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Stephen Frost

Meditation How To: Does Meditating With Plants Change Anything? - 0 views

    Does spending time among plants improve your health? Meditation and mindfulness have great impact on wellness levels. Does practising them among plants have an even greater effect though? Looks it!

Why The Right Gym Clothes Are Important - Stomp Apparel - 0 views

    "Some people think it's okay to wear anything that's comfortable when they head to a gym. However, wearing unsuitable clothing is probably not the right way to get the best out of your exercise time or to feel the best while doing your exercises."
    "Some people think it's okay to wear anything that's comfortable when they head to a gym. However, wearing unsuitable clothing is probably not the right way to get the best out of your exercise time or to feel the best while doing your exercises."
hend opti

Cause Of thrush : Getting to Know the Cause of Thrush - 0 views

    What is the cause of thrush which is caused by the fungus candida albicans? Here you can find anything that can cause thrush.
jad guru

Ten Healthy Weight Loss Tips - 0 views

    Losing weight can be difficult, but it doesn't have to be. Just by following simple healthy weight loss tips you can lose weight and keep it off. You can lose weight without starving yourself or without doing anything else extreme. Start off by implementing these ten healthy weight loss tips into your daily routine and watch the pounds drop off.
Stephen Frost

Feel Good mp3: Smile More And Be Happier - 0 views

    To give yourself a massive positivity boost use the Feel Good mp3. You will find it impossible to do anything less than smile and be happier!
teman bloggercuy

Tips To Help You Get Started On Your Own Bodyweight Loss Journey - 0 views

    Drinking anything at all other than water could spell significant trouble for the weight loss efforts. Not diet soda, not concentrated fruit drinks, and not even black coffee or tea. Water is the best beverage it has no fat, calories, cholesterol, or sodium. It also aids to flush toxins from the system and maintain your skin browsing excellent.
Nicole Smith

Great Mortgage Brokers I Have Dealt With - 2 views

I love working with these guys. They are polite, knowledgeable and they really show genuine care. They are not just about getting anything or what, but these mortgage brokers will explain everythin...

mortgage broker adelaide

started by Nicole Smith on 28 Dec 11 no follow-up yet
JoAnn Lennon

Why It's Important To Eat Whole Grains | Pure Edge Nutrition - 0 views

    Whole grains can have a powerful impact on your health! Start shaping up for fall by adding a variety of whole grains to your diet. Since your body absorbs the nutrients from food easier than from vitamins, it's important to eat the foods with the most antioxidants. Here's how you can know the differences of the everyday grains we eat, and to get the most benefits from tasty whole grains!Why Are Whole Grains Good For You?Whole grains are loaded with essential vitamins and nutrients that our bodies need. Whole grains contain protein, fiber, B vitamins, antioxidants, iron, zinc, copper, and magnesium. Due to this, whole grains have been shown to prevent many types of illness including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and cancer. Whole grains are linked to excellent amounts of fiber. Whole wheat contains the most fiber and brown rice has the least.The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found that diets with whole grains that are low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol reduce heart disease and cancers. This applies to whole grain foods with at least 51% of whole grain ingredients. Shockingly enough, only 10% of Americans get enough whole grains a day. It's best to incorporate at least three serving's worth.Know the Difference Between 100% Whole Grains and 100% WheatA whole grain is the bran, germ, and endosperm of a grain. The most important thing is that all parts of the grain are still intact and in a healthy proportion.It gets tricky when you're at the grocery store with tons of options in front of you. Remember to steer clear of anything that's refined or processed. Similar names like "multigrain, 100% wheat, organic, pumpernickel, bran, and stone ground" are not necessarily whole grain! Especially beware of "100% wheat" bread. Why? Unfortunately, manufacturers strip the outermost later of bran off the wheat kernel and use refined wheat flour with molasses to fill it. Sadly this product does not count as 100% whole grain bread!You can

How to make most of your mouth. - 0 views


started by wsames34 on 19 Jul 15 no follow-up yet

You can re - 0 views


started by wsames34 on 19 Jul 15 no follow-up yet
Michelle Rodulfo

Beauty Health : It's not just skin deep | Woman's Health & Wellness to Thrive with Mich... - 0 views

    Make up and beauty aids are some if the images conjured up when we think of cosmetics. But many are surprised to learn that cosmetics include any substance that enhances the appearance or odor of our body. Clearly then, the list of what qualifies as a cosmetic is long, very long. Anything from lotions, make-up, skin care, nail polish, hair dyes, hair products, perfumes and beauty aids are all classified as cosmetics.
Sourav RC

Understanding Heartburn: What is Heartburn?what is Heartburn? - 0 views

    Heartburn is usually gas from your stomach that somehow gets reflux back up and you feel pain in the area around your heart. Heartburn has nothing absolutely at all to do anything with the heart. Sometimes sufferers get confused by the symptoms of heartburn with heart attack. But it is not actually related to heart. Essentially your stomach is burping excess gas; that's causing you pain or discomfort in the area of your heart. This is the reason why it's called heartburn.
Stephen Otero

What Green Foods Are And Why You Need Them - 0 views

    Green foods are becoming increasingly popular as more people are aware of their eating choices and the impact foods have on the environment. Choosing to eat an environmentally friendly diet is not only excellent for your body, but for your community and environment. Natural and green foods are classified as anything that has a minimal impact. Fruits and vegetables, grains and seeds, are all considered "green."
Plamen Ivanov

Live before and after Proactol - 0 views

    Can anything change your life? What do you think? According to our survey more than 80% from the people think that the life is this, what you make. Are you one of them? Then, you should continue reading below our article.
Skeptical Debunker

Opinion: Trudy Rubin: U.S. ignores health care successes in Europe, Japan - San Jose Me... - 0 views

    One of the most bewildering aspects of the current health care debate is the failure to learn key lessons from health systems abroad. Conservative talk show hosts decry the alleged evils of "socialized medicine" in countries with universal health coverage; they warn grimly of rationed health care. Yet there's nary a peep from Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck - let alone Congress - about countries such as Germany, France, Switzerland or Japan, where coverage is universal, affordable, and top quality, and patients see private doctors with little or no waiting. And, oh yes, their health costs are a fraction of our bloated numbers: The French spend 10 percent of GDP on health care, the Germans 11 percent, and they cover every citizen. We spend a whopping 17 percent and leave tens of millions of Americans uninsured. If you want a very readable short course on how European systems really work, take a look at "The Healing of America: A Global Quest for Better, Cheaper, and Fairer Health Care," by T.R. Reid, a former Washington Post foreign correspondent. You might also watch a fascinating 2008 Frontline series, available online, in which Reid was an adviser: "Sick Around the World: Can the U.S. Learn Anything From the Rest of the World About How to Run a Health Care System?"
    Article continued (Diigo would not highlight!?) - So far, the answer seems to be "no," not because there aren't valuable lessons, but because politicians won't relinquish their myths about European health Advertisement systems. Reid takes up that task. Myth No. 1, he says, is that foreign systems with universal coverage are all "socialized medicine." In countries such as France, Germany, Switzerland, and Japan, the coverage is universal while doctors and insurers are private. Individuals get their insurance through their workplace, sharing the premium with their employer as we do - and the government picks up the premium if they lose their job. Myth No. 2 - long waits and rationed care - is another whopper. "In many developed countries," Reid writes, "people have quicker access to care and more choice than Americans do." In France, Germany, and Japan, you can pick any provider or hospital in the country. Care is speedy and high quality, and no one is turned down. Myth No. 3 really grabs my attention: the delusion that countries with universal care "are wasteful systems run by bloated bureaucracies." In fact, the opposite is true. America's for-profit health insurance companies have the highest administrative costs of any developed country. Twenty percent or more of every premium dollar goes to nonmedical costs: paperwork, marketing, profits, etc. In developed countries with universal coverage, such as France and Germany, the administrative costs average about 5 percent. That's because every developed country but ours has decided health insurance should be a nonprofit operation. These countries also hold down costs by making coverage mandatory and by using a unified set of rules and payment schedules for all hospitals and doctors. This does not mean a single-payer system or a government-run health system. But it does sharply cut health costs by eliminating the mishmash of records and charges used by our myriad insurance firms, who use all kinds of gimmi
Plamen Ivanov

"How to lose weight?" | I will give you an answer - 0 views

    If you want to be slim, you need to change your life. Isn't this right? But do you know how to change your life, to stop doing anything? To begin going to the gym? To start a sport? Are you confused right now?
Michelle Rodulfo

Body Wellness: Obesity is here to Stay | Woman's Health & Wellness to Thrive with Miche... - 0 views

    Obesity is here to stay. We're just not equipped to deal with a real epidemic of these proportions. Obesity isn't anything like the so called "Swine Flu" epidemic. Obesity is the real deal when it comes to epidemics.
Michelle Rodulfo

Darya Pino: Shocking: Sugar Content of Common Food Products - 0 views

    In her book What To Eat, Marion Nestle, professor of nutrition at NYU and blogger at Food Politics suggests that any food that contains more than 15 grams of sugar per serving is closer to dessert than anything else. Though this number is arbitrary, it is a good benchmark for evaluating food products.
Emilia Klapp

Wondering Why Always Tired? Check The Side Effects of Your Medication | The Diabetes Club - 0 views

    If you are always tired you may have already told your doctor about the problem, only to hear him/her say: "According to your lab tests, there isn't anything wrong with you", or "I have good news, your tests are normal, you are just fine". Well, if this is the case and you are on prescription drugs such as diuretics, consider the possibility that the drugs you are taking may be the reason why you are always tired since one of many side effects of many commonly used prescriptions and non-prescription drugs is fatigue.
thinkahol *

Preventable Medical Errors - The Sixth Biggest Killer in America - 0 views

    Preventable medical errors kill and seriously injure hundreds of thousands of Americans every year. Any discussion of medical negligence that does not involve preventable medical errors ignores this fundamental problem. And while some interested parties would prefer to focus on doctors' insurance premiums, health care costs, or alternative compensation systems-anything other than the negligence itself-reducing medical errors is the best way to address all the related problems. Preventing medical errors will lower health care costs, reduce doctors' insurance premiums, and protect the health and well-being of patients.
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