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Kashif Mehmood Mughal

40 Really Useful JavaScript Tutorials with Modren Techniques | Smashing Buzz - 13 views

    Most of the Web Developers and Designers are using mostly JavaScript as per latest design requirements, because now many modren techniques are available on world wide web, we always follow various web techniques and scripts for best user experience, we sharing most wanted JavaScript Tutorials as per modern web needs. In this article we making another great roundup which fully contained various JavaScript Techniques and trainings. JavaScript libraries helping to help make design and development easier now. We're with some major JavaScript libraries that developers using example: jQuery, Prototype, Scriptaculous, mootools and Dojo.
Kashif Mehmood Mughal

40 Ultimate Useful JavaScript Tutorials for Web Professionals | Dzinepress - 6 views

    As per latest trend of website designing and development we using JavaScript language which giving user friendly output, we always follow various web techniques and scripts for best user experience. JavaScript lovers using major libraries as follow: jQuery, Prototype, mootools etc.. JavaScript is one of the most often used languages on the web and it seems to be gaining in popularity day by day.
Jochen Burkhard

JavaScript Garden - 0 views

    JavaScript Garden is a growing collection of documentation about the most quirky parts of the JavaScript programming language. It gives advice to avoid common mistakes, subtle bugs, as well as performance issues and bad practices that non-expert JavaScript programmers may encounter on their endeavours into the depths of the language.
Raja uk

Image Cross Fade Transition | jQuery | - 0 views

    Image rollovers were the staple JavaScript nugget of the 90s, and for a lot of JavaScript developers I know, one of the starting places their passion for JavaScript. Today, rollovers are a no-brainer - either in CSS or with the simplest of JavaScript:
Surekha Tech

Javascript App Development Services | Hire Javascript Developers - Surekha Technologies - 1 views

    We are a leading JavaScript development company. We are a one-stop shop with the all technical abilities in the areas of Angular, React, and Ember JavaScript frameworks with standard coding practises, secured single-page apps, custom JS plugin development, E-Commerce app development, fully automated and interactive multi-page app development, and so on.
Saif Shuvo

Professional Web Design & Development Curriculum - 0 views

Lesson: 01 (Dreamweaver Basics & HTML) Introducing Dreamweaver, Elements, Attributes, Table, List, Forms, Formatting, Styles, Image, Hyperlinks. Head, Meta, Scripts, Layout, Fonts, URL- encode ...

webdesign web development

started by Saif Shuvo on 07 Jan 17 no follow-up yet
Jochen Burkhard

Google: HTML, CSS, and Javascript from the Ground Up - Google Code University - Google ... - 0 views

    Google: HTML, CSS, and Javascript from the Ground UpAre you looking for a basic understanding of how UIs are created on the web or who wants to brush up outdated UI development knowledge? Or maybe you'd like to learn more about the medium you're designing for and gain basic tools for prototyping designs? Do you want a better understanding of the web and how Google makes the pages that are its face to the world? If so, "HTML, CSS, and JavaScript from the Ground Up" is for you.
Jochen Burkhard

Learning Javascript with Object Graphs - How To Node - NodeJS - 0 views

    "One of the secrets to being a super effective JavaScript developer is to truly understand the semantics of the language. This article will explain the basic elemental parts of JavaScript using easy to follow diagrams."
    Pretty awesome idea to get a grip on JavaScript.
John Lam

Yahoo! User Interface Library - 0 views

  • The YUI Library is a set of utilities and controls, written in JavaScript, for building richly interactive web applications using techniques such as DOM scripting, DHTML and AJAX. YUI is available under a BSD license and is free for all uses. The YUI project includes the YUI Library and two build-time tools: YUI Compressor (minification) and YUI Doc (documentation engine for JavaScript code).
    The YUI Library, a set of utilities and controls written in JavaScript for building richly interactive Web applications using techniques such as DOM scripting, DHTML and AJAX, comes under a BSD license, free for all uses. The YUI project includes the YUI Library and two build-time tools: YUI Compressor (minification) and YUI Doc (documentation engine for JavaScript code).
Jochen Burkhard

CSS3-Only Tabbed Area | CSS-Tricks - 0 views

    When you think of "tabs", your mind might go right to JavaScript. Watch for a click on a tab, hide all the panels, show the one corresponding to tab just clicked on. All major JavaScript libraries tackle tabs in some way. But there is a way to accomplish this same idea with "pure CSS". Just as we did with the CSS Image Switcher, let's tackle this traditionally JavaScript project with only CSS.
Jochen Burkhard

The best JavaScript and HTML Editor for Web development :: JetBrains WebStorm - 0 views

    reate great web sites in a great editor The best JavaScript, CSS and HTML editor is at your fingertips. Navigate through files easily. Use relevant autocompletion for everything in your code. Get notified about code problems on the fly. Complicated languages mixtures with HTML markup or SQL inside a JavaScript? Check how a modern IDE such as WebStorm handles this.

TypeScript and its Advantages - - 0 views

    TypeScript is a typed super-set of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. It adds optional types, classes, interfaces, and modules to JavaScript. It was developed by Microsoft and is open source.

ThickBox 1.0: Using jQuiery library - 0 views

    Cody Lindley is a front-end/JavaScript developer and recovering Flash developer. He has an extensive background working professionally (20+ years) with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and client-side performance techniques as it pertains to web development. If he is not wielding client-side code he is likely toying with interface/interaction design or front-end application architecture. When not sitting in front of a computer, it's a sure bet he is hanging out with his wife & three boys in Meridian, Idaho. In his spare time Cody is working towards being a 'One Dollar Apologist' and enjoys defending ...

How to Use Local & Cookie Storage using JavaScript modules in Magento 2 - 0 views

    Magento 2 provides the functionality to store some public information in a browser using local storage or cookie storage using JavaScript modules. Today we will learn How to Use Local & Cookie Storage using JavaScript modules in Magento 2.
quality web

Learn the Disparities between JavaScript and Java - 0 views

    Want to know the differences between Java and JavaScript? Click on the following link.

Test your Javascript files - 0 views

    debug your javascript files
Brij Mohan

Pivot a JavaScript Array: Convert a Column to a Row - TechBrij - 0 views

    How to convert a column to a row in JavaScript array.
Jochen Burkhard

Ajax library smackdown: Dojo versus YUI - 0 views

    Summary:  Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) is everywhere, from the local newspaper to sites that CEOs surf. Contrary to popular belief, it isn't rocket science, especially with the right library. Explore the popular Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) and Dojo libraries, and learn how they can simplify typical Ajax techniques and make JavaScript easier to work with. Discover why you should use a library in the first place and how to choose among libraries. Get some specific examples from YUI and Dojo, as well.
Raja uk

JavaScript dialog box | - 0 views

    f you aren't satisfied with prompt, confirm, alert or, then you need JavaScript dialog box. Dialog box is emulated with two DIVs.
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