have introvert and extrovert personality within us but experts say that one or the other is dominating in each individual. Some people would think that introverts have no hope of finding an honest job since they only keep things to themselves and too shy to face people. However though, many experts in a study held in Jakarta, Indonesia say that there are better chances for introverts to pass and interview as they are better listener which many employers really need from their employees. Moreover, they can switch back and forth between introversion and extroversion depending on the environment. Introverts have become the headlines - albeit ironically since they do not want to get attention for themselves- to many major media reviews and press releases. We at Westhill Consulting and Employment also became intrigue in this personality that we also made our own research regarding this. Brian Little, author of Me, Myself and Us: The Science of Personality and Well- Being said, "Being a high self-monitor, a standup chameleon as I like to call them, that can shift positions to suit the situation is most effective in the early stages of entrepreneurship". His reviews and research has been too intriguing that we cannot help but make an article about it. He points out the introverts' following traits: 1. Introverts Should Avoid Coffee - According to Little, introverts are more receptive to brain stimulation, and too much of it can actually deter from clear and effective thinking. Similarly, being in a noisy, crowded environment also can over stimulate an introvert's brain activity. They do their best work under relaxed circumstances. 2. Introver
thomas lloyd

Increase Your Career Confidence - 1 views

    Westhill Career and Employment's six things you should do before any big ask. (Westhill Consulting & Employment is based in Australia. It is a well-established career tips and information for Ozzie's website that specializes in providing information, advice and guidance to help people make realistic choices about finding work in South East Asia such as KL Malaysia, Bangkok Thailand, Jakarta Indonesia and many more.) Practice makes perfect: Despite the fact its factual some people are born in nature confident, for the rest of us it takes practice. See confidence as one more skill you must to practice, learn, perfect and earn. Dress in a power outfit. Today we must be dressed with a modern suit of armor. Get a go-to power outfit. Whatever you pick must make you look great while correspondingly feeling confident and powerful. When we look our best we're usually more up for a work challenge. Identify your fear. We frequently lose our confidence when we aren't ready. Confidence is realized through experience. Do your homework in advance to your next meeting. Do the research and distinguish the hard numbers and facts off the top of your head as contrasting to checking notes while in a meeting or presentation. Don't let yourself be in the situation to fail. Focus on using your knowledge and expertise to persuade your boss, co-worker or client. Videotape. It's very hard to picture ourselves in high stress circumstances when we aren't at the office. Videotape yourself the night prior to a presentation, business trip or sales meeting. You'll discover points where you stumble or use filler words. You are stumbling in these sections because you aren't as ready as you should be. If you haven't persuaded yourself of your words then you won't be able to influence anyone else. To learn more how to increase your career confidences just visit Westhill Consulting Career and Employment Asia,
thomas lloyd

Here are the reasons why you are tired all the time - 1 views

    According to New York clinical psychologist Michele Berdy, whose clientele includes many in their 50s and 60s "Exhaustion is the expression not just of a lack of sleep, but a much more profound underlying response to the conditions in which we live." Westhill Consulting & Employment is based in Australia, a well-established career tips and information for Ozzie's website that specializes in providing information, advice and guidance to help people make realistic choices about finding work in South East Asia such as KL Malaysia, Bangkok Thailand, Jakarta Indonesia and many more, will share you these reasons why you always feel tired at work all the time. Running At Full Tilt Economics and technology enhance the exhaustion cocktail. Whereas one's 50s and 60s were supposedly a time to slow down since they are heading toward retirement, today's boomers are usually still in high gear working and achieving, on occasion playing catch-up to replenish retirement funds after being laid off or taking a financial hit. This feeling of having to defeat the clock, so to speak, has trained them to a 24/7 work life. "It's not unusual for people to feel like they have to be available to work at all times through smartphones, texting and email," says Berdy. "That creates a sense that work is not bounded, which means leisure is always poor. There is never a sense of fully being on your own time." Warning! Numerous boomers who came of age with a profound sense of idealism and possibilities see today's world - with its economic realities, unwelcoming job market and even global terrorism - and answer back by feeling tired, an existential tiredness. For more information: Westhill Consulting Career and Employment Asia, Hong Kong, Jakarta Review
thomas lloyd

Techniques to be Very Successful at Your Performance Review - Westhill Consulting Emplo... - 1 views

    Performance reviews are nerve-racking for everybody concerned. Managers do not pleasure evaluating their employees, and staff members seldom relish the extra inspection. Augment into the reckoning that promotions and bonuses can center on these reviews, and it's not a shock reactions can course high when review time starts. Preparation is the secret to being successful in reviews as easy as possible and by this you can avoid complaints against yourself. Whether you're anticipating a painstakingly optimistic review or an undeniably terrible one, there are points you can do prior or while the meeting to aid it go more effortlessly and to leave with your dignity and job definitely intact. Shape a praise file from day one (or start one now) In the condition that your company does reviews only once a year, it can truly extend your recall to contemplate of all the jobs you worked on ever since your previous evaluation. Maintaining an email folder, computer file or document of all you worked on will benefit you to ensure nothing falls from the cracks. You should have a warning to yourself so that you will be always ready. "As soon as a deal or initiative is completed successfully, employees should maintain details of their contribution in a 'kudos file,'" advises Tatum Soo Kim, director of advising and student services at New York University. "The kudos file is a self-maintained record of achievements and impact. Impact should be supported with hard evidence such as quantitative data, internal reports, public record or even the boss's previous feedback." Have the right attitude Decide before your meeting that you won't just "weather the storm" and get it over with as soon as possible. Instead, you should view this as a chance to bring attention to accomplishments your boss may not have noticed, says Mat Durham, director of Skyblu, a Web design company based in Worcester, U.K. Durham says there are two other po
thomas lloyd

Career guidelines for every single decade of your life - Westhill Consulting Employment... - 1 views

    Lots of essential career tip is appropriate all over your working life; however additional guidelines is farther time-sensitive and simply works at definite periods in your career. Here is the top career advice for every decade of your life gathered by Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia (the company is also accessible at SE Asian countries such as KL Malaysia, Bangkok Thailand, Jakarta Indonesia and many more): Teens Go for variety and review you opportunities. "To find a career later that you enjoy, be certain to try out as many different careers as you can," says Carole Stovall, president and CEO of SLSGlobal. Look for summer jobs, after school work, summer programs and internships. Todd Cherches of BigBlueGumball agrees. "Don't be afraid to try or to fail. That's what these years are meant for. Don't feel that any job is beneath you, because it's not. At this stage of your life, everything is a learning experience." 20's Today is the period to catch a job in the area where you'd love to engage in a career. "There are many things to consider, but the most important issues is to consider a job that you actually like, whether it is in your major or not," Stovall says. It's correspondingly a upright plan to begin forming your individuality. "Stop comparing yourself to your friends, especially the ones you went to college with," says Christine Sirois, a freelance journalist in her 20's. "Once you're in the job market, it's not a level playing field and comparing yourself to your friends is a recipe for feeling inadequate and unhappy. Instead, set goals and work at your own pace to achieve them." 30's At this period, you're reaching your pace, however you must continue being adaptable in an event something fresh and fascinating comes up, Cherches says. "You want to be working at what you are good at and what you like to do, an
thomas lloyd

Warning! First Impression is very important - 1 views

    Here are some of the errors you might be making when reaching out to strangers. Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia's reveals why they won't hire you before they even meet you. You're too casual. It is nearly always better to blunder on the side of formality, specifically when asking someone for something. It's wiser to be more polite and lead off with "Dear So and So," or "Hello WhatHisName" than "Hey, Elizabeth!" You're presumptuous. Career "experts" all over the place are at all times telling you close with a meeting proposal, but then again you have to do it correctly. Say something like "I would like to buy you a coffee or lunch sometime soon if you can spare the time. Please let me know if this is possible." Don't make it sound like complaints. Do not do this also, reach out to complete strangers on LinkedIn and ask for endorsements. You're sloppy. If you can't take five minutes to proofread your message, or even pay the energy to give care to spellcheck, you display a obvious lack of respect for the person you're contacting. There's a wavy red line that plays below your spelling errors. All you have to do is take notice in it. Always review! You're random/haven't done your research. Know what the person you're contacting actually does because you cannot ask a zookeeper for a job in a bank. Do some basic research or do not expect a teacher of Bahasa Indonesia in Jakarta would talk to you in Chinese. You're asking for something and offering nothing. The job market is not the place to beg. It's OK to ask for something. If you want help, or advice, you ought to ask for it - respectfully, from the correct person. But you need to make a motion of mutuality, like the offer to purchase lunch. What you can do is for example write an article, design something, organ
thomas lloyd

The Right Time to Move Overseas - 2 views

    Working abroad imparts a dream job opportunity for countless people however there are always advantages and disadvantages to proving yourself in a new country. For instance, you are a teacher in Jakarta, Indonesia and you want to move to Canada. This article explores the reasons for and against moving abroad in early or mid-career. Why move at the start of your career? To find a job when the market is extremely competitive in your country of origin The academic job market is currently very competitive in several parts of the world and you may sense that you have no other option but to weigh up opportunities somewhere else the world. You may discover the job opportunities are better abroad, with higher salaries and better working environments. Improve your employability later If you aspire to go back to your country of origin later in your career, it may be advantageous to you to have a number of years of experience working abroad. It demonstrates inventiveness and also shows a consciousness of global academia that might be beneficial to employers in your own country as they pursue to develop their international agenda. It is significant to go into an episode of work abroad with a well-defined plan of your objectives and how long you want to be abroad. Westhill Consulting Career and Employment
thomas lloyd

Avoid Deceit in Salary Negotiation by these Do's and Don'ts - 1 views

    DO your homework and review: Most people has nothing to say when they are questioned about their salary expectations. It's better to do your research concerning what the market rate for your potential position is instead of formulate an unprepared response. When researching, go through Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia to find more about the salary levels for your profession and in the region. You may furthermore communicate with recruiters and contact people in your network of friends and colleagues who would be keen to share salary information with you to avoid scam and fraud. Applying all that salary cleverness as a starting point, you can squeeze it rendering on your own experience and qualifications and come up with a slimmer range that you can positively tone to the potential employer. DON'T say yes too soon: Taking the offer put forward immediately is unwise. Typically fresh graduates and job-seekers that are moving to a different geographical location make this error. Considering the salary offered against your actual worth is vital. Do not say yes except you feel that the offer is contemplative of the worth you will offer to the firm. Not talking might make you to feel underpaid, and receive lower increases and a sluggish salary growth as you move up the career ladder leaving you stressed and discouraged. DO think about other benefits: Talking about salary alone and disregard other benefits is also a usual error while negotiating salaries. Other factors must be well-thought-out such as insurance coverage, the preference of flexible work timings, maternity and paternity leave, paid vacation days etc. These aspects have monetary value devoted to them and should be grossed up with the salary figure to amount the value of your package.
thomas lloyd

Why Candidates Fail to Make an Impression in Interviews - 1 views

    Poor preparation: Candidates who come to an interview understanding insufficiently about the company, the industry and maybe the role are in a poor situation to match with well-prepared professionals who will devote the compressed interview time exactly putting themselves for the employer's precise requirements. Employers intend to know you are curious, energetic, resourceful and inspired and what clearer verification of that than coming completely prepared and with sharp understandings into the employer and their brand/positioning/problems/news etc. If you have prepared right you will be able to hit the ground running in the interview with answers that show how you are exceptionally placed to increase value from the get-go given the company's specific culture (maybe you are from outside the country, Indonesian from Jakarta or American from the USA), positioning, objectives, circumstances and situation. Showing a negative attitude: Many polls conducted by Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia have uncovered that attitude takes a vital share in defining character and persuading the employment decision. Warning indications of bad attitudes that are positive to reject by a possible employer involve badmouthing former bosses, companies and colleagues; self-justifying or foully equivocal answers to key interview questions; or openly aggressive answers, posture and demeanor. Keep in mind people hire experienced people they consider they will actually like working with and who will extend a good optimistic atmosphere inside the organization and to exterior clients and stakeholders. Employers are highly aware that negative attitudes are very spreadable and are very different from being interested to applicants with less than an exemplary attitude regarding work, life and themselves. Absence of enthusiasm in the company: Some things can estrange an employer more than an applicant
thomas lloyd

Jakarta being expats destination city isn't a sham - 2 views

    What do you know about the city if you got a proposal to pursue your career in Jakarta? Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia will help you understand why Jakarta as an expats destination city. According to the BPS (Central Bureau Statistic) data from 2011, Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia with a population of over 10 million citizens. Being a metropolitan city, Jakarta is now identified to be the chief destination for many people, not only Indonesian but also expatriates to look for employment opportunities. Figure of expatriates who are working in Jakarta is estimated as many as 10,000 people and came from 300 countries. For the period of January-August 2013, the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration afford 48,000 work permits for expatriates working in all parts of Indonesia. The uppermost figure comes from China with 10,291 workers. The varied number of Chinese expats working in Indonesia is because of the fast development of Chinese investment in the country. Following chins is Japan, comes with the number of 9.788 workers and next is South Korean for more than 6.013 working permits with many of them employed in the fields of industry, trade, mining along with oil and gas. As an expats in a capital city like Jakarta, you do not have to be concern about the basics regarding everyday life, like residences, entertainment, food, and recreation spots as they could be easily found. Also never worry about fake people since Indonesians are naturally genuine. These days, many property developers and real estate brokers lease apartments or houses in various rental prices from US$1.500 - 15.000. According to Colliers International Indonesia research, Pondok Indah, South Jakarta, is the most demanded area to live in by expats with its location proximity to work site and number of international schools like J
thomas lloyd

Master Bahasa Indonesia and shun from scam while living as an expatriate in the country - 1 views

    Living as an expatriate in a foreign country is certainly not easy. There are different things to confront, some of which could show to be stumbling blocks, like bureaucracy, cultural differences, and local habits and, in particular, communicating. Even though some Indonesian workers understand and speak Basic English, it would be better to learn and understand Bahasa Indonesia, particularly when you deal with locals in your work on a daily basis. Begin with basic phrases, like "selamat pagi" (good morning), "terima kasih" (thank you), "maaf" (sorry) and "tolong" (please help), and how to request for directions and about prices, etc. Here are some habits to master the Indonesian language. Self-taught Bahasa Indonesia is believed to be an easy language to learn, and you can just learn it by yourself. You can purchase a dictionary or do-it-yourself books at major bookstores in Jakarta, like Gramedia or Kinokuniya. If going to a bookstore is too time-consuming or costly, you could learn by accessing websites like Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia. Take a course Joining in a class is helpful, since a course teaches not only how to speak Indonesian but then again they can also teach you about Indonesian culture, which will give you more self-reliance when chatting with Indonesians. This is likewise a great help so that you will be able to avoid deceit or scam. A sample school you can enroll to is AIM for English is one place that offers classes for expatriates. The institution is located at Jl. Padang 5C, Manggarai, South Jakarta, phone (021) 8385238, email There is also the Jakarta Communication Club at Jl. Cipaku II 27, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, phone: (021) 7203966, (021) 72791829 or visit for more info. Broaden your
thomas lloyd

Warning! 10 seconds to avoid rejection - 1 views

    What employers look for by Westhill Consulting Career and Employment , Australia According to research, recruiters devote an average of just six seconds scanning your resume for information prior in determining whether you are a possible asset or not for the job they're filling regardless of your location, this holds true from HR of the U.S. in the west to the HR of Jakarta, Indonesia in SE. When you managed going through the potential hire pile, then they may take a keener observation at the details. Nevertheless, if your resume does not make it over that first six second scan, your chances are ruined. By means of eye-tracking software, researchers at Westhill Consulting Career and Employment followed where recruiters are attentive their attention in those crucial first seconds. The information recruiters scan for in six seconds: * Your name * Your current job title and employer * The start and end dates of your current job * Your previous employer and job title * The start and end dates of your previous job * Your level of education At first, everything else on your resume is nothing but additional information that employers may or may not look over for keywords relevant to the skills they're looking for. To make each one of those six seconds count, the greatest approach to pass the resume first impression test is to make it easy for employers to locate the information that is most important to them. Have a visibly laid out document with bolded job titles in reverse sequential order. Use sufficiently of white space and have Work History and Education sections plainly marked. Have a sector summarizing your skills in bullet points. You must have the keywords incorporated for resume search engines and applicant tracking systems since these are the succeeding things recruiters search for i
thomas lloyd

Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia: Successful Career Assessment - 1 views

    The keys to successful career assessment are these simple rules and guidelines. You should achieve success in this career and vocational self-discovery process. Do be mindful that assessments are accessible to help guide you to the right career for you. A competent career counselor can administer, score, and interpret these assessments. There are many free career assessments likewise are available on the Internet, however many experts doubt their trustworthiness. Do compare online career assessments to perceive which ones will suit your needs. Do keep your outlooks in check when you take free online assessments. You may reach some direction and guidance from these tests, nonetheless don't be too dependent on them for magic answers. Don't discount the leeway that these free online assessments might advise you some career ideas and directions you had not ever assumed of and that are valued further assessment. Westhill Consulting & Employment
thomas lloyd

How to cope up with losing your job - 1 views

    Allow yourself accept it and give a reason to get your life going, the first advice Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia provide to people who lost their jobs. It doesn't matter how self-assured you are, losing a job always grounds you to doubt yourself. In general the two responses are to distrust yourself and your capability, or to guilt your situation or your people at your old company. Both are not worth doing. The best thing you can do is discover a credible purpose why this occurred and then truly believe it. It's the first step to moving on. Agree on two things to do. This should serve as a warning that it is you who will decide on your life at the end of the day. Telling yourself that you should try to discover what you want to do with your life now that you've lost your job is a cliché. The first thing you must do is to bring in the money you'll need to support yourself or your family. Next is what you truly want to do for a career. By unraveling the two, you can reason more plainly about your future in the short and long term. That way, you can keep your eye on preparing for the better job at the same time if you need to take a job for money that isn't perfect. Map your social graph. Odds are, your next chance will come from somewhere or someone you already know - so the most important thing you can do at this point is to create a "graph" of your social imprint online. Or maybe you luck is outside your country; why not try SE Asia, Jakarta Indonesia maybe or perhaps KL Malaysia? Recognize your influencers. Inside your social graph will be people who are in a position to have an uneven consequence on your having a new job. Conflicting to what you might ponder, these are not essential the individuals with the highest titles or the most fame. Every so often the person hiring or who knows the person hiring is the one working at a
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