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Herb Tucker

Linux Knowledge Base and Tutorial - 0 views

  • The UMASK value masks out the bits. The permissions that each position in the UMASK masks out are the same as the file permissions themselves. So, the left-most position masks out the owner permission, the middle position the group, and the right most masks out all others. If we have UMASK=007, the permissions for owner and group are not touched. However, for others, we have the value 7, which is obtained by setting all bits. Because this is a mask, all bits are unset. (The way I remember this is that the bits are inverted. Where it is set in the UMASK, it will be unset in the permissions, and vice versa.)
  • The problem many people have is that the umask command does not force permissions, but rather limits them
  • Therefore, setting the UMASK=007 does not force creation of executable programs, unless the program creating the file does itself).
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • - - regular file c - character device b - block device d - directory p - named pipe l - symbolic link
  • Lets look at a more complicated example. Assume we have UMASK=047. If our program creates a file with permissions 777, then our UMASK does nothing to the first digit, but masks out the 4 from the second digit, giving us 3. Then, because the last digit of the UMASK is 7, this masks out everything, so the permissions here are 0. As a result, the permissions for the file are 730. However, if the program creates the file with permissions 666, the resulting permissions are 620. The easy way to figure out the effects of the UMASK are to subtract the UMASK from the default permissions that the program sets. (Note that all negative values become 0.)
  • You can change it anytime using the umask command. The syntax is simply umask <new_umask>
  • Here the <new_umask> can either be the numeric value (e.g., 007) or symbolic. For example, to set the umask to 047 using the symbolic notation, we have umask u=,g=r,o=rwx
  • Where "new_owner" is the name of the user account we want to sent the owner of the file to, and "filename" is the file we want to change. In addition, you can use chown to change not only the owner, but the group of the file as well. This has the general syntax: chown filename
  • Another useful trick is the ability to set the owner and group to the same ones as another file. This is done with the --reference= option, which sets to the name of the file you are referencing. If you want to change just the group, you can use the chgrp command, which has the same basic syntax as chown. Not that both chgrp and chmod can also take the --reference= option. Further, all three of these commands take the -R option, which recursively changes the permissions, owner or group.

Profile - Professional On The Web - 0 views

  • informations
  • Click here to insert your profile, if you do not have a site insert here your contact informations.
  • Click here to insert your profile, if you do not have a site insert here your contact informations.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Click here to insert your profile, if you do not have a site insert here your contact informations.
  • Click here to insert your profile, if you do not have a site insert here your contact informations.
  • informations
  • contact
Anton S.

SelectorGadget: point and click CSS selectors - 0 views

    "SelectorGadget is an open source bookmarklet that makes CSS selector generation and discovery on complicated sites a breeze. Just drag the bookmarklet to your bookmark bar, then go to any page and press it. A box will open in the bottom right of the website. Click on a page element that you would like your selector to match (it will turn green). SelectorGadget will then generate a minimal CSS selector for that element, and will highlight (yellow) everything that is matched by the selector. Now click on a highlighted element to remove it from the selector (red), or click on an unhighlighted element to add it to the selector. Through this process of selection and rejection, SelectorGadget helps you come up with the perfect CSS selector for your needs."
    You can dating in here. This is a best site dating
Vernon Fowler

Myth #2: All pages should be accessible in 3 clicks - UX Myths - 4 views

  • the constant scent of information along the user’s path
  • it’s not the number of clicks but the well-labeled links with information scent that play a key role in usability
  • replace the three-click rule with the one-click rule: “Every click or interaction should take the user closer to their goal while eliminating as much of the non-destination as possible
    Thanks for your cause for thought, makes perfect sense
Luciano Ferrer

Fount · Identify any web font you see. - 2 views

    "Fount is a free-to-use bookmarklet that instantly identifies fonts used in a web page. Once activated, just click on any text and it displays the font name, size and weight in a growl-like notification. It doesn't requires re-activation and any number of text can be clicked repeatedly. For disabling it, clicking the bookmarklet is enough."
Luciano Ferrer

jQuery Image Zoom - - 2 views

    "This plug-in makes links pointing to images open in the "Image Zoom". Clicking a link will zoom out the clicked image to its target-image. Click anywhere on the image or the close-button to zoom the image back in. Only ~3k minified."

Click4Support Tech Support is now on Crunchbase - 0 views

    Follow click4support latest updated related to tech support services on crunchbase. Read latest blog and news about technical issues.
awqi zar

Animated Content Menu with jQuery | Codrops - 10 views

    Today we will create a slick animated content menu with jQuery for a restaurant theme. The menu items will be animated and when clicked, a content area with more information will appear. Also, he background image is going to change according to which menu item was clicked. The main idea is to have a restaurant menu with the different menu categories displayed. Each content are will have some foods/drinks listed. Once a content box is shown, the menu items are going to disappear. If we click on the close button to close the box, the menu items will be shown again.
Tanuj Rastogi

Pay per click Advertising Campaigns, efficient in saving time and cost! - 0 views

    If you want your website to be listed 0n front page of major search engines like Bing, Yahoo, Google then, Pay per Click is the advertising tool you should focus on.

Earn Money Only by Clicking with Neobux - 0 views

    Many of us who uses internet knows that we can earn a huge amount of money by working online.There are various kinds of work by which we can earn such as web design, web developing, SEO,SEM,SMM,Affiliate marketing,software developing,Data entry etc.But it is a matter of sorrow that many people don't know this work.But still they can earn a good amount of money only by clicking advertisements spending 10 to 15 minutes a day.Yes it is true.Now i am going to briefly describe how.


Real-time bidding starts as soon as a user has some ads to purchase or sell. But they should have something to offer in exchange. After selecting the suitable RTB platform, the next steps are: The...



Unmasking SEO Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction for Effective Strategies - 0 views

  Unmasking SEO Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction for Effective Strategies                 SEO, aka Search Engine Optimization, has been the main scre...

started by seoagencycalgary on 12 Jul 23 no follow-up yet

Unmasking SEO Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction for Effective Strategies - 0 views

  Unmasking SEO Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction for Effective Strategies                 SEO, aka Search Engine Optimization, has been the main scre...

seo seoagency digital marketing

started by seoagencycalgary on 12 Jul 23 no follow-up yet
Aaron Rylaarsdam

Identifying Your Audience - AT&T Small Business InSite - 0 views

  • <iframe leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="No" frameborder="0" height="1" width="1" src=""></iframe> Rate this content login to rate Identifying Your Audience Before designing the first Web page, it's vital to know who you are trying to reach. This single detail will chart the entire development course, from the site's content to its functionality. Defining and understanding your prospective audience increases the likelihood of user attraction and retention.
  • Before designing the first Web page, it's vital to know who you are trying to reach. This single detail will chart the entire development course, from the site's content to its functionality. Defining and understanding your prospective audience increases the likelihood of user attraction and retention.
  • Primary market research consists of personal interviews, questionnaires, focus groups and surveys. When putting together your own Target Audience Profile, use these guidelines:
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Demographics. Regardless of the assessment tool you use, questions first should address basic demographic information. Prior to conducting a survey or focus group, spend some time online. The U.S. Department of Commerce publishes the Country and City Data Book which captures hard statistics for all U.S. states, counties, and cities with a population of 25,000 or more. Then, compile a questionnaire to address market segmentation along specific criteria:
  • Age: Users' wants and needs tend to change based on their generation. Knowing the average age range of potential users can help you design and market the site to meet that group's expectations. Gender: Male and female users often differ when it comes to what they value in a Web site. Studies show the factors that motivate women to visit or purchase from a particular site don't necessarily inspire men to do the same. Knowing gender predilections at the outset can impact the entire Web design process. Education: Data regarding potential users' educational background will help the Web developer determine design and content. In general, a site's format should target the average likely visitor, rather than aim at high or low ends of the academic experience curve. Geographic location: Where the target audience calls home drives the Web page content. For instance, urbanites living in a densely populated northeastern U.S. city likely will have different needs and preferences than their rural counterparts.
  • Marital status: Married Internet users typically access different retail/service sites than do single people. A TAP will help ascertain which group comprises your largest consumer demographic, with your Web site following this direction. Occupation: Although exceptions invariably exist, Web sites servicing "blue-collar" consumers will differ in style and content from those catering to professionals and "white-collar" workers. By the same token, retirees usually will have different preferences than consumers still in the throes of career building. Income level: A company targeting consumers who are apt to purchase luxury goods and services will require a Web site that differs considerably from a discount retailer's Internet page. Nationality: Businesses trading in goods and services for an ethnically diverse target market may need to consider multilingual content, as well as adjustments in design and format to fit cultural standards. Social class: A consumer's perception of his or her social status impacts preferences in goods and services - even when individual income does not reach this level.
  • Psychographics. Once you've finished with demographic-based questions, you're ready to take the line of inquiry a bit further. The science of psychographics (also known as "enriching characteristics") addresses why consumers act as they do. So, while demographics offer a general outline of your customer pool, psychographics brings critical characteristics of your target audience into sharper focus. Employing a psychographic methodology means devising queries about lifestyles, attitudes, values, beliefs, purchasing habits and other qualitative criteria. Although possibilities are numerous, key questions can help you and your designer hone and refine your Web site. Depending on your business, you might ask, for instance:
  • Do you consider yourself conservative or liberal? Is it important to care of the environment? What are your hobbies? Interests? Are you family-oriented or a loner? What type of entertainment do you prefer (cinema, theater, symphony, etc.)? How many books do you read monthly? What magazines do you read?
  • When you shop, which is most important - friendly staff, nice surroundings, good prices or convenient location? Do you shop for fun, because you must, or to relieve stress? Do you purchase (our) company's product because of quality, ease of use, price or availability? Do you patronize our competitor because their product is cheaper, product quality is better, service is friendlier, the store is nicer, or returns are simpler? Do you go online to work, shop, do research, play games, or e-mail? Do you think the Internet is tough going or easy to navigate? Do you prefer retail/service Web sites that are easy to navigate, easy to read, picture-heavy, or text heavy?
    Good article from AT&T explaining various demographics and psychographics to categories who target audience is.

Pay Per Click Advertising Model | USA - Novagratis Consuting - 0 views

    Novagratis Consulting is offering an pay per click advertising model, which will increase more volume of ... For more information, please visit
Mavia Abid

Mac Trash Won't Empty? Here Are the Reasons & Solutions - 4 views

If you're struggling to empty your Mac Trash, you're not alone. Several factors could be causing this issue, and understanding them can help you resolve it quickly.

web website trashremover

started by Mavia Abid on 16 Jul 24 no follow-up yet
WebGuru Infosystems

Website Design Colors Encourage People to Click on Call-to-Action - 0 views

    Colors play a significant role in website design and decide the fate of an online business.Click the link and read the visual and psychological messages of different colors.
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