Boys' Bedroom Blunders - 0 views
lisa templer on 21 Jan 12Boys' Bedroom Blunders Boys' Bedroom Blunders Sex - it's exciting. But sometimes, unfortunately, it's confusing and disappointing instead. We'd all like to believe that we know what to do when it comes to sex, but blunders do happen. So what can you do to minimize wrong-turns in the bedroom? Here's a list of the commonest mistakes men make with women. Avoid these and you'll maximize both you and your partner's sexual satisfaction! Not kissing, or kissing badly A woman's arousal is greatly increased by kissing - both gentle and passionate. Women love the connection and it's a major aspect of foreplay. Think of it as "upper persuasion for a lower invasion". Diving straight for the naughty bits Reaching too quickly for the breasts or vulva is a passion-killer for women; it's more likely to annoy than to arouse. Take time to build excitement touching her body elsewhere. The skin of a woman is second only to her brain as a sex organ. Being too rough A frequent complaint women have is that men aren't gentle enough. Men generally want a firmer touch then women do - so keep your touch light. She may want a more forceful touch as she becomes aroused. Take your cues from her. Pushing her head down Women hate this passionately! Do not push her head down to your dick thinking it will get you anywhere good. Women resent this. Forcing her head down during fellatio Along the same lines - never force her head farther down on your cock. Yes, it may feel good, but she needs to control the depth and speed. You may gently hold her head, or stroke her hair or cheek. Take care to not thrust yourself into her mouth either. You may find blowjobs non-existent if you do this. Not warning her you are about to cum during oral sex Not all women like the taste of cum. Give her the choice to decide what to do. Latching onto her nipples Women's breasts are very sensitive to touch. Caress and stroke them. Don't thump, squeeze, twiddle or bite them (unless she's into that). Tou