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Marking work in Google Docs | ICT in my Classroom - 1 views
you need to make it explicit with the class what they must expect to see in their work in terms of marking and feedback.
important to have a few methods that are simple and have a clarity in terms of their feedback function
able to quickly distribute a single document and the idea of children handing work in to me. Sharing is the most important part of all of this
20 Google Doc Templates for use in Science and Math Classrooms - 2 views
www.teachscienceandmath.com/...in-science-and-math-classroomsgoogle docs in education science and math templates tips ideas for using online tools learning
shared by David Wetzel on 25 Sep 10 - No Cached
newstodays liked it-
Google Docs is an easy-to-use online word processor that enables you to create, store, share, and collaborate on documents with your science and math students. You can even import any existing document from Word and Simple Text. You can work from anywhere and with any computer platform to access your documents.
Blogs Wikis Docs Chart - 15 views
Comparison of blogs, wikis and google docs. Covers areas such as collaborators, organization, updates, and more
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Blogs Wikis Docs Chart - 0 views
Convert PDF to Word (DOC) - 0 views
Educate with Thinglink - 0 views
@sallliwilson implemented some of the ideas from the Google Doc "Ways to Use ThingLink in the Classroom" https://docs.google.com/present/edit?id=0ASfUsgJWgfcsZGNjOWZxZHRfNjI5Zno5MmszZ3Q&hl=en_US
Writing with Google Docs: Foster Collaboration & Creation (While Addressing Common Core... - 0 views
Introducing Speaker notes and YouTube videos to Google Docs - 0 views
Google 特色 - 0 views
Google 的特殊功能 查找 Flash 文件 查找Flash文件,只需搜索“关键词 filetype:swf”。 Google已经可以支持13种非HTML文件的搜索。除了PDF文档,Google现在还可以搜索Microsoft Office (doc, ppt, xls, rtf) 、Shockwave Flash (swf)、PostScript (ps)和其它类型文档。新的文档类型只要与用户的搜索相关,就会自动显示在搜索结果中。 例如,如果您只想查找 PDF或Flash 文件,而不要一般网页,只需搜索“关键词 filetype:pdf” 或“关键词 filetype:swf”就可以了。 Google同时也提供用户不同类型文件的“HTML版”,方便用户在即使没有安装相应应用程序的情况下阅读各种类型文件的内容。用“HTML版”阅读也能帮助用户防范某些类型的文档中可能带来的病毒。 总的来说,不同类型文件类型的搜索大大拓宽了Google用户能在网上获得的知识内容。Google将不断拓展新的可搜索文件种类。
Google 的特殊功能 查找 Flash 文件 查找Flash文件,只需搜索"关键词 filetype:swf"。 Google已经可以支持13种非HTML文件的搜索。除了PDF文档,Google现在还可以搜索Microsoft Office (doc, ppt, xls, rtf) 、Shockwave Flash (swf)、PostScript (ps)和其它类型文档。新的文档类型只要与用户的搜索相关,就会自动显示在搜索结果中。 例如,如果您只想查找 PDF或Flash 文件,而不要一般网页,只需搜索"关键词 filetype:pdf" 或"关键词 filetype:swf"就可以了。 Google同时也提供用户不同类型文件的"HTML版",方便用户在即使没有安装相应应用程序的情况下阅读各种类型文件的内容。用"HTML版"阅读也能帮助用户防范某些类型的文档中可能带来的病毒。 总的来说,不同类型文件类型的搜索大大拓宽了Google用户能在网上获得的知识内容。Google将不断拓展新的可搜索文件种类。
Blogging Rubric - 0 views
docs.google.com/Viewweb2.0 Education tools free teaching Writing blogging blogs presentation students assessment Rubrics evaluation blogging_rubric
shared by Rhondda Powling on 30 Nov 08 - Cached
Fifteen Interesting Ways to use Google Docs in the Classroom - Google Docs - 1 views
Google Docs Now Allowing Any Type of File Upload - Google Docs - Lifehacker - 0 views
Docs - 0 views
How to Integrate Google Docs in Science and Math Like a Pro - 0 views
www.teachscienceandmath.com/...in-science-and-math-like-a-progmail google docs surveys how to ideas for using presentations science and math activities spreadsheets technology
shared by David Wetzel on 10 May 10 - Cached
Doctopus - 54 views
www.youpd.org/doctopusweb2.0 education tools technology teaching googledocs google Google Docs spreadsheet students doctopus script
shared by Vernon Fowler on 02 Nov 13 - No Cached
Doctopus: It now has a "Individual - Differentiated" option which allows individual assignments to be distributed by student "level." It now allows whole class comment ability to be added to facilitate peer review. It lets you distribute folders full of resources in addition to Documents, Presentations, Spreadsheets, and Drawings. As of Doctopus 4.0 it now connects to a Chrome extension called "Goobric" which lets you associate a rubric with your Doctopus assignment and do rubric-based grading right in the top corner of your browser.
Weekly Twitter Chat Times - 0 views
Google Docs & Spreadsheets - 6 views
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http://d97cooltools.blogspot.com/2012/08/back-to-school-with-google-docs.html# - 0 views
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